Forever (Fallen Series Book 3)

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Forever (Fallen Series Book 3) Page 4

by Micalea Smeltzer

  “Diana said you want something custom made?” Christian asked.

  “Yeah,” I nodded, staring at the rack of dresses. “I want it to be special. I don’t want someone else to have the exact same dress as me.”

  “I understand,” said Christian and with a wink he added, “I also know that Diana would never allow you to wear something off the rack.”

  I laughed. “You’re right about that.”

  “Let’s get down to business,” Diana took one of the chairs at the desk.

  Christian put me in dress after dress and made me walk the makeshift runway and twirl around. I felt like a kid in a candy shop. I was amazed out how light and free I felt. I had thought I would be stressed, but instead I was happy.

  I told them things that I liked and didn’t like about each dress. Christian scribbled furiously in his notebook, trying to keep up with me.

  Once I had tried on all the dresses, I changed back into my jeans and t-shirt, before joining them at the table. “Okay, so here’s what I’m thinking,” started Christian shuffling through his sketches. “Two dresses,” he held up two fingers and waved them around.

  “Two?” I asked.

  “Yes, one for the ceremony, and one for the reception. I’m thinking a big dress for the ceremony, something that makes a statement, and for the reception something simple and understated. Something you can move in and dance,” he explained.

  “I think it’s a fantastic idea,” Diana piped in, her excitement about to bubble out of her.

  “Of course you do,” I rolled my eyes, making her laugh.

  “So what do you think?” asked Christian turning to me. “You’re the bride,” he said to me and then gave Diana a look.

  “It seems a bit much,” I frowned. “But I do like the idea of having something I can move around in for the reception.”

  Christian smiled. “Good, two it is.” He grabbed his measuring tape and motioned for me to stand. He clucked his tongue, and shuffled his papers around until he found a blank one to write my measurements down on.

  Diana clapped her hands together. “I’m just so excited.”

  I laughed. “Me too. I never imagined this happening so soon. I thought I’d be older but I got lucky and found Jonathon,” tears began to leak from the corners of my eyes. “I’m sorry I’m just so happy,” I took a tissue from Diana. “After all the bad that’s happened I’m still happy.”

  “It’s okay to be happy, Kylie,” said Diana. “You have to move on.”

  “I know,” I dabbed at my eyes.

  Christian finished his measurements and we sat down again. Christian began sketching something completely new and Diana leaned over him. “Make sure it’s white, Christian. None of that ecru or eggshell stuff.”

  “Of course,” said Christian.

  “I think cream dresses are really pretty,” I shrugged. “Plain old white seems a bit old fashioned.”

  Diana scoffed. “Please, you’re a virgin. You’ll wear white.”

  My face betrayed me.

  “You are aren’t you?”

  I shook my head.

  “Does Jonathon know?” she asked, her pale skin taking on an angry flushed color.

  I felt like she had slapped me. “Excuse me,” I stood. “But Jonathon is aware, because he’s the one that it happened with.”

  “Oh,” she said, and now she looked like the one that had been slapped. “I didn’t know.”

  “No, Diana you don’t know. Contrary to what you believe you don’t know everything.”

  “Ladies,” Christian commanded. “Calm down.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Diana, bowing her head.

  “I’m leaving,” I snapped. “Diana can bring me the sketches later.”

  “You can’t leave,” Diana’s head snapped up. “It’s your dress and you don’t have a car.”

  “I’ll call Jonathon.”

  “Kylie, please be sensible,” Diana pleaded.

  I smacked my hand against the table. “No, I’m done being sensible. I am sick and tired of you always assuming the worst of me and accusing me of something when it comes to your brother. I love Jonathon. I waited for Jonathon, and we had sex together for the first time. I love him and no one else. It was always him. So stop acting like I’m going to rip out his heart. You have no idea what this last year has been like for me so stop preaching to me. I love you Diana, like a true sister, but if you can’t trust me, then maybe we’re better off being acquaintances.”

