Thieves 2 Lovers

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Thieves 2 Lovers Page 23

by J. D. Hollyfield

  Big guy turned fifty shades of pale as fuck.

  But what matters is that Andie will love it. The heart. The meaning. His intentions. All of it. I can’t wait for her to see it.

  As for mine…

  “It’s a dick,” Ram huffs. “Definitely a dick.”

  With a smirk, I yank my hand from my pocket and flip him off. Of course that shows the small amount of new ink I had done on my ring finger. Ram gapes at the “R” on my finger. I’m not about jewelry. I figured the tattoo would keep all the ladies off my junk and proclaim that I belong to my beautiful wife. Reagan Carter.

  “You slick motherfucker,” Ram mutters. “And you knew about this?”

  Roman shrugs. “Sucks being the last to know shit, huh?” He turns to look at me. “This noble asshole had the balls to ask me for our sister’s hand. How the fuck was I supposed to tell him no? Andie told me that you can’t make eye contact with him. The puppy dog eyes are the devil. Her words, not mine.” He clasps my shoulder and laughs. “Welcome to the family, Carnie. Don’t fuck up or I’ll fuck you up.”

  “Get the fuck OUTTA HERE!” I shriek. I know that look. That’s the look of my best friend who just got caught! “You’re pregnant?”

  Dani’s eyes skim back and forth between us girls, even shooting a guilty eye toward Virginia. “Oh, shoot yes. I don’t even know how it happened!” she exclaims.

  Reagan and I both burst out laughing. “Well, normally when you insert the penis into the vag—”

  “I know how, silly.” She slaps my shoulder.

  I stare at my best friend since childhood. The first day we met was the first day I realized what true friendship was. “I… I… We get to do this together,” I state, fighting back the emotions and failing. We all seem to have ruined our makeup already, so what’s one more round of tears.

  “I know. Can you believe it!? I’m hoping that I’m not as hungry and moody as you were, though.” I bust out laughing while smiles brightly at her joke.

  “Excuse me, ladies, are you ready? I have a group of antsy groomsmen and one very inpatient groom.” We all nod to the coordinator.

  We pull ourselves together after one final hug. Today marks the beginning of the complete Holloway clan. Three women connected to three wonderful men. I never thought this is where life would take me. I never saw happiness, a husband and child, and now a group of six of the most amazing people that I can proudly call my family. I squeeze Dani’s hand one last time and we all file out of the bridal room and line up behind the closed church doors.

  “I can’t believe that on the other side of those doors is my soon-to-be husband.”

  We all gush over Dani’s words, knowing soon, she will be wedded to her soulmate. It brings my thoughts to Roman, the only person on this planet who is able to tolerate me. And he does it with such ease that it almost hurts to know how much I love him.

  Because I have no patience, I step forward and open the door a tiny smidge to take a peek. I spot Ram first, tugging at his bowtie, looking nervous as shit. I see my brother, and in between them is my husband, holding our daughter. The plan is to have Virginia snag her once she walks up the aisle, but I have a feeling Roman will have a hard time letting her go. He cradles her sleeping form in his arms, rocking her. I watch as he places small kisses to the top of her head every three seconds. My heart swells with so much love for him, my daughter, my life.

  Before I get yelled at, I take one last look at my version of a happily ever after, and shut the door. I take my spot in line, just in front of my best friend.

  My mom slips through the chapel doors just as the music starts playing and holds out her hands. I shake my head to let her know Molly is fine in my arms. Truth is, that’s where I’d like to keep her always. Andie may have been the best thing that ever happened to me, but then I got knocked on my ass the moment I held my little girl for the first time.

  Apparently, happy endings aren’t endings at all.

  They just get happier and happier as time goes on.

  “You’re going to have a little brother or little sister soon,” I whisper against Molly’s hair. Andie doesn’t know I know, but it’s hard to hide fifteen pregnancy tests crammed in the trashcan that I empty. Not to mention, she’s been acting a lot like the woman I fell so madly in love with.




