Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Stormy Glenn

  Love grinned and bounced over to press his body against Logan’s. “Tell me about your family.”

  Love sounded like he was really interested, which surprised Logan. Not many people really wanted to get to know him. Instead of answering Love’s question, he pressed his palm against the man’s chest, right over his heart.

  “Is that why you have a tattoo of a star and moon over your heart?”

  Love nodded. “Mom would have killed me if I got Mom tattooed on my chest. A star over a glowing moon seemed more appropriate.” Love’s fingers moved up Logan’s chest to his right shoulder and down his arm. “Your tattoo was quite impressive as well.”

  Logan smirked. It was more than impressive, and he knew it. It was huge. It also symbolized his life, a black scorpion crawling up over his shoulder and down his chest. The tail of the scorpion wound down Logan’s arm with the stinger ending in the crook of his elbow. A trail of blood drops dripped down from there.

  “Let’s see,” Love mused as his fingers traced the scorpion, “a deadly black scorpion? I think that conveys how lethal you can be but also how resilient and adaptive. It shows power, strength, and intelligence. The blood drops, though, they confuse me. Do they represent all of the people you’ve lost?”

  “You could say that,” Logan replied. “They represent all of the people I’ve battled in my life.” He carefully watched Love’s face for his reaction.

  “I’m sorry,” Love whispered.

  “Why should you be sorry?” Logan asked, confused by not only the question but the sadness he could see in Love’s face. It seemed like an odd reaction to him. Life was what it was. Logan learned at an early age to fight for what he wanted and to continue fighting to keep it.

  “It doesn’t sound to me like you’ve had a very happy life.”

  Logan was about to reply and explain to Love about the realities of his life when another mysterious little grin swept across the man’s face. It made Logan very nervous. So did the hand that Love stroked down his cheek.

  “I guess I will just have to make it my mission to make sure your life is happy and full of joy. Don’t worry, Logan, I’ll take good care of you.”

  Logan was so screwed, and he knew it. He knew Love was trouble, and the man just admitted it. Maybe not in so many words, but the truth was plain for anyone to see. Love was going to make his life hell.

  Logan saw only one option open to him. He’d have to keep Love under lock and key at all times just to make sure he didn’t cause any trouble. That was going to be harder than it seemed, but between Logan and his inner circle, he knew he could do it. After all, how much trouble could one little man be?

  “Why don’t we head back to my place, and we can discuss it?” Logan asked.

  The faster he got Love out of the public eye, the better. He could already feel the stares boring into his back. People were going to start asking questions pretty soon, questions Logan didn’t want to answer right now.

  “Do you have a tub because I love bath time,” Love said, “all those bubbles and naked skin?” Love shivered. “Yum.”

  Ah hell! Love was going to be the death of him. He’d probably want caviar and champagne while he soaked. Love would just have to learn that Logan worked for a living. He didn’t live a luxurious life. As of tonight, Love didn’t either.

  Logan’s mind reeled as he escorted Love through the crowd. Person after person looked towards them in curiosity as they moved through the throng of people. Logan just glared until they glanced away.

  “Uh, Logan?” Love asked hesitantly.

  “Yeah, babe?” Logan asked as he pressed his hand into Love’s back to keep him moving.

  “Why are people staring at me?”

  Logan glanced back over his shoulder. Love was right. People were staring. He gave a little shrug and turned back to Love. “I’m walking out of here with the most gorgeous man in the place,” Logan replied. “Why else?”

  Love grinned up at him, his face flushing. “Really?”

  “As if you didn’t already know that.” Logan smirked. How could Love not know how gorgeous he looked? Logan was surprised men, and women, too, weren’t throwing themselves at the man’s feet.

  “Can we stop by my room and grab a few things?” Love asked as he wrapped his arm around Logan’s waist.

  “Your room?” Logan asked.

  “Yeah, some friends and I came down for spring break. We’re sharing a room in the guest building,” Love said. “I just need to pick up a few things, if that’s okay?”

