Thieves 2 Lovers

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Thieves 2 Lovers Page 9

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “Hey, Andie—”

  “I want details. Now.”

  She wastes no time, I see. “I’m not sure what details you want. Are you trying to cook Mom’s lasagna recipe again? Because you know that you can’t—”

  “Don’t play coy with me. You know what I’m talking about. Your brother’s pissy attitude and my brother’s busted lip. Start talking.”

  It would be a lot easier if she just told me what Roman told her. A small spike of anxiety settles in knowing she’s seen Linc already this morning. Did he tell on me? Does Andie know about Chase? About us? “Listen, it was clearly a misunderstanding. You know Roman, always—”

  “Whatever, I’m turning onto your street. I want to see your face when you explain your misunderstanding.”

  Coming over? I sit up and look around my room. “Wait! You can’t.” Clothes are everywhere. Linc’s. Mine. Some furniture is knocked over. Partially. When we attempted the shower for the second time, we still didn’t make it and ended up having sex against the wall, next to the bathroom door. We got thirsty, and God only knows what the kitchen looks like. There’s no way she can see inside my house right now. Oh my God, it probably smells like sex. I had sex with her brother all over my house and she’s about to smell it!

  “Why can’t I?”

  “Because! Umm… because I’m having my carpets cleaned. There’s nowhere to sit. Let’s meet at Benji’s Café. I’m starved and can use some coffee.”

  It takes a few seconds, but I know Andie is thinking about those Danishes. “Fine. Be there in fifteen or I’m coming for you.” And then the line goes dead.

  Saved by the Danish. I huff and throw myself onto my back. To be honest, I never really put thought to what Andie would think or say if she found out that me and her brother got together. Would she be mad? Would she take Roman’s side and want to kill him or take my side and want me to be happy? She wants her brother to be happy. But for some reason, she always seems to be reserved when it comes to him. Like even she knows he may be a little bit of trouble. But maybe she doesn’t know her brother that well anymore.

  With thirteen more minutes to spare, I shelve that thought for a later time so I can get ready. There’s no doubt Andie will show up if I’m not on time, so I hurry and throw on a pair of yoga pants, my Jon Snow’s Ho tank top and wrap a fashion scarf around my neck to cover my marks. I grab Linc’s clothes and toss them into the spare room then shut it. Another topic to avoid. My new roommate. It seems we both failed to mention Linc’s new living arrangements. It was a mere accident on my part. On Linc’s? I’m not sure. If Andie knew, she definitely wouldn’t keep quiet, which means Roman would be banging my door down, trying to rip off Linc’s arms to get him out.

  With a deep sigh, I head out. The café is close, so I use my last four minutes to travel and step inside just in time. The aroma of coffee slaps me in the face, in a good way, and I inhale the addiction. I turn to our normal table and notice not only is Andie sitting, but so is Dani. Great. They’re going to tag team me.

  “You’re thirty seconds late,” Andie mumbles while taking a huge bite of her beloved Danish. I look at the time and see it’s been exactly fifteen minutes. “I’m actually right on—”

  “Start spilling. I filled Dani in. Well, what Ram didn’t tell her.”

  I look at Dani who is offering me her sweet sympathetic smile. The one that says we love you and it’s going to be okay. This is not going to be fun.

  Sitting, I wave to Greg the barista, who knows my order, and he gives me the on it head nod. I turn when Dani settles her hand on my shoulder. “Honey, are you okay? Your poor lip. Did Linc do this to—”

  “Dani!” Andie snaps at her.

  I stiffen at the insinuation.

  “What?” Dani whines. “I’m just asking. He was the only one there. And Reagan didn’t seem to point blame at anyone else.”

  “Well,” Andie huffs. “My brother might be a fuck-up but he would never hit a woman.”

  “Guys…” I try and interrupt.

  “I’m not saying it was but who else who do such a horrible thing?” Dani turns to me. “What has Chase said about this?” They’re both looking at me, waiting for an answer, but I clearly don’t have one. I’m pretty sure saying Chase is a bastard control freak who decided to have it out with my face and neck wouldn’t go so well with the We Love Chase squad.