  Crazy as fuck.

  Jesus, I love her.

  The doors open again and Reagan steps out. Her dress is shiny and as obnoxious as our bowties and vests. She holds a bouquet of some kind of red Christmas-looking flower. But what has her drawing everyone’s eye is the brilliant smile she wears. For him. I steal a glance at my brother-in-law two times over who’s grinning like he got the toy out of the cereal box. Goofy ass.

  At one point, I hated this guy. But then something shifted. Deep down, I knew he was in love with my sister and that the feeling was mutual. She’s been hurt so many times though. I didn’t want Linc to be on the long list of people who stole pieces of her heart.

  The troublemaker shocked me though.

  His loyalty and devotion to Reagan is admirable.

  He made some mistakes, but hell, haven’t we all?

  All that matters is that he loves her. He was barely out of death’s door and that punk was asking me if he could whisk away my sister and marry her. I’d felt honored he’d asked me instead of Ram, especially since we had bad blood between us.

  I just want my sister to be happy.

  And somehow, Linc is the one who makes her that way.

  The door opens again and my attention is stolen once more.

  My wife.

  Goddamn she’s beautiful.

  Her eyes are teary and her cheeks are tearstained. That swollen bottom lip I love to suck on is wobbling as she walks toward us. Our eyes are locked. I see the nervousness in her eyes. The same unsure look she’d given me when she told me she was pregnant with Molly.

  This time, I don’t fuck it up.

  “I’m pregnant,” she mouths to me.

  I wink and mouth back. “I know.”

  Brilliant beautiful adoration shimmers in her blue eyes. I’ll always take care of her and our kids. The fact that she felt even a flicker of worry has me vowing to do better. To show her she’s my everything.

  “I love you,” I mouth at her and kiss Molly’s head.

  A tear streaks down her cheek and she nods before giving me a shaky smile.

  She knows.

  Once upon a time, there was a girl who sent a text message to the wrong guy. That message blossomed into the most beautiful, loving relationship two people could ever share. At times, finding the right words to express how deeply they felt for each other just seemed impossible. It didn’t seem. It just was.

  As the doors open, and my father laces his arm into mine, I see him.

  My soulmate.

  The love of my life.

  The reason for every breath I take.

  For him.

  Ram stands there, his brown eyes locked on mine. It’s how it’s always been between us. A room full of people, but we only see each other. I knew one day I would marry. It’s a girl’s dream. The planning, the colors, the perfect dress that would make the bride feel as if it were made just for her. But as I walk down the aisle, none of that truly even matters. It’s not about the dresses or the flowers. The perfect playlist or the hors d’oeuvres.

  It’s about the man who stands at the front of the altar ready to make me his wife and vow to love and honor me until our last dying breath.

  My father kisses me on the cheek and states his honor of giving me away. Andie takes my bouquet, and in no time, I am standing at the altar, face to face with my life. My happily ever after.

  “You take my breath away,” he whispers for only my ears, his eyes flickering with emotion.

  Before I can respond, the minister begins.

  He tells our tale of finding love. How today is the day we unite to start o
ur future. Build a family and spend our days loving one another.

  Roman hands us our rings, while juggling our niece, as we both repeat our vows.

  Ram struggles through his, the emotion in his voice thick with each promise he makes to me. I take labored breaths trying to hide my own emotions as Ram slips the custom-made band on my finger. I look into the eyes of a man who fell into my life by mistake, who has turned into my rock. A man who would lay his life down to make me happy.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You can kiss the—”

  Ram doesn’t wait for the minister to finish. His lips are on mine, offering me the sweetest, most powerful first kiss as husband and wife.

  “Would you just look at everyone?” Dani sighs, her voice dreamy in quality.

