Germany's Black Holocaust: 1890-1945

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Germany's Black Holocaust: 1890-1945 Page 15

by Carr, Firpo

  By meeting with the Ku Klux Klan and working with them to “persuade” Black people that they should go back home. Where? Africa! Garvey and the Ku Klux Klan working together? Strange bedfellows indeed!

  It was so strange that it was the subject of newspaper articles across the country, including this snippet from the Black-oriented newspaper, the Pittsburgh Courier:

  During the summer of 1922 Marcus Garvey had a secret meeting with Edward Y. Clarke, Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. The New York Times reported Garvey’s comments about meeting on 10th July, 1922. [Garvey is quoted as having said:] “The Ku Klux Klan is going to make this a white man’s country. They are perfectly frank and honest about it. Fighting them is not going to get you anywhere.”[179]

  As stated, Garvey met with Edward Young Clarke, the leader of the Ku Klux Klan. Though not stated specifically in the above article, they apparently also met in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 25, 1922.

  This meeting elicited scathing denunciations from other Black leaders, including W.E.B. DuBois. Undeterred, Garvey marched on with his ideas and methodologies.

  In another Black-owned newspaper called The Negro World, Garvey was even more forthright about his perception of the Ku Klux Klan and other White supremacist organizations. Some saw his views, as presented in the paper, as his eventual demise or undoing as an effective, respected Black leader.

  I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together. I like honesty and fair play. You may call me a Klansman if you will, but, potentially, every white man is a Klansman, as far as the Negro in competition with whites socially, economically and politically is concerned, and there is no use lying about.[180]

  Yes, the Klan accommodated Garvey to his wondrous delight. But did the ploy to frighten common hard-working Black folks work? No, not really. While some may have indeed been scared witless, such fear tactics miss the desired mark, and, consequently, Garvey’s UNIA fizzled out. Conversely, White supremacy still marched on undaunted.

  Garvey’s infamous, and perhaps ill-advised meeting with Clarke aside, another Black group whose principles found their inspiration in the precepts of Garvey’s organization stepped to the plate.

  And like Garvey, they would attempt to forge a de facto alliance with another White supremacist group. The case of another set of strange bedfellows follows.

  The Nation of Islam and the

  American Nazi Party

  In physics, one of the basic, more popular properties of magnetism has been articulated as follows: Like poles repel. Unlike poles attract. It is what every school-aged child learns on a very elementary level.

  In their underlying mutual hatred and repulsion for one another, the Nation of Islam and the American Nazi Party are, ironically, alike. Neither group was lost on this fact. So, they decided to exploit it, just as UNIA and the Klan did. Can this allegation be substantiated?

  Well, for starters, according to James Baldwin (the famous Black essayist quoted at the top), the Nation of Islam was rumored to have accepted hefty financial support from certain Texas oilmen who were, by implication, either White supremacists themselves, or associated with such.

  These oilmen reportedly wanted one and the same thing that the Nation wanted: complete separation of the Black race from the White. Malcolm is quoted as having said:

  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that for the black man in America the only solution is complete separation from the white man![181]

  Although this credo smacks of simplicity at first glance, there is much more to it than meets the eye. Actually, Malcolm had a much more sophisticated way of putting it. He carefully explained that there was a difference between “segregation” and “separation.”

  Segregation is that which is forced upon inferiors by superiors. But separation is that which is done voluntarily, by two equals—for the good of both![182]

  Yes, “separation” was, indeed, the mantra of Malcolm X, particularly when he was the official national spokesman for the Nation of Islam. Apparently, the Texas oilmen were more than willing to help in any way they possibly could.

  What some consider well founded speculation dictates that the oilmen could not care less what Malcolm called it or how well he articulated it.

  “Segregation, separation,” say the oilmen, “Just keep the niggers on their side of the tracks, out of our hair,” was their incantation. At least, these are the beliefs of James Baldwin.

