Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1)

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Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1) Page 26

by BJ Wane

  Nate shuddered with his own release just as she cried out with hers, her slick walls clutching his dick, pulling his orgasm from him until he was drained of every drop. Now, he thought as he lowered her and ran his hands over her warm, red buttocks, if only he could get her to listen to him about Holly as easily as he could bring her to climax.


  "At least you can't pin any part of this on me." Eve settled in the passenger seat of his Jag and pulled her coat up closer around her shoulders. She wasn't any happier about Holly announcing she was working the benefit tonight, taking pictures for a Richmond society magazine, than Nate was, but there was nothing she could do about it. Eve and Holly had been arguing all week, leaving her drained from the emotional upheaval her best friend caused. "She's feeling left out," she continued when Nate slid in behind the wheel. "She's not used to me excluding her from hanging out, no matter who I'm with."

  Eve was beginning to question whether Nate, and Carl and Mark were right about Holly, that she was too controlling, too possessive of Eve to be healthy. She didn't agree that Holly's behavior held malicious intent. She was self-absorbed and often spoke without thinking, but Eve never took it personally. Like she'd repeatedly told them, Holly had always been there when she needed her, and that had to count for something. However, she worried Holly wasn't accepting Nate in Eve's life as happily as the guys. With Nate all but living with her now, taking her and picking her up from work, she'd only had Carl and Mark over on Sundays, and they'd had no problem with that. Unlike Holly, who did nothing but complain whenever she talked to her about Eve throwing over their friendship for sex. She'd refused to consider that her relationship with Nate has evolved past a sex-only liaison.

  "At least she'll be working, so that's a plus." Nate waved to her neighbors and pulled away from the curb. "I did a damn good job picking out that dress, if I do say so myself," he said, changing the subject to something infinitely more pleasant, like how stunning Eve looked in the black, ankle length dress that clung to her slender body like second skin. The thigh high slit on the left side revealed one well-shaped leg he loved feeling wrapped around him when he was buried inside her.

  "Yes, you did," Eve agreed, running her hand down her satin covered waist, marveling at the soft, silky feel of the material against her skin. She had never felt so pretty and sexy, even though the long-sleeved sheath covered her from the scooped neck to her black, three inch heels. "Thank you, again."

  "You're welcome, again."

  Twenty minutes later, Nate turned his keys over to the valet. "We're back where we started," he told Eve, slipping her coat off and handing it to the clerk behind the coat counter. "This benefit's been held at the Hampton since it started about ten years ago." Taking her hand, he led her into the grand ballroom of the hotel.

  "Are we going to end up upstairs sometime tonight?"

  "Keep looking at me like that and I won't wait to get you upstairs." He liked the way she still blushed, even when she was teasing him. Nate kept a close eye on Eve as they crossed the white marble floors covered with lush floral area rugs while acknowledging a few people he knew with a nod. The vaulted ceiling boasted a dozen crystal chandeliers and made the quiet murmur of voices echo. He never tired of watching the way she would tilt her head as she listened to what was going on around her with focused concentration. That intriguing combination of strength and vulnerability that had pulled at him from the start still had the power to hold his attention. Spotting Wes and Katie at the bar, he veered that way. Guests conversed in small groups, admiring the expensive artwork adorning peach colored walls topped with carved crown molding. Some of the pieces would be auctioned off along with various donations from the priciest shops in Richmond displayed on two long, white clothed tables.

  "I'm glad to see a familiar face," Katie said as they joined them. "Eve, you look stunning."

  "Thank you. Nate has good taste." Eve took the champagne flute Nate put in her hand and took a sip, trying to hide her nervousness. It wasn't her ability to play the medley of polonaises by Chopin she chose for tonight's performance that had her second guessing herself, but the audience she'd be performing the classical pieces for. She didn't ask him the cost for admission to the gala, but Nate had told her only the very wealthy got invites because of the steep price. This was the first time they had socialized with his peers, and she wanted Nate to be proud of her.

