Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage

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Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage Page 17

by Viola Grace

  “This is what I’ve been missing all this time,” she marveled. “I just never knew it.”

  “What, great sex?” He continued to move in and out of her as he unsnapped her bra so he could palm her breasts.

  “No.” She moaned when he tweaked her nipples. “You. I never knew it before I found you, but I’ve been looking for you forever.”

  She moved away and he instantly mourned her enveloping heat. Until she unbuttoned and slid his shirt off his shoulders, then gave him a scorching kiss. “Now that you have taken care of my needs, it only seems fair that I take care of yours.”

  “Okay, if you insist, I won’t argue with that logic.” He licked his lips, still tasting her on them as he allowed her to grab his hand and guide him down the narrow hallway that led to the bedrooms.

  “Which way?” she asked.

  He pointed to his door and she took him in. Once they were at the foot of his bed, he continued to let her take charge as she finished undressing him, her lips and tongue caressing him randomly, much like he had done to her earlier.

  “Lie down,” she ordered before she licked the tip of his ear

  He obeyed, lying down on his back, but he propped himself up on his elbows so he could watch her crawl up. She moved like a stalking cat, slowly working her way up his body, stopping at his hard cock. With a look of wonder, she gently caressed the tip, collecting a drop of pre-cum with her finger.

  “Do you know what my sister told me?” she asked as she brought her digit to her mouth.

  Struck dumb, he could only shake his head like an idiot as he watched her suck it clean.

  “She told me that male elves could go again and again. That unlike humans, they have no trouble getting hard right after they have an orgasm. Is that true?”

  He finally found his voice. “Yes.” He let out a hiss of pleasure when she gently squeezed his balls.

  “I think I’m going to have fun putting that rumor to test.” She gave him a wicked smile before she wrapped her mouth around him and sucked his cock like she’d sucked her finger.

  Devin jumped on first contact and barely restrained himself from thrusting forward into her sweet little mouth. Despite her dirty talk, he could tell by the hesitant way her mouth worked him she wasn’t experienced. The mere thought that she was doing something to him that no other male had ever enjoyed made him almost drunk with passion.

  “You really don’t have to do this. I—” the rest of his chivalry was cut short when she sucked in so hard that he bumped the roof of her mouth. He fisted both hands in the comforter and let her work her magic on him. After a few minutes, he could feel the pressure fill up his balls.

  “Honey, you may want to pull back, I’m going to come,” he whispered. She ignored him and sucked him into a blinding orgasm. With a groan, he shot hot jets of semen into her mouth. Jorvin didn’t act offended or upset, she took everything he gave her with gentle swallows. Humbled, he stoked her hair as the waves of pleasure rode through him.

  Once it was over, she licked her lips and looked up from under her dark lashes at him.

  “Straddle me,” he urged. “I need to get back inside you.”

  “But you can’t possibly be ready yet.” She looked down at his already erect cock. Her eyes grew wide. “Oh, I guess you weren’t bluffing.”

  With a chuckle, he grabbed her soft hips and guided her onto his cock. As soon as he filled her, she threw her head back with pleasure. “You’re so deep. Oh, I like this.”

  “Start moving. Ride me.”

  She did as he instructed, moving slowly at first, then increasing her speed as she grew more sure of herself.

  The look of passion on her face was so raw and pure that Devin knew he would carry that image with him forever. Her eyes were closed, her cheeks pink with passion and her hair cascaded over her naked flesh.

  This time, they came together, her screaming his name, him groaning hers. When it was over, she collapsed on his chest. Content to stay that way forever, he stoked her spine for several minutes before he rolled her over and took her again. It wasn’t until he’d had her three times that he was completely sated and he gathered her up to his chest and spooned her.

  * * * *

  Jorvin idly played with Devin’s fingers as she gathered up her courage. By the way he’d talked earlier, he really did believe they were lifemates, but some small part of her was still afraid that he’d been playing her to either get her into bed or distract her so Hunter could get Korin. But after watching the way her sister lived with regrets made Jorvin determined not to suffer the same fate.

