Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage

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Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage Page 2

by Viola Grace

  More and more kisses followed before Alcandor paused for a moment to look upon his lover’s face, to catch his breath before he gave in completely to his carnal desires. Demetrious’s lips were moist and red from all the attention Alcandor had given them, and wet trails from his tongue crossed Demetrious’s skin, the sight of which excited Alcandor.

  Demetrious kept his eyes closed tight, just as Alcandor had asked. He looked like an angel, a beautiful being created by the love of the Gods just for him to enjoy. Even in such a terrible place, beauty could never be tarnished. Demetrious’s body was as if it had been sculpted by a master craftsman, and it was all Alcandor’s to take pleasure in.

  Alcandor smiled as he thought of what he was about to do.

  Again Alcandor kissed him, but unlike before, this kiss was deep. He touched Demetrious’s tongue with his own, enjoying the wet silky contact, the taste of another man on his lips and revelled in the waves of delight that resulted. Indeed, Alcandor forgot where he was as he enjoyed Demetrious. Medusa was nothing. No matter what she did, she could not affect them as all that is dark diminished against the light of love.

  Demetrious’s strong hands caressed Alcandor’s back in rhythm with the movements of their union. Seconds later that soft touch became hard as Demetrious ran his fingernails against Alcandor’s skin, an action that sent chills of pleasure through him. His stomach quivered and every muscle, fibre and sinew within him yearned for his Demetrious.

  Alcandor became warm as their passion ignited their spirits, as did Demetrious’s. Seconds later, as both broke their kiss to gasp for air, Demetrious opened his legs so that Alcandor’s groin could come in contact with his. The sensation of that touch sent waves of delight through Alcandor, and this time, it was his turn to moan.

  Alcandor, already hard, knew what his lover wanted for he was the same. Their excitement for each other was clear. Alcandor rose up so that he could look upon all of his lover at once, play with him, tease him, touch him and enjoy every nuance he had upon his body.

  Then Alcandor used his erection to explore his lover’s body. He touched Demetrious’s hardness with his own, caressed his testicles and then moved himself to the inside of Demetrious’s legs near his buttocks. Just as he had done with his tongue only moments ago, Alcandor left a trail of his fluid over Demetrious’s skin. To see his lover, eyes closed tight, ready for his love and with his genitals covered in his own pre-ejaculate, made Alcandor gasp. With a smile, Alcandor pressed himself against Demetrious’s rectum.

  Demetrious moaned, “Yes.”

  Alcandor came to kiss him once more. Demetrious embraced him immediately, but this time his hold was tighter than before. And as Alcandor moved himself into position, Demetrious’s stomach tensed and he arched his back and opened his legs further.

  Alcandor did not need any other encouragement. Slowly, deliberately and all the while keeping his lips in contact with Demetrious’s, Alcandor plunged his cock into his lover as deep as he could go.

  Demetrious yelped, but the sound was muffled by Alcandor’s kiss.

  Soon Alcandor found his rhythm, as natural as a heartbeat, and he wanted this moment to last forever. As he became engrossed in Demetrious’s passion, lost within his flesh, Alcandor felt his body begin to reach the point of no return.

  As he moved within Demetrious, Alcandor began to drip with sweat and gasp for not only air, but from ecstasy as well. Demetrious had clenched himself tight around Alcandor’s cock and the sensation only spurred on Alcandor’s climax. He knew he would be lost in the moment of release within seconds.

  Then it happened. Unable to help himself, Alcandor quickly removed his lips from Demetrious’s heated skin as he pumped his seed into him. With a cry that echoed through the cave, Alcandor was spent.

  Alcandor then slumped onto his lover’s body, his own drained. He gasped for air as he continued to kiss Demetrious all over, taste the salt off his skin. Demetrious’s musky odour mixed with his own intoxicated him as Alcandor felt himself relax, felt himself slip out of his lover. Then the sound of his lover’s rhythmic breathing lulled him to keep his hold around him, for Alcandor knew the moment was not over.

  Demetrious then moved so that he was on top of Alcandor. He opened his eyes, then said, “I want to give you my love, too.”

  “I am ready.”

  Both men, their passion fulfilled, lay next to each other, hand in hand, to catch their breath. Demetrious’s body was covered in a sheen that accentuated his already well-formed frame. Alcandor could not help but think about how lucky he was to have such a man. His attention was broken by the sound of movement next to the bed.

  “What you have shown me has been interesting,” Medusa said as she rubbed her chin. “But I am not entirely convinced. That could have been staged. Many men have done many things to trick me. How is this any different?”

  Alcandor shook his head and sweat dripped off his brow as he did so. “What must we do to convince you? We have not only shown you our love, we have told you many times. What more do you need?”

  “Men do not understand love,” Medusa hissed. “They only know of lust. What I saw was a display of that lust. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  Demetrious sprung from the bed and fell to his knees in front of her. “Please. I beg you. Set us free?”

  Alcandor knelt beside him to comfort his lover. He placed his arms around Demetrious’s shoulders, coming in close so that his nose touched his angled jaw.

