Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage

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Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage Page 27

by Viola Grace

  “Do you want to touch me?” He met his gaze.

  “Oh God yes,” he breathed. Derek Spencer undid his wrists and then his ankles. Baron lowered his legs with relief, then reached out his hand. “Come here,” he gasped. “Come here and let me touch you and then you can—”

  “I can?” He lifted an eyebrow, taking his outstretched hand.

  “Fuck me. Please…ah…”

  Derek chuckled, perched on the side of the bed. He took off the nipple clamps and laved both of his nipples.

  Baron sighed in contentment, then fondled his sex gently, while at the same time demandingly capturing his mouth. Baron pulled his body close to his, and with a groan, ran his hands over his back and down to his ass. They kissed passionately and then Baron lifted his knees in invitation. “Now,” he insisted.

  Derek released his mouth, and without delay, yanked his legs up over his broad shoulders. He looked down into his eyes, then entered him roughly, passionately, and Baron was more than ready to receive him. When he came, his entire body shuddered with an orgasm that was earth shattering, and Derek sat back and watched him until he began to breath normally again, then he moved away.

  After Baron felt as if he’d recovered, he lay back and asked, “What exactly was this all about again?”

  “Did you enjoy it?” Derek asked, standing away from the bed, still naked.

  God, his body was a playground of paradise. “Yes,” he said softly. “But—”

  “It took your mind off things?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “The ceremony is over.”

  Baron narrowed his eyes. “You…” His anger began to simmer. “You bastard.”

  Derek smiled. “I do what I must. It’s my job.”

  Baron sat up. “Which is exactly?”

  “I protect the alliance…by any means.”

  “You’ve done this before?”

  He tilted his head. “Yes.”

  “You’re a—”

  “I’m a lot of things. Mostly, I’m efficient.”

  Baron threw his legs over the bed. “You’re an asshole.”

  “I’ve been called worse. You are free to leave. Lesson one is over.”

  “Lesson one. Hah! No more lessons. I want my clothes.”

  “I will have them brought to you. Goodbye, Baron.”

  Baron turned around and punched the wall.

  Lesson one. Little did Baron know at the time how much he would crave lesson two. Was there to be lesson two? Time marched on. His father became heavily involved in politics, a different kind of politics, which encouraged him to learn the art of negotiation and compromise. His father taught him all about these things, encouraging him to take a role. The planet began to recover from the ills its inhabitants had visited upon it, thanks to the techniques the Taskians had brought to Casiopea, and as much as it pained him to admit it, life was better than before.

  When his father asked him if he would be Casiopea’s Ambassador to Taskia, he was pleased. It meant he got to travel there, and maybe…just maybe he’d see Derek Spencer again. “Father,” he asked as he prepared for his first interplanetary visit to Taskia, “who was Derek Spencer?”

  “Derek Spencer?” his father looked up from his papers.

  “You remember, the young man who whisked me away that night of the ceremony.”

  “That was over two years ago, Baron. How am I supposed to remember that?”

  “Two years? Has it been that long?”

  “Almost. Why?”

  “I often wondered who he was, that’s all.”

  “I believe he was some sort of a mystic…ah… they read thoughts…do prevention…what in hell do the Taskians call them…cleaners, I think.”


  “Yes. They’re clairvoyant, able to detect specific clues which foreshadow actions, which could potentially cause political upheaval down the line.”

  “In English.”

  His father looked annoyed. “I’m busy, Baron, come on. They eliminate potential political shit disturbers. I believe they appeared around two hundred years ago when the corporations waged war on the Taskian government over the environment.”


  He paused, then said thoughtfully, “I hear they’re not above using any means possible to squash ecologically unfriendly elements. They read your thoughts and boom, you don’t have a chance.”

  “I see.” Derek Spencer was a cleaner. Why would anyone want to do that job?”

  “They have no choice. It’s their destiny, due to their psychic abilities. Everyone is tested at birth. The cleaner is taken away from their parents and trained from day one.”

  “That’s cruel.”

  “It’s the way it is. Now, are you all packed?”


  “Are you confident? Everything we went over, is it—”

  “It’s perfect, Father. I have to go. I will contact you soon.”

  His father bent his head back to his work.

  It was his first time on Taskia and he was impressed at how clean it was. Everything was green, from the street signs to the buildings. There was an extremely modern transportation system, which of course, was communal, and the skies were very, very blue. All the manufacturing took place underground and emissions were filtered through a special process, which recycled the pollution into fuel for the communal transport. This was the future of his own planet.

  When he first arrived, he was greeted by several government officials who gave him the grand tour. Factories were already beginning to be rebuilt underground, and green technicians from Taskia were putting in the piping, which would recycle the pollution. He was here mainly to discuss the construction of the communal transport, the one which would utilise the new fuel, and discuss how the vehicle recall would work. For the last fifty years, his own people had made carpooling mandatory, but still forty percent of the population jointly owned vehicles with their neighbours. Even though the emissions were miniscule, those emissions were still doing damage.

