Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage

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Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage Page 7

by Viola Grace

  “Working. Ah, you’re wondering if we have time for some down time,” she teased.

  He looked at her and raised his eyebrows in mock shock. “Now why would you say that?”

  “Well, if you help me clean this stuff up, then we can drop it off later. I have a couple of cartons by the bed.”

  Ian quickly began stuffing the items into one of the boxes. “This is pretty,” he said. “You’re keeping it, aren’t you?”

  Lara looked at the necklace dangling from his fingertips. “Oh my, God,” she excitedly said, gently taking it from him. “I haven’t seen this in years. I thought I’d lost it.”

  “Want me to put it on you?”

  “Maybe later,” she said as she placed it in a special compartment in her jewelry box.

  Ian stared at the emerald for a moment. “I’ve never seen a stone sparkle like that. Where’d you get it? The green almost matches your eye color.”

  Lara’s eyes misted. “From my Gramma Kathleen. She gave it to me right before she died. I remember bringing it home, but then it disappeared. I searched for weeks, but couldn’t find it.”

  They finished sorting the rest of the jewelry into keep and discard piles. After all the pieces had been put into either the jewelry box or donation box, Lara was closing the lid of the jewelry box when Ian suddenly grabbed her arm.

  “Look! It’s glowing even with all the other pieces in there.”

  She stared at the necklace. “I remember Gramma Kathleen telling me a story about it. She claimed it had mystical powers.”

  Ian suppressed a smile.

  “I know what you’re thinking…it’s some silly story passed down from a grandmother to her granddaughter.”

  “I have to admit I’ve never seen anything glow like that,” he alluded. “What’s the story behind it?”

  Lara ran a hand through her long red hair. “She told me that she was given the necklace by her grandmother when she lived in Ireland. It was about a year before she met my grandfather. She said it will grant the intended her hidden desire, but it may not be what you think.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I asked her the same thing.” She smiled. “It will grant your deepest desire even if you aren’t consciously aware of what that desire is.”

  Ian frowned. “That doesn’t make sense.”

  Lara was thoughtful for a moment. “She always had some sayings I never understood, but I think it means there are some things we think we desperately want, but we are really settling for less.”

  “I still don’t get it.”

  She sighed. “Maybe even if I believe I’m perfectly content with what I’ve gotten from life, what was hidden inside will become known to me the minute I put the necklace on.”

  Ian rubbed her shoulder. “I have something that I’d like to hide inside you.” He guided her hand to his bulging crotch.

  “You have a one-track mind,” she said huskily as his hands slid under her T-shirt and lifted it over her head. She tingled at his touch the same way she had the first time they’d made love six months ago after their third date.

  “Just what I like…no bra.” His mouth came down on her left breast and he gently suckled it before moving to the right one while his hands slid to the waistband of her jeans. He swiftly undid her jeans and guided them down to her ankles.

  She wriggled out of them and helped him pull off his shirt. She ran her hands over his smooth chest while his hands moved down her long legs and rested between her thighs. He gently nudged her legs apart, then with the tip of his tongue, sensuously licked a trail from between her breasts as he dropped to his knees. He continued down her stomach and stopped when he reached her thong. With his teeth, he tugged at the band, then ripped it off and began to hungrily devour her dripping cunt.

  She moaned as her fingernails dug into his brawny shoulders. His tongue teased her clit and she was on the edge of coming when he suddenly stopped, undid his jeans, pushed them and his boxers to his ankles, then kicked them off and out of his way. He picked her up and laid her on the bed.

  She arched her back as he slowly entered her and squeezed her pussy tightly around his rock hard cock. As he thrust in and out, she felt herself on the verge of coming again and she grabbed his ass, pushing him deeply inside. She screamed with pleasure.

  He abruptly pulled out. “Roll over and get on your knees,” he demanded.

  She got on all fours and he slapped her ass before entering her from behind while his fingers manipulated her pussy. She screamed again as she began to come.