  “How touching. This will be the position you will spend eternity.” Medusa moved toward them. The snakes upon her head hissed and snapped as her shadow darkened the ground at their feet.

  Demetrious then whispered, “Don’t you want to know what I wanted from your cave before you condemn us?”

  “What difference would it make? It is proven you came here to steal, and then, to cover up your guilt, made up a story of your love. All men are pathetic.”

  “I wanted a ring.”

  Medusa seemed to be taken aback. “A what?”

  “A ring,” Demetrious replied. “I wanted to give my Alcandor a ring. To show him that my love for him is eternal.”

  “I know what a ring signifies.” She moved away. “So out of all that is around you, of all the wealth and riches I have amassed over the years, all you wanted was a measly ring?”

  “Yes,” Demetrious breathed.

  There was that eternal silence once more.

  Finally, Medusa said, “Perhaps I have been mistaken. But how can a man know of love? You are nothing more than creatures that want for flesh. I just witnessed it.”

  “We just can,” Alcandor said.

  Medusa turned so that she now had her back to them. “Go. Be gone. Leave my house. You have only moments to do so before I change my mind.”

  Alcandor and Demetrious got up.

  “Before we go, can I ask one thing of you, Medusa?” Alcandor questioned.


  “You loved a man once, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” she replied ever so softly. “But he betrayed me. That is why I am the horrible creature you see before you. That is why I am condemned to exist like this, forever.”

  “Just know that not all men are alike. Also know that we will never speak of what happened here either. Your reputation will remain intact. Think of it as our gift to you for releasing us,” Alcandor said with a bow.

  “Perhaps there is hope for men, after all.”

  Alcandor then took Demetrious’s hand. They left the cave.


  Alexis Anthony

  It was her birthday. Forty years. A long time for a Roman woman in her profession. But she loved her work. And she was good at it. A stunningly beautiful woman, she had deep set brown eyes, high cheekbones and long dark brown hair. Her warm olive skin showed off her large Roman nose, her large Roman breasts and her large, nicely rounded Roman ass. Her slender waist and long, firm thighs enhanced her other attributes.

  Lavinia li
ved right next to the beach and never had to wear clothes. She was paid extraordinary amounts of money and all she had to do was let some of the most powerful men in the Empire poke their cocks into any hole they desired.

  She looked at the ring. It was a present from Cirillo. It must have cost him an extraordinary amount of money. It was a heavy gold setting, but the stone….

  Lavinia had never seen an emerald that big. And it was brilliant.

  Cirillo loved her. She knew it. His wife was a shrew, and Lavinia was a whore. A very high class whore, but a whore, nonetheless. Many of her customers had bitchy wives. Some of the others probably loved her, too. But Cirillo was different.

  In the first place, he was a Senator. From an old Patrician family in Rome, he could have any woman he wanted. He was wealthy, famous, handsome and some said he might even be Emperor some day. He had already been nominated for Consul.

  She watched him as he slept. He was a little older than she was, maybe forty-five or so, but he was in great physical condition. He had been a soldier and the Legions kept their men healthy and fit.

  Lavinia rubbed herself with a thin coating of olive oil and used a sharpened scallop shell to shave the coarse, dark hair from her body. Her men especially liked smooth legs. She removed all but the hair on her head daily. Many of her men, Cirillo included, liked her pussy shaved clean, so she took great care to make them happy.

  When she finished shaving, she bathed quickly in her private bath and applied a subtle scent of roses at strategic places on her body.

  He slept on his back, snoring softly. Lavinia knew how he liked to be awakened and gently pulled the sheet off him, admiring his muscular body. She climbed up next to him, taking care not to awaken him, and reached out to caress the large sac containing his balls and gently raised his limp penis up so she could kiss it. It fit nicely between her large, supple lips and she sucked on it gently. Gradually, it began to rise up. As it did, she became more amorous. Before long, her head was bobbing up and down on a fully erect Roman cock and Cirillo’s hips were working up and down as he drifted from the dream world to wakefulness.

  * * * *

  “Ahhh,” he sighed. Only in Herculaneum could a man wake to a more pleasurable experience than he had in his dreams.

  Lavinia was working hard to bring him to a climax. Her glorious, naked body, framed in mirrors on all four walls plus the ceiling, excited Cirillo almost as much as the ministrations of her lips and throat. She looked up at him. He was staring intently at the ceiling, watching her work on his cock. He especially enjoyed it when she caressed his balls as she swallowed his shaft down her throat. He never ceased to wonder how she could do it without gagging.

  But it sure felt good—and she was quite expert at it.

  * * * *

  She remembered the time he had brought Titus to see her. Vespasian was still Emperor then, of course, but now, she could lay claim to giving the Emperor a most exquisite blow job. He even ate her pussy and then he fucked her for a long time. Lavinia had Cirillo to thank for that. Very few whores could boast to having pleasured the Emperor.

  Cirillo was finally awake and enjoying himself. His hips were rocking skyward as Lavinia expertly sucked him off.


  Here it comes, she thought. His hips worked more energetically. His balls tensed up and his cock grew bigger and stiffer. Lavinia wrapped her thumb and forefinger around the base of it and squeezed. She stopped the eruption for just a moment. She slurped her lips off him and quickly repositioned herself above him, then she impaled herself on that mighty Roman cock.

