Caught - A Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Caught - A Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 16

by Piper Phoenix

  If it wouldn’t have been totally embarrassing, I think I would have started running just to get away from them. I sucked in air and forced myself to keep my head held high as I walked down the driveway and turned down the sidewalk away from my house .

  The second I was three houses away, I heard that familiar noise. The revving of Troy’s engine. Had he just been sitting down the road waiting ?

  He sped towards me, driving wildly, until he stopped his truck on the curb several feet away. Troy jumped out of the truck before I could run away .

  I felt cornered. It was almost as if he had blocked me in with his truck .

  “Go away, Troy!” I shouted and put my hands up as if I was ready to block either his hands or his words .

  “I just want to talk,” he said as he stomped towards me. I could tell he had been drinking again. “Come with me. I want you back .”

  “No! I won’t talk to you and I sure as hell won’t go with you!” I turned up my nose at him, “Drunk again ?”

  He smiled and leaned towards the truck but misjudged where he was and stumbled. “See you still worry about me. Come on let’s just talk .”

  Troy reached out towards me and I backed away. I kept moving backwards until I hit something. It felt like a wall, but there shouldn’t have been a wall. I knew this neighborhood like the back of my hand. Whatever was behind me was grabbing my arms and pushing me towards the truck .

  “Stop! No!” I said realizing someone had me. Troy was smiling. I screamed, hoping someone would hear me, “No, oh God! Help !”

  Before I knew I was inside the truck, sitting between Troy and Troy’s gross friend Wade. Troy shifted the truck into drive and drove down the road while Wade held on to me .

  “Let go of me!” I said wiggling to get away .

  “She’s feisty,” Wade said with a quick laugh .

  Troy almost hit a car when he turned to look at me, “You can say that again .”

  “Where are you guys taking me?” I said trying to turn around to see if my dad was coming after me, and when he wasn’t there, I almost lost it .

  “Home,” Troy said with a hard nod .

  I almost felt relieved. My parents knew where Troy lived. When I didn’t come back that would be the first place they’d look. As long as nothing bad happened until then, I’d probably be OK. But Troy was drunk. I just had to make sure I didn’t piss him off although that could happen even if I didn’t say anything at all .

  “Our new home that is,” he said with a weird high-pitched laugh .

  “What the fuck are you talking about ?”

  “I moved out of the old place… got an apartment. Affordable,” Troy said swerving to avoid another parked car .

  My dad would have no idea where I was. Maybe after some detective work or asking around, he’d be able to track Troy down but that could take hours maybe even days if people wouldn’t cooperate .

  I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. But then I heard them. I heard the motorcycles .

  “Shit,” Troy shouted and hit the steering wheel .

  “Gun it, man,” Wade said looking in the side mirror. And Troy floored the pickup truck .

  The truck was going so fast and weaving around the road I thought for sure he’d hit something, or eventually roll the truck killing us all. As long as I could hear the MC on their bikes behind me I had hope .

  The rumble of one of the bikes increased, and I looked out the driver’s side window. Pike was indicating that Troy should pull over, but Troy just shook his head and sped up .

  Pike matched his speed and this time when he motioned for Troy to pull over he used a pistol to point. Troy growled, “They won’t shoot with her in the car .”

  “You sure about that?” Wade asked as his head jerked around in all directions .

  They must have called for reinforcements because two more of the MC pulled out from a side road and zipped in front of Troy. I grabbed the seat worried Troy would just plow them over if he had to. The MC didn’t know he was wasted .

  “Pull over, man,” Wade said holding on to the door as if he’d jump out of the moving truck if he had to. “Just let her out .”

  Troy sped up, but when the MC held their spots, he let off the accelerator. Troy slammed the steering wheel, “Fuck !”

  He pulled over and locked his door. I pushed at Wade trying to get him to move so I could get out .

  Pike knocked on the driver side window with his gun, “Let her out .”

  Wade fumbled with the door handle and eventually got it open. He stepped out and held his arms up, “Don’t shoot! Troy made me do it !”

  I pushed past him and started running away. Someone stepped out from behind the truck and caught me. I almost screamed but when I saw the familiar cut, I stopped myself .

  “Are you hurt?” Stone said looking down at me. I shook my head. Other than being freaked out, I was fine. “Did he touch you ?”

  “The just put me in the truck,” I said looking into Stone’s serious eyes .

  “Take her home,” Pike shouted over the bed of the pickup truck. “We’ve got this .”

  Stone nodded and handed me his helmet. He smirked, “Guess I have to follow orders .”

  “You’re the VP you do the ordering,” I said trying to smile back at him but failing. I was just too shaken up .

  “This is the way I would have wanted it. Come on… let’s get you home.” He sat on his bike and started it up and shouted over its roar, “You sure they didn’t hurt you ?”

  “I’m not hurt,” I answered. It was almost as if he was looking for a reason to do something to Troy so that nothing like this would ever happen again. I had to hope whatever they were going to do would be enough .

  He drove me home and parked in the driveway. I climbed off the bike while he stayed firmly in place .

  “Thanks for the ride. Don’t tell my dad,” I said handing him his helmet back .