  “What would you say if I told you I wanted to go with you when you left?” she blurted out quick before she lost her nerve. He sat up so he could gaze down at her and what she saw there soothed her fears. The green eyes were filled with relief and love.

  “I would say that you would make me the happiest elf on this realm or the other.”

  “Other? There is another realm?”

  He laughed before giving her a kiss. “Don’t worry, I will teach you everything about our kind. I can’t wait to show you our wonderful customs and history.”

  “It can’t be that wonderful of a place if they exiled someone as great as you.” She playfully tweaked his ear.

  A hint of sadness touched his eyes. “Yeah, well my brother and I broke ancient custom when we helped a fairy captive escape. We knew the consequences before we did it.”

  “And yet you did.” She kissed him. “You did it because you knew it was right and you are of pure heart.” He blushed and she had never seen anything so cute.

  “Let’s go help Hunter before your brothers kill him.”

  She reluctantly got dressed and they went out and got into his car. No sooner had they pulled away than Devin got the faraway look in his eyes that told her Hunter was contacting him telepathically. By the way he cursed out loud, she knew it wasn’t good. “What?” she asked, her heart hammered in her chest.

  “Jackass got discovered. Your brothers have him surrounded.”

  She gasped. “No one can get hurt. Korin or I would never forgive ourselves.”

  He gunned the engine. “Then we better hurry. Hunter won’t let her get away from him again, there is no telling what he may do.”

  He quickly navigated the streets until they reached her family’s isolated farmhouse. As soon as he pulled up, she could see the chaos that was playing out in their front yard. Hunter stood in the middle of her three brothers who all had their swords out and pointed at him. They probably would have already gone in for the kill were it not for the fact Korin had her arms around Hunter, shielding him with her body.

  Jorvin jumped out of the car before Devin even had a chance to put it into park. “Loredean, Avery, Jace, stop it now!” she yelled. Devin came up and put his body in front of hers in a protective manner. Her stomach lurched when she saw he had a sword out, too.

  “The odds are a bit more even this time, boys,” he said in a deadly calm voice.

  She put a hand on his arm. “No, please. No bloodshed. You promised me as my lifemate.”

  Her oldest brother, Loredean, curled his lip in disgust. “Not you, too, Jorvin? I thought you had more sense than to get all hot and bothered over a stray.”

  “Don’t talk to her that way,” Devin snarled.

  “I’ll talk to her anyway I want,” Loredean countered. “She’s my sister and I’m going to be damned if some strange elf is just going to come in and take her away.”

  All the males shifted into their fighting stances. Jorvin shoved past Devin. “Enough, all of you!” Relief flooded her body when they all paused to look at her. “Loredean, you are not the boss of us. Korin and I love these males and we are going to be with them for good. You have two choices, either you lay down your sword and accept them or you lose us. Korin and I will walk away from you and you will never hear from either of us again.”

  “You can’t be serious?” Avery gaped, his eyes narrowed in anger.

I am dead serious.” Even though Avery had asked the question, she directed her words to Loredean since he was the head of the family. “Look at how much Korin has been suffering. Would you want that to continue for her? For me? You deny us our lifemates, you are dooming us to a life of unhappiness. I know you, Loredean, you have always wanted the best for us. Well Devin and Hunter are it.”

  Loredean hesitated for a few seconds before he cursed under his breath and lowered his sword, Avery and Jace followed suit. “Are you sure?” he asked with a resigned tone.

  “Yes,” she and Korin answered in unison.

  Loredean cussed under his breath again. “Fine,” he spat out the word like it choked him. He directed a warning glare to the two brothers. “But if either one of you hurts my sisters, just know there will be hell to pay.”

  Korin squealed in delight as she wrapped her arms around Hunter and kissed him. Jorvin embraced Devin and did likewise. As he held her, she knew he would never let go.


