The Alpha's Two Angels : An MMM Shifter Romance (SoCal Cuties3)

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The Alpha's Two Angels : An MMM Shifter Romance (SoCal Cuties3) Page 11

by Aspen Grey

  “I’m not far if you need me,” Wendell told me as he opened the door. “But you’ve got two strong, healthy baby boys there, Arnold, and I don’t think you’ll need anything.”

  “Thanks for all your help,” I told him as I shook his hand.

  “I barely did anything,” he smiled. “Those are some tough mates you’ve got.”

  “I know,” I smiled. “Good night, Wendell.”

  “Good night, pops.”

  The hippie doctor smiled and stepped outside, closing the door behind him. I locked it and immediately made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom where my mates were lying on the bed, each of them nursing their brand new cub.

  The lights were dim and a few candles flickered on the nightstands, giving a homey, cave-like feeling to the room. Sasha and Jace were both worn out from going through what they’d gone through, but I didn’t suspect they’d sleep any time soon.

  Liam and Oliver were both healthy and strong. Oliver, Sasha’s boy, was an omega, and Jace had given birth to the alpha. It seemed fitting based on their personalities. It was hard to tell who they’d look more like right now, and they both had gray eyes that had yet to gain their color. Wendell told us it could take weeks or maybe months before they changed. Sometimes they’d even stay that way. Only time would tell.

  Both of my omegas looked up as I came in, smiling like the angels they were, both of them still covered in post-birth afterglow. I crawled up to them from the foot of the bed and they both made room between them for me. I adjusted the pillows and lay back, looking back and forth between my two sons in awe.

  “They’re perfect,” I said.

  “Yes,” Sasha agreed.

  “And hungry,” Jace joked. “This is a new experience.”

  “It feels kind of funny,” Sasha agreed. “But I like it.”

  “You both seem so natural with them already,” I remarked, my heart swollen with glee.

  “It’s like they come with an instruction manual,” Jace replied, stroking the skin of Liam’s shoulders where he wasn’t covered with the blanket. I touched him with the back of my fingers. I couldn’t believe just how warm and smooth he was—just like his brother.

  “They say you just know how to be a parent,” Sasha added. “And they’re so right.”

  “At least this part,” Jace laughed quietly. “Just wait until they’re teenagers with boy fever!”

  “Can we not start that now?” Sasha replied. “And just enjoy this moment before we start stressing about actually raising them?”

  Jace and I both chuckled, and I leaned over and kissed Sasha on his cheek, then kissed both of my beautiful children on the tops of their soft little heads.

  “Yes,” I agreed. “Let’s just enjoy this moment.”



  Two months later…





  Your life is beautiful. Your life is perfect and it’s only going to get better.

  It had taken me five years to forgive myself for what I did to Jedrik, and six more months to fully understand the bliss of the life I now shared with Jace and Arnold, and every single day that I woke up, I took a moment to remind myself of just how far I’d come.

  From street boy to stay-at-home father. From someone who hated himself to someone who was learning to love himself again, with help from his mates and his brand new baby boys.

  They were gifts from God as far as I was concerned. The universe had brought us together—fate had led Arnold to me, and Liam and Oliver were the direct result of that. It was like a golden highway lay ahead of us and we were cruising down it in a convertible with the top down and the sun high in the sky and a perfect warm breeze in our hair.

  “How much onion do you guys want?” I called upstairs from the kitchen. Arnold called back with his response, but as usual, I couldn’t hear him.

  When will they learn to raise their voices when they reply?

  I made the executive decision, diced the entire half of the onion as finely as I could, using the same method I’d seen Marco Pierre White use in a YouTube video, and added it to the three avocados I’d already spooned into a bowl. Then, I added salt and garlic and used a fork to mash it all together. Grabbing a bag of tortilla chips, I headed upstairs to join the rest of my family.

  I was surprised to see Liam and Oliver both in panther form when I came up, crawling around at the foot of the couch with Sasha. They’d only started shifting a few days ago. It had actually scared Liam the first time he’d done it, and he’d immediately shifted back and started crying. I’d told him it was okay and showed him how daddy did it, but that had just made things worse.

  Jace had taken him and let him feed until he calmed down. But after that, he accepted his ability pretty quickly and giggled each time he shifted back.

  Oliver, on the other hand, simply watched his brother and copied him. As he knew he’d be all right after shifting, it never really scared him. We were all so proud of them and had shifted ourselves and lay there together as a pack until the boys fell asleep.

  “Look at you guys!” I said happily as I handed the bowl of guacamole and the bag of chips to Arnold, who was sitting on the couch watching like the proudest father in the world. “You guys are getting so good on four legs!”

  Liam let out a happy little squeal and tried to race forward towards Oliver but his front legs gave out from under him and he collapsed onto the rug. Instantly, he shifted back and began to cry.

  “Gonna have to toughen this boy up,” Arnold mused as I scooped him up in my arms. “He’s gonna be a big bad alpha one day.”

  “Well, when that day comes he can be a tough guy,” Jace replied. “Until then, he’s daddy’s little boy. Let me take him, Sasha.”