  “Oh Lavinia!”

  She slipped her pussy down onto him and her ass made a slapping sound as it contacted his legs. He thrust up into her. Her large pendulous breasts swung wildly around as they fucked. It seemed as if the whole world was moving. The sweat rolled off both their bodies. The bed seemed to rock again. A sound like thunder pierced the air.

  “Ohhh!” she screamed. He had never fucked her like this. He sure was getting his money’s worth today. It was as if the whole room was shaking.

  Suddenly, she realized that it was. They continued to fuck right through the tremor. There had been several earthquakes lately. Vesuvius was acting up. It just made her job more exciting.

  There was another tremor, more violent than the first, and another loud thunderous roar.

  He continued to thrust up into her faster and faster. He didn’t seem to realize what was happening. His eyes were glazed over. His hands were on her waist, helping her move up and down on his shaft. Finally, he tensed up again and his cock delved deep into her vagina.



  A mighty river of cum squirted into her.

  The squishing sound as they fucked was drowned out by another clap of thunder.

  Another tremor, more violent than any of the others shook the room, the bed and the furnishings. One of the mirrors on the wall cracked. A small table next to the bed overturned.

  He continued to cum, thrusting over and over up into her.

  Another tremor.

  When would it stop, she thought. When would he stop?

  Finally, he slowed.

  “By Jove, that was amazing,” he said.

  He still didn’t realize what had just happened.

  Lavinia stopped, but stayed on top of him, his cock still deep inside her, gradually losing its stiffness. The silence after all their thrashing around was deafening.

  Then they heard the roar begin. Another tremor hit them and shook the bed so much that Lavinia toppled over onto him and her tits framed his face.

  “That’s nice,” he said, “but what’s that noise? And I take it, all that movement was not entirely due to our energetic endeavor…” He looked up at her as she rolled off him. They both left the bed and, hand in hand, made their way out of the room toward the atrium.

  They looked up.

  “My God,” he said in a husky voice.

  The sky was covered with a dark cloud, moving fast, away from the mountain and out to sea.

  An ash-filled wind blew into the little courtyard and swirled around them. They heard noises outside, people screaming, people running, children crying, horses and carts rushing through the streets.

  Lavinia went to the front door and peered out. Her house faced south like all the others in town. She looked eastward at the mountain. An enormous cloud was billowing up into the sky from the summit. Red flashes of molten lava were being thrown up and in all directions. The roaring sound of the eruption was getting louder and louder.

  Cirillo joined her in the doorway. He put his arm around her. They stood there, naked and flushed with lovemaking, watching what looked like the end of the world. Lavinia felt the warm, creamy juices produced a few moments before oozing out of her pussy and down her legs.

  There was another explosion and the whole side of the mountain seemed to collapse. It was sliding down at them.

  “I don’t think we can ever get out of here in time,” he said with a stoic resignation.

  Lavinia turned and looked at him. She smiled. She knew he was right. She held her hand up so they could both see the magnificent ring on her finger. A sudden flash of light caught it and the emerald glowed as if it had a life of its own.

  A tear rolled down her cheek. She threw her arms around him and kissed him passionately. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you for everything.”

  It was getting harder to breath.

  She took his hand and led him back into her bedroom. The mirror on the ceiling had crashed down and the bed was littered with broken glass.

  The roar was getting louder.

  They retreated to the atrium.

  “Do you think you can get it up again before that landslide gets here?” she asked.

  “Lie down,” he commanded. “Spread your legs.”

  She fell backward as another earthquake shook the ground beneath them. She looked up at him, surrounded by the flowers in her garden.
br />   He dropped to his knees and buried his face into her crotch. He began by licking her clitoris.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed. He had never done that before, at least not here with her. He was very good at it.

  Lavinia let herself relax. She realized that they had only moments to live. What better way to go than with a man licking your pussy. He had a marvelous tongue and it snaked up into her vagina as he tickled her clit with his nose.

  “Ohhh,” she shouted above the roar from the volcano. “Oh, yes.”

  Her hips twitched up and down against his rough, soldier’s face.

  “Oh, I’m coming!” she screamed.

  Then he was on top of her. His big Roman cock was slipping into her juicy Roman canal.

  “Let’s see if we can beat the mountain to it,” he shouted.

  He pumped into her with an urgency she had never experienced before.

  The roar was getting louder.

  The ash was landing all around them, piling up like snow up north in the winter.

  The ground shook continuously.

  The roar from Vesuvius was deafening.

  She watched a great glowing rock fly over the house.

  She could hardly breathe.

  She coughed.

  When she did, the muscles in her vagina contracted.

  “Ahhh,” he shouted.

  He came in a blaze of glory.

  So did she.

  And a boulder, burning with the fire of Vesuvius, dropped out of the sky on top of them as they consummated their lovemaking.

  * * * *

  The ash continued to pile up. It covered their bodies. It covered the whole house. It buried the whole town. The mud and ash from the landslide covered everything. Then it rained and the ash turned to concrete.


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