  Her bedroom door flew open and her roommate burst inside. “Lara! Are you—”

  “Don’t you believe in knocking?” Ian growled as he tried to cover his naked ass with the comforter.

  “Sorry,” a red-faced Skye mumbled as she ran from the room.

  Ian pulled out and angrily sat on the edge of the bed with his back to Lara, leaving her frustrated and empty.

  “Come on, baby,” she coaxed. “I was starting to come. You can’t leave me like this,” she moaned rolling onto her side, her hair cascading over one shoulder.

  He grabbed his jeans and boxers, angrily jerked them on, then zipped his jeans. “I can’t wait until we’re rid of her!”

  “I’ll put you back in the mood,” she cooed. “Come on.” She watched his rippling muscles as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. She loved his smooth hard chest and strong muscular legs and arms. He worked as a personal trainer for Runson Gym and that was where she’d first met him. Her office, where she was a data entry administrator, had given her a three-month membership with a personal trainer at the gym last Christmas. Since she’d told everyone weeks before that her New Year’s resolution was to get in shape, with the gift, she definitely had no excuse. After the three months were up, Ian asked her out. His dark eyes, jet-black hair and strong hard body had excited her from the minute she’d first laid eyes on him.

  “Naw, I can’t get it back up when I’m pissed,” he grumbled. “I’ll be glad when I never have to see her again.”

  Lara sighed as she slipped off the bed and grabbed a pair of panties from the dresser drawer. She yanked them on, then slipped her jeans over her legs and pulled them up, hurrying as Ian made his way to the door. “Ian, Skye’s my best friend. I wish you two would get along.” She bit her bottom lip. “Can’t you try to be nice to her?”

  He turned to face her. “I have tried,” he muttered. “She’s always got her nose stuck in a book or is on her computer. We have nothing in common.”

  “Books are her life. You know she’s a librarian. I think that she’s secretly writing a book of her own.”

  “Big deal.” He cleared his throat. “How can you and Skye be such good friends when you have absolutely nothing in common?”

  “We have a lot in common. She’s got a great sense of humor, too, but you’ve never even tried to have a conversation with her. You need to give her a chance.” She peered at him. “I’m not tossing her out of my life because I’m moving in with you.”

  “Just don’t invite her over when I’m home then.”

  “Ian, that’s terrible!”

  His eyes grew stormy. “I’m not kidding, Lara. Make a choice!”

  “No. You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Am I? I’ve been looking forward to us having my place to ourselves. My brother should be out the day after tomorrow. I don’t want Skye thinking she can come over any time she pleases.”

  “You’re only saying that because you’re pissed.” She snuggled up to him and tenderly massaged his crotch. “Come back to bed and I’ll make you feel better. Besides, I’m as frustrated as you are since we didn’t finish. Come on, baby, my pussy aches.”

  He shook his head. “I’ll call you tonight. I’ve got to get to work.”

  “I’ll make it up to you, Ian,” she promised.

  He grunted as he walked out, slamming the door behind him.

  Lara walked back to her dresser, picked up her hairbrush and began brushin
g her hair. A soft tap sounded on her door. She grinned. Ian couldn’t stay mad at her. “Come in, baby,” she called.

  The door slowly opened and Skye stepped inside. “I’m sorry about before,” she said.

  “Hi, Skye. I thought Ian had come back. How come you’re home from work?”

  “Half a day today because I worked till nine last night.” Skye walked over to the edge of Lara’s bed and sat down. “I didn’t know Ian was here. I’m so sorry. I heard you scream and I thought you were hurt.”

  “Quit apologizing,” Lara said, setting the brush down and turning to face a red-faced Skye. “It’s okay. Really. What do you have planned for tonight?”

  She smiled. “Probably do some research on my computer.”

  Lara frowned. “Instead, why don’t we go out, grab some dinner and maybe later catch a movie. Unless your research can’t wait.” She watched as Skye ran a hand through her chestnut brown shoulder-length hair. She was wearing a black skirt, pumps and red silk blouse. Lara wondered if Skye knew how beautiful she really was. Lara envied her shapely legs and slim hips. Her lips were full and she had two dimples that were prominent every time she smiled.