  "Yes, he does," Dec said as he and Fin joined them. "Katie, Eve, you both put these leeches to shame. Mind if we hang with you guys? I swear, I think I was groped twice and propositioned three times crossing the fucking room."

  Katie laughed at his disgruntled look. "Maybe if you guys didn't stand out like sore thumbs dressed in slacks and sports coats, sans ties amid the tuxedo clad crème de la crème of Richmond's richest citizens, you wouldn't draw so much attention. You know how we women love bad boys."

  "Hey, we're doing our parents a favor by attending this shindig in the first place," Fin said. "I'm not spending the evening being uncomfortable in a monkey suit. Besides, I get a kick out of all those snooty looks of disapproval aimed our way."

  Eve was listening to them banter back and forth, sipping her drink, when Nate's hand tightened around hers right before a low, sultry voice greeted him with a touch of sarcasm.

  "Nate, darling, I see you were able to come after all."

  Ignoring the censure in Clarissa's voice, Nate greeted her as politely as possible. "Rissa, you look lovely. Let me introduce you to someone special, Eve Sawyer. Eve, this is an acquaintance of mine, Clarissa Richet."

  They all noticed Clarissa's surprise when Eve held out her hand off to the side and she realized Nate's date was blind. She touched the other woman's fingers with a light, quick grip before withdrawing, her sharp gaze going back to Nate's assessing blue look. "An acquaintance, darling? Surely, after all the time we spent heating up the sheets in that decadent bedroom of yours, I'm more than that, even if someone else has already taken my place. Be careful, Eve, this one's attention is impossible to hold for long."

  "Well, I'm just using him for sex, so I think I'm safe," Eve quipped lightly, elbowing Nate to keep him from making a scene. Clarissa's remark made her realize she'd never been to Nate's apartment, but she refused to be cowed by this woman despite the way her callous regard brought out worries she thought she had set aside.

  "Sheath your claws, Rissa, and have a drink." Nate handed her a flute with a warning glare which she returned with a serene, innocent smile.

  "Thank you. Eve, I saw your name listed under entertainment. I'm assuming you'll be singing for us since someone with your… problem is rather limited in what they can excel at."

  "You assume wrong," Nate stated coldly, his patience wearing thin. "Eve is an accomplished pianist, the best I've ever heard." He was the only one in the group who knew Clarissa played the piano. From the way she blanched, he knew his dig hit home.

  "Oh, well…"

  Her flustered reply and the smirks from the guys were interrupted by Holly striding up to them with a grin, a camera hung around her neck.

  "Eve! There you are," Holly exclaimed.

  "Holly, I see you got your invitation." Nate's cool greeting reflected his annoyance.

  "Thankfully a publication I freelance for still needed someone to cover this event. God, isn't this place awesome?" she continued on, ignoring Nate's displeasure at seeing her. "The money in this room could rival the New York Mint. You should see the gowns these women are wearing, Eve. I'll bet just one costs a couple grand; definitely out of our league."

  "Eve doesn't need to wear a costly gown to look like a million bucks." Dec's tone was even frostier than Nate's, and like Nate, he didn't bother to hide his displeasure.

  "Oh, well, of course not and you do look fabulous, hon."

  "Nate got it for me." Eve cast him an impish look, hoping to tease him out of the irritation she felt pouring off of him. "And he got the size perfect. I wonder how you did that without asking me."

  "I know everything about your body, sugar; you should know that by now." Nate almost laughed out loud when both Clarissa and Holly frowned.

  "You're good, Nate. I've been with Katie twice as long as you've been with Eve and thought I knew her body, but the shorts I bought her for our trip were too big."

  Katie grinned at Wes, saying, "Yeah, you really blew it there."

  "Since you, Eve and Sherry spent most of that trip naked, it didn't matter. Too bad this crowd insists on clothes." Fin's comment came on a long suffering sigh, making everyone laugh except Clarissa and Holly.

  A small combo started warming up in the far corner, the first of the musical entertainment lined up for the evening. Clarissa excused herself and moved away to visit with a small circle of single women and both Fin and Wes were beckoned by their parents, pulling them away with none too pleased looks on their faces.

