by Carr, Firpo
[†††††††] In a sense, the Tuskegee Airmen were a secret to the War Department also. Why? Because even the Pentagon did not know how talented and extremely successful the Sky Masters would be. They were just as surprised as were the Nazis.
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] An article in the Los Angeles Times says, “when 61 of them, all uniformed officers, dared to walk into the officers club at Freeman Field in Seymour, Ind., they were arrested.” There is no discrepancy between the “60” mentioned above and the “61” mentioned here. Please note that the above text says “Higginbotham and 60 others.” Of course, “Higginbotham and 60 others” add up to “61,” as is stated in the Los Angeles Times article.
[§§§§§§§] This is a pseudonym.
[********] As noted, Hitler tore a page from colonial Germany’s history in Africa where Blacks were lynched wholesale (see Chapter One), as well as a page from American history where the same phenomena occurred in the southern part of the United States.
[††††††††] According to information documented in Appendix B, “Other black entertainers also suffered under Nazi racism. Valaida Snow, a popular African American female jazz entertainer [was] interned in pro-fascist Denmark from 1940 to 1942.” In fact, in the Falkensee concentration camp an orchestra was formed at the request of the authorities. “There were musicians of worldwide fame as well as Negroes and mulattoes.”
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] According to the USHMM, “Gilges’ German wife later received restitution from a postwar German government for his murder by the Nazis.”
[§§§§§§§§] “‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,’ first published in 1941, is one of James Thurber’s most well-known and beloved stories. Its famous protagonist holds a place in the cultural lexicon, meriting his own entry in English-language dictionaries. In 1947, Norman McLeod directed an MGM Technicolor musical with the same title based on Thurber’s story. The film, which extends Mitty’s imaginary adventures over a two-day period, stars Danny Kaye as the affable daydreamer.” (
[*********] Of the book Aftermath (1974) by Ladislas Farago, one observer intimates that it is “notable for being the first book to document the role played by the Pope, the Vatican and various other elements of the Catholic Church in collaborating with Western intelligence services to help Nazi war criminals escape justice.” (http://davesweb)
[†††††††††] Earlier, in 1908, Dr. E. Fischer, a ruthless Nazi geneticist, had gone on an expedition to the Germany colony of Süd-West (Southwest) Africa to undertake a field study of the so-called “Rehoboth Bastards.” These were descendants, after the Boer War (1899-1902), of the Nama “Hottentots” of Southwest Africa and the Boers (White inhabitants of South Africa of Dutch or French Huguenot descent, also known as Afrikaners).
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] Apparently, there are at least two different ways of spelling misclenga. One of the alternate spellings is negermischling.
[§§§§§§§§§] In reviewing the film documentary, Hitler’s Forgotten Victims, Delroy Constantine-Simms writes: “At least 400 mixed-race children were forcibly sterilised in the Rhineland area alone by the end of 1937, while 400 others just disappeared into Hitler’s concentration camps.”
[**********] The United States government apparently sponsored a program called “Project Paperclip.” Of the book, The Paperclip Conspiracy (1987), by Tom Bower, one source claims that it is “one of the essential books on Project Paperclip, the CIA program (actually several parallel programs) that actively recruited Nazi scientists, academics, military and intelligence personnel, and chemical and biological warfare specialists for use as intelligence assets in the U.S. and around the world.” (http://davesweb) The same source says of the book, Blowback (1988) by Christopher Simpson, is “another essential book on the Paperclip project, focusing primarily on the recruitment of fascists émigré groups for use as stay-behind ‘anti-communist’ guerrilla armies, disseminators of pro-Western propaganda, etc.” (http://davesweb) Secret Agenda (1991) by author Linda Hunt, is “yet another essential book on Project Paperclip” says the same source. “Hunt reveals that countless Nazis were brought to the U.S. and strategically placed in military installations, universities and private corporations, regardless of their wartime records.”
[††††††††††] The book American Swastika (1985) by Charles Higham “traces the Nazi connections and funding of numerous American pro-fascist and anti-war activists during WWII, including Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin, Errol Flynn, and numerous others.” (http://davesweb)
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] Along similar lines, the strikingly entitled book, Mass Murderers in White Coats (1986) by Lenny Lapon of Psychiatric Genocide Research Institute, “traces the parallels between the psychiatric and eugenics movements in Nazi Germany and the United States from early in the twentieth century through the present day.” (http://davesweb)
[§§§§§§§§§§] See Wicked Words. The emphasis seems to be on a White man marrying a Black woman. It was usually not even conceivable for a Black man to marry a White woman. Having sex with her was bad enough, but marrying her was usually out of the question. (Compare the entry “Andromeda” in Wicked Words.)
[***********] Actually, the idea that blonde-hair blue-eyed Whites are racially superior finds it roots in an old Germanic legend of a knight named Siegfried. When it came to knights he was the fairest of the fair. It is not by mere coincidence that the Teutonic deity named Thor, son of Odin, had blonde hair and blue eyes. The English weekday “Thursday” (or “Thor’s day”) is named after the blonde-haired blue-eyed God of Thunder himself. (See Marvel Comics for the comic book series on Thor.)