  No one seems to know where the Nation of Islam gets its money. A vast amount, of course, is contributed by Negroes, but there are rumors to the effect that people like Birchites and certain Texas oil millionaires look with favor on the movement. I have no way of knowing whether there is any truth to the rumors, though since these people make such a point of keeping the races separate, I wouldn’t be surprised if for this smoke there was some fire.[183]

  But what just might be surprising to some is the fact that the leader of the American Nazi party, George Lincoln Rockwell, attended a Nation of Islam rally—on two separate occasions—dressed in full Nazi regalia, along with his henchmen.

  The Nazi chief, who sat in the very first row at the events, even went so far as to contribute monetarily to the Black Muslim cause, which, like his own, was complete separation of the Black and White races. Baldwin continues:

  In any case, during a recent Muslim rally, George Lincoln Rockwell, the chief of the American Nazi party, made a point of contributing about twenty dollars to the cause, and he and Malcolm X decided that, racially speaking, anyway, they were in agreement.[184][***************]

  In 1961, George Lincoln Rockwell, the “fuhrer” of the American Nazi Party, attended an NOI rally in Washington. Rockwell had often called blacks “the lowest scum of humanity.” But during the fund-raising portion of the evening, he suddenly shouted from the audience, “George Lincoln Rockwell gives twenty dollars,” and stood with twenty of his storm troopers, all giving a Nazi salute. The next year, Elijah Muhammad invited Rockwell to the NOI annual convention in Chicago. Standing before five thousand blacks and flanked by ten of his brown-shirted storm troopers, Rockwell declared that he was “proud to stand here before black men…. Elijah Muhammad is the Adolf Hitler of the black man.”[185]

  Unlike Garvey’s interaction with Clarke, Malcolm was very reluctant to interact with Rockwell, his orders from Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad notwithstanding.

  Frankly, he was not at all thrilled about the prospect of meeting with Rockwell. He wanted to be as far away as possible from any White supremacist, no matter what that person called him- or herself, or what particular racist organization he or she claimed.

  But, this is one side of the issue. The question now is, How did George Lincoln Rockwell feel about Malcolm X? There is a very intriguing answer to this question, as provided in, of all places, the book that Alex Haley wrote with Malcolm, The Autobiography of Malcolm X:

  Nazi Party Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, who frankly stated that he admired the courage of Malcolm X, and he felt that the two of them should speak together across the United States, and they could thus begin a real solution to the race problem—one of voluntary separation of the white and black races, with Negroes returning to Africa.[186] [Emphasis supplied.]

  A fascinating proposition, to be sure. Interestingly, it was not entirely out of the question for one man in one camp to have admiration for a man in the opposing camp[†††††††††††††††]. But, this proposition truly was one-sided. As we will see, Rockwell’s admiration for Malcolm certainly was not mutual.

  But this did not mean Malcolm was above admiring a White religious leader who was a good orator. A case in point is Malcolm’s admiration for, of all people, evangelist Billy Graham. While all White men were devils, Graham had an angelic presentation!

  Since Malcolm was all for racial separation, would he take Rockwell up on his offer? W
ould the two of them travel across the country preaching the doctrine of racial separation? Haley continues:

  I reported this to Malcolm X, who snorted, “He must think I’m nuts! What am I going to look like going speaking with a devil![187]

  Well, so much for that idea. As the reader may have already guessed, the Malcolm X/George Lincoln Rockwell show was not to be taken on the road. No tour dates were ever booked.

  In fact, after Malcolm’s disaffection from the Nation of Islam he cast off all restraint that Muhammad, as Malcolm saw it, smothered him with. This included even what some might consider trivial things. (For example, Malcolm eventually grew a beard, which was frowned upon, at least tacitly, in the NOI). He also said what he really thought of George Lincoln Rockwell.