  “Listen, guys. Linc did not hit me.”

  “I told you!” Andie jabs her finger at Dani who throws her a Shhh look.

  “I was… I was attacked in the parking lot getting groceries on Saturday.” Oh, here we go. Sometimes the lies fall so easily when it comes to my life. Linc is the only one who knows the true me—not the one I try so desperately to present to everyone, even my best girlfriends.

  Both women gasp. Dani jerks her hands to her mouth while Andie swears loud enough to earn a nasty glare from the old woman sitting three seats down.

  Dani grabs my hand. “Oh my goodness, you must have been so scared. Did you call the police?” Yeah, the pretend police. I’m going to hell.

  “No, I panicked and got in my car. I came home. Linc was there and he helped me.”

  Andie gives me the, that’s my brother the kindhearted fuck-up, look. “Did you get a good look at the guy? Have Linc make a drawing? Roman would track him down and rip his balls off through his spine.”

  Well, yeah I got a good look. He was tall and handsome with a side of psycho. “No, I didn’t. It all happened so fast. But, honestly, I just really want to get past it. There’s no need to rile up my brothers or worry. Linc helped me get through it, and I’m fine now. Promise.”

  I wish it were that simple to just move on. But that damn Andie and her calculating looks. Just like her brother. Never gives up.

  “Okay, so… There are clearly cameras in parking lots. Did anyone see? Help you? And why was my brother already at your house?”


  Because we’re secretly in love with each other and he now lives with me and, oh, by the way, I had sex with him a billion times in my house and left no surface untouched! “He has a key. He was watering my plants.”

  Okay, maybe that was a bad one. Especially since I have no indoor plants. But, dammit, those beady eyes are breaking me down.

  “Reagan, I love you girl, but something seems off. Where was Chase? And why didn’t you come to the golf outing? He sure seemed put off that you didn’t show. You didn’t even answer his calls.” Because he didn’t call. “It seemed kind of rude on your part.”

  Well, you see… I wasn’t really even invited and my boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, is a man-handler, and I wanted to spend my day with your steaming hot, fantastic-in-bed brother.

  “It was just a misunderstanding. I had prior plans and Chase seemed okay with it. I’m fine. Can we talk about something else?” I turn to Dani. “Have you decided what you want to do for your bachelorette party?”

  While Andie begins groaning into her coffee, Dani smiles from ear to ear. “Oh, yes. I thought of the perfect weekend. How fun would it be for us all to visit Silver Dollar City?”

  Having no idea where or what that is, I look at Andie for guidance. She just rolls her eyes. “What exactly is Silver Dollar City?” I ask.

  “It’s a theme park in Branson. That’s where the taffy shop is! Wouldn’t that be great? You girls would love it. You can watch taffy being made and we can try the new seasonal flavors and they have competitions and sometimes, if it’s not too busy, they allow you to help make the taffy!”


  I’ve never seen someone so excited before.

  I’ve also never seen someone else look so miserable. Andie may lose it if she has to hear about one more taffy-related thing.

  “Sounds super awesome, but wouldn’t you miss Ram if we went for a whole weekend? I’m sure he would be miserable without you.” Nice save, Reagan. Dani takes in my comment and it hits her. The realization.

  “Yeah… You might be right. Well, shoot. Mayb
e next year.”

  Andie sits up, back to wanting to take part of the conversation. “Yeah, next year. So, I say we plan a girls’ blow out. Strippers, drugs, lots of—”

  “Andrea Holloway,” Dani gasps while I bust out laughing.

  “Dude, I was kidding. Why would I need to see stripper dick when I have her brother at home flinging his in my face twenty-four-seven,” she says, jerking her thumb at me. At that I cover my ears. Too much…too much. “Anyway, what I was really going to suggest was that we have a small party at Reagan’s. She has the perfect place for it. We can have it be joint, too. Because you know Rammy-poo will probably weep if he were away from you for a full night.”