  “Aren’t you seeing Ian tonight?”

  “He’s working. I’m going to text him and tell him we’re going to do something together. After all, I won’t be here too much longer.” She watched the sadness that crept into Skye’s eyes. “Have you found another roommate?”

  “Not yet.”

  “I don’t want to leave you in the lurch.”

  She frowned. “Don’t worry about it. I might just live alone for awhile.”

  “Can you afford it?”

  “If not, I’ll look for a smaller place. I don’t think I could live with anyone else.” She grinned. “After all, we’ve been friends since kindergarten. I know all your quirks.”

  “What quirks?” Lara asked with a laugh in her voice.

  “You know what I mean.” She grinned. “You worry about me like a mother hen.”

  “Yes, I do and I’ll worry even more about you when I move. Maybe someday you’ll meet your Mr. Right.”

  “I don’t think so.” Skye’s eyes shifted to the jewelry box Lara had opened. “Wow! What’s glowing in there?”

  Lara took out the necklace. “Remember this?”

  “Oh my God! Your grandmother gave you that. We searched your house for weeks trying to find it.”

  She nodded. “I know. I found it today when I was sorting things. It’s like it magically appeared out of nowhere.”

  “It’s beautiful! I remember that you’d never even gotten a chance to wear it.”

  “I didn’t put it on when she gave it to me because she said to wait for the right time.”

  “I love the story behind it. Wouldn’t it be something if what your Gramma Kathleen said was true?” Her eyes met Lara’s. “The way she’d tell a story made you believe anything was possible.”

  Lara sighed. “She was so adamant when she told me. I know that a lot of her stories were fables passed down from generation to generation, but with this one, it just seemed different. I’m going to wear it tonight. Finding it today is a sign that this must be the right time. Would you help me with the clasp?”

  “Of course. Let’s see what hidden desire comes to the surface.” Skye gently lifted Lara’s hair.

  Lara felt Skye’s fingers tremble as she fumbled with the clasp before finally hooking it. “Is something wrong? You’re shaking.”

  “No. I’m okay.”

  Lara turned around and stared at her. “Come on, you can’t keep anything from me. I’m your best friend, remember?” She reached for Skye’s hands and held them. “What’s wrong?”

  Skye smiled faintly. “Nothing, really…I’m just a little tired.” Her eyes drifted to the necklace. “That emerald is almost hypnotic.” She cocked an eye. “So what hidden desire has come to the surface?”

  Lara laughed. “If I knew, then you’d know. I’ve never kept a secret from you.” She saw a dark shadow cross Skye’s face. “I know something’s wrong, now please tell me what it is.”

  “Really, nothing,” Skye replied. “I’ll shower and change my clothes and then we can go have an early dinner.”

  Lara observed Skye during dinner. Something was bothering her and Lara wouldn’t rest until she pried it out of her. Maybe she was upset with Lara’s impending move. She’d miss having her around, but she loved Ian and was looking forward to moving in with him. She and Skye both had known that the day would come when one of them would find her knight in shining armor and move out of the apartment they’d shared since graduating high school six years ago. They’d both attended community college while working part time. She hoped in time that Ian and Skye would get along since they were the two people she loved most in this world.

  She put her hand around the necklace. A warm sensation crept through her chest. It might have alarmed her if it had been an unpleasant feeling, but it wasn’t. The sensation was soothing. She looked at Skye’s face, seeing her in a way she never had before. Her face was soft, beautiful, with dark brown almond shaped eyes and wavy chestnut brown hair, which hung delicately around her face. She was petite, slender and very feminine. Lara couldn’t understand Skye’s problems with the opposite sex, but then Skye had never seemed to believe that she needed a man to make her feel complete. Lara envied her that. Not that she thought she needed a man to complete her, but admittedly knew that she needed someone to lean on. She never had been as independent as Skye. “Why don’t we go to Flanagan’s after the movie? Make a night of it.”