  Logan nodded and started in that direction. “Which building?” They had several guest buildings, all for the purpose of housing visitors that came to stay at the large clan compound.

  “Right down over there,” Love said as he pointed to one of the buildings.

  “I know the place.” It was one of many buildings in the huge compound.

  Logan turned towards the main road leading to the guest building, wondering what in the hell he was getting himself into. He supposed he’d find out. It wasn’t like he could give Love up now that he’d mated the man.

  Love belonged to him, pure and simple, and Logan knew he’d just have to deal with it. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t set down the law with Love because he would. Logan had too many responsibilities and didn’t have time to chase after his crazy little mate, no matter how sexy the little man was.

  Logan stumbled when he felt Love’s hand on his ass. He quickly righted his steps. Logan opened his mouth to yell at his mate for being affectionate in public, but the sounds of Love’s laughter filled his ear.

  Logan felt surprised at how good the expressive laughter made him feel. His heart suddenly felt lighter, filled with more optimism and hope for the future than he felt in days, maybe even months.

  Unable to let loose of that feeling or to dampen Love’s obvious joy, Logan merely grabbed Love’s hand and moved it back up to the middle of his lower back. He turned his head slightly so Love would hear his words as he spoke.

  “Careful there, Love,” he said loudly.

  “Spoilsport,” Love said, but he kept his hands where they were for the rest of the walk.

  Logan was almost disappointed.

  “Which room is yours?” Logan asked as they stopped in front of the building Love had indicated.

  “Second floor, third door down from the stairway,” Love said and pointed. “Right over there.”

  Logan walked over to the stairway Love pointed at. He arched an eyebrow as he watched Love glance up the stairs then back at him, biting his lower lip. Love’s entire body bounced where he stood. The man looked like an excited little kitten. If he had a real tail, it would have wagged a mile a minute.

  “Want to come up to my room and see my etchings?”

  Logan chuckled. If Love had been trying to hide his intent, he would have been totally transparent. As it was, Logan found it impossible to deny the man. “Etchings, huh?”

  Logan laughed as Love grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the stairs. Love’s enthusiasm was contagious. Again, Logan marveled at how light hearted he felt. He didn’t know if it came from Love’s animated personality or the fact that he finally found his mate, but he found he liked the feeling.

  “Just what kind of etchings are we talking about here?” Logan asked as the climbed the stairs and walked down to Love’s door. “You’re not trying to get me up to your room to take advantage of me, are you?”

  Logan’s cock went from semisoft to rock hard in a split second as Love paused in the act of unlocking his room door and glanced over his shoulder. Love’s sensual grin only added to Logan’s level of arousal.

  Love’s eyebrows wiggled. “I’m the man your mother warned you about.”

  Chapter 3

  Love’s hands shook so much he could barely unlock the door. The heat coming from the man who stood behind him burned Love’s body. He couldn’t remember being this horny in all his life. He just had Logan. He wanted him again.

  Love finally got
the door unlocked and pushed open. He rushed into the motel room and turned to face Logan. Love once again felt stunned by the masculine beauty of the man before him. Logan was simply gorgeous.

  It wasn’t just his height, which was impressive. It wasn’t even all the thick muscles that covered Logan’s body. Something shined in Logan’s eyes that drew Love like a moth to a flame. He wanted more than anything to explore the sparkle and see what was behind it.

  The moment the door closed, Love stepped forward and pressed his body against Logan’s. The smoldering flame he saw in Logan’s eyes as he looked up at him startled Love. No one ever looked at him like that before. It made Love’s toes curl.

  “You mentioned etchings?” Logan questioned.

  “I lied.” Love rested his hands on Logan’s chest, drawing them down slowly. He could feel each defined muscle under Logan’s shirt. “I just wanted to get you upstairs where there was a flat surface.”

  Logan smirked. “Who says we need a flat surface?”