  At the sound of Dani’s cute little giggle, I laugh again. She knows her man gets the itch when he’s away from her for too long. I’ve heard his sappy endearments when he calls her on her lunch breaks.

  “I think that sounds perfect. Unless that’s not okay with you, Reagan. I don’t want to intrude on your home.”

  I swat the air, offering her my best pffft face. “Of course it’s okay! I wouldn’t have it any other way! And maybe just for you, we can have some taffy delivered in the spirit of Silver Dollar City.”

  And as I make number one sister-in-law status, Andie pretends to gag. Personally I don’t care what we do, as long as the conversation shifts away from Chase and my apparent mugging.

  “So, by the way,” Andie turns her chair towards me. “Roman mentioned he swore he saw his missing golf club in your garden. Anything you want to get off your chest?”

  He’s going to get it.

  Him and his stupid thieves prank. It’s all fun and games until someone gets caught red handed. And guess who just had to lie through her teeth to get out of it? Me! If Andie believed it, then I would be surprised, telling her I had no idea what she was talking about and the pole in my garden was an old antique umbrella I brought at a garage sale. And if she believed that, she sure played it off. Because, really? An umbrella?

  I pull into my driveway and see Linc is back. Good. He’s about to spend the rest of his afternoon removing and discarding all of my new garden ornaments. I get out and slam my door. Stomping my feet like a child up my walkway and into my house, I call out for him.


  I don’t get an immediate response, but the glorious smells coming from my kitchen momentarily distract me. I toss my purse on the couch and make my way into the kitchen. There, I find Linc surrounded by pots and pans, my island filled with plates of food.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, looking at the discarded ingredients he picked up yesterday for me to make his special meal.

  “I’m making you lunch.” He pulls the pasta off the stove and pours it into strainer.

  I watch Linc, who seems to sure know his way around the kitchen. Nothing smells burnt and the salad he prepared actually looks like it came from a restaurant. I frown in confusion. “Yeah, but I thought I was the one cooking for you? And since when can you cook?”

  He turns, offering me that wicked smile he’s perfected. “Who ever said I couldn’t?” With a wink, he tosses the pasta in a bowl and picks up the pan of simmering marinara, pouring it over top of the noodles. Taking a fresh log of Parmesan, he begins shredding thin slices onto the readied dish and tops it off with some parsley.

  “Is that…?”

  “From your garden? It is. Didn’t want to have to go to the store for a simple dash. Sit. Lunch is ready.”

  My argument completely forgotten, I force my legs to my kitchen table and sit. Linc serves me up a hefty bowl of pasta, and it smells divine. He bends down, and places a kiss to my neck, leaving a path of goosebumps in its wake, then makes his way to the other side and takes a seat.


  So many questions are swirling in my head. But I should probably take a few bites before I start laying them all out. “Oh my God, this is soooo good,” I moan, shoving another bite into my mouth. My recipe was going to taste nowhere near this good. Linc offers me a smile of gratitude and begins stuffing his face.

  Sated like a fat pig, I sit back against my chair, rubbing my food baby. “Lincoln Carter, where did you learn how to cook like that?”


  “Your mom? I thought you two weren’t that close?” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I wish I hadn’t said them. Before I can apologize, he cuts me off.

  “At one point we were close. My dad was never around, so I never got into stuff like band or that jock shit like your brother.” He winks as he makes a poke at Roman. “But when I was home, and bored, I used to watch my mom cook. It was dumb, I know. But after a while, I asked if I could help. And she let me. We spent a lot of time cooking together. She would teach me new stuff every night. I was horrible in the beginning and destroyed a shit ton of meals, but after a while I got the hang of it.” He pauses to take a swig of his beer. His eyes are focused on the bottle, seemingly lost in thought. “One day, my dad just stopped coming home. Fucked up my mom. She stopped cooking, stopped pretty much a lot of shit she used to do. Before I knew it, I was the one cooking dinner for us. Not that she would eat it. That fucker made her so depressed, I had to call her sister to come stay with us. I was just a kid so I couldn’t stay home with her. Well, I tried, until school started getting wind of my absences. Anyway, one day Dad showed up with divorce papers. Said he’d met someone else. Completely broke my mom.” He takes another swig, this time finishing the bottle. Slamming it a bit harder onto the table this time. “That’s when I broke him. Busted his nose in three places. Got arrested and thrown in juvi. Bastard actually filed charges against me. Spent three months in there until I was released and… well…” He pauses, realizing he just said a whole lot. “Well, the rest is history. Boring shit. Want another beer?” He gets up, avoiding eye contact. He places his empty bowl in the sink and grabs two fresh beers.


