Stumbling Into Him_Romantic Comedy

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Stumbling Into Him_Romantic Comedy Page 3

by Molly O'Hare

  His eyes continued to stay focused on her lips. He was soon rewarded for his ogling. Within less than a minute her little pink tongue snuck out of her mouth to caress her lip.

  Did she not understand what that did to him? Right now, his dick pressed so tightly against the front of his jeans; he was about to explode.

  “Yo, earth to Ben, can you hear me?”

  Jarred out of his thoughts, he looked at her. He felt his cheeks slightly heat. Clearing his throat, he sat straighter in his seat, discreetly tugging on the front of his pants, desperately trying to make more room. “Uh, yeah.”

  Holly raised a brow.

  No pulling the wool over her eyes apparently. “You caught me. I honestly haven’t the faintest idea what you were saying.”

  “Ben, this is serious.” The panic he saw in her eyes, acted like a bucket of cold water being thrown on him. He uncrossed his legs, moving a few inches closer to her. “What’s the issue?” He knew, no matter what was upsetting her, he’d do anything to fix it. It didn’t matter the cost, if it were within his power to fix, he’d fix it. “What can I do?”

  “For the love of all things, you’re weren’t even a quarter listening.”

  “I already said I wasn’t, Grace, now tell me what’s got your panties in a bunch?” The glare she shot him went straight to his crotch. Focus, dumbass.

  “Do you think Waffles and Ripley will be okay at your house? I’ve never left him alone with another dog. What if he thinks Ripley is out to steal some scrap of food that was left on the floor and they fight to the death?” She worried her lip between her teeth. “Ouch.”

  Without questioning his gut reaction, he reached for her lip, pulling it from her mouth. “Careful, Holly. It’s stopped bleeding for now, but you can easily break it open again.” He used the opportunity to caress the sensitive tissue briefly before pulling away. “Ripley is a very well-trained dog, but she’s also a huge couch potato when she’s at home. I can guarantee you right now, she’s sleeping on the couch, probably with her legs in the air.”

  “How can you be sure there isn’t a food scuffle going on at this moment?”

  His heart warmed. Someone this concerned about her dog was an animal lover, he had no doubts about it. Another point for Holly in the “pro” column. She’d be the perfect balance to an animal doctor that devoted his life to saving them. “Ripley is the best vacuum cleaner you will ever find in the city. Every nook and cranny of my house has been well accounted for. I can assure you there will be no food scuffles.”

  “But aren’t you, like, not supposed to leave animals that just met by themselves?”

  “Technically, as a DVM, I would say yes. However, I was watching the way they interacted when we were all together before. There were zero signs of aggression. Not only that, Ripley is a certified therapy dog. If there is a high-stress situation, she defuses it pretty quickly. Or, if she feels the best course of action is to remove herself from the situation, then she will.”

  Holly’s eyes still showed her concern. “You think they’re okay?”

  “I can prove it.”

  Ben pulled out his phone, before opening his home security app.

  He started to laugh. Damn. He should have bet her money. “See, Grace. Exactly like I told you” He handed her the phone. Ripley laid precisely where he said she would be, on her back with all four paws in the air, sleeping away. Waffles on the other hand, though, was trying with all of his might to jump onto the chair in the corner of the room. Unfortunately, for him, his little Corgi legs did not help.

  “My poor baby,” Holly cried.

  Ben looked at the video feed again. Waffles backed up a few feet, then ran with all of his might trying to jump onto the chair. Waffles: Zero. Chair: One, or however many times the poor guy had tried to jump onto the cushion. They watched as once more Waffles went through the motions, however this time, when he jumped his stomach hit the chair causing him to be flipped onto his back.


  “He’s fine,” Ben said, through laughter. “Watch.”

  Waffles gave up his stance on sitting on the chair and moved to the dog bed by the wall.

  “Crisis averted.”

  “For now,” Holly grumbled.

  “Let’s do something to take your mind off everything,” he suggested.

  Holly turned all her attention on him. “Okay, like what?”

  “Tell me about yourself?”

  “There’s not much to tell.”

  “Sure, there is.” Ben once again crossed his legs. “Where do you work, what are your hobbies, have you ever been arrested, do you have a boyfriend?”

  Holly scrutinized him for a second before throwing her head back in laughter. “You are something else, Benjamin.”

  He shuddered with annoyance and disgust. “Don’t call me that. That’s what my mother calls me.”

  She studied him. “Oh, that is definitely something we are going to explore.”

  “Not on your life.”

  “Oh, yes, Benjie. Friends talk to each other, isn’t that what you kept insinuating we are… Friends, that is?”

  “Well, yeah.” However, the last thing he wanted to talk about was his over botoxed, judgmental, bitch of a mother.

  He needed to change the subject and fast. “I see you’re avoiding the questions, is there something your hiding, Holly?” he asked, hopefully diverting her from her course.

