“That is very good news Max – thank you and thank your team for me” Lili said – her voice tired.
“You are most welcome ma'am – thank You.” Max said.
Chapter - 60
Sharri's Star Marine ground team Commander had set up his snipers to cover his Recon Teams and the Spec War Troopers. The ground team Commander's one-one was in direct secure communication with his bosses CAS atmospheric fighters.
The Spec War Team was clearing the main Union Fleet Headquarters (UFH) buildings. They had already uncovered and prepped for destruction a significant quantity of alien espionage sniffers and snoopers. They even found alien software in the old Union Fleet computer system – when the order came down from Ninlil to save the buildings and the old systems. So the Spec War intelligence officer wrote an attack program to root out and remove all alien code from the system when the load program was sent from his PDIT – which was partially connected with a special servo connector so that his PDIT could not be recognized. Sharri was astonished how “infected” the Union Fleet Headquarters had become since her last visit. There was even a remote communication system in place! After 1 standard core hour – her Spec War Team Commander (her one- zero) reported the UFH was ready to be secured.
“Execute Commander” Sharri ordered.
The Spec War Team Commander signaled his team and the vast alien spy system was disconnected all at the same instant. Sharri had ordered her Spec War Commander to set everything up for remote control – she insisted that no one would be inside the buildings when the plug was pulled – in case the aliens had left camouflaged remotely detonated bombs. After 10 standard core minutes the Star Marine warhead management team (WMT) went into the building in their heavily armored combat gym suites to scan for bombs, mines and other booby traps – after 20 standard core minutes they gave the all clear signal.
“Ninlil – Shargaz” Sharri called.
“Report Shargaz” Lili commanded.
“I have received the all clear signal from my Star Marine WMT Commander. I have sent my report ma’am – what are your orders” Sharri reported and then asked.
“Maintain planetary picket until relieved – Ninlil out” Lili commanded.
Sharri signaled affirmative.
Chapter - 61
“Sir – the Seven Sisters have removed our entire spy network from the Old Union Navy Headquarters.” The executive officer announced.
“Did we get what we came for?” The mission commander asked.
“No sir – we did not.” The executive officer answered.
“Then your plan to move slowly was unwise.” The mission commander said.
“It would seem so commander. Perhaps you should have taken over the planning when you realized my plan would not work?” The executive officer said and then posed.
“Get back to your post Captain before I change my mind!” The mission commander ordered.
“Yes Sir” the executive officer replied.
How did they figure it out the commander wondered.
He had been so careful to avoid detection.
Obviously the enemy's new early warning system did detect us he thought.
The Forerunners wanted the 6th Race black beam weapon technology. The 4th Race was supposed to have given the technology to them – however all of the 4th Race ships had been destroyed by the “Beast” at the ambush site.
The surveillance task force – that had been sent by the Forerunners to obtain the coveted 6th Race black beam weapon technology – instantly disappeared. They followed the rest of their race to the Triangulum galaxy – for now...
Chapter - 62
“Max is my personal Union Navy heavy task force (HTF) ready to be commissioned?” Lili asked.
“We are ready to give your HTF their Fleet Action Test tomorrow.” Max reported.
“Excellent – what is my HTF commander's name?” Lili asked Max.
“Tantal - Captain Tantal ma'am” Max answered.
“Thank you Max” Lili said.
“Captain Tantal – Ninlil – do you copy” Lili called.
“Ninlil – Captain Tantal – go ahead ma'am.” Captain Tantal replied.
“I need you to relieve battle group Sharri at UFH – do you copy?” Lili ordered.
“Copy that ma'am – ma'am may I ask – what is Task Force Sharri's mission at UFH?” Captain Tantal replied and then asked.
“Planetary picket with system overwatch – use your heavy battleships to establish system overwatch – I shall send you more star mines, Nova Stations, super drones and 2 battalions of shipboard Star Marines.” Lili answered.
“Thank you ma'am” Captain Tantal said as Ninlil's entire HTF instantly disappeared from the new firing range of SH-1 and then instantly appeared two standard AUs outside of the helio-pause of the UFH system – 90 degrees opposite Golan and Maggi's overwatch positions - giving Golan and Maggi the tactical advantage – the classic Union Navy display of respect!
“Shargaz – this is Captain Tantal of Ninlil's own Union Navy Heavy Task Force.” Captain Tantal reported.
“Copy that Commander HTF – how can I help you” Sharri responded and then asked.
“Ma'am Fleet Admiral Ninlil sends her compliments and has ordered me to relieve you.” Captain Tantal answered.
Sharri had to smile – this new young Union Navy Task Force Commander is a thinker.
“I was not aware Ninlil had been promoted by the URC Captain.” Sharri said.