  Celia Jade

  Brigit tossed her mail where she always did—on the end table next to the sofa. The cozy living room was her favorite place in her apartment so she’d eventually get to the mail at her leisure. She pulled the curtains to the side and observed the quiet neighborhood street as she sipped a dark roast coffee. The delightful liquid loosened the muscles of her throat, pumping energy into her veins. Spring was enthusiastic this year, ignoring the lingering chill of February with an emergence of hardy blooms and lively birdsong.

  Turning away from the window, she let out a lazy yawn. Thank God it was Saturday, she thought and walked over to the sofa. She placed the mug on the large, dark-stained coffee table and sunk into the soft cushions, folding her pajama-clad legs sideways. She tuned in to a morning travel program that was featuring the Italian countryside and couldn’t help sighing at the majestic scenes of lush vineyards and rolling green hills. Brigit was in love with Europe, particularly the Mediterranean. She often dreamed of owning a country home with a decent size backyard in which to grow a variety of plants—perhaps even have a greenhouse. Her mother had blessed her with a green thumb, evident in the houseplants that occupied every corner and free space in her small, Dublin apartment.

  At the commercial break, Brigit turned to the envelopes on the table. She reached out for them, three in all. The first was a telephone bill, which she tossed back onto the table. She quickly scanned the literature of the second one—a credit card offer. This one went next to her on the sofa. Her eyebrows arched as she looked down at the last one. A pink envelope addressed to her with no return address and surprisingly, no stamp. She ran her fingers along the front of the envelope and brought it up to her nose. Not quite understanding the urge to do so, she breathed in the soft spicy scent of the paper, then pulled away in surprise. Frowning, she worried her bottom lip. Turning the envelope over, she saw that it was plainly sealed. Once again, she smelled it, closing her eyes briefly. Without doubt, the scent was masculine…and very pleasant, stirring her senses with innate longing. Heat suffused her face…including those extra-sensitive parts of her body.

  She cleared her throat self-consciously. This was an odd contrast—pink envelope, masculine scent. Carefully, she tore along the flap and extracted a letter. It was neatly folded in half and felt like good quality parchment. She unfolded it and looked at the handwriting briefly. The style was even and neat, slanted slightly to the right. After hours in front of a computer at work and the ongoing obsession with emails, it was refreshing to receive an old-fashioned letter. It, too, carried the spicy scent of the envelope. The structure of the letter was not typical. Her name was not addressed at the top nor was it signed. But this only added to her curiosity, so she started to read.

  I ask that you take the time to respond to this letter, honestly and genuinely. Once you respond properly, you will be blessed with good fortune in the near future. Please do not show this letter to anyone or discuss it in any way. This is your secret.

  On this paper, you shall write three things that bring you joy and three that bring you sorrow. Separate these into two columns—one on the left and one on the right. Be careful not to make any mistakes. When you are done, return the letter to its envelope and place it in your dresser.

  Brigit was puzzled by the bizarre instructions, not sure whether she should laugh and toss the letter into the trash or take measures in case she was being stalked. Not that she’d really know, but it didn’t come across as a stalker type letter. Also, who’d want to stalk her? She was just a simple young woman with a simple bank job who lived in a modest neighborhood. After a thoughtful pause, no one came to mind.

  She sighed and gave a shrug, placing the letter on the end table. With a quick trip to the kitchen, she disposed of the credit card offer. Over the next hour, she fussed over her plants, watering seven out of ten and applying controlled amounts of fertilizer while treating them to brief conversation.

  She always had a late breakfast on weekends and finally got round to cooking up an omelet and whole grain toast with jam around eleven. The phone rang when she was halfway through her meal. She located the cordless.

  “Brigit, good morning!” Fiona’s familiar voice chirped up on the other end.

  Brigit swallowed a mouthful of omelet. “Mmm, morning to you too—and it’s a sunny one today.”

  “It sounds like you’re eating,” her friend commented.

  “Yes, you know I usually eat around this time on weekends.”