  “I’m sorry, Kylie. I know I don’t understand what you’ve been through, but Jonathon is my brother, and it’s engrained in me to protect him. For the longest time it’s only been us, and then you came along. I love you like a sister too Kylie, but with the whole thing with Isaac…” she trailed off.

  I took a deep shuddering breath. “You can continue to work on the dress but I get to approve everything. Got it? This is my wedding, Diana. One day you’ll have your wedding, but this is mine. The dress is not going to be white.”

  “Okay,” her voice was soft.

  I started away. “And just so you know, I haven’t been just grieving for Isaac like I’m sure you think I have. I was pregnant and I lost the baby in the accident.”

  Diana shook her head. “I’m sorry Kylie.”

  I walked away and out of the warehouse, calling Jonathon to come get me. I stood outside, soaking the cold air into my lungs. In and out, in and out. Spraying gravel, Jonathon pulled into the lot in his Camaro.

  “Principessa,” he climbed out of the car. “Are you okay? You didn’t sound good on the phone.”

  “I’m fine,” I put my head in my hands. “But I just chewed your sister out in there and she’ll probably never speak to me again.

  He pulled me into his arms. “What happened?”

  “I told her that I didn’t want to wear pure white and she said that it was silly, I’m a virgin after all, and it just went from there. When I told her I was wasn’t a virgin, she assumed I had lost it to someone other than you, and I got defensive because I always feel like she assumes the worse of me. So, I told her about the baby, because she thinks I’m just grieving over Isaac, but that’s not true. I’m almost to the point where I’ve excepted that he’s gone, but the baby—the baby still hurts,” I felt like I was beginning to crumble.

  He took my face between his large hands and crushed his lips to mine. “Principessa, you have to stop this. It’s not healthy.”

  “I know I’m sorry.”

  “Besides, you would have died if-” I put up a hand to stop him.

  “I know. I’ve wanted to talk to you about that.”

  “Really?” he raised an eyebrow, as he held the car door open for me. He closed the door and slid in the driver’s seat. I waited until we were on the main road before I continued.

  I took a deep breath and plunged. “I want a baby.”

  “Okay, so we’ll adopt,” he reasoned.

  “No, I want our baby.”

  He looked over at me with a stricken look. “But you’ll die.”

  I smiled. “Jonathon, I’m trying to tell you that I’ve changed my mind. I want to have our baby and then I want you to turn me into a vampire.”

  “No,” his jaw was set.

  “What?” I said.

  He shook his head. “You’re just saying that because you want a child. I won’t let you. You don’t really want this.”

  “How dare you tell me what I want? I want you and our child forever.”

  He ran a hand roughly through his hair, spiking it up in every direction, and pulled off the road. “Are you sure?” he asked, hope daring to reach his eyes.

  “I am,” I nodded, biting my lower lip.

  His mouth was suddenly on top of mine. “Are you sure?” he whispered again in between kisses.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  He kissed me again and pulled away. “I never thought I would hear you say those words,” he breathed.

  “I just did,” I laughed.

sp; “You just did,” he smiled and kissed me.

  * * *

  Later that night I crept down the attic stairs. I don’t know why I bothered being quiet. I lived in a house full of vampires after all. I knocked on Diana’s bedroom door.

  “Come in,” she called.

  I opened the door and came in. I sat down on the edge of her bed. She was curled up on the bed with a book in her hands. She put the book down and sat up straighter. Diana took a breath as if bracing herself for a fight.

  “I’m sorry about my behavior today,” I said short and to the point.

  She tucked a piece of blond hair behind her ear. “It’s okay. You had every right to overreact. You were right when you said I always assume the worse when it comes to you, so for that I apologize. I’ve been really insensitive to your feelings. You have to still be grieving for your father, and Isaac, and I’m sure you’re still reeling from everything Selena has done. And about,” she swallowed. “what you told me earlier.” She took my hand in hers. “Kylie, I feel like you and I could be best friends but I always seem to blow it with my behavior.”

