A Husband by New Year's

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A Husband by New Year's Page 10

by Sean D. Young

  On another note, I will say that Patrick helped me put things in perspective when it comes to Julia. His compassionate tone and concern for my feelings touched me. He also knows French cuisine very well. I’m a bit embarrassed for pulling out my credit card. But he fixed me good by straight up ignoring me. I’ll never do that again, but hey, a girl needs to know. I’m just saying. (LOL)

  When I’m around him I smile more, laugh often, and look forward to talking to him on the phone. Patrick was very sweet and the kiss, although short, was tender. He seemed to have no regrets and neither did I.

  Confession: I really like being around him. There…I said it!

  Renee placed the pink satin ribbon attached to the binding of the book in between the pages and closed it. As she pushed it aside, she could hear her cell phone buzzing in her purse. She picked it up and looked at the caller ID.

  It was Patrick calling, so she quickly answered.

  “Hi, Patrick,” Renee said cheerfully, wondering why he was calling her so early. She was sure he’d be working today.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Not much, just going over some things for the gala.”

  “How are you feeling today? I know you were a little bummed about your friend’s situation at work.”

  “I thought about the things you said, but I still feel bad for her because she is so gifted.”

  “Yeah, she can be gifted, but if her attitude stinks, she can’t shine. Most importantly, she can’t blame you for her problems. She has to take responsibility for her own actions,” Patrick said.

  “I decided I won’t bring up what happened unless she says something to me.”

  “That’s a good plan.”

  Renee could hear him exhale. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I just don’t think I should be giving you work advice. I need to mind my own business.”

  “No, I agree that I shouldn’t say anything either.”

  “Right, because all that does is make it seem like you know more than she does about the situation. I wouldn’t want her to start a big argument with you for no reason.”

  “I appreciate what you’re saying and I think you’re right.”

  “Good, because I don’t like seeing you upset. I wouldn’t want to have to come over there,” Patrick said in a joking manner.

  Although Renee giggled, she felt a tingling in her stomach listening to his words. She thought it was sweet of him to want to defend her honor. “I had a good time last night and the food was excellent,” Renee said.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Patrick said.

  “What’s on your agenda today? I thought you’d be working.”

  “Oh no, not today. I try to take it easy on Sunday. Let the other guys work. You know, even God rested on Sunday.”

  Renee laughed. “You are a mess.”

  “How long are you working today?” Patrick asked.

  “For at least a couple of hours. Why?”

  “I wanted to take you to this little barbecue joint I go to all the time.”

  “I love great barbecue. My uncle Henry can barbecue really well.”

  “Cool. I’d love to try some of his. Let me know the next time he makes some.”

  “What time are you thinking of going to this place you’re talking about?”

  “At about three o’clock, since it’s a Sunday. Do you think you’d like to go?”

  “Of course, but don’t you think we should leave earlier than that? You know Sunday afternoon traffic can be a nightmare.”

  “True, but you don’t even know where we’re going,” Patrick said and then chuckled.

  Renee laughed as well. “You’re right. I’ll be ready by two-thirty.”

  “See you soon.”

  Renee pressed the red circle on her phone to end the call. After placing it on the table, she realized this would be the third time she’d been out with Patrick in a week. She shook her head and pulled her laptop toward her and got to work.

  * * * * *

  There was no denying the fact that Patrick was smitten with Renee McClendon. This time, her satiny brown skin and curvy frame weren’t the only reasons. She was caring, sensitive, and devoted to her friends and family. He had been wrong about her and was glad, because he could have missed out on something special.

  Patrick rang the buzzer to her apartment building and waited for access inside. He took the elevator to the fourth floor and walked down the long hallway to her apartment. Renee had on black jeans and an emerald-green sweater, and she looked stunning. Patrick loved the way the fabric of her sweater hugged her breasts softly.

  He stepped forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Ready to eat some barbecue?”

  Renee stood back so that he could enter. “Sure. I just need to get my coat.”

  Renee grabbed her jacket and slipped it on. She opened the door for Patrick, grabbed her keys, and dropped them in her purse as they walked out.

  “It’s really getting cold out. I hope that it doesn’t snow for Thanksgiving.”

  “Well, you never know. Remember, this is Chicago.”

  “I know, but we’ve got a lot of our relatives coming in from out of town for the holiday.”

  “Do you guys always have a lot of family around on the holidays?”

  “If it’s a party, the McClendons are in the house.”

  “I hope I get invited to a McClendon shindig,” Patrick said as he opened the door for her.

  He went to his side and started the SUV, shifting it into drive.

  “Do you want me to invite you, for real?”

  “Of course,” he replied, rolling out of the parking lot.

  “What’s the name of this restaurant we’re heading to again?” Renee asked.

  “Dave and Lou’s Barbecue.”

  “I’ve heard of that place. I pass it all the time, but I’ve never stopped there.”

  “You’ve been missing out, sweetness. Those folks know how to barbecue.”