  Love let out a strangled yelp as Logan reached down and wrapped his arms under him, lifting Love into the air. Love realized that he was now eye to eye with Logan. He grinned and wrapped his legs around Logan’s waist, squeezing until their bodies pressed together.

  “I like this.”

  Logan swung Love around and anchored him between the wall and his body. “I like this better,” Logan said before his tongue slid over Love’s lips, licking the corner before delving inside.

  Oh yeah, Love could get on board with that. He wiggled as close to Logan as he could get, wrapping his arms around the man’s neck. His hands gently caressed Logan’s neck and upper back even as his lips attacked ferociously.

  He couldn’t seem to get enough of Logan. He needed more. He needed naked skin under his hands, pressed against his body. Love pulled at Logan’s shirt until the man got the idea. Laughter filled him as Logan braced him against the wall. A strong leg pushed between his thighs to hold him in place as Logan pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor.

  Love wasted no time in following Logan’s example. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed, not caring in the least where it might land. Love’s eyes followed the trail of golden hair from the middle of Logan’s chest muscles down his stomach and abdomen. He groaned in protest when the trail stopped suddenly, the rest hidden under the edge of Logan’s pants.

  He reached for the buttons of Logan’s jeans. He felt too overwhelmed, too needy. He needed to draw the process out, make them both wait. He needed to torture Logan. His fingers trembled as he made himself slow down and open Logan’s pants gradually.

  “Think we could lose the pants?” Love asked. He meant for Logan to lower him to the floor so they both could remove their pants. He was shocked when he felt Logan’s hands on his ass. A loud ripping noise echoed through the room and cold air rushed across his skin.


  “Want me to stop?”

  Love shook his head. It was too late for his pants. He might as well enjoy the ride. Besides, he had other pants. When Logan’s large callused hand wrapped around both of their cocks, Love could have cared less if he never wore pants again. He just wanted the intense pleasure to continue.

  Love gripped Logan’s shoulders. His breath panted in and out of him in great rapid heaves. Each stroke of Logan’s hand around his cock was like a strike of lightning through Love’s body.

  Love never felt anything like it. Sure, he’d masturbated and had jacked off with other men before, but nothing in his past prepared him for the feelings Logan invoked in him. Love wanted to crawl right up Logan’s body and kiss him until they both passed out. Then he wanted to climb into Logan and never come out.

  Love felt a connection to the man unlike anything he’d ever felt. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Logan was the man for him. He didn’t know how he knew, and he wasn’t ready to question his feeling, but he knew. Logan was his.

  Feeling his body getting closer to release, Love leaned forward and did what he really wanted to do. He plastered his lips to Logan’s, his tongue exploring, licking. His hands gripped Logan’s hair, holding the man to him.

  Love felt frantic. He could feel Logan’s lightning moving through his body at a rapid pace, arousing him to new levels of passion and desire. His balls drew up close to his body. His heart suddenly froze in his chest, his breath caught in his throat.

  Love pulled his lips from Logan’s and leaned back to look into the man’s deep golden eyes. Time stood still for him as he tried to read the look in Logan’s eyes. He could see passion, desire, possessiveness, even fascination. But there was something more, something that added a sparkle to Logan’s gaze.

  It was that sparkle that Love concentrated on as time shot ahead, and the passion radiating throughout Love consumed him. Love held Logan’s gaze as long as he could, and then his release took over. He tossed his head back and cried out as he filled the space between them with his release.

  Love distantly felt Logan’s teeth bite into his shoulder. It was the second time Logan bit him, both times heightening Love’s level of desire. He didn’t know why he liked the feeling of Logan biting him, but he did. It seemed to have a direct connection to the amount of pleasure he felt. Logan could bite him whenever he felt like it.

  Love’s hands tightened around Logan’s hair as the man’s body stiffened. He groaned in protest when Logan pulled his teeth free. Opening his eyes, he caught the beginning of Logan’s release as the man’s eyes darkened then he roared, his spunk adding to the wetness between them.