  I chuckled. “I think we both blew it.”

  She smiled. “I want us to be friends, Kylie.”

  “Diana, we are friends.”

  She smiled and hugged me. “Soon to be sisters.”

  “That’s right,” I smiled. Diana and I had a rocky relationship but I knew I could count on her for anything. “And I know that you’re going to plan the most beautiful wedding for me and Jonathon.”

  “Please,” she sighed. “You’ve done all the hard work by picking everything out. Amelia and I are just doing the finishing touches,” she took my hand and squeezed it, “and one day I hope you’ll return the favor.” She looked down. I had suspected that Diana may worry about finding her soul mate but the expression on her face showed just how much.

  “Diana,” I pulled her into a hug, “you will find your soul mate. One day. Maybe not now, or a year from now, but someday.”

  “Sometimes it feels like never,” she said.

  “I can only imagine what it’s like and it must be horrible.”

  “You have no idea,” she crinkled her bedcovers between her fingers. “Jonathon was comatose until you came along. After Selena murdered our parents he drifted even farther away. He was hardly living at all. You gave him his life back. I hope I can find someone that can do the same for me.”

  “You will Diana. I know it,” I assured her.

  I gave her another hug before departing and heading back up to Jonathon’s room although he liked to fondly refer to it as our room. I pushed open the door. He was lying on the bed already in a t-shirt and sweatpants. He was holding a piece of charcoal and sketching. His pale hand was turning gray.

  “Where’d you go?” he asked.

  “Like you don’t know,” I laughed.

  He chuckled. “It’s a courtesy.”

  “Well, as you know, I went and saw Diana to apologize.”

  “Did you get everything squared away?”

  “Yeah,” I climbed under the covers. I looked at the picture he was working on. I laughed, “Do you draw anything besides me now?”

  “Not really,” his lips quirked up in a small smile. “Nothing else captures my attention.”

  “I’m just so wonderful,” I said sarcastically.

  “Yes, you are. And more beautiful than words can express.”

  I laughed, “And you’re full of shit.”

  He tossed his sketch onto the nightstand, and wiped his hands on a towel he had there, before pulling me into his arms. He kissed me. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I cuddled against his side. “Even if you lie,” I added.

  He crushed his lips to mine and said against my lips, “I never lie. You should know that.” His hands were tangled in my hair and we were both breathing heavy.

  “Or else you’re just the most cunning liar,” I countered.

  “There’s that too,” he grinned.

  * * *

  I woke up and found the spot beside me empty. I found this unusual. Normally when I woke up, Jonathon was lying beside me. I put on my favorite pair of worn jeans and a shirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and started down the steps. As I was heading down the main steps my nose picked up the scent of food. It wasn’t unusual for Jonathon to make me breakfast and even Danny and Mason still ate human food, but this smell was different. I looked at the clock. I had slept in and it was nearly eleven o’ clock. I breathed in more of the delicious scent. Jonathon appeared at the bottom of the steps.

  “What is that I smell?” I asked.

  “A lot of hard work,” he replied, taking my hand. Instead of leading me into the kitchen he took me to the dining room.

  “Oh my,” I looked at the spread before me, fighting tears of happiness.

  There was turkey, rolls, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, soup, pies, any food you could think of was there.

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” Amelia pulled me into a hug.

  “Thanks guys,” I gasped in disbelief. “I had completely forgotten.”

  “We figured,” she smiled. “We wanted to do something special for you. We know you’ve had a hard time and we want you to be able to hold onto your American life.”

  “Thanks, I really appreciate this. You guys didn’t have to do this.”

  “We’re your family,” said Patrick. “We want you to know that.”

  Jonathon pulled out a chair for me and I took it. I smiled and told him thanks. He took the seat next to me and the others followed suit. I could tell Danny and Mason were itching to get their hands into everything.

  “This all looks so delicious,” I gasped.

  Amelia looked at Jonathon, “Jonathon did most of it. This was his idea. He thought you needed cheering up.”

