Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1)

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Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1) Page 23

by BJ Wane

  Eve gave him an impish grin. "You know, Nate, I think you should take up being a tour guide for the blind. You're becoming quite poetically descriptive."

  Nate reached into his shorts pocket and pressed the high button on the butterfly remote and watched her eyes dilate and her hips shift from the sudden jolt of pleasure before flipping it back to low. "Just remember," he said when she scowled and swore at him, "I have ways of getting even. A tour guide," he muttered derisively, taking her elbow and leading her back outside. "I'm a fucking rich playboy who expects others to cater to me, not the other way around."

  Eve laughed at that ludicrous statement, having discovered he was anything but that person, at least not around her. It was a short walk from the edge of downtown to where their private chartered bus was waiting, but Eve heard enough from their small group to form a picture of the eclectic combination of rustic, old-fashioned Caribbean charm and bustling modernity they just traipsed through.

  She didn't know if it was Nate's doing, but the images his friends imparted within normal conversation made her feel like part of the group as opposed to someone who needed special treatment. Their thoughtfulness and insight went a long way towards easing some of her anxieties about fitting in on this trip.

  "I can smell the sea air and it feels damper the longer we drive," Eve commented, her head filled with visions of the lush green scenery surrounded by pristine cerulean Caribbean waters and white sandy beaches their driver portrayed with his touristy narrative during their long drive towards Belmopan where they reserved the afternoon activities of zip lining and cave rafting. His descriptions made it easy for her to envision the glimpses of waterfalls he pointed out among rocky cliffs and the blur of movement from monkeys and colorful birds throughout the trees surrounding them that were native to the island.

  "Well, they are called rainforests for a reason," Fin said as the bus pulled to a stop and they disembarked. "You can plan on feeling at least a light mist while we're zip lining, darlin'."

  Eve's heart was pounding with excitement and a touch of uncertainty as Nate took her hand and helped her off the bus before leading her up multiple tiers of steps. Her anxiety must have shown on her face because a sudden increase in the soft pulses against her clit took her mind off the scary thought of hanging hundreds of feet above the forest floor.

  "Relax," Nate whispered in her ear, running his thumb unobtrusively over one swollen, turgid nipple while the attendant secured her in the harness. "I've done this numerous times. You'll love it."

  Eve's heart rate picked up speed along with her budding excitement and heightened arousal. Nate knew exactly how to divert her attention from her misgivings. She could feel the rigid outline of his cock pressing against her ass as he stood behind her, his arm a comforting embrace around her hips as the cables were tugged to test their security. "Just don't drop me," she joked as their attendant wrapped her hands around the handle.

  "Gravity does all the work," the islander told her. "This first one is really short, the next a little longer and the third will be the longest and will take you about a minute to reach the bottom platform where your friend is waiting."

  "I'll be right behind you at each stop, Eve," Nate reassured her, her look as she prepared to shove off filled with fear and excitement.

  Eve took a deep breath then found herself airborne, sailing aloft as she hung onto the handle attached to the thick cable. She no sooner exhaled then her feet were touching ground, her body vibrating with pleasure from the exhilarating ride, pleasure enhanced by the snug pressure around her nipples and the steady pulses against her aching, engorged clit.

  "Well?" Nate asked as soon as he landed behind her even though the look of sheer delight lighting up her face told him she relished her first zip lining experience as much as she had everything else she had attempted.

  "God, Nate, that was awesome! Are we going again now?" Eve couldn't wait to take off again. With all her senses engaged, her body humming with pleasure, she was quickly switched to the next cable, her fear of the unknown gone with the way too short, breathtaking first experience. The trill of tropical birds and chatter of monkeys provided a musical background for the picture in her mind of the dense green rainforest she was in the midst of. The earthy and floral aroma of tropical fauna and flowers completed the sensory overload and had her eager to cap off this experience like she had all the other ones Nate had gifted her with, in a body enveloping explosion of orgasmic pleasure.

  "You're ready," the attendant told her with a smile at her enthusiasm. Like all first-timers, their fear is short lived once they experience the freefalling thrill of the popular sport.

