Forever_New York Knights Novella

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Forever_New York Knights Novella Page 5

by Anna B. Doe

  I hope things will finally fall into place once the school is done and I can give full attention to writing.

  Now I’m working on the second book in my Bayron University series, Lily’s story. She’s different from Haley. A quiet and nerdy girl that hides a lot of baggage from her past that is about to catch up to her. It’s raw, emotional, and angsty; I love it and hate it at the same time.

  Once I was done with exams all I wanted to do was pack my bags and hop on the plane, even if only to get a day or two more with Will. No matter how short, the time we get to spend together is precious, but I knew I had to concentrate on me and my future.

  When I decided to self-publish my book, Will was the first to support me in my decision. He’s living his dream and he wants me to live mine. He even wanted to support me financially—as it turns out publishing a book is way more than writing the manuscript from the beginning to the end. You have to get the professional cover, find an editor, market your books etc., but I declined his help. I have to do this on my own. Succeed on my own. That’s the reason why I decided to write under a pseudonym.

  Since I started dating William people took notice of me too. Croatian Girl Made a Knight Fall—I’m not even joking, that was the headline on one of the articles once we’d gone public with our relationship. Reporters started digging into things about my life, mostly boring things, but still. I didn’t want them to find out I’m a wannabe author. I didn’t want to succeed in my dream just because I’m dating a famous football player—so we agreed, I’ll do this on my own terms. My dream. My money. My not-so-mine name.

  That includes isolation when the work needs to get done. Like now.

  The only problem is that my parents rarely see me these days, even less than before, because I’m always somewhere. If I’m not in Zadar, I’m in America. So, they pressured me into coming home, even if that means staying locked in my room until I get this down.

  Concentrating on the work at hand, I turn everything off—my thoughts, music in my ears, everything except the words on the screen. I read chapter after chapter. Introducing some needed changes, rewriting, deleting or simply grammatically correcting.

  I don’t know how long I’ve been like that, lost in my own zone when I feel hands on my shoulder.

  A scream of surprise parts my lips. I jerk and spin in my chair to face the person scaring me to the grave.

  “What the hell … Will!” I scream once again when I see the person standing behind me, but this time it has nothing to do with fear.

  I pull the headphones out of my ears and jump out of the chair right into his awaiting arms. My legs wrap around his waist and I bury my head in his neck, inhaling his familiar scent.


  That’s how it feels to be in his arms.

  Like being home.

  His hands wrap around me tightly, pulling me to his chest until not even the air can come between us.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Tink.”

  Will’s lips press against the top of my head while we stay glued like that.

  Body to body.

  Heart to heart.

  “I’ve missed you too,” I whisper, closing my eyes. “So, so much.”

  These are the moments I look forward to most. When I’m finally in his arms, feeling safe and secure. Feeling whole and loved.

  “What are you doing here anyway?” I move away just slightly so I can press my forehead to his and be able to look into those chocolate eyes that haunt me in my dreams. “Weren’t you supposed to come later this week, or was I simply lost in my own world for far too long again?”

  Will chuckles at my words. His warm breath tickles my skin as he leans closer, soft lips brushing against my nose.

  “Nope, you’re all good. We just came earlier.”

  I squeal in delight, hugging him tighter.

  As the time passes, and the day we’re actually going to be together nears, I have a feeling the time is slowing down. It’s like destiny or the universe or whatever wants us to stay apart for as long as possible. Days seem to drag slower and slower, and I just want it all to be over already.

  “Wait, we? We who?” I look behind his shoulder, like somebody will magically appear behind his back. “Did you bring Si and J.D. with you?”

  “Not really.”

  “Then who?” I narrow my eyes at him.


  “Bel, honey!”

  William’s Mom rushes into my room, her hands wrapping around both of us.

  “Emily! It’s so nice to see you.”

  I want to get down on my feet to give her a proper hug but they are both holding me tight so I can’t move.

  Talk about awkward.

  “Well, when William said he was going to come here I couldn’t pass the opportunity to come and visit with him. After all, I think it’s time for me to finally meet your family.”

  “Of course! You’re always welcome to visit.”

  Emily takes a step back, and I finally get a chance to get down and kiss her on the cheek but as soon as I step beck, William is there to pull me back into his arms.

  His mother watches us with a sweet smile on her lips. I wonder if she’s thinking about her late husband or current boyfriend.

  Emily and Mr. Shelton came clean to all of us before Sienna and J.D.’s wedding. They were sneaking around behind everyone’s back thinking the kids wouldn’t like the fact their parents who were long-time friends are now together, but I think the boys were relieved in the end. And Emily is one lucky woman. Finding true love not once but twice in her life.

  “To tell you the truth, I was a little worried with a transatlantic flight and meeting your family, but all turned out great!”

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t come to get you at the airport. If somebody told me you were coming.” I jab my elbow into Will’s stomach to let him know he’s the one to blame.

  “Ouch, that hurts.”

  I turn around for a second to give him a pointed glare. “I would have come to get you and properly introduce you.”

  “Don’t worry, honey. Everything turned out okay. William called your mother to let her know we are coming early. I wanted to book a hotel, but she was having none of it.”