  The meeting lasted all day and well into the night. Baron was exhausted by the time he retired. Even though he had been attentive to the discussion, an image of Derek Spencer played in his mind. At any minute, he expected to see him come through the door, but of course, that wasn’t going to happen. Derek was not a government official. He was a cleaner, some sort of psychic mercenary.

  That night, Baron tossed and turned. He remembered almost every detail of the night Derek took him in hand, disciplined him, showed him the errors of his way… He chuckled in his sleep. He’d been so young then and Derek had cheated. He’d known his thoughts and had kept him entertained and out of the way. He’d called it lesson one, as if it was just the beginning. He’d said, “Tonight I teach you how to behave. Soon, I will teach you how to obey.” Had he just said that to frighten him or…

  He got out of bed and paced. Couldn’t sleep. He could be so close to him. Derek could be anywhere. Baron stared at the phone one of the dignitaries had left him. “Call anytime if there is anything you need.” He had said anything. Baron picked it up and pressed the red button.

  A few seconds and a face appeared, smiling. “Ambassador. What may I do for you?”

  “Well,” he licked his lips. “I was wondering if you might find someone for me.”

  “It is four o’clock in the morning, Sir, but I will try.”

  “His name is Spencer, Derek Spencer.”

  There was a long silence.


  “Derek Spencer is a fugitive.”


  “If you know something about—”

  “No. I…he’s a…what you people call a cleaner?”

  “Yes. He was. He was the best of his kind.”

  “What happened…if I may ask?”

  “He asked to be released, and when his request was refused, he went AWOL.”

  “Can they not be…released?”

  “No. They are too valuable and subjected
to too much sensitive information. May I ask why you wanted me to—”

  “I, ah…met him once and—”

  “Our data shows he was once assigned to you.”

  Baron flushed. “Yes, but I was only a boy—”

  The man laughed. “No worries. He was not mandated to issue any serious punishment. It was more a babysitting assignment if I recall.”

  Baron clamped his teeth shut.

  “It was shortly after that, he asked to be released.”

  “Was he supposed to…ah…babysit me again?”


  Baron pursed his lips. Could it be that he intended to see him again on his own terms, not as a cleaner, but as a…lover? Could he even hope that…well…it didn’t matter one way or another anymore, Derek was a criminal. “What will you do to him if…”

  “If he’s found? He will have to be eliminated of course.”

  “Elimina—you mean…killed?”

  “Yes. But my guess is, we won’t find him. He knows every move we make, given his sensitivities and…” He laughed. “We don’t stand a chance. Like I said, he’s the best and cleaver as a fox.”

  And beautiful…like an angel. “Alright, thank you.”

  “I still don’t understand what you wanted with him?”

  “I needed to clarify something with him, but it’s not important. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” he said.

  On the way home, Baron closed his eyes and pictured Derek in his mind. Tall, with all that raven hair swept back from his classically handsome face, that body, lean, muscled, and those hands. His image was so vivid in his mind. It was as if he were right there with him.

  I am.

  Those two words resounded in his brain, causing his eyelids to flip open. “Derek.” He spoke aloud, looking around to see if the other passengers around him had heard. They didn’t acknowledge it if they had.

  You remember. I’m flattered.

  Where are you?

  I can’t tell you that. They have others like me, using them to track their own.

  Why did you—

  I want to live my own life. I want to love. I want to be free. They have saved their environment, but the cost in human bondage has been high. The punishment for anything but complete servitude, is death.

  I’m sorry. I…I never forgot you.

  And I, you.

  Baron licked his lips. Can I see you?

  Lesson two?

  Baron smiled. You meant it. It wasn’t part of your…

  My babysitting assignment was only for one evening. You were easy to persuade. The government knew your youth was interfering with your common sense.

  Baron stifled a laugh. I waited for you to come back.

  And I would have, if I had had the freedom to.

  And now?

  It would put your life in danger.

  I don’t care. I want that second lesson. I want to see you, touch you.

  I have to go. I’ll be in touch.

  When Baron arrived home, he wondered if he hadn’t dreamed the entire thing. Then shortly after he gave his report to his father and climbed into bed, Derek spoke to him again.

  Baron, can you meet me tonight?

  Baron sat up in bed. Breathlessly, he told him, Yes. Are you here, on my planet?

  Yes. Come to the floral house. It is deserted at this time of night.

  Isn’t it locked?

  I’ve taken care of that. I’ll wait for you.

  Baron hurriedly got dressed and snuck out of the house. It was well after midnight when he arrived at the Floral House. The Floral House was a huge museum, which displayed a great variety of flowers that had existed before the environment affected all the plants. Now, there was hope that these flowers would grow again outside. Baron was all a tingle when he arrived, hovering around the door.

  “It’s alright,” a voice told him. “It’s unlocked.”