  Regarding threats made to the eminent Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by White supremacist groups, not the least of which was Rockwell’s American Nazi Party, one researcher chronicled the following:

  In January 1965, after having left the Nation of Islam and just one month before he was killed, Malcolm X wrote George Lincoln Rockwell the following letter:

  “I am no longer held in check from fighting white supremacists by Elijah Muhammad’s separatist Black Muslim movement…If your present racist agitation against our people…causes physical harm to Reverend [Martin Luther] King or any other black American…you and your Ku Klux Klan friends will be met with maximum physical retaliation from those of us who … believe in asserting our right to self-defense—by any means necessary.”[188]

  An uninhibited Malcolm became more vociferous than ever. He was convinced, for instance, that the United States government was complicit with White supremacists groups (like the Ku Klux Klan) here in America when it came to fighting in World War II. He made this very clear in his autobiography.

  Before that bomb was dropped—right over here in the United States, what about the one hundred thousand loyal naturalized and native-born Japanese-American citizens who were herded into camps, behind barbed wire? But how many German-born naturalized Americans were herded behind barbed wire? They were white![189]

  Malcolm also calls attention to the fact that the United States elected to drop atomic bombs on the non-White country of Japan, but not on lily-white Germany! That other European country, Italy, was also spared, even though, like Germany, she was an enemy of the United States.

  All things considered, the Nation of Islam still had liaisons (or, at least one liaison), with the American Nazi Party. Further research will show, interestingly, that it was not just with the Nazis. There was more than just a modest amount, some claim, of interaction between the Nation of Islam and the brethren of the American Nazis.

  The Nation of Islam and

  Other White Supremacists

  As will be illustrated below, it appears that current Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, and a prominent leader of a White supremacist group, Thomas Metzger, took a page straight out of the book read by their predecessors.

  In the tradition of the Marcus Mosiah Garvey/Edward Young Clarke “handshake,” and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad/George Lincoln Rockwell “meeting,” extensive dialogue was exchanged between the Nation of Islam and White supremacist groups according to various sources.

  Like Rockwell before him, Metzger attended a Nation of Islam rally along with his entourage (perhaps “bodyguards” would be a more accurate description).

  In 1985, Thomas Metzger attended a Farrakhan rally in Los Angeles, where he donated one hundred dollars to the Nation of Islam. Metzger headed a white supremacist group, the White American Political Association, and had formerly led the California Ku Klux Klan. Metzger told the New York Times that “talks” between black and white supremacy groups had been going on about a year. He did not specify the substance of these alleged talks.[190]

  Not to be outdone (and perhaps taking inflation into account), Metzger donated $100 to the Nation of Islam in support of its cause toward racial separation, as opposed to George Lincoln Rockwell’s $20 of yesteryear—1961 to be exact—to do the same.

  While officials from the Nation denied ever having invited Metzger to the rally, or that Farrakhan met with him after the rally, there was no denying of the fact that there were interchanges between the groups, and that Metzger’s group furnished Farrakhan’s with information about the Jews.

  NOI officials denied Metzger’s claims that he and nine of his associates had been invited to the September 14 rally. They also denied that Farrakhan had invited Metzger to meet with him after the rally at the private quarters where he was staying in Inglewood, a suburb of Los Angeles. But they did acknowledge that Metzger had informed the Nation in 1984 about “the movements of Jewish terrorist groups that could have caused damage” to Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaign. The purpose of such information was “to assure the Nation of Islam that white nationalists generally would not be part of any attacks on the Jackson campaign, and that if it happened it would be a result of somebody else trying to make it look like us.” When Abdul Walid Muhammad, editor of the Final Call, was asked if the NOI had acted on the information from Metzger, he answered, “We act on all information.”[191]

  But is it really fair to say that Black nationalists like Farrakhan are really admired by White nationalists like Metzger? Could it be that Metzger is an exception and that other White supremacists do not share his sentiments? Is it possible that a White supremacist would view Farrakhan as a “friend”?