  I push the plate of food away and scan the reception hall. Reagan and Linc are dancing too slowly to a fast song. His palms are on her ass and he’s whispering things to her that make her blush. Meanwhile, Roman keeps grinning at Andie while she nurses Molly. I can see his mouth moving every so often. She tries to kick him from her chair, but the motherfucker is quick these days and steps out of hurting distance. They’re both feisty as hell but they’re also perfect for one another.

  “You did this.”

  My wife—God, do I love the sound of that—jerks her head to stare at me. Her lips are painted a pretty pink color that I’m dying to suck off later. The dark hair she normally wears down or in a messy bun has been pulled back in a sleek bridal do with curls hanging down the back that looks too fancy to touch. But later, I’m going to pluck every damn pin from her head and run my fingers through her hair that I love so much.

  “Did what?” she asks, her cute nose scrunching. “Plan the best Christmas wedding ever?”

  I grin and sling an arm over the back of her chair so I can lean in close to her. “No, Buttercup. This.” I point at Linc and Reagan and then Andie and Roman. “Them.”

  This close, I get a whiff of some new perfume she’s wearing. Smells sweet, like the taffy she loves so much.


  I run my fingertips along her bare outer arm, making her shiver. “You. The little Christmas angel. Sprinkling her dust all over and making miracles happen.”

  She laughs, and fuck do I love the sound. “You’re crazy.”

  “Think about it. Had you not texted me, impressing me with you’re The Princess Bride knowledge, none of this love would exist.” I nuzzle my nose against her throat and press a kiss to her soft flesh. “It all started with you.”

  She sniffles and takes my hand. “You always say the sweetest things, Mr. Holloway.”

  I nip at her throat and hope Mom doesn’t give me an ass whipping later for trying to eat my wife at the reception in front of her church friends. “I speak the truth.” My palm finds her stomach and I rub it reverently. A few weeks ago, we found out she’s expecting. Fucking finally. I’ve fucked her bare the entire time we’ve been together and we’d yet to get pregnant. I knew it weighed heavily on Dani. We’d even promised that after the new year, we’d see a doctor so we could start planning a family. Out of the blue, she turned up pregnant. A Christmas miracle. “You think the baby will like Branson?”

  She sighs happily. “Our baby will love Branson. Silver Dollar City is the best. I know you’ve only been the one time with me, but just wait until we get there tomorrow. Best. Honeymoon. Ever. This time of year, it’s decorated so beautifully. They even make fake snow!”

  I suckle on her throat. It’ll only be a matter of time before Mom is over here lecturing me about PDA. I will have to steal my moments while I can. “But who will fold the towels in your absence?” I tease.

  She sucks in a sharp breath and slaps me. “Don’t even joke around about that,” she huffs. “Mary is going to destroy that entire color-coded section with her lazy ways. I just know it.”

  I hear my mother call my name in the same tone she’d take with me when I’d be up to no good during my teenage years. Quickly, I pull away and flash my mom an innocent smile. She shakes her head at me and goes back to talking to one of her friends.

  “Just think how satisfying it will be to fold all the towels in the store and make them right again. Glass half full, wifey.”

  Dani taps at her bottom lip thoughtfully. “Well, now that you put it that way…”

  Her cheeks glow with happiness and her smile is wide. I catch myself staring at how perfect she really is. She’s mine now in every sense of the word.

  Grabbing her hand that bears my ring, I bring her knuckles to my lips and kiss them. “I have a new favorite thing to add to my list.”

  Her eyes twinkle with excitement. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  “My pregnant wife.”

  She laughs and lets out a sigh. “Whoever thought that our accidental start would end like this?”

  I slide my palm to the back of her neck and draw her to me so that her forehead rests against mine. “End? Not even close.” I press a kiss to her sweet lips. “It’s just the beginning, baby.”

  The End

  Want more? Stay tuned for Molly’s story in 2025.

  Not really.

  Go away, we’re done here.