  Nate grabbed her chin and turned her flushed face up to his, kissing her with ruthless intensity before saying above her damp mouth, "Right behind you again, sugar."

  The same euphoric rush filled her as she went sailing through the air, enhanced by an extra punch from the small clit teaser that had her body shuddering with longing when she landed a few seconds later. Eve didn't know what she wanted more, an orgasm or another, longer, downhill sweeping glide. Her excitement and pleasure had her breath coming in gasps, her heart beat picking up speed and her heightened arousal at a feverish pitch.

  "Nate." Her whisper conveyed her longing when she felt him behind her. Pressing against him, she pleaded, "Either turn that thing off or speed it up, but please don't keep me in this state any longer."

  Ignoring the smirk from the young island native switching their cables, Nate bent and nipped her earlobe, her flushed face and desperate plea telling him she was right where he wanted her, on edge and ripe for an orgasm. "Have I ever let you down? Dec will be there for you at the end of this line," he reminded her then hit the high speed on the clit teaser's remote as he gave her butt a friendly tap and sent her flying, her delighted squeal echoing throughout the jungle.

  Eve's body exploded in ecstasy as she soared downward again, the thrill of the ride almost, but not quite as mind blowing as the orgasm that erupted and engulfed her in head to toe pleasure. Ripples of pleasure were still coursing through her when she landed and fell into Dec's arms. "Easy, I've got you," he said with a chuckle when she collapsed against him, shuddering. Cupping between her legs, he pressed his palm hard against her pussy, her low moan and jerk of her hips had him smiling at Nate when he landed behind her. "You're a responsive little thing, aren't you?"

  "Makes it hard for me to keep up with her," Nate said when he heard Dec's comment as he dropped down on the platform.

  "But I bet it's fun trying."

  "Would you two knock it off?" Eve finally returned to her senses enough to pay attention to their banter, but she was too pleased with this adventure to be affronted by their making fun of her.

  They grinned at each other over her head then replied together, "Nope."

  Thirty minutes later, they were preparing to end the afternoon with a cave-rafting trip down the Caves Branch River. Eve grasped the sides of the large, round raft as Nate settled behind her, bracing her between his long, muscular legs as the raft rocked with his weight. She could hear the others talking and laughing, but didn't pay attention to what they were saying. She was still reeling from the adrenaline high of freefalling through the tropical jungle, basking in the sheer pleasure of that fast, downward plunge accompanied by a body encompassing climax. As Nate pushed the raft off, she leaned back against his wide, hard chest and ran her hands up and down his hair-roughened thighs, feeling his thick muscles bunch under her caressing fingers, his cock jerk against her ass as she settled down for a calmer ride.

  "You should soothe me after what you put me through," she teased.

  "Anytime your hands are on me, I feel anything but soothed," Nate growled, her exploring fingers distracting him enough to have him bumping their raft into Wes and Katie' s.

  "Shit, Nate, we haven't even entered the cave yet and you're already groping?" Wes sent him a knowing smirk over his shoulder.

  "As you know, I don't need to wait for the
cover of darkness to play. But maybe you should concern yourself with your own woman for now. From the grumbling I heard on the way here, you didn't make her zip lining adventure as pleasurable as I made Eve's," Nate said, returning his smirk.

  "Yeah, what's with that?" Katie's frustration was evident in her voice. A high pitched cry came from up ahead where Fin, Dec and Sherry's raft had already floated into the bowels of the cave. "Oh, so not fair," she sighed dramatically.

  Eve didn't hear Wes's reply, but she heard the distinct slap on bare flesh followed by Katie's relieved cry of release. The close bond between Nate and his friends had never been more obvious than on this trip and their easy comradery made her wish she and Holly could let go like that around others. But Holly was too insecure to enjoy being around a small group of people like this, and she couldn't picture her friend accepting the playful banter and touches from the guys without taking them as an insult.