  “Well, I’m glad I’m getting the chance to experience it today.”

  Patrick pulled into the gravel parking lot. Both he and Renee got out of the car at the same time and walked into the establishment. The sweet aroma of baked beans and barbeque permeated the air. Patrick hoped Renee hadn’t heard his stomach growl.

  The place was small, reminding Renee of a hole-in-the-wall kind of eatery. There were about six tables lined up against one side of the wall, covered with heavy red-and-white-checkered cloth. The walls were bare except for several photos of local kids’ baseball and basketball teams.

  Renee figured the food must be good, because people were standing single file almost out the door. She stood in front of Patrick and his hands went around her waist, guiding her closer to the wall whenever someone was walking out of the building.

  Once they got closer, they both studied the big blackboard with the menu written in colorful chalk.

  “So, has Julia contacted you?” Patrick asked.

  “No, I haven’t heard a word from her, and I just knew she was going to call me, but she hasn’t.”

  “Good, babe. Maybe she’s changing.”

  Renee turned around and stared at Patrick. “Julia?”

  Patrick raised his shoulders. “I was trying to think positive.”

  Renee burst into laughter then turned back around to look at the menu, since she still hadn’t decided what she wanted.

  Patrick playfully poked her in the side and she flinched then giggled. “Stop it.”

  “The pulled pork is really good and the baby backs are great,” Patrick whispered in her ear.

  Renee was trying to decide between the pulled pork and the beef brisket. She didn’t like to eat a lot of red meat, so when she did have it she wanted it to be worth it. “I don’t know. What about the brisket?”
br />   “Barbecue never goes out of season,” Patrick said.

  “Sometimes we have barbecue on our Christmas menu to go along with the traditional meal,” Renee responded.

  A short woman wearing worn jeans and a red Wonder Woman T-shirt stood behind the counter. She scribbled the orders in pencil on a pad, then once the food came up, she bagged it, and called the number on the ticket given to the customer. The turnover was excellent and the line moved quickly, but when Renee turned around, the line was still out the door. So as fast as the people came in, ordered and left, more folks came.

  Renee decided on the pulled pork sandwich with mile high coleslaw and baked beans along with Patrick’s slab of ribs, slaw, corn muffins, and baked beans. They both ordered the sweet tea and hoped that by the time their food came up someone had left so they could sit down and eat. If not, there were a couple of picnic tables outside, but it was entirely too cold for that.

  As luck would have it, as soon as they’d picked up their utensils and napkins, a couple was just leaving a nearby table.

  “This smells so good,” Renee said as she took her seat. She pinched off the top of her sandwich and popped the savory pork into her mouth. “Mmm,” she said, with her eyes closed. “I see I’m going to enjoy this.”

  “Good, because that’s what I wanted.”

  Renee gave Patrick a questioning look.

  “I wanted to hang out with you and I knew that the best way was through a good meal,” Patrick said.

  Patrick picked up a corn muffin and took a bite.

  “Are the muffins sweet?”

  Patrick smiled. “Yep, tastes just like Jiffy Mix.”

  “That’s the best kind.”

  They got comfortable eating and watching the people go in and out of the establishment. “So, can you tell me any crazy limo stories?” Renee asked.

  “Well, you know the number one question I’m always asked is do people really have sex in the back of a limousine, and the answer is yes.”

  Renee’s eyes widened.

  “Don’t worry, I don’t watch. That’s not my kind of thing.”

  “Do they tell you that they’re going to do it or does it just happen?”

  “I think it’s a little bit of both. I don’t keep tabs on it. That’s why the cars are cleaned every evening.” Patrick lifted a bite of slaw with his fork. “I will tell you that I’ve met some characters.”

  “Spill.” Renee wanted to know.

  “I met this one guy that said that the limo was a spacecraft and that I had to be careful not to let the sun beam me up to Mars.”

  Renee almost spit out her food. “What?”

  Patrick’s eyes sparkled and for a minute Renee was mesmerized. She was so comfortable being around him and loved how good it felt not having to be on guard.

  “Were you afraid of the guy?”

  “No, I just tried to keep him on track by confirming his destination.”

  “Where was he going?”

  “To Navy Pier to ride on the Ferris wheel,” Patrick said.

  “Lawd have mercy. All his people must not have been home,” Renee said, clearly thinking the man had some type of mental issue.

  “I figured that he was a couple cans short of a six-pack after the third day.”

  Renee’s mouth dropped. “How many times have you had to pick this guy up?”

  “Every day for the last two weeks.”

  They both laughed

  “I was thinking of going up to a winery in Traverse City next weekend, and wanted you to come along.”

  “I didn’t know they had wine tours this time of year,” Renee said.

  “Yes, Chateau Chantel does. It’s a great getaway,” Patrick said in response.

  Renee didn’t know if she was ready to go on a road trip with Patrick. They had only been going out a short time.

  “Why don’t you think about it, and call me on Tuesday to let me know if you can go or not?”