[†††††††††††] Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines “woolly-headed” (which is one and the same as “woolly-haired”) as “having hair suggesting wool; marked by vague or confused perception or thinking.” Wicked Words has this to say about Webster’s definition of “woolly-headed”: “Now, who do you suppose they could be referring to here? Who is it that has ‘hair suggesting wool’ and is perceived as being dull-witted? Well, it isn’t Forest Gump with an Afro. It’s the black man. Is this an overreaction? Definitely not. The Oxford English Dictionary plainly states that a ‘woolly-head’ is ‘a person with wooly hair, esp[ecially] (disparagingly) a Black, a Negro.’”
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] See Chapter One for more information on Namibia, or, German South-West Africa.
[§§§§§§§§§§§] The names may have been changed.
[************] The Aryans were a White tribe that invaded India from the north. As one work suggests, “they were probably illiterate.” The swastika? India.
[††††††††††††] While other White Germans were incarcerated the White Witness “Negroes,” as a group, were treated the worst. More later.
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] Because of their mistreatment, the Irish have been called the “niggers of Europe.” Interestingly, African Americans are not called the “Irish of America.”
[§§§§§§§§§§§§] The book, A History of Jehovah’s Witnesses: From a Black American Perspective (released in 1993 but now out of print) bears this out.
[*************] Please see Chapter One of the book, Jehovah’s Witnesses: The African American Enigma—A Contemporary Study (Vol. II), to be released in autumn 2003.
[†††††††††††††] Please see Appendix E, “A Retired Black Liberator-Commander Finally Speaks Out,” for more information on a few other notable wartime events Simmons participated in.
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] Jehovah’s Witnesses saw Hitler and his henchmen as instruments used by Satan the Devil himself. They were not alone in this assessment. Author Dusty Sklar, in his book Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult (1997), “traces the occult roots of the Third Reich.” (http://davesweb). Dr. Carl A. Raschke of the Institute for Humanities at the Uni
versity of Denver “looks at occult crime and traces the intricate connections among Satanists, Skinhead, White Supremacist, and neo-Nazi groups” in his book Painted Black (1990). Linda Blood, “a former mistress of Col. Michael Aquino (founder of the Temple of Set and a ‘former’ U.S. intelligence asset) details the Nazi connections and ideological basis of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan and its various offshoots” in her book, The New Satanists (1994). (http://davesweb) And Peter Levenda’s book, Unholy Alliance (1995), has been described as “an invaluable book that details the occult underpinnings of the Third Reich, and the connection of American and British occult groups and to modern-day neo-Nazi, Skinhead, and Satanists groups.” (http://davesweb).
[§§§§§§§§§§§§§] Speaking of finances and reparations, the question could be asked Were there any other sources from which Hitler tapped to finance his Nazi apparatus? Authors James and Suzanne Pool answers such a question in their book, Who Financed Hitler? (1978). Charles Higham’s book, Trading With the Enemy (1983), “documents the complicity of numerous U.S. corporations in trading with and arming Nazi Germany both before and during World War II,” according the Web site http://davesweb.cnchost .com/Reading List.html. Other books of a similar nation are listed as well.
[**************] Please see Appendix D.
[††††††††††††††] See the Society’s most extensive, official history of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nazi Germany in the 1974 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses pages 65-253. Blacks are not mentioned. The official general history of the Witness organization, particularly in the United States, was presented in the book Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Divine Purpose (1959), now out of print. Pages 155, 163-5, and 171 deal with Nazi Germany. Blacks are not mentioned. More recently, the Society released an updated, far more comprehensive history book entitled Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom (which is mentioned above). Pages 10, 442, 448-9, 452-3, 552-3, 639, 659-65, 693-4, and 720 discuss their experience during the Nazi era. Blacks are not mentioned.
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] She is quoted, cited, or referred to at least 14 times in the Society’s official magazines The Watchtower and Awake! Her name can be found in the following issues of The Watchtower: January 15, 1996, p. 4; February 1, 1996, p. 6; September 15, 1993, p. 15; November 1, 1991, p. 12; August 1, 1990, p. 19; October 1, 1984, p. 8. She is mentioned in the following issues of Awake!: September 8, 1996, p. 30; August 22, 1995, p. 12; August 22, 1995, p. 15; November 8, 1995, p. 23; May 8, 1993, p. 19; November 8, 1993, p. 17; April 8, 1989, p. 12; December 8, 1984, p. 13.
[§§§§§§§§§§§§§§] Malcolm wrote the following in his autobiography: “[A reporter] asked me did I feel any white men had ever done anything for the black man in America. I told him, ‘Yes, I can think of two. Hitler, and Stalin. The black man in America couldn’t get a decent factory job until Hitler put so much pressure on the white man. And then Stalin kept up the pressure.’”—The Autobiography of Malcolm X, p. 279.
Actually, while other white men were considered devils, the two White men that were really held in honor by the man Malcolm called his mentor, Elijah Muhammad, were Charles Taze Russell and Joseph Franklin Rutherford, Jehovah’s Witnesses who were the first and second presidents respectively, of Watchtower Society corporations founded in Pennsylvania and New York.