“Forgive me ma'am for my enthusiasm – however I would point out – she is the ranking Union Navy Officer and her old title is no longer appropriate – considering the scope of her Command.” Captain Tantal responded.
Sharri smiled again.
“Agreed Captain – I shall keep this exchange between us – I stand relieved – carry on Captain.” Sharri said.
“Thank You Shargaz – I sincerely appreciate your offer – however I over stepped and I shall not let your career in the Union Navy be blemished by my stupidity. I have already placed myself on report. Forgive me ma'am and please don't let this reflect badly on the sailors under my command – Captain Tantal out.” Captain Tantal said.
“Maggi – did you here that – no wonder Uncle Adapa's Task Forces were so successful – these new Union Sailors are amazing!” Sharri told her Sister.
“I know – the Captain is correct though – Aunt Ninlil does have all of the responsibility of an old Union Navy Fleet Admiral.” Maggi said.
“Perhaps we should figure out a way to broach the subject with her–” Sharri said.
“That will not be necessary young lady – I have already put your Aunt Lili in for that very promotion and may I say how proud I am of you both – well done – Golan out.” Golan said before she instantly disappeared.
“Wow – how did she hear us on our private channel?” Sharri asked her Twin.
“In case you forgot – she is your mother – one of the legendary Seven Sisters – I concur – you are a credit to the Union Navy.” Maggi said.
Captain Tantal ordered one of his heavy battleships to jump to the exact position that Golan had just vacated to begin establishing his system overwatch.
“Let's go home Sis – give the Command.” Maggi said.
“Shargaz to all Shargaz Task Force members – we are relieved – form up.” Sharri commanded.
“See you back home Sis.” Maggi said and then she too disappeared.
Captain Tantal ordered his remaining heavy battleship to jump to the exact position that Maggi had just vacated to complete his system overwatch. Task Force Shargaz instantly disappeared after all ships had formed up at the rendezvous point above the UFH planet. Shargaz waited until Captain Tantal's heavy cruisers and carrier vessels established planetary overwatch before she too returned home to SH-1.
Chapter - 63
Lili ordered her Sisters to prepare for battle after they rested. They would go in heavy and destroy the 6th and 7th Race remnants ability to wage war. Lili woul
d then offer them a chance to live in peace and urge them to leave Slice 270.
However first they would move and then destroy the camouflaged space platform that orbited the 3rd planet. After the remnant war fleets were destroyed – the Sisters would fix the orbit of the 10th planet – so that it would no longer travel into the systems star like a comet – its new circular orbit would be fixed – far out beyond the small 9th planet.
Lastly if necessary – the Sisters would vaporize all evil doers, 6th Race remnants and their servants who chose to remain on the 3rd planet from orbit, after warning them and their 7th Race remnant allies to leave the planet and never return.
“Enjoy yourselves and rest now – we shall leave at seven bells to execute mission 67.” Lili ordered.
“Yes ma'am” they all said.
Mission 67 was the removal of the 6th and 7th Race remnants from System 270 - 348,611,111. The “remnant solution” Sinai called it. Sinai wanted to vaporize them all. Sinai knew after having such power the remnants could never give it up. They enjoyed slaughtering their slaves – playing with them – giving them false hope only to abandon them. And it was not a good idea to mention to Sinai that many members of the 6th Race remnants had pretended to be deities so as to obtain worship and love.
Saga's words haunted Lili.
Should she awaken the URC she thought - no the URC would want to talk to the remnants and convince them to change their ways and rejoin the Union!
They were the vilest creatures to ever disregard and trample Galactic Law!
NO – Lili thought – she would not give them the chance to destroy the new Union.
They had clearly demonstrated their true nature when they allied themselves with the politicians and bureaucrats of the 4th Race and joined forces with the Outsiders – who ambushed them! And it turned out the “Outsiders” were the evil Forerunners – the slave masters of the galaxy before the Union! Lili thought.
“Maggi is Aunt Lili doing the right thing?” Sharri asked her twin sister.
“Yes – the 6th Race remnants and their ‘god’ are evil – they have violated every Galactic Law! They need to be punished! If they do not change their ways – Aunt Lili shall destroy them all before she allows them to enslave and abuse another species!” Maggi answered.
“Perhaps I can also answer that question” Saga said.
“Saga is that you?” Maggi asked.
“Who are you talking to?” Sharri asked.
“Saga” Maggi answered.
“So he was not harmed by the evil entity?” Sharri asked.
“No – I found the evil creature so that Adapa could destroy it. Then I visited our home world and some other planets in the galaxy.” Saga answered.
“No he was not harmed – he found the evil entity so that Uncle Adapa could destroy it and then went on vacation.” Maggi relayed to her sister.
“On vacation” Sharri asked.