  “Nothing to avoid. I work for the public library on Eighth and Johnson, I’ve been employed there for three years now, and I love it. No boyfriend, unless you count Lord Waffles. I love to read, hence working at the library. It’s a dream job for me. I also like to write short stories here and there. I want to try my hands at writing a full novel. But, I really spend most of my free time taking care of my dad. As for being arrested, I plead the fifth.”

  So many questions and images were running through Ben’s head. A fucking librarian? There was no way for her to be more perfect. His heart started to race as fantasies of her being the dirty librarian ran through his head. He’d love to see her hair pulled into a tight bun, maybe some dark-rimmed glasses on her face. Her wearing a black tight pencil skirt with a white blouse. This time he didn’t hold back his groan.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  Through his haze of lust, her other words dawned on him. “Wait, were you arrested?”

  Her face flooded with heat. “Yes and no.”

  He uncrossed his legs before bringing his elbows to his knees leaning closer. “Explain.”

  “There isn’t really a lot to explain. It was all a misunderstanding. Like today, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  “Keep going.”

  “Well, I decided one day I wanted to walk a new route home after work. You know, mix things up a bit. Well, I got a little lost and ended up in some back alley. After a few minutes of walking, I saw some gentlemen leaning against a brick wall.”

  “Oh, Holly, please tell me you didn’t.”

  “I thought they could help me get back on the right path. Before I knew it, I was being thrown against the wall and being told I was under arrest for buying drugs.”

  Ben shifted back into his chair and burst out laughing.

  “Hey it wasn’t my fault, and as soon as everything calmed down, I was released.”

  “You really are something else,” Ben said. “Okay, so a felon you ain’t. You said you take care of your dad during your free time, does he live close.”

  Holly’s face lit. Clearly, the mention of her dad brought a youthful joy to her. He couldn’t help the slight chuckle that escaped him when she smiled showing her teeth. The chipped tooth in the front was ever present.

  “Yes, he only lives a few miles from me. I’ve been trying to get him to move in with me, but he swears he’s still able bodied enough to live on his own. I don’t agree, but it’s like beating a dead horse. Eventually, he’ll get the picture.”

  “Why do you want him to move in with you? If h
e’s able to live on his own, I don’t see a problem with it.”

  Once again, she worried her lip. “No, I understand what you’re saying, and he’s still for the most part independent. It’s just after he got hurt and couldn’t go back to work, things took a turn for the worse. See, it’s just him and me. We’re all we’ve got in this world after my mom died when I was five.”

  He blindly reached for her hand, giving it a light squeeze. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Don’t be. We do just fine on our own. Most of my free time I spend helping him do things around the house that he can’t do anymore. I always make sure his pantries are stocked, and he has everything he needs until I can get back over to him.”

  “You sound like a good daughter.”

  “He’s my dad. I’d do anything for him.” Pain slashed through Ben’s heart. He knew the feeling.

  “Now that you know my sad life story, why don’t you tell me all about you and why you apparently hate the name, Benjamin?” Holly adjusted herself on her seat once again, smiling showing off her chipped tooth. That little shit!

  As Ben opened his mouth to speak, one of the dental technicians came into the waiting room. “Holly Flanagan.”

  “Oh, boo.” He jutted out his bottom lip. “I guess story time is over.”

  He loved when she turned toward him giving him a dirty look. “I’ll be back,” she grumbled.

  * * *

  After over an hour with the dentist, John, as he liked to be called, Holly’s tooth was as good as new. Well, for the most part. The dentist was able to fix the chipped part with a composite. Although, he did warn her she needed to be careful with her tooth from now on. The fact there now was some damage apparently might weaken the tooth and could cause a crack. If that were the case, she might need to get her whole tooth fixed. Thankfully, that wasn’t anywhere on the horizon for her.

  She walked into the reception area and saw Ben stand and make his way towards her. “How’d it go?” he asked.

  “Not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Like you said, he didn’t see any cracks, and he was able to replace the chipped part with composite.”

  “That’s great.” Ben’s face brightened. “Did he say anything else? John’s been known to never shut up. He has his hands in your mouth, and he’d asked you questions like you could actually answer him.”

  A laugh escaped her. That was exactly what John had done. He’d be asking questions about everything and anything, and when she would try and answer, he’d tell her to keep her mouth open while he worked. “Not really, he only said I need to be careful about how I bite.”

  “Makes sense.”

  Holly leaned over the receptionist counter. “How much do I owe you?”

  The lady behind the desk started typing on her computer. “Let’s see.” After thirty seconds she looked at Holly. “The total will be $698.98.”

  She blanched. What the hell? How could fixing a small chipped tooth cost that much? “Umm, can I ask why it’s so expensive? I gave you my dental card when I came in.”

  The lady typed more. “Everything done today was considered cosmetic work and your insurance doesn’t cover that.”

  “Oh.” Holly felt her heart sink. How was she going to pay for this? As of right now, if she paid this bill, she’d have all of five dollars left to her name. How could that last a full two weeks until she got paid again? And, what about her Dad? Every spare dime she had, she put towards his medical bills that were piling up. Great, why does this crap always happen to me? Why can’t I catch a break?

