Caught - A Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Caught - A Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 17

by Piper Phoenix

  He looked at me and bit his knuckle. “I gotta get outta here babe before I take you again,” he said as he lightly trailed his finger down my naked breast and over my nipple. The sensation caused the skin to pucker and my eyes closed as if my lids had suddenly become too heavy for me to hold up. All it took from Stone was one simple touch. Just one touch was all it took to put me there .

  “Oh, Stone,” I said pushing my eyelids open .

  “I got work, sweetheart. The guys are probably already wondering where I’ve been,” Stone said as he placed a kiss in the middle of my forehead. “Get dressed .”

  I gathered my clothes and dressed while he kept his hand on the doorknob. He waited until I was fully dressed before opening the door .

  Before he disappeared from sight, he did a quick point-wave hand gesture and smiled. I sighed and couldn’t stop the warmth that found their way to my cheeks .

  I walked towards the door to close it behind him and I looked out to watch him walk away but he was already gone. As I turned to go back inside the office, something caught my eye .

  I turned back and noticed one of the club members standing there. James? Darryl? I couldn’t remember his name .

  He was leaning against the wall, probably where my dad would have barked at him for standing. But he was smiling at me. Had he seen Stone leaving the office? What had he heard? My stomach turned, and I closed the door .


  Chapter 12

  I couldn’t eat dinner. That night I stayed in my room avoiding my dad. I wasn’t sure if the club member who’s name I couldn’t remember would have told my dad about Stone leaving the office .

  If he heard us, maybe he would have told my dad about that too. My dad didn’t want the club members in the house, so maybe the guy who’d been inside wouldn’t say anything because he would have gotten into trouble for being in the house. Although it would be nothing to what Stone would face .

  I didn’t even know what I would say if my dad confronted me. Of course I could lie and say he came in looking for a phone number, a file or maybe he was just looking for my dad. But then if he had already talked to Stone and my information didn’t match his… well that wouldn’t be good. And if the club member had told him what he’d heard, that would change things completely. There would be no explaining my cries of pleasure .

  This is what happens when you get involved with the club. Bad things happen. First Stone was shot, then Stretch had been kidnapped and then I fucked the VP .

  I was out of my mind. What had I been thinking? I knew better than to get myself into this mess. Yet here I was .

  Sure it had been amazing. Let’s face it, the best sex I’d ever had and thinking about it right now, even with all the trouble I was going to be in, I still wanted to be with him again. And after that again. I was pretty sure I could never have enough .

  I looked out the window towards the clubhouse and let my fingers gently glide down over my shirt. My nipples were already hard before I had even touched them. But it wasn’t like Stone was going to waltz past my dad, the club president, and come into my room to help me relieve the pressure that was building inside me. God, I needed him so bad .

  It would be night soon. I could sneak out… drive over to Stone’s place, but maybe he wasn’t even there. In fact, I knew he wouldn’t be there because at that moment I saw him walk out of the clubhouse with the member who’s name I couldn’t remember .

  At first I was worried, but they were both laughing and smiling. Stone put his arm around the other guy’s shoulder, giving him a half-hug, and then pushed him away .

  Maybe since they were buddies, the other guy wouldn’t rat on Stone because if he did that would make him a rat. And while you wanted to be in the president’s favor, you definitely didn’t want to be a rat. Maybe there was hope left and my dad wouldn’t charge into my room any second and pummel me for doing something so stupid .

  Stone leaned up against the side of the clubhouse and lit up a cigarette. He exhaled a big cloud of smoke and looked around the area, almost as if he expected someone to pull up and start shooting. Was he always on edge? Perhaps he was always prepared for something to go wrong? Or maybe he just always looked like that .

  I softly moaned as I slid my hand up my shirt and caressed my nipple. My wetness increased as I imagined Stone climbing into my window and running his hands all over my body before he threw me onto the bed .

  I leaned my head against the window frame and closed my eyes. My mind wandered and if I focused it actually felt as though his hand was sliding down the front of my pants .

  I dipped my finger inside myself and parted my lips. I wanted to cry out his name as I stroked my wetness. If only he could be here with me .

  I rubbed and flicked and grinded against my fingers as if they were his, and I drove myself closer to the edge. My eyelids slowly raised up hoping he’d still be out there. I wanted to see his sexy lips and imagine pressed against my mouth, my skin… my breast. I wanted to see his rock hard body covered by his black leather cut. He was so hot that I knew one look would throw me over the edge .

  When I saw him still standing there, I hadn’t expected he would be watching me through the window. At first I wasn’t sure if he had seen me, or if he just happened to be looking towards the house. But when he reached down and adjusted himself, lingering longer than he should, I knew he was watching me .

  I pretended I hadn’t noticed him and stopped so I could remove my shirt. He was still watching, so I squeezed my breasts together as I pinched and pulled at my nipples. My breathing became heavy, and I felt that same intoxicated feeling I had when I was with Stone .

  I licked my lips and turned around. I seductively bent over as I slowly wiggled out of my pants. Even though I couldn’t see his reaction I was sure he’d like the view. I reached behind me and stroked myself for him .