[***************] Some contend that there were several meetings between the groups and that there still may be loose associations between the Nation of Islam and white supremacist groups.
[†††††††††††††††] To the chagrin of Jewish leaders, on March 11, 1984, current Nation of Islam headman Louis Farrakhan boldly asserted that, “Hitler was a very great man. He wasn’t great for me as a black person, but he was a great German. He rose [sic] Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there’s similarity in that we are rising our people up from nothing.” When asked to expound, Farrakhan said that Hitler “was indeed a great man, but also wicked—wickedly great.”
Moral and ethical wrestling aside, the sad irony that evokes the most contorted of mixed emotions is the brutal reality that Hitler’s despicable human experiments may well have made a substantial contribution to the advancement of medicinal science, the likes of which can be felt today.
Arbitrarily freeing himself from the shackles of decency and scrupulous restraint, Hitler used humans as subjects instead of animals.
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] Not her real name. “Kay” has deceased since this book was first published. However, when she was alive, she wished to remain anonymous for several reasons, not the least of which is privacy. She stated that the unforgettable memory of the Holocaust is like a sand pebble in her shoe that she cannot extricate. It wore on her until the day she died. As a child she was called “negerweiwi” which meant “nigger girl.” She was also called “soizneger,” which is Bavarian for “salt nigger.” She says that they called her this because her teeth were white like salt while she was Black.
[§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§] For a more detailed discussion on Jewish involvement with the Nazi military, see the book, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg.
[****************] Interestingly, deep down inside, Germany and England were not really enemies. In fact, they had a unique bond between them. As one source notes: “[Kaiser Wilhelm II’s] policy towards Britain was by turns contradictory. Whilst supporting South Africa during the Second Boer War of 1899-1902, he attempted a reconciliation shortly afterwards. He held a senior position within the British armed forces; and he confessed that he could not envisage a war with Britain.” [Emphasis supplied.]—Who’s Who: Kaiser Wilhelm II. (Please see wilhelmii.htm.)
[††††††††††††††††] According to Delroy Constantine-Simms, when Hitler warned all Blacks to leave Germany or face incarceration in concentration camps, “many attempted to return to the former German colonies that had been taken over by the League of Nations in 1920. The British colonial authorities then administering the newly named South-West Africa, however, would not allow Black Germans refugee status on the grounds that they had fought for Germany in the First World War.” [Emphasis supplied.] So the displace Africans could not even return to the Motherland, Africa.
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] Of the book, American Holocaust by David E. Stannard, one observer wrote that it was “far and away the best pre-Columbian history of the Americas, documenting the almost incomprehensible level of genocide perpetrated on these shores over the last five hundred years, and continuing to this day.” (http://davesweb) The powerful tentacles of the American octopus even reached, as history tells us, far beyond the beautiful shores of the African and South American continents.
[§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§] Interestingly, the deaths of both men, Khallid Abdul Muhammad and Irv Rubin, were relatively close in time. Khallid died in February 2001, and Irv died in November 2002, both under what some consider suspicious circumstances. Both men knew each other and, at least on one occasion, Rubin confronted Muhammad. The paths of these men also crossed with that of the author’s. The author had “face time” with both men.
[*****************] As of the original printing.
[†††††††††††††††††] As of the original printing.
[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] As of the initial printing.
[§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§] Unfortunately, this is not to be. “Kay” passed. She was living in Compton, California, when she died. The author was informed of her death by one of her sons, and subsequently attended her funeral that was held in Los Angeles, California.
[******************] Simmons turned 91 on March 30, 2012.
[††††††††††††††††††] Although not known for a certainty, it is believed that Fisher is still alive, in which case he turned 88 on March 11, 2012. At the time the author conducted this i
nterview Fisher pastored a church in Compton, California.
* * *
UNTITLED #1: An untitled and undated document acquired by the author from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The subheading of the anonymous work is entitled, “The History.”
[2] Ibid.
[3] World Book Encyclopedia (1988) Vol. 14, p. 10.
[4] Heritage Southwest Jewish Press, Friday, June 10, 1994, p. 2.
[5] “Namibia,” Microsoft® Encarta® Africana ©&(p) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[7] Ibid.
[8] See Appendix A in present work.
[9] “Namibia,” Microsoft® Encarta® Africana ©&(p) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
[10] See Appendix A in present work.
[11] feat1.html.
[12] See Appendix A in present work.
[13] Wikipedia,_German_South_West_Africa
[14] See Appendix A in present work.
[15] Ibid.
UNTITLED #1: An untitled and undated document acquired by the author from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The subheading of the anonymous work is entitled, “The History.” See also Appendix A in present work.
[17] Kim, Lucian. (1999). Grappling with being black … and German. The Christian Science Monitor, Thursday, February 4, 1999.
[18] See Appendix B in present work.
[19] Constantine-Simms, Delroy. (n.d.) Uncovering the Black German Holocaust of the University of Essex. A review of the film, Hitler’s Forgotten Victims by David Okuefuna and Moise Shewa.
[20] Friedman, Ina R. (1990). The Other Victims: First-Person Stories of Non-Jews Persecuted by the Nazis. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, p. 92.