  "Thank God we only kowtow once a year," Wes muttered as they left, Fin following them with a bland expression but a hint of irritation in his green eyes just as another man strode up.

  "Nate, I hate to pull you away from your attractive date, but I need a word, if you don't mind."

  Nate did mind, but he invested heavily in Robert DeBlass's company and he didn't think the successful businessman would seek him out here if it wasn't important. "I can give you a moment, Robert. Dec, would you mind…"

  "I'm ahead with pictures," Holly piped in, latching onto Eve's arm. "Eve and I can go nibble on all the fancy finger foods I saw spread out when I came in."

  "Then I better find my family before I get read the riot act for neglecting my duty, again. Eve, I'm looking forward to hearing you play."

  Nate watched Dec walk away, not happy with the way things turned out. He didn't want to leave Eve with Holly, not even for a few minutes, but couldn't see a way around it. "Eve, will you be all right for a few minutes while I talk business?" he asked her quietly.

  "Of course. Go do your thing, Nate, and quit hovering."

  Nate tilted her head back with a hand on her nape and lowered his mouth to hers, ignoring Holly and Richard for a moment. "I like hovering," he whispered into her mouth when she gasped, then covered her lips with his for a very slow, very thorough kiss.

  His kiss helped alleviate some of the discomfort Eve was feeling, but not all of it. Mortification swept through her when he had to ask someone to escort her around while he stepped away a moment. She hadn't felt that vulnerably exposed in a long time. It was instances like that when she felt the brunt of her handicap and its impact on others the most. Nate sounded reluctant to leave her, and that made her feel even worse. He should be able to attend social events without her having to stay glued to his side. Shoving aside her disquiet, she smiled toward Holly. "Thanks. If you have to work, just lead me to a seat where I can wait for Nate."

  "Nonsense," Holly said briskly, latching onto this perfect opportunity. She knew Eve well and saw the look of consternation that crossed her face when Nate had to make sure she would be all right if he left her side for a few minutes. "You know, Eve," she said as she started toward the food tables, "I'm glad I'm here for work instead of as a guest. There's no way I'd fit in with these people and their high society airs. I'm much more comfortable at fundraisers like the fun nights your school puts on."

  "To be honest, so am I, but this is important to Nate, and he's giving me a once in a lifetime opportunity tonight to play before an appreciative audience. I'm nervous, but excited too."

  Holly picked up two plates and led the way down the table laden with foods she'd never heard of let alone tasted. "Mmm, I'm sure you'll do fine, but don't take it personally if these people don't seem appreciative of your talent when you're done. From what I can tell, they're very standoffish towards anyone not in their social circles. Take for instance that combo playing now. They're very good, but the program said they're students from a community college and hardly anyone's paying them any mind, let alone applauding them after each song."

  Eve hadn't noticed the lack of applause; in fact, she thought it had been on par with the number of people she sensed filled the huge ballroom. "I'm playing for myself as well as them," she told her as she nodded yes to the spinach and feta cheese quiche Holly asked her about. "If I please even half of the people here, I'll consider this night a success."

  "Let's sit over here." Holly handed her her plate and sat down facing the middle of the room, spotting the stunning blonde who looked like she was as happy with Eve's relationship with Nate as Holly was. "I doubt if there's anything you can do that can compete with that woman who was standing with your group when I arrived. She's stunning. Who is she?"

  "One of Nate's ex's."

  Holly pounced on Eve's disgruntled tone. "Wow, his taste runs deep. He likes them tall, blonde and stacked, huh," she said, knowing full well Eve was the complete opposite in looks and stature as the other woman.

  Hearing the comparison and realizing she wasn't anything close to Nate's preferred type filled Eve with unease. From the sound of her description, the woman's looks and body matched the low, sexy tone of her voice. "He likes me, Holly, that's all that matters," she returned, unable to disguise the defensiveness she was feeling.

