Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage

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Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage Page 10

by Viola Grace

  “No!” He shook his head. Heavy tears tumbled down both cheeks. His chest heaved as a sob escaped him. “What are you doing to me? Tell me!” Seizing him by the shoulders, He shook the lean body in his hands.

  “I’m sorry!”

  “Talk to me, damnit. No more games.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Talk to me!”

  “I’m sorry, Riku!” Kira’s breath hitched and he cried out. “I’m so sorry.”

  His motions stopped. “What did you call me?”

  Kira lifted his hands and covered his face as his shoulders hunched over. “Riku. You are Riku.”

  He shut his eyes tight, as if it could make it all go away. The pain returned. An exquisite feeling he knew this beautiful man and knew him well, loved him even, and lost him. The name resonated somewhere deep in his soul. “Damnit.” He wrapped his arms around Kira, drawing him into his chest. Soft droplets fell onto his shirt, wetting it.

  “Don’t hate me, please. I only did it so you would live.” Kira let out a soft sob.

  “Listen, talk to me. Tell me what this is all about. Because right now, I’m thoroughly confused and really feeling and seeing some weird shit.” He placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and held him tighter. It felt right, natural somehow.

  Kira sniffled and lifted his head, gazing up into his eyes. “We were lovers hundreds of years ago, in Japan. There was a war and our clan lost. We became fugitives and ran. We made a promise to each other. If we died, we would search the other out in the next life so we could be together again. I’ve searched through many lives and finally, I found you here, in America.”

  “I…” Visions of blood, searing heat burning into his flesh, sharp pain and cutting punctures over his skin flashed across his mind. He gasped. “Tell me more. How did it happen? How did you die?” Was this where his nightmares came from, a past life?

  Kira kissed his lips.

  A hiss raced passed his head. Arrows, they’re shooting arrows. “Kira, run faster!” He tightened his grip on Kira’s hand. A tug dragged him down, toppling into the snow.

  He scampered around on hands and knees, frantic to see why Kira lay still in the snow beside him. The end of an arrow stood tall out of his black hair. It pierced his skull. Blood pooled in the snow, melting it. “Oh, God, oh God, oh, God…” Strong hands yanked him up, away from his dead lover.

  Kira’s lips left his.

  Hot tears trickled down his cheeks. “You were shot with an arrow.”

  Kira gave an unsure nod. “I died for you. I took that arrow so you would live.”

  The old nightmares rushed to the surface in his mind. A dungeon of wailing shackled men, of pain and hunger and rape. “It was because of you they took me. Because of you they tortured me. I wanted to die, you know that? I would have gladly died with you. Instead, they took me to that, that place and kept me alive, only enough so I would suffer with your memory.”

  “I’m sorry. I only wanted to save you,” Kira whispered. “Don’t hate me.”

  “We should have gone together. It wasn’t your decision to make. I’ll never forgive you.” Flashes of death and churning emotions swirled in his mind, mixing with the memories from too many macabre nightmares. “Why are you here?”

  “Because you promised me you’d always be with me.” Kira’s lower lip trembled and he held out shaky fingers to Jordan’s cheek. Unshed tears glimmered in his eyes.

  The hurt and bitterness choking his heart unwound. No matter what, he couldn’t bear to see him in such agony. He drew him close again and rested his cheek on the top of his head. Everything made sense. Everything felt right. The nightmares, the fear, the longing for something he could never quite put a name to. “How did you find me?”

  Kira rested his head against his shoulder and clutched at his T-shirt behind his back, keeping a tight hold on him. “At first I saw psychics, hundreds of them. Then I learned to follow my own instincts and let everyday coincidences show me the way. Maybe it was sheer will, but whatever it was, I finally made it. Each lifetime I got closer to you.”

  He was stunned. “Are you trying to tell me your memories passed from one life to the next?”

  “I saw you in my dreams. You always called to me there.”

  He looked off across the room in a daze. “I was lost and angry. I couldn’t find you.” It all became so clear. It was Kira who haunted him in those crazy dreams, Kira who chased him, who called out to him.

  Kira lifted his head and gazed up at him. “It doesn’t matter now. I found you.”