  “I’d like that,” Skye replied as her eyes locked with the emerald.

  Lara glanced around the room, then turned her attention back to Skye. “I’ve been getting a lot of strange looks all evening.”

  “It’s the necklace…it’s so beautiful! I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

  “Me either.” She touched it again, but this time felt a jolt as she looked at Skye. The warm sensation that had only been in her chest, now crept from her fingertips and spread throughout her whole body. Her cheeks grew warm.

  “What’s wrong, Lara? Are you ill?”

  “No…let’s go.”

  Skye’s eyes narrowed as she gazed at the radiant emerald. “What are you feeling?”

  Beads of perspiration popped out on Lara’s forehead. “It’s a beautiful warm sensation. It’s beyond description.” She gazed at Skye’s stunning face and then flushed and turned away. “Let’s just go home…unless you want to go to a movie and Flanagan’s.”

  Skye shook her head. “Going out was your idea, remember?”

  Lara numbly nodded as she wondered how to keep the feelings surging through her under control. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  Back at the apartment with shaky hands, Lara finally undid the clasp and held the emerald in her palm. It still glowed as she set it in her jewelry box. She saw a faint glow emanating from the box even after she’d closed the lid.

  She stepped into the shower running the water as hot as her body could stand it. She’d barely said a word to Skye on the drive back to the apartment. When they’d arrived, she hurried to her room, telling Skye they’d talk later. With the necklace off, maybe the unfamiliar sensations would disappear. She lathered her body with soap and then stood under the hot stream of water, but the sensations continued.

  She turned off the water, got out of the shower, toweled herself dry, then slipped into her old comfortable sweats. Barefoot, she walked into the living room. She was surprised to see Ian. He and Skye both kept their eyes glued on her as she made her way to an easy chair and sat down. Their probing eyes unnerved her. “What are you doing here?” She tried to keep her voice light as she looked at Ian. “I thought you had to work tonight.”

  “Don’t be angry, Lara,” Skye interrupted, “but I called him. I was worried about you.”

  Lara turned her eyes to Skye and her heart began to pound erratically, almost making her short of breath. She
quickly averted her eyes. When she broke the gaze, her heart slowly returned to normal.

  Ian took her arm. “Come on. I’m putting you to bed.”

  Her first thought was to protest, but she thought better of it, stood and allowed herself to be led to her bedroom.

  “Thanks for calling me, Skye,” Ian called over his shoulder as he closed the door behind Lara and him. “Did you eat something that didn’t agree with you?” he asked, turning on a lamp.

  She touched his cheek. “No. I feel fine. You didn’t need to drive over here.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Well, you don’t look fine. Your face is flushed and you’re trembling.”

  “It’s a little chilly in here.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “It’s at least seventy-five. If anything, it’s too warm. Come on, you’re getting into bed. Get out of those clothes.”

  She removed her sweats and, shivering, climbed between the cool sheets. She watched Ian walk to the closet where he pulled out a heavy blanket, returned to the bed and spread it over her. He quickly undressed and slid into the bed next to her, immediately gathering her in his strong arms.

  “I’ll warm you up,” he whispered.

  Lara snuggled up to him. His body heat still didn’t ease the chill inside.

  His fingertips trailed down her arm and then moved to her inner thigh. “You’re still shivering, but I’ll warm you up.”

  “Not tonight, Ian.”

  “I thought we could continue where we left off earlier.” He nuzzled her ear. “You were begging for it.”

  “I’m tired, Ian. I just want to go to sleep.” He sighed heavily, but said nothing. Before he rolled onto his back, she felt his rock hard erection. “I’m sorry.”

  He slid off the bed and grabbed his clothes.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “I’ll let you get some sleep. It’s only nine-thirty, I’m heading back to the gym.”

  His shoulders were stiff, signaling his anger, sexual frustration or both. Lara knew his body language well.

  His eyes drifted to the jewelry box. “Wow! You don’t even need a nightlight in here. Have you thought about having that thing tested?”


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