  The warm open air gave way to the coolness of the cave as Nate paddled them through the darkness with the meager beam from his headlight to guide them. Eve's small body was a comfortable weight leaning against him despite his state of unfulfilled arousal. Watching her embrace and bask in the pleasurable activities the islands had to offer had been as enjoyable for him as experiencing them for the first time had been for her. The past two weeks, ever since Holly had returned from her assignment overseas to find Eve in a relationship that left her little time for her, Eve had tried to keep everyone happy. Unfortunately, Holly had been as unwilling to share Eve as Nate had been, with Carl and Mark's dislike of Eve's best friend adding to her struggle to maintain some kind of harmony between all of them. She needed this relaxing getaway as much as he needed to continue to give her everything she had been missing out on since losing her sight.

  Reaching under her top, Nate removed the nipple huggers then soothed each pouty nub with a soft stroke. He already turned off the clit teaser and now he wanted her to enjoy this quieter ride and these few moments without any distractions.

  "It's pitch black in here, Eve." His voice echoed off the damp, rocky walls despite his near whisper. "I've got a small headlight on my helmet and if I turn my head up, I can barely make out some strange Maya paintings on the ceiling. Along the rocky ledges, you can get a close-up view of crystalline formations and a few ancient artifacts from Maya rituals." Taking her right hand off his leg, he dipped it into the icy water. "Feel the difference in this river water from the Caribbean?"

  "It's freezing!" Eve jerked her hand out of the frigid water, the only thing that had interrupted her tranquil state from the soothing glide of the raft and Nate's deep voice telling her what she was missing. Without her nipples and clit in a constant state of arousal, she could put all her concentration into her surroundings, listen to the cavernous echo of voices and water lapping against stone, feel the rubber buoyancy of their raft and relishing Nate's all male, earthy scent mingling with the smell of briny sea air. She couldn't recall ever being more aware of her world of sounds, scents and movements than she had been since arriving in Belize, a place and culture so far away and so different from the comfortable surroundings of her home.

  Nate propelled them out into the bright Caribbean sunlight fifteen minutes later, the coolness of the caves dissipating under the heat of the late afternoon sun. Eve's face was as relaxed as her body, the small smile hovering around her mouth as she tilted her head in that way that told him she was listening attentively to her surroundings another sign she enjoyed this slower, calmer excursion.

  By the time they returned to the private island and indulged in the feast the staff had waiting for them, the sun was lowering over the sea. Nate led Eve up the stairs to their bungalow, knowing he wouldn't wait any longer to fuck her again despite how tired she looked. He had set aside his own needs today to see to hers, to ensure she got the most from the afternoon's activities. Now, it was his turn.

  Turning her towards the rail when they reached the veranda, he caged her in place with his body behind her, his arms bracketing her in. "I don't think I need to ask if you had fun today." He bent and nipped the soft spot between her shoulder and neck, making her shiver.

  "Oh, Nate," Eve breathed softly. "I loved every minute. Just when I think you can't possibly top an experience, you go and do just that. Thank you." Her tired body came to life as he lifted her shirt over her head then shoved her shorts down so she could kick them off.

  "There. That's much better. You were wearing too many clothes today. And, you're welcome." Reaching around her, he cupped her breasts, his thumbs rasping over her nipples. "I'm going to fuck you out here, where the others can see us, while the sun sets over the water."

  "Okay." Eve's answer came without pause, but really, what woman in her right mind wouldn't be bending over and letting him have his way with her in such a beautiful setting? That his friends might watch was icing on a very decadent cake.

  Nate's chuckle was low, her automatic response still such a delight after weeks of fucking in every imaginable position and place he could come up with. He left one soft breast to cup an equally soft pussy, her damp, puffy folds luring him inside, his fingers sinking into her moist depths with ease. Her low moan accompanied by a backward thrust of her hips had need slamming into him with all the force of a double fisted punch. Releasing his cock, he sank balls deep into her sheath in one smooth thrust, the heated silk of her wrapping around him in welcome.