  She appreciated him taking the pressure off her. “Okay, I’ll definitely let you know by then.”

  Patrick wiped his mouth with his paper napkin and threw it in the red plastic basket his food came in. “Ready to go?” he asked, standing and placing the basket on the tray.

  Renee had eaten as much as she could, leaving only a bit of coleslaw and beans on her plate. “Yes, I’m ready. I don’t think I could eat another bite.”

  They left the restaurant and got back into his car. “Patrick, your job has some perks, huh?”

  Patrick gave her a questioning stare. “I’m not following.”

  “You know, the fancy SUV we’re riding in today. And the Range Rover from the other night.”

  Patrick’s silence caused Renee to question her remark. She thought driving the fancy cars was a benefit from working at the company. She reached over and touched his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Patrick. I didn’t mean to be rude after we had such a great time together.”

  “I’m not offended, Renee. I just didn’t understand what you were talking about.”

  “Good, because I wasn’t trying to be mean.”

  Patrick started the SUV and they went on their way.

  “You know, I think my sisters would like you.”

  Patrick glanced at Renee. “What about you?”

  “Me, what?”

  “Do you like me?”

  Renee smiled because that particular question wasn’t hard to answer. She did like him. It was time she told him so. “Yes, I like you very much.” She gave him a big smile.

  Patrick turned into the parking lot of her apartment building and cut the engine. Shifting his body in her direction, he said, “Renee, these last couple of weeks have been great. We have a lot of fun together, but I want to take things a bit further. I thought that going to the winery would give us a chance to really see if we’re a good fit.”

  Renee wasn’t expecting him to reveal his feelings that way, but it was refreshing to hear the words. She looked into his eyes. “I feel the same way. It’s almost crazy to click with someone as quickly as we have. We get along so well and like so many of the same things. I’m excited to see where this goes too.”

  Patrick jumped out of the vehicle and ran around to the other side. Opening the door, he helped her out and immediately pulled her in a loving embrace. After releasing her, he stepped back. “I’ll escort you to your door,” Patrick said, catching her hand.

  They walked hand-in-hand into the building.

  Patrick knew that his presence was making Renee nervous, because she fumbled her keys several times. The last time, he picked them up and unlocked the door himself. She turned the knob and pushed it open.

  Patrick didn’t want Renee to feel rushed if she wasn’t ready for him to come inside, so he stood in the hallway.

  “Why don’t you come in?” she said.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  Renee smiled. “I’m not, come on in.”

  Patrick walked inside, closing the door behind him.

  “Can I take your coat?” Renee asked.

  Patrick took off his gray wool pea coat and handed it to her. He scanned the spacious dwelling, studying the sleek, modern furnishings in the open living space. There were no papers scattered across the four-seater kitchen table; everything was in its place. He smiled. It wasn’t much of a surprise to see how tidy she kept her home.

  “Come and have a seat on the sofa,” Renee said, after hanging up his coat.

  When she closed the door, Patrick caught her hand and she turned to him.

  Pulling her close, he said, “Renee, I’ve wanted to do this since the day you climbed into the back of my car.”

  Renee blushed, turning her head away, but Patrick cupped her chin so that he could look into the depths of her brown eyes. Searching them, his eyes dropp
ed to her lips, and his head descended.

  Her lips were so soft, supple, with just the right amount of fullness. She must have dropped a mint into her mouth on the way home, because she tasted of peppermint. Patrick wanted to suckle her bottom lip until she cried out. But he didn’t want to scare her, so he had to be gentle with her.

  A deep moan slipped from her lips as his tongue invaded her mouth. He pulled her so close to him that it seemed as if they were one. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands roamed her backside. His erection growing by the second, he retreated, but only for a moment. He returned yet again, wanting to taste her just one more time.

  His pulse raced at the thought of giving her pleasure, but he knew that it was way too early for that, so after promising himself that he only needed one last kiss, he stepped back.

  Resting his forehead against hers, he lifted her hands into his. “I didn’t think I’d have the opportunity to get this close to you,” he said, taking a small step forward.

  “Why do say that?” Renee asked.

  Patrick couldn’t divulge his initial feelings, it would definitely spoil the mood. He didn’t want her to think that he was trying to label her as a stuck-up snob.

  So he simply said, “Because I thought that you and William were an item.”

  Renee dropped his hand and walked over to the sofa in the living room. Sitting down on the end, she patted the empty space beside her. Patrick came over and sat next to her on the chocolate-colored leather couch.

  “I’d only met William one other time before that, so I really didn’t know him at all,” Renee confessed.

  Patrick was relieved to hear it, even though she had told him that night that they weren’t an item. Still, he didn’t want to leave any stone unturned. He’d found out later that William was a friend of his brother, which explained a lot about his superior behavior.

  Patrick threw his arm around Renee and leaned back against the sofa. Renee rested her head on his chest and they sat quietly for a few moments.


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