  “White nationalists,” according to Metzger, appreciated the “similarities” between themselves and Farrakhan regarding Jews.

  The month after Metzger attended the NOI’s Los Angeles rally, he attended a conference of white supremacists on a farm in Cohotac, Michigan, about fifty miles west of Detroit. There, about two hundred white nationalists from California, Connecticut, Florida, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Canada pledged their support for Farrakhan.

  “America is like a rotting carcass,” the dark-haired, broad-chested Metzger told the gathering. “The Jews are living off the carcass like the parasites they are. Farrakhan understands this.” The sentiment was seconded by Art Jones, a white supremacist from Chicago [where NOI is headquartered]: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I salute Louis Farrakhan and anyone else who stands up against the Jews.”[192]

  Given the effects of Germany’s history of White supremacy, specifically with regard to Blacks, (1) from its colonial days in Southwest Africa (now Namibia); (2) to its days of National Socialism covering the period up to and during World War II; and (3) now, in the 21st century; it is little wonder that some see the Nation of Islam and White supremacist groups as strange bedfellows.

  But, believe it or not, it gets even stranger.

  Jews Who Became Nazis

  One may think that the name of this subheading is incorrect. “There must be a misunderstanding of some sort,” he or she may ponder. “It’s a misnomer,” some may conclude with a ring of certainty.

  Actually, it is none of the above. The subheading is correct; there is no misunderstanding, and it is not a misnomer. The fact is, perhaps the strangest of bedfellows are Jews who slept with Nazis.

  What do we mean by this?

  Well, during the time of the Holocaust while millions of Jews, millions of Poles, and countless others were being massacred, a few Jews ended up as high ranking officials in the Nazi Party, or even members of the dreaded Gestapo.

  “Did the Nazis themselves know that they were Jews?” one may ask. In a word, yes. Hitler himself knew.

  An amazing story follows. Apparently, in certain circles, it is alleged that Hitler himself was a “misclenga,” that is, half White and half Jewish. So, having compassion for his fellow “misclenga,” he arranged for many of them to be his top officials.

  Incredibly, a young Black female Holocaust survivor named “Kay”[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] tells a fascinating and revealing story. She is a survivor of Dachau. Part of her story is presented in
Appendix D. Regarding Hitler’s mixed heritage, here are her own words, exclusively, for the first time, presented forthwith:

  Since Hitler was half Jewish he had sympathy for the misclenga. They could put their names on a list and gain a personal audience with him, without an intermediary. While no one else could even get close to him, he gave hundreds of misclenga personal interviews. If he liked a particular person, that person received a certificate declaring that he was of pure Aryan blood. Hitler’s personal seal accompanied such a certificate. No one dared dispute his decision.[193]

  Some of those who went over to the side of the Nazis did so on another, completely different level; in another, horrible setting; in the worst of possible venues. A few Jews actually became taskmasters, yes, puppets of the Nazis in, of all places, concentration camps!

  As incredible as it may seem, these Jews assisted the Nazis in their diabolical schemes against fellow Jews, as well as others, who were dying unimaginable deaths, and suffering indescribable horrors.

  Some who were considered Jews were really “misclenga” (with various spellings). While not using this particular term, Hans Massaquoi implicitly talks about half-German half-Jewish misclenga (or “mulattoes”) when discussing Jewish complicity with the Nazis.

  Another juicy tidbit was that Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goring’s mother had had a rich Jewish lover who supported Goring during his youth.[194]

  Massaquoi also alleges that labor czar Robert Ley was in reality a Jew. He supposedly dropped the penultimate letter (“v”) from his given name, which was originally Levy. He was also suspected of being an alcoholic.

  Massaquoi introduces a very interesting designation for Jews who became Nazis. The expression, when seen and heard, is completely self-explanatory.

  For example, he calls Luftwaffe General Field Marshal Erhard Milch “another Aryanized Jew” who


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