  He lowered his face, placing a hard kiss over his lips. It was over and Kira was here, flesh and blood and living. He lifted both hands up, placed them on Kira’s cheeks and deepened the kiss, parting his lips, tasting him with every part of his being.

  A low moan escaped Kira and his hips ground in a slow circle over Jordan’s thigh. “I want you, Jordan. I’ve waited so long, please…” His breathing grew heavy and ragged.

  He gazed down at him, feeling his erection rubbing over him through their jeans. Should I? Yes, oh yes. His cock ached and swelled. He ran his hands down to cup Kira’s behind and thrust forward. Searing pleasure washed through this body. He gasped.

  Kira’s mouth came up to claim Jordan’s once more in a passionate kiss. His lips opened and he drove an urgent tongue inside him.

  Kira’s tongue danced and swirled inside his mouth, sending sweet shivers down his spine. His erection pulsed. The visions vanished, replaced by craving and longing and ache.

  He pressed his lips harder against Kira’s. His hips rocked and thrust faster. His hands groped and kneaded the flesh under the fabric of Kira’s clothes. He groaned. “Tell me what to do.”

  Kira’s mouth bit and sucked a trail down his neck, teasing and taunting the tender flesh. His hands ran up and down his back. “You know what to do.”

  Sensation flooded his body. Shudders raced down his spine. Tingling threaded up from his groin. His need heightened to a delicious frustration. He pressed harder against him, attempting to satisfy himself somehow. “No, I don’t. You have to show me.”

  Kira stopped and pulled away, but kept his hands on Jordan’s hips. “What?”

  Panting, he gazed at him with confusion on his face. “I told you, I don’t know what to do.” Longing pulled to the surface of his emotions. “Please, I’ve never done this with a guy.”

  Kira bit his lip. A mischievous smile curled his mouth. “Never?”

  Shaking his head, he drew in his breath and held it for a moment. “No, never.”

  Kira released Jordan’s hips and grasped his hand. “Come with me.”

  He followed him through the main room and into a hallway. He knew where this led. The hallway was the same in his loft, just on the other side.

  Kira stopped in a doorway. A bed with a simple, wood headboard and pillows of soft green and gold rested against the far wall beyond. Nightstands sat on either side. “You want me, too, right?”

  He shut his eyes for a moment, letting the longing and craving swell once again. “Yes, I want you more than anything.”

  A wide grin spread over Kira’s lips. “Come inside.” He walked to the side of the bed and undressed, glancing at him.

  His gaze roamed over Kira’s languid body as he fumbled with his own belt. The hallows and curves of Kira’s lean muscles were perfect, all together inviting. His thick cock curved upward in a flawless arc and stood tall as if beckoning to him. Quickly, he pulled his T-shirt up over his head, unfastened his jeans and dropped them and his boxers to the ground.

  Kira held out his hand to him.

  He stepped out of his clothes, walked to him and took his hand.

  Pulling him close, Kira wrapped his arms around Jordan’s waist. Their naked bodies touched.

  He let out a sharp gasp as their erections brushed together. His eyes closed. It was all too much.


  He opened his eyes.

  Kira gazed up at him. “I love you.”

  Stunned, he gulped and gave a slow nod of his head.

  Reaching up, Kira rested his palm on Jordan’s cheek. He tugged his head down and placed a tender kiss on his lips.

  Desire hummed and twisted through his whole body.

  Holding his gaze, Kira guided him to lie down on the bed on his back and crawled on top of him. He brushed a lock of hair from Jordan’s forehead.

  He licked his lips and let his eyes focus on his beautiful face, so full of emotion for him. His heart filled with an intense ache, a yearning for him. Is it love? Maybe. Oh, but it hurt, too. “Kira, I—”

  “Shh.” Kira pressed his mouth over his, slipping his tongue inside to deepen the kiss. His hips rocked in a slow rhythm, rubbing their cocks together.

  He moaned, low and deep. Need surrounded him and held him in its grasp. His hands trailed down to grip Kira’s ass and force him down harder. He craved more. “Please.”

  Kira’s mouth left his to kiss and nip at Jordan’s flesh, over his neck and chest. His tongue flicked at Jordan’s nipples, one after the other.