  “I won’t. But they will… he should know,” Stone said as he put his helmet on. “Go inside .”

  I turned around and walked to the house. He didn’t drive away until the door closed behind me. When I got inside, I looked around half expecting my mom to pop out of some random location and ask where I’d been but she didn’t .

  For awhile I just stood there close to the locked front door. I wasn’t sure where to go or what to do. When I had been able to move my feet again, I walked slowly to the office as if I expected someone to jump out at me .

  The office was exactly the same as I had left it. No one had been in the office. There were no closets or other places to hide. The only way in the room was through the one door. For some reason I just felt safe being able to see the only way into the room and the clubhouse out back .

  I pulled out my papers and opened my spreadsheet and started to work. My mind wandered to what Troy and Wade would have done, then it would wander to Stone and the others coming to my rescue .

  The house was so quiet. My mom and dad must have been out somewhere. For all I knew they were gone for the rest of the day. I thought about going through the house to check all the locks. But surely after the last incident the house had been secured .

  After several hours of working my mind had been cleared of all of the what ifs and I was ready to call it a day. I put everything back into the desk drawer and locked it up. Then I locked the computer just as I had been instructed to. My dad told me there were only two people that knew the password to get into the computer, and I was one of them. He claimed he hadn’t even told my mom, but I didn’t know if I believed him. I was pretty sure there were no secrets between them .

  I stood up to leave the room when I heard the back door open and close. Either my parents were back, or someone who shouldn’t be in the house had gotten inside .

  Why hadn’t I checked the locks? I wanted to scream, but would anyone even hear me ?


  Chapter 11

  M Y breath caught in my throat and my heart started to race. I looked aro
und for something I could use as a weapon, but the only thing in the room I could think of was the chair in front of the desk .

  I moved around the desk and lifted the chair up. The chair that would do nothing against a gun. Did Troy even own a guy? Oh God, would he do that ?

  I got ready to swing the chair as the footsteps neared the office. Oh shit, shit, shit! He broke in again, and this time he’d get me. It wasn’t like he was going to even bother trying to play nice after what happened last time. He was just going to kill me .

  “Oh shit, sweetheart,” Stone said putting his hands up as he took a step back. I gasped and then took a deep breath when I realized it was just Stone and not Troy coming to kill me .

  I put the chair down and placed my hand over my heart, trying to massage it back to a normal rhythm. He stared at me with an unreadable expression .

  “You almost killed me Stone!” I said not bothering to even try to hide how frightened I had been, even though my heart had only stopped beating for a few seconds. “And more importantly, you aren’t supposed to be in here are you ?”

  “I was just coming to see if you were in the office. I wanted to tell you Troy won’t be bothering you any more .”

  “Is he dead?” I whispered, placing my hand over my mouth once the words were out .

  “No, but he doesn’t like in Greenwood Pass anymore,” Stone said with a big smile. “Packed up all his things like that. On the back of his truck. Funny how that worked out .”

  I puffed out air, “He can just drive back .”

  “He won’t,” Stone said sounding confident. I didn’t bother to ask questions. I probably didn’t want to know the answer to how he could be so sure .

  He stood there staring at me with his crystal blue eyes. They were usually so bright but they were a little darker than usual. I couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong. Maybe something had happened to Stretch. Or my dad. Maybe my dad had somehow gotten involved in the Troy thing. When he noticed me staring at him he tilted his head towards his feet .

  “Stone?” I said narrowing my eyes. When he didn’t look at me or acknowledge me, I went into panic mode. “Oh my God, it’s my dad… something happened to my dad! Is he OK? Just tell me what happened. How did he get involved ?”

  When he didn’t respond I charged at him. I grabbed his leather cut and yanked on it, begging him with my eyes to tell me what was going on. He placed his hands on top of mine and looked into my eyes .

  “Your dad is fine, sweetheart,” he said in a deep, rough voice .

  “Then what is it ?”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, it’s you Josie!” he said gripping my shoulders lightly but angrily. He seemed mad, but then he quickly pulled me into his hard body. “I can’t get you out of my fucking head. That’s what’s wrong !”

  I looked into his now softer eyes. That was when I probably should have walked away. I should have reminded him he wasn’t supposed to be in the house, because what I was about to do, there wouldn’t be any turning back from .

  I got on my tip-toes and kissed him on the lips. My lips pressed into his hard and passionately. At first he held still, and I knew he was running through all the reasons in his head why he should stop things, but then he tilted his head and started kissing me back, matching my desire .

  Our mouths pressed together with a need so powerful it almost hurt. We craved each other. It felt as though I was starving and the only thing I needed to fill me was him .

  “I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but I can’t fight it anymore,” Stone said in a quick breath before his warm, wet tongue darted into my mouth. “I need you again… I need you now, and if you say no, I’ll go crazy.” He kissed my neck and grabbed my breast, “And if you say yes, I think I’ll fucking go crazy .”

  I moaned, and he moved me backwards with his hips until I was up against my dad’s desk. He lifted me up and set me down on the desktop pushing his way between my legs. I didn’t say yes with actual words, but I was pretty sure he knew my answer .