  I smiled and realized that it was a real smile. Not the fake one I had been giving for a long time. I looked over at him. “You are more wonderful every day.”

  He shrugged his shoulders, “I’m just me and you’re just you.”

  “And you don’t know how to take a compliment,” I teased him. I grabbed a plate and began putting food on it. Danny and Mason’s plates were already piled high.

  I took a bite, “Mmm, this is delicious.”

  Mason mumbled something and I think it was to agree with what I said. The others just sat there and made conversation. Jonathon nuzzled my ear. “This time next year we’ll be married,” he whispered in my ear.

  I took his hand in mine. “And I’ll be yours forever.”

  “Forever,” he agreed.

  Chapter Four: Wedding

  “Wow,” I gasped when Diana pulled the dress out of the covering. “It’s more beautiful than I imagined.”

  Diana and Christian had kept the details of dress hushed, only showing me drawings for approval. The final product was stunning. I took the lacy fabric between my fingers.

  It was still early in the morning and the wedding wasn’t until the afternoon. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

  This was my wedding day.

  I was getting married to Jonathon.

  After today I would be Mrs. Pulmer.

  The thought brought Goosebumps to my skin. Diana took the dress from me and hung it up. Ever since that one day, everything between the two of us had been good. It was almost as if we had needed to hash it out.

  “Do you really like it?” She asked shyly, turning me back to the mirror and pulling on strands of my hair.

  “I love it,” I assured her. “You and Christian did an amazing job. It’s perfect. Thank you,” I took her hand, giving it a squeeze.

  “I’m glad you like it,” she smiled.

  The dress was slim fitting to almost the knees where it fluttered out and down with the longest train I had ever seen. The slim fitted part of the dress was covered in a delicate lace giving the otherwise modern dress a vintage look. The veil too, had a vintage look. I had yet to see the other dress. Despite my demands
I didn’t even get to see any drawings of the second dress.

  The door to Diana’s beautiful large white marble bathroom burst open.

  “No, no, no,” said Pierre Augusto, in his thick accent, swatting Diana’s hand out of my hair.

  “Ow,” I grabbed my head where I was pretty sure fifty pieces of hair had been ripped from my scalp.

  “What do you mean no?” asked Diana. I could see Amelia in the doorway to Diana’s bedroom. She gave an apologetic smile.

  “You not professional. Me is,” said Pierre in his garbled English. Suddenly his scary long fingers were pulling on my head.

  “Ow,” I yelped again. He didn’t pay attention.

  Diana huffed and raised an eyebrow.

  Amelia came farther into the room. It was still hours until the wedding but she was already dressed and her hair and makeup was perfect. Her honey brown hair was curled over to one side. She wore her customary red lipstick. Her dress was white and fitted closely to her slender body. It was floor length and I thought she looked like a goddess. How was I going to compete with that? Diana and Amelia were stunning and I knew there were going to be many other gorgeous vampires I had never met at the wedding.

  Pierre turned me away from the mirror before I could take in much of my appearance and began dabbing at my eye lids and my lips with all kinds of powder and gloss. Pierre was a strange looking vampire. His hair was platinum blond and long on top. He wore the long part on one side and the rest of his head was nearly shaved revealing short black pieces of hair and a peculiar shaped skull. His skin was a pale pearly white, all though it had a powdery quality. Almost as if he wore some sort of makeup. He almost always wore dark sunglasses but I had caught him without them once and found that his eyes were almost white. He was a scary sight, but I had to agree with Amelia. He was an amazing wedding planner. I couldn’t figure out why everyone was making a big deal out of our wedding. I mean, didn’t vampires and their soul mates get married all the time?

  Pierre turned me back to the mirror and the beauty reflected back at me shocked me to the core.

  I was stunning. “Wow,” I found myself saying again. I had a feeling I would be saying that word a lot tonight.

  Pierre smirked, self-satisfied.

  “You look amazing,” said Diana.


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