  “And I tend to interrupt your breakfast.” Fiona laughed and Brigit joined her. “How was your week?”

  Brigit took a sip from her second cup of coffee. “Exhausting. I set up twenty new client accounts.”

  “Ooh, that is hard work. Claire gave me a call last night. Says she’s going out with the usual bunch to that new pub on Suffolk. Are you up for it?” Fiona asked.

  A tiny frown curved Brigit’s mouth. Tension wearied her muscles. “I don’t know…”

  “Come on Brigit, you don’t have any plans tonight.”

  That was true, not that she minded. Brigit glanced toward the living room and thought about the pink envelope. She really wanted to tell Fiona about the letter but refrained. “Um, I think I’ll pass tonight, Fiona. I honestly could use a rest,” she finally replied.

  “All right…but you won’t be off the hook next week.”

  Brigit smiled. “Sure, I’ll call you tomorrow to get the scoop on the pub. Have fun.”

  “I plan to,” her friend added with an eager chuckle.

  After a quick call to her mom, Brigit chose a CD from her classical collection. Vivaldi’s Spring spilled into the apartment, the motivational notes guiding her through some light housework. Later, she stepped out for a few hours and returned with several grocery items and a movie rental.

  That evening she received a call from her married sister, Kate, who invited her over for Sunday lunch. Brigit gladly accepted, always happy to see her little nephew. She settled on the sofa with a plate full of homemade spaghetti and meat sauce and started the spy movie. Russian and American espionage at its finest—covert operations, double agents, violence, sexy, smooth-talking men—all the good stuff.

  Brigit poured herself a little more red wine once the movie ended and slipped her legs under a cotton throw. She turned her gaze to the strange letter and picked it up. She read it more carefully this time. It certainly didn’t seem threatening. On the contrary, the mention of good fortune seemed silly, the handiwork of a practical joker. One who’d managed to slip into the apartment building without a key, piped the little voice of reason.

  On impulse, she reached under the coffee table and pulled out a wicker basket to rummage for a pen and notepad. She placed the letter on the notepad and clicked the pen.

  “Well, if I’m silly enough to respond to this, no one will find out,” she said. Three things that bring me joy. Respond honestly. She looked around thoughtfully. Her plants brought her joy. But she’d really enjoy gardening, i
f she had a garden. Her teeth chewed her lip gently while the pen moved across the paper.

  Taking care of my plants.

  Oh, and there was her passion for classical music.

  Listening to classical music.

  She drank some more wine and searched her mind for something to complete this column. Well, she’d had her differences with her family in the past, but she adored them.

  My family.

  She got up from the sofa and paced the room. Being a cheerful person, she normally didn’t dwell on unpleasant things. She swirled the contents of the wine glass as if she’d find answers within the deep-colored liquid. Images of recent documentaries took shape in her mind’s eye, taking her back to the letter.

  The suffering of all creatures.

  Within ten minutes, she’d added two more items.

  Kindness that goes unrecognized.

  The thought of never finding a man who I can love for the rest of my life.

  “There. All genuine, all true.” She tucked the envelope’s flap inward and placed it in the top drawer of her dresser. The fact that she had carried out the letter’s request in a serious manner dawned on her. An embarrassed giggle escaped her and she shook her head. Perhaps she should have gone out with Fiona.

  As she entered the washroom, she thought about her latest failed relationship. Now when was that? Oh, right—just a few days before her sister’s birthday, last October. Making that almost five months ago. She sighed heavily and, in light of the letter in her drawer, said, “Yep, time for a new man Brigit.”

  That night Brigit slept more soundly than ever before. She woke, arching her body into a feline stretch and smiled. The smile felt goofy, but it didn’t matter because she felt utterly at peace and so refreshed. As if the previous week hadn’t taken place. She was content to gaze at the light that filtered softly through the bamboo shade at the window until her limbs urged her out of bed.

  As she splashed water on her face, she marveled at the lively energy that coursed through her so early in the day. Even after a considerable amount of coffee there was no comparison.


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