  She quickly tried to do some calculations. She went shopping two days ago. If she split all of her meals into three servings, she should be able to make it. Then she remembered her Dad’s recent late notices. She’d been trying to work out a payment plan with the medical billing department, but they weren’t willing to help.

  She was toying with the idea of getting an additional part-time job to help pay his bills. Maybe this was the gentle push she needed.

  Shoving all those thoughts out of her way, she took a deep breath. She had no other choice here. The work had already been completed on her tooth. She reached into her purse to seek out her card.

  “Put it on here.” Ben’s voice shocked her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” He was about to give his card to the lady when Holly stopped him. “I’m paying your bill.”

  “What do you mean you’re paying my bill?” Holly protested.

  “Exactly that. It was my mistake not watching where the Frisbee was headed. I should be the one to pay for this.” Ben tried to hand the receptionist his card again.

  “I don’t care about that. I can pay my own way.”

  “I never said you couldn’t.”

  “I’m not letting you pay for this, Ben. Plus, it’s far too expensive.” Which was true.

  “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “What is all this commotion out here?” John, the lovely and sadistic dentist she’d just had the pleasure of meeting asked walking into the room. “Ben, what the hell is going on? You causing trouble?”

  “We’re having a lover’s quarrel on who’s gonna pay.”

  A lover’s quarrel? I’ll kill him.

  John’s eyes widened for a brief second, before pure glee clouded his face. “Ms. Flanagan-“

  “Holly,” she corrected just as she had every other time he tried calling her Ms. Flanagan.

  “Fine, Holly. Trust me when I say this, let Ben fit the bill.”

  “Exactly,” Ben agreed.


  “He can afford it,” John said.

  “Yeah, well so can I,” she countered. Well sorta.

  “No, he really can afford it. Plus, he needs to put his money to good use, like my practice.”

  “You know, you could just comp the dental work,” Ben remarked.

  “And lose out on watching this, what did you call it, a lover’s quarrel?”

  “No one is comping anything.” Holly turned towards the receptionist and handed over her card. “Here.”

  Ben reached his hand out yanking the card away. “Nope.” He shifted his body so he was now completely facing Holly. “I’m paying for this. End of story.” He held his hands up in surrender. “How about you can buy me dinner to make up for it?”

  Holly clenched her fists at her sides. This was getting her nowhere. You know what, if he wanted to pay, then fine. When she took him to dinner, it would be the most expensive restaurant she could find… well, within her budget of course. “Fine. But, we’re getting steaks.”

  “You know the exact words to make my heart flutter,” he said before placing his hand on his head to fake swoon.

  Yup, she thought. But, I’m gonna find a way to make that steak have poison on it.

  “Told you, Holly, the Richman’s always get their way,” John said.

  “And we always will.”

  “Remind me to tell that to your mother the next time she comes in and starts bitching about how you refuse to give up the silly animal job and work for the family business.”

  Ben paled.

  Then recognition dawned on Holly. Richman? As in Richman Industries. She felt her stomach bottom out. Holy Fuck.

  Her eyes widened. “You’re a Richman.”

  Chapter Five

  Holly walked as fast as she could along the city street. Right now, her primary goal entailed getting as far away from a Richman as possible. Doing her best not to trip on any invisible cracks she quickened her pace. Her unlucky streak struck once again. Of course, it’d be her he’d accidentally hit with the Frisbee.

  Universe, why do you hate me?

  She felt tears well in her eyes. Of all the people she could’ve made a fool out of herself in front of, it had to be one of the most influential people in the whole state.

  Freakin’ Richman Industries.

  She blanched.

  Good going, Holly.

  “Grace, why are you running away?” She heard from behind her.

  Because, I’m an idiot.

  Within a few seconds, Ben was by her side. “Seriously, what’s got you running like your ass is on fire? You do know John wouldn’t have charged you right? He only did it because he’s a good friend of mine and he knew I was going to pay.” He laughed. “Plus, I don’t think running down the street’s a wise move for someone who’s so…” He paused for a moment. “Shall I say accident-prone?”

  Holly came to an abrupt halt and scowled at him. “It’s not nice to make fun of people.”

  “I’m not making fun of you, Holly, I’m merely stating a fact.” He placed one of his hands in the pocket of his jeans. “Now, explain to me why you took off out of the office like a bat out of hell?”

  “I did not,” she protested crossing her arms over her chest.

  Ben cocked his brow.

  “Fine. I felt foolish, okay?” Her eyes instantly fell to the ground as her face flushed.


  She looked towards him. “Uh, I don’t know; maybe it has something to do with making myself look like a, how did you put it? Oh yeah, an accident-prone loser in front of someone who could be the most powerful man in the whole state.” She huffed. Great, now you’ve just word vomited all over the man.

  Ben’s face contorted. “I never once called you a loser.”


  He quirked his head to the side. “No. It’s not. I never and would never call you a loser, Holly. Sure, I might joke around with you, but I’d never say anything like that. I don’t think you’re a loser at all. Actually, I like all your qualities.” His eyes darkened. “A lot.”

  She gave him the once-over. “Sure.”


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