  “Don’t, Rey. I don’t want or need your sympathy. It was a long ass time ago. Him leaving was the best thing that ever happened to my mom. She met Roger shortly after and with him came Andie.”

  I stand and walk over to him by the island, praying he lets me comfort him. “But what about you?” I reach up and caress his crinkled brow, seeing the pain in his eyes. “You needed a dad.”

  “I didn’t need him. Reagan, he hit my mom. I didn’t even know it until later when she admitted it to me. I’d gotten into some trouble. I was out of control and my mom blamed herself. The asshole that I was, I didn’t tell her she was wrong. I just let her believe it was her fault. I grew up in a fucked-up home. They always fought and then one day he just left. I had the nerve to blame her for him leaving too. That’s when she told me. That the motherfucker used to hit her. Times when she said she fell in the shower, hurt herself at work. It was him.” He pauses to catch his breath. His hands lift and wrap around my waist tugging me close to him. The hardness of his body, the warmth of his skin, he brings his hand to my chin raising my face so our eyes lock. “A man doesn’t fucking hit a woman.”

  With the intense look in his eyes, I realize he’s no longer talking about his mom and dad.

  “Linc…” I say his name but he cuts me off, lowering his lips to mine. He kisses me gently, then pulls away.

  “I’m in a battle right now, Rey. I want you to keep this from your asshole brother so it gives me free reign to find that fucker myself and pound his face in. But they need to know.” He places his forehead against mine. I can feel his breath brush against my face. “I can’t focus unless I know he’s gotten what he deserves. But that may put me behind bars.”

  I grip his waist tighter, shaking my head. “Please don’t do anything. I can’t lose you now. I just finally got you. He’ll leave. I told him to quit. It’s only a matter of time before he’s gone.”

  His tense body tells me he won’t let it go. I worry Linc will do something that will take him away from me. I can’t bear for him to put himself in danger for me. “Kiss me,” I plead, needing him
to focus on the now. On us. On what’s important. “Linc, please.”

  He brings his hands up to cup my face, and with his eyes searing, he crushes his lips to mine. He kisses me deep and hard. My lips don’t need an invitation as they part and our tongues collide in a beautiful dance around one other. Just as Linc increases the pressure of our kiss, we both groan slightly, forgetting our wounds. Linc chuckles, pulling away.

  “What a pair we are,” he says looking deep into my eyes.

  He scoops me into his arms, carrying me out of the kitchen and down the short hallway to my bedroom. Not releasing me, he crawls onto my bed, laying me on my back.

  He wastes no time pulling up my tank top, placing kiss after kiss on my navel, ribcage, working his way up my chest. My eyes are closed. The feeling of his wet lips touching my flesh causes a rush of wetness in my core. “No one is going to touch you again.” He presses his lips in between my covered breasts, pulling down my bra to take my peaked nipple into his mouth. “No one will ever lay a hand on you again. I fucking swear it.” His pressure increases as he sucks my nipple hard into his mouth. My back arches, while my hands find his thick hair.

  “Linc…” I moan, wanting to address his recent comments but loving this feeling too much to get the right words out.

  “I know, baby. I got you. Not a single hand on you.”

  “Linc… wait…” I throw my head back and moan when he bites gently on my swollen tip.

  “I’m going to protect—”

  I cut him off by pulling at his hair. He abruptly stops, lifting his head. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Well, about the whole hitting thing…”

  “Yeah, never again.”

  I think I shock him by the disappointed look that appears on my face.

  “What’s wrong, Rey?”


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