  I handed him over, but not before kissing him on the cheek and wiping away his tears. “It’s okay, babe.”

  “Don’t cry, baby,” Jace told him sweetly. “Here—do you want some of daddy Sasha’s guacamole?”

  The boys absolutely adored the stuff, and as it was easy for them to eat, I’d been making fresh batches every day. Between our family alone, I figured we were subsidizing the entire Mexican avocado industry!

  Liam sniffed again but his eyes lit up as Arnold showed him the bowl I’d brought up from downstairs.

  “You want some?” I asked him. He looked up at me and nodded. “I thought so.”

  Arnold scooped up a bit on his finger and fed him while his brother played on the floor with Sasha.

  “Let me take the little guy,” Arnold told me. I passed Liam to him and lay out on the couch, watching my family as Oliver worked on walking and Liam ate avocado off his father’s finger.

  I glanced into the spare room that had been converted into the boys’ nursery and smiled at the bright red crib Jedrik had delivered to us. It was even more beautiful than I’d imagined it would be, but it had barely gotten any use early on. We simply hadn’t been able to let our newborns out of our sight, and had slept with them on our chests every night for at least the first week. Arnold had bought some bolsters as well but the bed was beyond crowded with all of us packed in there, so when we could bear it, we put them both in their crib.

  My home, I thought, thinking back to our crappy apartment back in Mission Beach. We’d gone back for our things and to tell the landlord that we wouldn’t be living there anymore. That life felt so far away to me now, as though I’d died and been reborn as someone new.

  I’d taken up drawing as a bit of a hobby that I could do while Oliver or Liam nursed, and Jace was going through Stephen King novels at an unprecedented rate. The bookshelf in our bedroom was filling up and I joked that he’d have to start giving some away before the whole place turned into a library.

  I loved my life. Some days I still felt as though I didn’t completely deserve it, but those thoughts were simply tiny grains of sand amidst the glowing beautiful beaches in my mind, and I knew that it was onl
y a matter of time before they were gone completely and I would be at peace. And my family and children were the reason why.

  Who would have thought that my life could end up like this? Beautiful. Just beautiful.

  The end

  Scent of the Author

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  Also by Aspen Grey

  Scarlet Mountain Pack Series

  Texas Heat Series

  Foxes of Scarlet Peak Series

  SoCal Cuties Series

  Part One

  An Omega For Two

  Chapter One


  As I stood on the balcony of the Golds’ sprawling beach house on the coast of La Jolla, San Diego, watching the spray from the waves as they crashed against the cliff breaks, I felt myself wondering about what my life would be like if I was the one living in this house—not the one cleaning it.

  It was, January, which meant “winter” in San Diego, but the breeze coming off the water was still warm. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the refreshing salty smell of the ocean and pretending that the deed to the house was under my name, that I’d just come home from a long day at the office (where I made tons of money, of course) and now I was ready to relax and enjoy a nice blowjob from my sweet omega.

  Of course, none of that was even remotely true, but it was fun to pretend. Not only was I a housecleaner, part-time at that, but I was also an omega—if anything, in that scenario, I’d be the one giving the blowjob to my gorgeous, world-conquering alpha after he came back from work. But that wasn’t the case either.

  “If only,” I muttered to myself as I stepped back inside and locked the door behind me. “But hey, I can dream, can’t I?”

  All I had left to do was the kitchen, which I didn’t mind doing at all, as the Golds had a beautiful indoor herb garden that smelled of rosemary, thyme and basil, which made my chore of wiping down the counters and doing whatever dishes they’d left for me a lot easier. I could still hear the light sound of the ocean waves breaking against the rocky beach as I finished up my work for the day, put my things away and headed out to my faded yellow sedan to start the drive back home. But as I was leaving, Mrs. Gold was coming home.


  “Oh, Max!” she cried out in that shrill, queenly tone of hers as she tumbled out of her big black sedan, Michael Kors purse slung around her stick-like arm. “Don’t go just yet!”

  “I’m all finished inside, Mrs. Gold,” I groaned, not stopping as I walked towards my car.

  “I just—I have a few bags of trash that need to be put out. They’re in the garage. Could you do that for me?”

  It wasn’t so much of a question as it was a demand, and seeing as how I worked for her, I was obligated to do it. I didn’t really mind, of course, but there was something about her tone that just really grated on me. It was like I was the help—not a hired employee. I was her servant, her inferior, and I could see it made her feel good to boss me around.

  “Sure,” I replied, forcing a smile as I followed her as she opened the garage to reveal three stinking bags of trash, probably filled with her horrible New Age diet crap that always seemed absolutely disgusting and I had no idea how she managed to eat it.

  “There they are, dear,” she said with a smile as she headed into the house. “And again, thank you so much!”

  She didn’t even wait for a reply. She just shut the door behind her and left me there with the stinking bags. My forced smile vanished immediately as I grabbed two of them and stuffed them into the enormous trash barrel. Evidently, it had been too much for her to even put them in the bins. There were plenty of great, nice people living in La Jolla, but Mrs. Gold was not one of them.

  I finished with the trash, used a wet wipe to clean my hands, hit the garage door closer behind me and walked down the driveway to my car.