  Love was mesmerized. He couldn’t look away. Logan looked glorious in his release. His golden eyes darkened. His jaw was clenched. His nostrils flared. Love could feel the man’s hand clench on his butt cheeks, and he wished they were somewhere with a large mirror so he could watch it all from every angle.

  “Logan,” Love whispered.

  He gently stroked his hands through the soft golden blond hair at the nap of Logan’s neck. The moment felt loving, tender. Love leaned forward and gently kissed Logan. His hand stroked the side of the man’s face.

  Logan seemed to be with Love for a moment, relishing in the closeness they shared. His hands were gentle, soft, stroking Love’s naked skin. His eyes looked dazed. Love felt the connection with him, gloried in it. He could see growing affection and something more in Logan’s face.

  Then Logan shook his head. The emotions Love thought he saw in Logan’s face fell away to be replaced by a stone mask of indifference. Love frowned, unsure of what exactly was happening.


  Logan lowered Love to the floor and stepped back. “Get your stuff,” he said sternly. “We need to get going.”

  Love felt his heart clench with pain. Logan acted so cold when moments ago they both burned each other up. He didn’t know how to deal with this new Logan. He wasn’t sure he wanted to. He much preferred the passionate Logan of moments ago.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I have things to do, Love, and I don’t have time to sit around and play with you. I work for a living.”

  Love felt like he’d been dismissed when Logan turned away and walked into the bathroom. He heard the water turn on and assumed Logan was cleaning himself up. Love bent down and grabbed the remains of his clothes. He held them against his naked body, feeling like he needed a shield against this new Logan, this colder Logan.

  Love still stood next to the wall when Logan walked back into the room a moment later. The gold of Logan’s eyes had turned to a dull, pale yellow. There didn’t seem to be any life in them. More than anything, that made Love’s heart ache.

  “Are you going to get dressed or go as you are?” Logan asked.

  “I could stay here,” Love whispered. That wasn’t what he wanted to do, but if Logan had things to do, he’d try and stay out of the big man’s way.

  “No.” Logan crossed his arms over his chest like he dared Love to argue with him.


  Love moved to his backpack and pulled a clean pair of jeans. He turned away from Logan as he pulled them on, adding a simple black cotton shirt and a pair of tennis shoes. Lastly, he grabbed a fresh pair of ears and perched them on his head.

  Considering Logan’s strange attitude, Love felt funny being naked in front of the man, and he felt naked without his ears. He wished he had a tail to add to his outfit, but he was fresh out until he got home.

  He felt like he dealt with two separate men. One showed loving care and a passionate nature. The other Logan seemed cold and unfeeling. Love didn’t know which one was the true Logan, but he could hope.

  Love grabbed his backpack and shoved his stuff inside. He went into the bathroom and added his toiletries then walked back into the main room. He placed his laptop inside the green bag then zipped it closed.

  “Is that everything?” Logan asked.

  Love nodded. It wasn’t much, but he only expected to be here a few days. It was just a weekend getaway. He only brought with him the essentials, some toiletries and a few changes of clothes, and his most important possession, his laptop.

  “Good,” Logan said as he turned toward the door. “You won’t be coming back.”

  Love blinked. He wouldn’t? When had that been decided? True, he wanted to spend some time with Logan, but it wasn’t like they were moving in together or anything. He still had to go home at the end of the weekend.

  “I won’t?”

  Logan walked across the room and grabbed the backpack, swinging it up onto his shoulder. He took Love by the arm and started out of the room. “No. You’ll be staying with me from now on.”

  “From now on?” Love asked slowly, a flicker of apprehension inching up his spine. He liked Logan, sure, and he really wanted to get to know the guy better, but he didn’t know if he was ready to move in with him. “You do realize that I have a life back home, right—an apartment, friends, school, a job?”

  “Your friends are more than welcome to visit, assuming I approve of them. Whatever can’t be packed up of your apartment you don’t really need anyway, and I’m sure we can find you something to keep you occupied.”


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