“He said he visited the home world and then some other planets in the galaxy.” Maggi answered.
“Got it – he had been in service for many years and the old Union Army did not allow Dominators to go on leave.” Sharri said.
“So how did Uncle Adapa and Saga destroy the evil entity?” Sharri asked.
Maggi relayed Sharri’s question.
“I discovered the entity was vulnerable to thermonuclear weapons. I told Ninlil about my discovery and Max developed a warhead shield that would allow multiple warheads to be detonated simultaneously thus increasing the explosive force and energy release to that of a cruiser's main power core. And it turned out the entity was weakened by one of the Alien Invader ships when it tried to take over the scout ship. So it was already discharged when we faced it.” Saga answered.
Maggi relayed Saga's answer to Sharri.
“Who faced the evil entity?” Maggi asked.
“Your Uncle Adapa did.” Saga answered.
“Uncle Adapa destroyed the evil entity?” Maggi asked.
“Yes – but I had to be certain so I waited in the area and checked in the MC and then in slice 270 to be certain. I just reported this information to your Aunt Lili.” Saga answered Maggi.
“So that is why Aunt Lili wants to execute Plan 67.” Sharri said.
“Yes” Saga answered.
“He said yes” Maggi relayed.
“Why is it – I can hear you but my Sister cannot?” Maggi asked.
“Because I am in your CCC now” Saga answered.
“Oh – that is what I felt” Maggi said.
“Yes” Saga answered.
“So in time – Max may devise a system that will allow all of us to talk to you at the same time.” Maggi said.
“Yes – I think he is working on that problem now.” Saga said.
“Good,” Maggi said “now if you will excuse me – I need to concentrate.” Maggi said.
“Of course – good bye Maggi” Saga said.
“Good bye Saga” Maggi said.
Saga withdrew from Maggi's computer core. He did not want to distract her in the coming battle. He could see more from the MC and he did not want to be limited during the fight. He would not allow anything to happen to the Twins. Even though the remnants were no match for the Sisters – it was best if he did not distract her or her Sister.
Six bells came too soon for Max. He wished Lili good luck and said good bye. He boarded his fighter and flew over the Starship Yard with his escort. Lili sent her Spec War Team to protect Max and B-14.
The Sisters formed up at exactly 7 Bells and they instantly disappeared and reappeared high above the 3rd planet of System 270 - 348,611,111. Mimi and Eden took up their standard overwatch positions. Sinai grappled the orbiting space station after she verified there was no life aboard the fake moon.
“Six-One-One – Six-One-Seven” Sinai called.
“Go ahead Six-One-Seven” Lili replied.
“Ready to transport the space platform” Sinai reported.
“Proceed Six-One-Seven” Lili ordered.
Sinai signaled affirmative as she moved the space platform to its new temporary orbit.
“Space platform is repositioned” Sinai reported.
“Cut it to pieces and standby” Lili ordered.
Sinai began to cut the fake moon into smaller pieces with her black beams. She kept the sections together with her gravity projectors and when the platform was cut to plan she reported to Lili.
“Six-One-One – Six-One-Seven” Sinai called.
“Go ahead Six-One-Seven” Lili replied.
“Space platform is cut to plan” Sinai reported.
“Proceed with the vaporization phase.” Lili ordered.
Sinai signaled affirmative as her blue beam weapons began to vaporize the uniform chunks of the space platform. She started on the outside of the swarm and worked her way in to the center. In 3 standard core minutes the fake moon was gone.
“Six-One-One – Six-One-Seven” Sinai called.
“Go ahead Six-One-Seven” Lili replied.
“The fake moon is destroyed. Commencing Phase 2 of Plan 67” Sinai reported.
Sinai began to attract the asteroids that orbited between the 4th and the 5th planet into a single mass. Sharri and Maggi had collected several smaller ones for future study as did Golan and Eden. Sinai collected one third of the belt in 1 standard core hour and vaporized the mass. Two standard core hours later Sinai reported the asteroid belt was clear.
Sinai and Golan then began to cleanup of the debris field the 10th planet creates every time it orbits into perihelion. Sinai flew clockwise and Golan flew counterclockwise around the star.
Lili identified and removed every alien from the 3rd planet after announcing they were in violation of Galactic Law. She then vaporized all of the members of every hate group and then disarmed the nations and their ability to wage war. She sent a message to the entire world warning them to behave. She then jumped with Mimi and Eden to the 10th planet's aphelion point south of the ecliptic. She was surprised to see
the entire 6th Race remnant fleet.
“Command 6th Race remnant – Union Cruiser Six-One-One” Lili called.
“Union Cruiser Six-One-One what are your intentions?” The King of the 6th Race remnant replied.
Union Ships of the Line: The Return of Adapa Page 14