  "Well, of course, hon," Holly assured her. "But I did hear her warn you about Nate's short attention span, just like I've been trying to do, and she should know." Grabbing her hand, she gave it a friendly squeeze. "Don't worry though. As long as you're enjoying his company now, that's all that matters. Right?"

  "Right." At least, that was all that had mattered until Eve dropped her guard and let her heart get as attached to Nate as her body was.

  "Eve, will you excuse me a minute? Nate's headed this way and I need to find the restroom before you play so I don't miss your performance." Holly's reply came quick when she saw Nate looking none too happy with her.

  "Go ahead. I'll wait here for him." Eve was glad for the few minutes alone. She needed the time to get her thoughts in order before her performance, and the last thing she needed to be doing right now was second guessing her relationship with Nate. He read her too well, and she reminded herself he hadn't shown any outward signs of being ready to move on; in fact, just the opposite was true. He seemed more than happy with her and their relationship even if Holly's demanding friendship tended to make him a little irritable. Okay, she thought with an inner smile, more than a little.

  "Should I be wary of that small grin on your face, sugar?" Nate sat next to her, glad that Holly had taken off. He didn't trust himself to be civil to either Holly or Clarissa tonight, especially when he looked over and saw the pinched look on Eve's face that matched the one Clarissa's remarks had put there earlier.

  "Probably, since I was thinking of you." Eve let herself relax, shoved aside her unfounded insecurities and handed her plate to Nate. "Here, finish this for me. I'm too nervous to eat much. Is it almost time?"

  "In a few minutes. You'll be playing on a Steinway Grand if that makes any kind of difference." It was difficult, but Nate stifled the urge to ask her what Holly had said to put the look of disquiet on her face. He didn't want to start an argument right before she performed and he figured it could wait until they left.

  "Other than making me sound good compared to a piano of lesser quality, it doesn't matter to me, I just love playing. If no one's on it now, I'd like to sit there a few minutes, if that's all right. It'll help me relax if I can get comfortable first."

  "Then that's what we'll do since I don't think you're going to tell me exactly what about me you were thinking about." He took her elbow as they stood and watched the way she cocked her head as she looked up at him grinning but staying quiet.

  Nate stopped to let his friends wish her luck before taking her to the piano which he told her was sitting in a corner of the room, floor to ceiling windows and French doors behind it, a low hanging chandelier right above the raised top. As soon as Eve sat on the smooth bench and ran her fingers over the keys, he knew she had tuned out the voices of the crowd and set as
ide her worries by the rapt look on her face. There had never been a time when she couldn't lose herself in her music, and he was glad to discover tonight would be no exception.

  "You're about to be introduced." Leaning down, he kissed her regardless of what any of these haughty people might think of the public display. "I'll be right here when you're finished."

  Nate stood with his friends a few feet away, listening as Eve's stunning performance held the enthralled attention of the entire guest list. Her body swayed with the music as her graceful hands flew over the keys without hesitation, the haunting notes of the medley she chose reverberating in the quiet, cavernous room. The slit in her dress revealed one slender leg to mid-thigh and made him itch to push her dress up higher. With her head at a slight angle, her coal black hair swung to one side, her green eyes vivid against the absorbed look on her face. That look pulled at him, like it always did, and had his blood pooling south until he ached with wanting her.

  Trying to get himself under control, he took a quick glance around the room, spotting Clarissa standing with his parents, a surprised look on her face as she listened to Eve play. His ex lacked the discipline it took to accomplish anything worthwhile with her pampered life and the capability to understand what drove a person like Eve, with her difficulties, to make something of herself. It had taken him little time in Eve's company to make him see his self-absorbed lifestyle and open his eyes to the world around him.

  The scowl on his mother's face reminded him of their last conversation and her displeasure at hearing he was putting up the funding for the new riding facility and the disabled children they were building it for. She wasn't happy with the project, and would be even unhappier when he revealed he would make a personal attempt to participate in the classes. He knew all they'd care about was how that would look just like he knew neither of them thought a woman like Eve was suitable.


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