  “No hotel. There is more than enough room in the house.”

  “That’s what she said.”

  William takes my hands in his, his thumb brushing against the ring on my left hand. The only one left on my hands.

  After the engagement I decided to take off the rest of the rings. It felt logical. Natural. I grew up and became a strong, independent woman. I don’t need them anymore to remind me of who I want to be.

  I tilt my head backward to look at William. His brown eyes look at my hand with wonder. I guess it’s normal because soon after we got engaged I went back home so he didn’t have much time to get used to seeing the ring on my hand.

  “I still can’t believe you’re wearing it.”

  “Believe it,” my hand cupping his scruffy cheek. “I’m never taking it off.”

  William is handsome when he’s clean shaven, but there is something about a few-days-old stubble that melts my insides. I love the feeling of his lips on my skin, his cheeks slightly scratching my sensitive skin and turning it into gooseflesh.

  Will brings my hand to his face and places a kiss right over the ring. “That makes you mine.”

  I chuckle quietly at his words. “You’re such a caveman, William Price. I was yours even before the ring. Nothing can change that.”

  He nods his head in agreement. “Forever, Tinkerbell.”




  Bringing my mom wasn’t a part of the plan, but now I’m glad I did it. Bel loves her, and Mom was right; it was time for our families to finally meet. We’ve known each other for more than two years, dated half that time. Meeting at the wedding would be really awkward.

  I’m not sure why we didn’t do it before. I guess it just never came
up. With our crazy schedules and limited amount of time we had to spend together, we were just too wrapped up into our own private, little world. Selfishly, we wanted to spend it together, alone, and in the process, we forgot there are other people around us who might be effected by our decision.

  After family lunch where Mom was “properly”—Bel’s words not mine—introduced to Bel’s parents and younger sister, we all went out to explore the city. I’ve already seen it all on my previous visits, but Mom wanted to see where Anabel grew up, so we complied.

  We took a walk around the town and Bel showed Mom her elementary school, the park where she played, her favorite ice cream shop and other little things, giving her a look into her past.

  I could see her, my Tinkerbell. A little girl with fair skin, long black hair, and the biggest, brightest blue eyes there are on this planet. I could imagine her running around and playing on the swings in the park. The images evoked this funny, warm feeling I couldn’t name to spread in my chest.

  Mom didn’t want to say too long in Croatia, after all she had somebody who was waiting for her to go back home. I still can’t believe. Mom and Daniel Shelton. How did we not notice them sneaking behind our backs? Granted, J.D. and I aren’t home much, but neither Zoe nor Nate said anything. But I’m happy for her. Happy for them. They deserve to have somebody in their lives. Somebody who loves them and makes them smile.

  Bel’s parents had to work, so in the morning Bel took us to the capitol for sightseeing but afternoons were reserved for women to sit down in the living room and discuss wedding plans. I would have probably run away if it wasn’t for Bel’s big puppy dog eyes and Mom’s stern look. So, I stayed with them, kept my mouth shut, and nodded my head when necessary.

  “Have you two talked about how you want your wedding to look like?” Elena, Bel’s mom, asks looking expectedly at us from the other couch.

  We’re all seated in the living room for afternoon coffee. Igor, Bel’s dad, is snoring lightly in the recliner next to us, but both women are attentive. Open notebooks in their laps, pens in their hands ready to write down all the details.

  The truth is, we never talked about the wedding. All I cared about was putting the ring on her finger and making her officially mine. Not about the flowers, guests, venue, or cake.

  Just us.

  Just our forever.

  Bel turns to me with wide eyes, and I shrug, leaving it all to her. Whatever she wants I’ll give her. If she wanted to get married right this instant I would take her in my hands and out of the door to the nearest church or office where they could make us husband and wife.

  “Do you have a date maybe?” Mom looks warily between us and Elena. “Or do you know where you want the wedding to be?”

  Bel nibbles at her lip, and I squeeze her hand letting her know it’s okay and not to worry. Blue eyes find mine, and she smiles softly.

  “I was thinking maybe June?” Her voice is tentative. “I started working on my final thesis and with free time I’ll get now when I don’t have classes anymore I think I could finish it by then and graduate early. That way we can get married before Will goes off to the training camp later in the summer.”

  My smile widens at her words.


  Four more months and she’s mine.

  “June sounds amazing.”

  Ignoring our audience, I lean down and give her a soft kiss on the lips. I keep it painfully short, but sweet.

  Being in the same house not with just her family but mine too makes it hard to be together. Anabel’s still shy about PDA so I have to behave and we both have to keep it quiet. The last thing I want is our parents hearing our moans and the bed banging against the wall late in the night. Talk about the cold shower.

  We stop the kiss but don’t break the eye contact. Bel leans her cheek into my palm and I can see so much love in her blue eyes that all I want to do is kiss her more. Kiss her harder. Kiss her longer.

  Throat clearing reminds us that we’re not alone. I tug a stray strand of hair behind her ear and move away only so far so I can pull her closer in my embrace.