  He arched and gasped. Sweet pleasure rushed through him from his nipples to his groin. “More, please.” Oh God, it felt good.

  Kira ran his slick tongue down, across his taut stomach, licking each groove in his abdomen and thrusting it into his navel. He sucked and nipped at his skin with his teeth, down and across his inner thighs.

  He gripped the bedcovers, twisting in delicious agony. He craved Kira’s mouth on his cock. The ache filled every fiber of his being, demanding to be satiated.

  Kira took his sac into his mouth and ran a light tongue over it, under it, swirling and sucking.

  He slapped his hands to the back of Kira’s head. “S-stop teasing, please.”

  With a quick grin, Kira grasped his erection, took it in his mouth, and pumped. His tongue pressed hard to the underside of Jordan’s cock and flicked over the tip.

  His hips thrust in urgency. His hands clutched Kira’s hair. Need and pleasure mixed to flood his body with sensation. Release teased, just under the surface.

  Kira stopped and sat up on his legs, swiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

  He panted. “Wh-what are you doing? Don’t stop, not now.”

  A seductive smile spread on Kira’s lips. “Oh, we’re not stopping.” Quickly, he bent over him and opened a drawer in the nightstand. He pulled out a small, plastic bottle, flipped a cap open and poured a slick gel on his fingers. His wetted fingers raced down to his behind and circled before thrusting inside his passage.

  “Holy shit.” His eyes widened with the understanding of what they were going to do.

  Hissing and gasping, Kira’s brows furrowed and his mouth hung open as another finger thrust into his body. “I want you, Jordan, so bad.” His breath grew ragged and his hips rocked with the motions of his fingers.

  He had no idea something like that could make his cock ache like this. Every part of it ignited something dormant inside him. He let out a soft moan. Reaching up, he tugged him back down over him.

  “Wait.” Kira poured more gel onto his fingers and brought his hand down to Jordan’s weeping cock. He gave it slow, sensual strokes with his slick palm.

  “Oh, God.” His body shuddered with an intense burst of sensation.

  Kira withdrew his hand and placed it over his own erection, jerking his palm over it in quick strokes. Gasping, his eyes closed tight for a moment. His hand stopped and he gazed with raw lust into his eyes. “Sit up.”

  He pushed himself up to sitting while Kira straddled him, positioning himself in his lap with his legs bent underneath him on either side of Jordan’s thighs.

  “Look at me. I want you to feel it, everything you felt for me before.” Kira held onto Jordan’s shoulders as he lowered himself, slowly, onto his firm cock.

  He gasped as delicious heat and pressure surrounded his erection. He held his gaze steady to Kira’s and watched desire lower his eyelids.

  Kira lifted himself up and came down again, faster this time, over his erection. Wrapping his arms around him, he pulled their bodies together. His mouth seized Jordan’s in a ravenous kiss as he moved his hips down and up, over and over.

  His hips thrust in time with Kira’s as his arms wrapped around Kira’s waist. His mouth devoured Kira’s lips, his jaw, his neck. Exquisite pleasure rippled through him, fed the growing tension and urgency in his groin.

  All at once, his heart filled with an incredible sense of belonging, of purpose, of serenity. It all flooded back, the adoration, the devotion, the love he felt for him and only him. “Kira…” He held him in a tight embrace and kissed him with all the emotion churning inside him.

  Kira returned the kiss with a deep, low moan, his hips still rocking in a sensual rhythm with Jordan’s.

  His sac tightened as his climax rushed to the surface and surged. He cried out with hard thrusts, spilling his seed inside him, sending delicious waves of pleasure to ravage his body.

  Kira’s passage tightened around him and his body grew rigid. His seeping cock pulsed against Jordan’s stomach. Gasping, his seed spurted between them and onto their chests and stomachs.

  As it slowed, Kira panted against Jordan’s shoulder, holding him tight and steady.

  A daze lifted inside his head and he placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. His arms wrapped tighter around him. “I love you, too, so much.”

  Raising his head, Kira gazed at him. “You do?” Tears filled his eyes.