  Everything about this was so hot, even though he wasn’t there with me. Of course it would have been a million times better if he had been. I turned around so I could watch him as I brought myself to orgasm .

  I would have loved to tease him until he couldn’t stand it and to find a way to get to me, but I couldn’t hold out any longer. My fingers gripped the window frame and finger fucked myself until I had to release .

  My breath was ragged and heavy. I parted my lips as a mouthed his name. It felt like a surge of electricity jolting through my entire body. I rolled my hips wildly as the intensity of my climax rose and then gently fell with each gasping breath .

  When I finished I didn’t know what to do. I smiled and closed the window shade even though I didn’t know if he was still standing there. For all I knew the whole gang was standing out there watching the show .

  I put my clothes back on and opened my laptop, but I couldn’t concentrate on anything. The world still seemed to be spinning, so I decided to go get a drink of water. Hopefully, my parents wouldn’t be in the kitchen and my dad wouldn’t be standing there ready to confront me with what he’d heard. If my dad had heard, Stone would probably be in pieces by now. So, I almost had to assume I was safe .

  I stopped in the hallway when I’d heard my dad’s voice. He had finished saying something, and the room was filled with an eerie silence .


  Maybe he had found out. This was going to be bad. Probably even worse than I could have imagined. Oh dear God. I didn’t really believe he’d kill me, but I wasn’t exactly sure what he’d do to Stone .

  If he asked me I’d just tell the truth. It hadn’t been Stone’s fault. I’d just say how I felt and that I was a grown woman and …

  “I don’t fucking know what to do,” my dad said pounding his fist against the kitchen table. He was angry that was clear .

  “Take it easy on the table, Terry,” my mom warned softly. “Who’s got him ?”

  “The Henchmen,” a voice I didn’t know answered .

  “Oh, The fucking Wild fucking Henchmen,” my mom said and I could tell she was bobbing her head
as she spoke. She probably had a hand on her hip with a cigarette between her fingers too. “What do they want ?”

  “More than we have,” my dad answered with a growl .

  “Maybe we should charge them, pres… take ‘em down like the rat bastards they are,” Pike said sounding as though he was ready to go at that very moment .

  I moved to the side so I could see them sitting at the table. My mom was pacing off to the side and Pike was leaning forward with his palms pressed against the edge of the table .

  “That’s what they fucking want us to do. The bastards are sitting around waiting with their guns drawn waiting for us. What that Dick-wad probably wants is me,” my dad said pushing his finger into the table. “We gotta be smart about this .”

  I heard the back door. Someone was walking through the kitchen… I could hear the footsteps but I couldn’t see who it was. One of the table chairs squeaked against the floor noisily as my dad kicked it out with his foot .

  “Sorry I’m late, pres,” Stone said as he pulled a cigarette out of his pack and tapped it against the tabletop .

  “Where the fuck have you been?” my dad said raising his voice with each word .

  “Was tied up. I’m fucking here now… what’s up?” he said and I heard the little click of a lighter. Stone was sitting just out of view and if I moved any more, they’d all see me standing there eavesdropping on them .

  “Put that out. This is my wife’s beautiful home… show some respect,” my dad said his voice normal but sounding like a total asshole .

  “Sorry,” Stone said, and I was pretty sure he was addressing my mom .

  “It’s fine dear, smoke if you want to,” she said and my dad nodded. I heard the click of the lighter again .

  “I’ll say it a-fucking-gain,” Stone said and I could tell he wasn’t happy about feeling like he was out of the loop. He had been too busy watching me in the window that he didn’t even know what this little get together was even about .

  I knew whatever it was had to be big considering it was only a few members of the club. It wasn’t an official meeting. These were the most trust men, and he was letting them into his home to update them on the Stretch situation .

  “I found out what the fucking Henchmen want in return for Stretch,” Pike said nodding in Stone’s direction .

  “And,” Stone growled sounding pissed off without even hearing what it was. No one said anything for a few minutes and then Stone asked again. “How much do they want ?”

  It was quiet for a minute and then my dad answered quietly, “A mil .”

  “A mil? We ain’t got that kind of cash just lying around!” Stone shouted even though everyone in the kitchen and I knew the Brother’s didn’t have that kind of money anywhere .

  I’d been doing their books for a short time and even I knew they didn’t have that kind of money. Yes, my dad and mom had a great house, but it wasn’t anywhere near a million dollar house. And the club? No. Nowhere near a million dollars. I didn’t know anyone who had that kind of money, or even access to that kind of money .

  “Alright, alright, alright,” Stone said waving his hands in the air. It was as though he was trying to quiet a loud crowd, but no one at the table was being loud except for him. Well, and my dad. “Since we can’t do that, we have to come up with what we can do. We have to find out where they are holding him — ”

  “Pike already suggested that when you were off getting your dick sucked,” my dad said angrily. He leaned towards him, “You really want to get shot again ?”

  “Sorry pres, we gotta do it. It’s the only way. It’s my fault they have him. If I find out where he is, I’m going with or with you any of you all .”