  Dear Reader,

  We hope you enjoyed this series and thank you for taking the time to leave a review! If you’re wondering, K Webster wrote Linc’s chapters and J.D. Hollyfield wrote Reagan’s. The epilogue, K wrote the boys and J.D. wrote the girls. It was fun and we look forward to writing more stuff together in the future (but not Molly’s story…gah, get over it already)! Hope you check out our future projects as well! K is trying to convince J.D. to write something dark…ha!

  If you want to have more fun with us, come find us in our active reader groups on FB. We like popping into each other’s groups and harassing each other from time to time (legit always)! See ya there!


  K Webster’s reader group, join here.

  J.D. Hollyfield’s reader group, join here.

  A huge thank you to my amazing friend J.D. Hollyfield. You’re such a great friend and I love you. You cheer me even after that one time you made me cry when you tried to take my anal scene away. I’m glad we went through this 2 Lovers journey together!

  Thank you to my husband, Matt. I love you more than words can describe. Your support means the world.

  I want to thank the people who read this beta book early and gave us incredible support. Elizabeth Clinton, Jessica Viteri, Amanda Soderlund, Amy Bosica, Shannon Martin, Brooklyn Miller, Robin Martin, and Amy Simms. (I hope I didn’t forget anyone.) You guys always provide AMAZING feedback. You all give me helpful ideas to make my stories better and give me incredible encouragement. I appreciate all of your comments and suggestions. Love you ladies!

  Also, a big thank you to Vanessa Renee Place and Ella Stewart for proofreading our story after editing. You ladies rock!

  A big thank you to my author friends who have given me your friendship and your support. You have no idea how much that means to me.

  Thank you to all of my blogger friends both big and small that go above and beyond to always share my stuff. You all rock! #AllBlogsMatter

  I’m especially thankful for my Krazy for K Webster’s Books reader group. You ladies are wonderful with your support and friendship. Each and every single one of you is amazingly supportive and caring. #Cucumbers4Life

  I am totally thankful for my author group, the COPA gals, for being there when I need to take a load off and whine. Y’all rock!

  Vanessa Bridges and Jessica D. from Prema Editing, thanks so much for editing our book!

  Thank you Stacey Blake for always being so flexible. I love you! I love you! I love you!

  A big thanks to my PR gal, Nicole Blanchard. You are fabulous at what you do and keep me on track! And also thank you to The Hype PR gals for sharing the love!

  Lastly but certainly not least of all, thank you to all of the wonderful readers out there that are willing to hear my story and enjoy my characters
like I do. It means the world to me!

  Thank you first to my bomb ass husband. Who always puts me before himself. I know it takes a lot to deal with a writer. So thank you for all those times you’ve questioned my sanity at two in the morning, and just turned and walked away. Since they haven’t invented a word strong enough for how much I love you so we will stick with the four letter word for now.

  To K Webster. Thanks for being the most beautiful, talented, smart woman I know. Did you ever know that you’re my hero? Did you ever know that you’re the wind beneath my wings? Will you marry me? Your anal scenes are on point. I want to be you when I grow up. I want to have all your babies. From now on, call me J.D. Webster.

  Thank you to my editor Vanessa Bridges and her team at PREMA for their efforts in this story. Thank you to my amazing Beta team, and all the ladies who offered their eyes on this project. Amy Wiater and anyone else I missed who took the time to jump on my story and work together to make it what it is today. I appreciate you all!

  Thank you to All by Design for the amazing cover! You nailed it. As you nail everything else. (Not everyone. Whole nother conversation…)

  Thank you to my awesome reader group, Club JD. All your constant support for what I do warms my heart. I appreciate all the time you take in helping my stories come to life within this community.

  A big hug and wine clink to Stacey at Champagne Formats for always making my books look so pretty.

  And most importantly every single reader and blogger! THANK YOU for all that you do. For supporting me, reading my stories, spreading the word. It’s because of you that I get to continue in this business. And for that I am forever grateful.


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