  He nodded. “I do. It came back. I felt it, just like you wanted.”

  “You remember?” Kira’s brows furrowed as he placed his forehead against Jordan’s.

  “Yes, I remember. Maybe not everything that happened exactly, but I do remember my feelings for you and I feel them again, now.” He sighed. “I’ve never felt like this for anyone. It’s so intense, it’s so—”


  He looked deep into his dark eyes. “Yes, real.”

  “Oh, Riku, I’ve waited so long to hear you say that.” Kira kissed him hard on the lips and tightened his hold.

  He broke the kiss. “I’m not Riku anymore, I’m Jordan now.”

  Kira blinked, sending a tear toppling down his cheek. “But you do love me. You do remember.”

  “Yes, I do. And I forgive you. I’m so sorry I made you search for so long. I’m so sorry I wasted so much time and didn’t find you sooner.” He took in a deep breath. “I was an idiot. I would have done the same for you.”

  “Y-you would?” Kira’s eyes widened.

  “Yes, I would, in a heartbeat.” He gave him a brief squeeze and placed a quick kiss on his lips. “Now, let’s get on with the rest of the time we have in this life. Let’s do all those things we promised each other we’d do so long ago.” He smiled.

  A sly grin spread over Kira’s lips. “We have a lot of sex to make up for.”

  “That we do.” Reaching down, his fingers curled around Kira’s hardening cock.


  Viola Grace

  The first moments on a new world were always disorienting, but by the time she was ready to do her thing, Sofee’s heart was beating with the pulse of the planet.

  Bio-forming, it was called. Terra forming was how Sofee thought of it, making a world like she remembered, before her particular talent for growing things caught the eye of the Volunteer recruiter. Before she knew it, she had signed on to leave the Earth and found herself halfway across the galaxy learning how to turn dead worlds into living Edens.

  She turned to the one and only inhabitant of the planet Nero and asked him, “So, Venel. You aren’t from around here are you?” She had been trying to pin down his species and was drawing a complete blank. He was too tall for an Azon, too heavily muscled for an Avari and definitely did not have the physique of an Enjel or Dhemon. She was stumped.

  “That is correct. I was summoned here to be Avatar some years ago.”

  His twinkling silver eyes warmed her to her toes and she felt herself blush
ing as she took in his seven foot height with a blue green tinge to his tanned skin. She had been dreaming of him in a variety of lascivious poses since she arrived and being this close to his enticing scent was distracting her.

  He may be calling himself the Avatar, but as the sole inhabitant of the planet, he had the wealth of the world at his disposal. It was that wealth that had summoned her here. Bio-forming was expensive.

  The first two days had been set traveling the planet in a skimmer, setting charges full of biological materials, and his proximity during those jaunts had almost set her over the edge. It had been a few years since she had gotten laid and there was no one here to see her if she made an ass of herself flinging her body on top of her host’s. Back to business. “Why choose to awaken the planet now? Why not years ago?”

  “Persons with your specialty were not available years ago. It is also now that Nero has made the Alliance priority list. We have been waiting for some time.”

  She fidgeted with her data pad. “I have another question, how did this planet die? It simply seems abandoned by all forms of life.”

  “Nero made the choice to go dormant when the indigenous species was wiped out. He summoned me as his Avatar when the time was right.”

  She absorbed his words and then put them together with surprise. “The planet is alive then?” His smiled flashed at her again, his lightly pointed teeth catching the sunlight.

  “There is a reason that it is called the Alliance of Federated and Sentient Planets.”

  She chuckled. “I always thought that the Sentient part referred to the inhabitants.”

  “Not in the Alliance. It is the world beneath us and it has a mind and a soul.”

  His eyes flared black and this time his grin bordered on feral. She almost backed up until she realized that it was no longer Venel that she was facing. It was Nero. “How many people are in there?” She gestured to his body and he smiled again, the points on his teeth now clearly visible.

  “You caught me. I am impressed. Venel agreed to share his body with me. Many planets choose to summon an Avatar when they wish to trade or conduct other business. I am Nero and I did the summoning. He finds you extremely attractive, by the way.” He bowed formally and took her hand in his own.


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