  Chapter 13

  I listened to them go back and forth for a while about what they should do. Stone declaring more than once if he finds out where Stretch he’s going for him. And he won’t come back until he finds him. Then my dad would tell him if he goes, he won’t be coming back at all unless it’s in a body bag. The Henchmen weren’t going to just let him waltz in and take Stretch .

  My dad was right, but Stone wasn’t hearing him. He was determined to do whatever it took to get Stretch back. I could tell he blamed himself for whatever had happened .

  If they went in, guns blazing, they’d all get killed. My dad said that was exactly what The Henchman wanted. They were at war and they wanted back in the city. The Wild Henchmen wanted to retaliate for when the Brother’s took claim to the city .

  It used to be an even split until The Henchmen were forced out by the local PD and I’m pretty sure my dad was behind whatever happened. I never heard the full story and probably never would, but whatever happened led to the Brother’s being in control of the whole city .

  The Wild Henchmen didn’t just want their territory back, they wanted the Brother’s territory too. Of course, no one knew this for sure it was just what my dad speculated as to one of the possibilities .

  Once the Brother’s Rebellion were vanquished The Henchmen could just come back into town and take over. Taking down as many of the Brother’s as they could would make it easy. They didn’t have any qualms about pulling out their guns if the Brother’s stepped onto their property .

  If they all charged in, I would lose both my dad and Stone. My mom would be lost and heartbroken without my dad. I couldn’t say anything but I wanted to beg Stone to rethink things. But I knew he wasn’t about to sit back and wait for a miracle either .

  I had to do something. If I didn’t Stone would do something stupid. He’d only been shot at a few days ago and was already looking for more trouble .

  I quietly slipped back to my room. The door made a small click as I locked it behind me. I started pacing as I tried to think up a plan. A plan that would result in getting Stretch back and where no one got killed .

  But the only way that could happen was if the Brother’s could come up with a million dollars. My dad didn’t have access to that kind of money and I was pretty sure he didn’t know anyone that did either .

  There had to be something I could do. And whatever it was I had to do it fast before Stone put himself in front of all The Henchmen’s guns. He survived one bullet but he wouldn’t survive ten… twenty… or more .

  I had to get to Stretch, but how could I do that without getting killed myself? Maybe I couldn’t get The Henchmen their money, but maybe I could make them think that I had .

  Then it hit me. I came up with a plan… and I was pretty sure I’d be able to pull it off. At least temporarily. It would at least buy the Brother’s some time and hopefully I’d get Stretch back .

  * * *

  T he next day after everyone had left the house, I went into the office as usual only this time I had my rolling suitcase with me. I opened the graphic program on my dad’s computer and quickly designed the best replica of a one hundred-dollar bill I could .

  It was fairly decent, but I didn’t have the skill or time to print on the backside. I wouldn’t be able to get the security strip inside of it either. It would be obvious it was counterfeit but hopefully I wouldn’t be there when they realized .

  After several tries at breaking into my dad’s safe I figured it out the code. It was my birthdate. I tilted my head, “Aww, dad !”

  I started taking out stacks of money. There had far more money that I had imagined there would be. The more I had to work with the better my chances were at actually pulling this off .

  I checked to make sure the door was locked before I laid out all the money on the floor. I was going to have to break up the stacks for this to work .

  First, I’d put a layer of the real money at the top of the suitcase and then a few bills on each of the counterfeit stacks. I’d also have to pack them neatly and tightly, which I could do but was going to take time since I was working alone .

  I didn’t bother to count how much of the real money there was, but there couldn’t have been more than ten thousand. This was probably all the money th
e Brother’s had to their name. And I was taking it. They were going to hate me, even if I got Stretch back .

  I remembered the gun that was in my dad’s desk drawer and took it out. It would be better to have it with me even though I hoped I wouldn’t have to use it .

  I started taking papers out of the printer and using the paper-cutter to cut them to size. They didn’t look great at first but I got better they more of them I trimmed. I put the worst stacks towards the bottom of the suitcase and started filling it up .

  I zipped the case closed and sighed. The whole project had taken me most of the day. I had to hope that Stone hadn’t done anything crazy in the meantime .

  The thought to call him crossed my mind, but I still had to hunt down a phone number for the president of The Wild Henchmen and make my offer. I’d bring him the mil, and he’d give me Stretch .

  It didn’t take me long to track down a number for The Wild Henchmen. In fact, it had been far easier than I had anticipated because they had made a website. Thanks Henchmen. I was almost tempted to check to see if they had a Facebook page but I didn’t have time .

  I took a deep breath and picked up the phone on my dad’s desk. My cell phone rang just as I was about to punch in the numbers. It startled me and my body shook causing me to drop the desk phone. It landed on the desk and spun in a half circle before the cord yanked it away slightly. I grabbed my cell and swiped to answer. My heart was skipping beats. I pushed the chair back as if that would somehow get me more oxygen, so that I could calm down .

  “Yes?” I said sounding both anxious and pissed off. I tried to steady my breathing .

  “Josie?” Stone said, not sounding friendly. This was not a social call .

  “Yes? What is it ?”

  “Where is your old man at? I’ve been trying to find him all morning .”


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