  There was no use fighting it. It was too late to turn back now. The last thing I wanted to happen, had already happened. Somehow, I had fallen for a member of my dad’s biker club. I had it bad for the vice president of the Brother’s Rebellion .

  I watched my fingertip as I glided it over all the patches on his cut. Without looking I knew his eyes were watching me .

  He stepped away, and I almost gasped at the sudden movement. I didn’t want him to go away from me, not now that I’ve decided to be with him. Stone was barely five feet away, and all I wanted was for him to come back to me. He made me feel safe and warm and wet .

  Stone put his hand on the doorknob and paused for just a split second as if he was the one making a choice, but for him the choice had been easy. He turned the lock into place with a click and was back to pressing his solid body into mine before I could even moan… “Ohh Stone .”

  Stone pulled my shirt off so roughly, I thought I’d heard it rip. His big hands were cupping my breast while his mouth explored the side of my neck .

  I shivered and arched my back as I pressed my wetness into him. I could feel his thickness pressing against his tight jeans begging to be let free .

  “Take of your clothes,” he ordered, and I quickly obeyed. I thought he was going to take me on the desk but he didn’t. It wasn’t like I cared where it happened as long as it happened .

  I stood there in front of him completely naked. He looked me up and down before he lifted me off of the ground and spun me around pushing my back into the wall. I gasped and looked up at sexy grinning face .

  The rough movements caused the only picture on the wall to rattle back and forth but I didn’t care. I put my fingers into his hair and pulled his mouth towards mine. Our tongues danced together as if perfectly choreographed. I could feel I was beyond ready for him .

  He thrust his jean-covered hardness into me, “I want you and on damn, darlin’ I can feel you want me too. Tell me you want me .”

  I opened my mouth, but the words got stuck in my throat. There wasn’t anything I wanted more than him. He was the key to my lock .

  “Tell me, baby,” Stone said dragging his fingertip down the side of my neck as he pressed himself against me again. Harder .

  “Oh God I want you,” I said softly. I closed my eyes, and reached down between his legs, “I want you right now .”

  “What do you want me to do to you, baby ?”

  “Fuck me. Fuck me right here… right now!” I cried out forgetting where I was .

  He smiled his sexiest smile and nodded as if he had heard exactly what he wanted to hear. Stone was going to give me exactly what I had asked for. And we were both going to enjoy every minute of it .

  Stone unzipped his pants and let them drop down to his ankles. He held up my weight as slipped his length inside of me. I tilted my head back and hit it into the wall. Instead of feeling the pain, all I could feel was the pleasure of him thrusting deep inside me .

  “Stone,” I moaned as he grinded his cock against my most sensitive nerve endings .

  “You like that, baby, don’t you?” he asked tilting my face so my eyes would meet his. “How does that feel inside you? I tell you how it feels… it feels fucking amazing, that’s how .”

  “Oh Stone! Oh.. Oh my God,” I said as he rolled my nipple between his fingers .

  “You feel so perfect to me.” He pressed into me hard before easing himself back out. Stone grabbed and pulled at my ass as he filled me completely .

  As he pounded his cock into me it felt as though I was being pumped up towards the clouds. My mind was being emptied of everything except for how good I felt. Having Stone inside me was so intoxicating that the only thing I cared about was being with him. Nothing else mattered .

  Every ounce of my being was being teased and pleased by the last person it should have been. But it was too late to do anything about it. We’d fully and knowingly crossed the line. Even if I could have stopped things I wouldn�
�t have .

  I twirled my fingers into his hair and let them slide down his back. My fingers dipped into every muscle groove. I loved feeling his muscles contracting and relaxing with his thrusts .

  “Oh baby, you are so fucking hot,” Stone said, slowing his movements. It was as if he was trying to calm his body .

  “Oh God, no! Don’t stop! Make me come, Stone… I’m going to come!” I said feeling dizzy with arousal .

  “Oh baby you’re ready to come? You want me to make you come ?”

  “Please, yes please!” I begged. His slow relaxed movements felt like torture .

  “Come sweetheart, come for me,” he said in a soft voice as he hammered his cock into me deeper and harder and quicker. I was being plowed towards the edge. It was insane how I wanted our fucking to last forever but at the same time I couldn’t wait to be overcome by my orgasm .

  “Oh fuck… oh God!” I cried out as he grabbed my breast and sent me over the edge. My orgasm rippled and then crashed around me like a tidal wave .

  “Mmmm,” he moaned, I could feel his eyes on me. The second I started coming down from my orgasmic high, he released his own orgasm. This time, I watched him as he rolled his hips around and grunted. I twisted my fingers in his hair lightly pulling as he slowed his movements .

  “That was so fucking hot. I don’t know what you’ve done to me,” he said sounding angry, but he was grinning his sexiest smile. The one that made me want him all over again .

  “Shit!” I said looking around the room realizing we were in my dad’s office. “He’s going to kill me, make you watch, and then kill you. Shit, shit, shit !”

  Stone carefully lowered me to the ground. I stood there naked watching his he pulled up his pants. As he buttoned his jeans, I grabbed his cut and looked at his VP patch. I wondered what my dad would do to him. Would he strip away the patch? Would that be worse than killing him ?


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