  Both of our moms are smiling, although they try to hide it. I don’t care they saw us. I’m not afraid of showing the whole word how I feel about Anabel Majer.

  “As for the venue, I’d like to keep it small. Intimate. Maybe something like what Si and J.D. had?”

  She looks at me with questions in her eyes. I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles softly. “Whatever you want, babe.”

  “That can be arranged.” Her mother nods her head in agreement. “What about the—”

  “I think we should marry in the States,” she stops her mom mid-question.

  I turn sideways and look at her. “Are you sure? I don’t mind us getting married here. We can put everybody on a plane and bring them to Croatia. It’ll be like a destination wedding or whatever that shit’s called.”

  “William Josh Price! Do I need to wash your mouth with soap? I think I taught you better than that.”

  “Sorry, Ma.” I flash her my apologetic, boyish smile. She shakes her head at me.

  Anabel puts her hand on me tightly to draw my attention so I turn back to look at her.

  “I’m sure. I don’t have a lot of family. Just my parents, sister, Val, and if she wants to bring her boyfriend.” Bel looks at her mother, nervously nibbling at her lip. “What do you think, Mom?”

  Elena watches us for a minute. I think it’s the longest minute of my life.

  I get it. She wants her baby to get married here. In her country. In her home. It can’t be easy for them to let Anabel go all the way across the word, but at the same time I know they’d do anything to make her happy. Including letting her go.

  I’ll never be able to thank them enough for that. For giving me this amazing, brilliant, beautiful woman to love. All I can do is try to be the best person I can be. To give her everything she needs and wants.

  I can see reluctance shine in her eyes, the tight set of her chin, her hands playing with the pen. Slowly, she breathes out and smiles at us. “Of course. It’s your wedding, baby. Whatever makes you happy.”

  Her brown-green eyes meet mine, and I mouth, “Thank you”. Which is nothing compared to what she’s doing for me, but her eyes soften, and her smile widens if only for a bit.

  “Then it’s set.” Bel’s smile is so big and bright it’s almost blinding. “We’ll have a small, US wedding in June.”

  “Not so fast, missy!” Elena chimes again.


  “That’s just the beginning. Now we have to arrange details. Exact date, although I think we better leave that until Emily gets to the States, where the wedding will happen, guest list, cake, decorations, the dress …”

  “Wait!” Anabel raises her hands in the air in surrender. Both woman shut up and look at her.

  “Why don’t we give you the list of the people we want to invite and between the two of you, you take care of the rest?”

  “What?” Mom’s brows shoot up in surprise.

  “You want us to arrange your wedding?” Her mom is surprised all the same.

  “Yes. I have to take care of finishing my new book and writing the thesis to graduate on time, and the last thing I need is added stress about the wedding.”

  “But … it’s your wedding.” The disappointment in her mother’s voice is as clear as day.

  “And it’ll be the most beautiful and romantic day of my life because I’m going to marry the man who is my everything. My family and friends will be there with us. That’s all that matters.”

  Our moms share a look but finally nod in agreement.

  “We’ll take care of everything.”

  “Great!” Anabel claps her hands excitedly. “That leaves me with the internship, writing my new book, my final thesis, and finding the perfect dress. Now, for the guest list.”



  Emily’s plane was due to depart tomorrow afternoon, but before
that, my parents wanted to organize an engagement party.

  Since they didn’t get to be there for the real deal they wanted to do this for me. Will and me both.

  I saw their uncertainty about the wedding and me moving to the States to be with William. Oh, they love Will, don’t get me wrong. But they are scared. Their little girl is getting married and moving to a foreign country. I understand it. But at the same time, I know what I’m doing is right.

  I love William, and he loves me.

  I tried to deny myself the feeling. I tried to stay away. I tried to run away. I did. I really did. But being without him is like living without a soul. I feel empty and sad. There is no light or happiness. Life is just a series of motions and you just walk through them without feeling. Without living.

  I can’t do that to him or to myself. Maybe that makes me a selfish person, but in order to be whole I have to hurt the people I love. And no matter how much that hurts me in the process, I’ll always choose William. I’ll always choose us. Because there is no pain worse than being without him.

  So, for Emily’s last night in Croatia, my parents organized a dinner in a fancy restaurant. Just a small gathering with Emily, Will, Val and her boyfriend.

  Mom is all into showing Emily traditional Croatian food, drinks, sweets, places, you name it she’s got it. I think subconsciously she hopes that’ll make us try to move here, but that’s impossible.

  William’s career is the USA and to be honest, so is most of fun, writing related events like signings, swag makers, cover designers and editors, agents and major publishing houses and platforms. If I want to make a name for myself in the writing world, I know I have to be there. Close to all the action.

  The whole night is going great.

  The dinner was amazing. Everybody was chatting and enjoying themselves. Well, everybody except Val’s boyfriend.

  I couldn’t help but notice the distance between the two of them. It’s like a canyon opened between them and there was nothing somebody could do. Dominik was all quiet and moody while Val tried to act all cheery, but I could see the tension in her shoulders and tight set of her jaw. I wanted to ask her what’s wrong, but this wasn’t the time or the place.


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