  My car sounded like a coughing old woman as I made my way up through the hills, passing all the glorious expensive homes filled with happy people, and merged onto the La Jolla Parkway. It was just early enough that the traffic wasn’t just bumper-to-bumper nonsense yet, which meant I could actually space out and think a little as I drove.

  I thought about what the weather was like back home—I still thought of New York as home, despite having been here in San Diego for the last four years. I left when I was eighteen after my father died. The long, cold, dark winters were just too much for me, and I always had an independent side to me, so I headed out for the West Coast and never looked back.

  The “winter” here meant high 60s every day, or 70s, but slightly chilly when the sun went down. Compared to the three feet of snow, icy roads and temperatures in the low teens, it was like Heaven.

  The alphas were hungry out here and there were a lot of them. The typical surfer dudes with their abs and their tans and their long hair and necklaces, the club guys with their slick suits and gold chains, the skateboard bros and the hippies. After a slew of failed dates and attempts at romance, I’d ended up settling down with my now-boyfriend, Elijah, who worked as a freelancer in the IT industry doing random jobs around the city.

  He’d grown up in Pacific Beach with his family, his father, John, who tends bar and his mother, Suzanne, who works part-time at a daycare. We were now living in a kind of crappy apartment complex in Mission Valley near the hotels. It doesn’t take a great mind to imagine the kind of strange people and things that would occasionally spill over into our neighborhood.

  “Hey, watch it, dick!” A gruff voice shouted from beside me. I glanced over to see a douchebag in a Lamborghini blast past me, obviously unhappy with my presence on the road. The bright yellow shine of his sports car stood in sharp contrast to the faded, day-old banana color of my frumpy sedan.

  “Ah, fuck you!” I shouted back, but he was already gone. I sighed and kept my head down the rest of the ride home. When I finally pulled into the driveway and saw that Elijah’s car was home, I was both relieved and also a little annoyed.

  On one hand, I had my boyfriend at home to cuddle with, but on the other hand, I’d again worked a longer day than him, and probably made a ton less money. I felt like we were spinning our wheels a bit. Elijah’s talents just weren’t being used to their fullest. He needed a steady, salaried job with a technology firm or a software company or something. He kept saying he would get one, or at least try to, but the weeks kept sliding by and nothing happened.

  I’ll have to talk to him about that soon, I thought miserably as I got out of my car and made my way up the stained driveway to the main door to the apartment. As usual, it was propped open (illegally) and I kicked away the old box of cigarettes by the doorjamb to make sure it closed and latched behind me. A shady couple was talking quietly at the end of the hall, and I made sure not to catch their eye as I slid my key into our lock and opened the door to our apartment.

  “That you, babe?” Elijah’s voice came from the couch. I set my bag down and smiled as he looked back at me.

  “Who else would it be?”

  “Long day?” he asked with his typical perceptive radar.

  “I don’t stink, do I?” I asked, thinking of Mrs. Gold’s trash. Elijah leaned in and sniffed me.

  “Nope,” he replied. “Long day?”

  I shrugged. “Longer than yours. How’d it go at the car dealership?”

  I crashed down beside him on the couch and dropped my head on his chest. “Boring,” he replied. “Just had to install a big TV and then call the company to have them activate the Wi-Fi and ads. Most of the time was waiting on the phone for them to get their shit together.”

  “How come you look so tired then?” I asked him, running my hand across his stomach, wishing that for once I wouldn’t have to be the one to initiate things.

  “I don’t know,” he sighed, taking my hand in his. “Just…one of those days, ya know?”
br />   “I guess,” I replied. I knew the real answer, of course. He just wasn’t feeling inspired. His life was boring, plain and blasé. Of course, I couldn’t say much about my situation either. We were in a rut and had been in one for a while now, and neither of us was sure how to get out of it.

  So I decided to be spontaneous and quickly got down on my knees in front of him. He’d changed into his sweatpants, which came down with a quick and easy tug, exposing him before me. I heard his sharp intake of breath as I took his cock into my mouth and urged it to attention as I began to suck it. He groaned, and although it took a little more coaxing than I’d like, he soon grew hard between my lips.

  “Mmmm, this is unexpected,” he smiled, running his hand through my hair. I smiled up at him like a good omega, holding his arousal with one hand and stroking his balls with the other.

  “Want to put this bad boy inside of me?” I asked him.

  He nodded, and I twisted around and presented myself to him, kneeling before him, doing my best to turn him on with my obedience. I felt my slick starting to form as he got up off the couch and took his position behind me, and gasped as he entered me. Elijah was no slouch, but his cock wasn’t devastatingly large or anything, so there was no pain as he slid into my ass, and I smiled as I felt his balls press against mine.

  “Mmmm, baby,” I moaned, putting on my best porno voice. After a long day—or even a day at work—Elijah took a little extra persuading to get going, and I’d developed the porno voice as an extra method of getting him going.

  I moaned loudly as he started thrusting and reached between my legs to grab his balls tightly, which he loved. He picked up the pace and I gripped the leg of the coffee table to brace myself against his thrusts.


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