  Bending over her bowed back, his hands wrapped around the rail, covering hers, his hips pounding into her over and over as they rode the waves to completion together. The fiery burn of the setting sun's reddish/orange glow matched the heated rush of fire consuming him with his release. His low grunt of pleasure coincided with her sharp cry and the squeezing of her vaginal walls around his girth, both sounds traveling down the beach.


  "Oh God," Eve moaned the next morning as she rolled over and felt the morning sun on her face. "There better be coffee somewhere on this island."

  "I'm sure there's some in the kitchenette," Nate grumbled, making no effort to get up with her.

  Eve let him sleep as she crawled out of bed, slipped on his tee shirt and went in search of much needed caffeine. Yesterday's activities hadn't seemed overly strenuous at the time, but from the soreness in her muscles this morning, they obviously were. Of course, she mused as she filled the pot with water and turned on the machine, the sex on the veranda might have something to do with it as well. She couldn't deny relishing each body jarring, pleasure inducing stroke just as she could no longer deny her feelings have had the audacity to sneak into this sex only relationship.

  Carrying her cup out to the veranda, she took a deep, appreciative breath of the balmy air and listened to the soothing sound of waves rolling onto the shore as she settled on a wicker chair. She'd known before this trip that this had developed into more for her, and Nate had been trying to convince her that this was more than sex for him, but she'd been too afraid to think about it until now. Now, she wanted to think about that possibility, wanted to pin her hopes on having a future with Nate. Maybe it was the romance of this island getaway that had her mellowing, or the exciting adventures he had taken her on, or the erotic interludes she had no idea she was missing out on. But in the end, did it really matter why she was now willing to contemplate a relationship she never thought would come her way? The fact was, she had a chance at something she'd thought was beyond her reach and she would no longer let fear or worries over what might not come of it keep her from chancing what just might. Nate had shown her he wasn't put off by her limitations, not even when they were out in public and they were so glaringly obvious, and unless he was a damn good actor, he'd shown he liked her company and hadn't tired yet of their physical relationship. He was arrogant and protective, but not smothering, sexually dominant, but not selfishly demanding and didn't tiptoe around her in fear of hurting her feelings. She had always liked that best about him. Well, she smugly conceded, that and the sex.

ou look like a cat that just lapped up a bowl of cream," Nate said as he lifted her out of the chair and settled back in it with her on his lap, all without spilling her coffee. "What were you thinking about?"

  "How sore I am," Eve promptly answered, enjoying her new seat.

  "Uh, huh. What else? Something has you looking… content, I guess would be the word."

  Eve didn't want to jinx her newfound acceptance of her feelings by voicing them aloud, so instead changed the subject. "It must be this warm climate. I'll take the eighties at the end of November over fifties or colder any day. What're we doing today?"

  Nate kept his sexual plans for her to himself for now and instead said, "The rest are going snorkeling this morning but I didn't want to commit to going with them until I talked to you. I imagine it wouldn't be much fun for you since the point of snorkeling is to see the underwater beauty. We could take out a kayak; you'd enjoy that."

  Eve was touched by his thoughtfulness, but didn't want to be singled out, even if his reasoning was sound. "I love to swim, so how about if I tag along without the snorkel gear?"

  "If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do. First, let's go see what's for breakfast."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Buoyancy of the warm salt water gently cushioned Eve as the rolling waves rocked her to and fro. Eve was discovering swimming in these tropical waters was so much more stimulating to her senses than swimming in a pool. Or maybe it was the occasional erotic brush of Nate's fingers over a bare, puckered nipple or feather-like caress across her buttocks that made it so intoxicating. He couldn't talk her into eating a meal topless with his friends, but she was enjoying skinny dipping. With Nate constantly touching her as he floated alongside her and her wearing nothing but her thong again, her body was kept in a heightened state of arousal. If he didn't distract her periodically by handing her something from the sandy bottom to explore, her frustration would have her doing more than giving him a taste of his own medicine by getting in a few fleeting touches of her own. The light squeeze she gave the hard-on he couldn't hide in his swim trunks earned her a sharp pinch on her ass, but it had been worth it.


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