  Baron looked around, but saw no one. He opened the door and walked in. Immediately, his senses were flooded with the luscious bouquet of flowers. “Derek,” he said, looking around. He heard a shuffling sound and turned. There he was. Baron took in some breath.

  “Hello, Baron,” he said, giving him a faint smile.

  “Derek, you look…you’re so beautiful.”

  “You’ve changed.” He came closer, that thick black hair falling over his forehead. “You’ve grown up, a man…and very nicely I see.”

  Baron blushed a little as he felt Derek’s gaze sweep his body. “Derek, I…” He began.

  “Shush,” Derek told him, placing his finger on his lips, “time for lesson two.”

  Baron’s pulse raced. His heart pounded in his ribs.

  Derek took out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and dangled them in front of him.

  “I think I love you,” Baron told him, looking into those dark, beautiful eyes.

  Derek smiled. “You’d love anyone of our kind because we are the only ones who can give you exactly what you want, what you need.”

  “And what do you need?”

  “Right now, you. I need you, Baron.” He took his hand and led him deeper into the forest of flowers. The fragrance of roses and hibiscus flooded his senses, leaving him dizzy, or was it this man he followed that was having this effect, this man dressed so elegantly tonight in a black suit and white ruffled shirt? It was exactly how he wanted him to be dressed. Now, he could only anticipate the moment when Derek would be undressed.

  “Yes,” Derek said, leading him over to a low hung beam, “isn’t it ironic how we take such care dressing, then end up naked anyway.”

  “You read my thoughts. You…” Baron smiled at him.

  “Yes,” he drawled, “and I know what is on your mind right now. I know what you want from me. Put your hands up on the beam.”

  Baron licked his lips and lifted his hand.

  Derek ran his hands up his side to his hands.

  Baron sucked in air, closing his eyes as the cuffs clicked shut around his wrists. He wore only a shirt and a pair of pants, and right now, Derek left them on.

  He stood back and looked at him. “You’re trembling all over,” he said.

  Baron swallowed.

  Derek reached out and slowly unzipped his pants.

  Baron held his breath. A hand scooped into his underwear and took out his cock.

  “Already hard, already leaking.” Derek pulled it up over his underwear and left it exposed like that, on display. He backed away, waited.

  Baron closed his eyes again, his cock swelling, throbbing already with anticipation.

  Derek moved close again, undid the buttons of his own ruffled shirt.

  That simple action caused Baron to whimper. “Take it off,” he urged, “the shirt. Please.”

  Derek smiled faintly. “I’m the boss, not you. I’ll decide when or if I will undress, my fine slut.” He reached out and trailed a finger over the head of his cock. “Say, yes, master.”

  “Yes, master.”

  He began to undo Baron’s shirt, making sure he moved the material over both nipples before allowing it to hang open. “Are your nipples needy tonight, Baron?”

  “Oh yes,” he choked.

  “What would you like me to do to them?”

  “What ever you wish, master.”

  “A good answer, although I know what you want. Remember that, Baron, everything I do, I do because you desire it…although sometimes I make you wait.”

  “Yes, master.”

  “I like the sound of that,” he flicked one nipple casually with his finger, then the other. “I like it a lot.”

  “I’d call you master anywhere and—”

  “Shush, shush, shush,” Derek shook his head. “Quiet now.” He walked around him. “I brought all the things we’ll need tonight. I have clamps and rings and toys…”

  Baron let his head go back. “Do what you want. My body is yours.”

  “I know that.”

  “Do you also know that I love you?”
  “You love the thought of me. Now, be quiet.”

  Baron felt the whip on his back, then his shirt being torn down the middle. The sting in his back stiffened his cock and he moaned. Derek’s lips pressed against his shoulder, arms crept around him and a hand lifted his cock, pushing down his pants and his underwear. Baron kicked the clothing away with his feet, luxuriating in Derek’s embrace. Then he felt fingers prod his nipples, fiddling with them, pinching, then finally, clamping them tightly, causing Baron to swoon with intense uncomfortable pleasure. Next, a metal cock ring was pushed down his shaft, causing his cock to stand straight out.

  “Exciting to look at, isn’t is?” Derek asked, coming around to the front and drinking in his cock on display.

  “If it pleases you, master,” he grinned.

  Derek pulled on the nipple clamps.

  Baron cried out.

  “I have a butt plug for you, bigger than ever. Ask me nice and I’ll insert it.”

  “Please,” he begged. Um, the feeling of being used, even by the plug was pleasurable.

  Derek stripped off his clothes. What a feast for the eyes. He walked in front of him, making sure Baron had time to register his nakedness…his beautiful body, his erect cock, his scrumptiously round, firm ass.

  The plug was oiled and inserted, none too gently, causing Baron to buck his hips forward. “Keep doing that,” Derek demanded. “You’re turning me on. Go on, thrust as if the plug is going impossibly deep and a thousand cocks are pumping you.”

  “Um, what an image,” Baron gasped, continuing to thrust, wanting to come. Another tug on the nipple clamps, causing him to grind his teeth together. The plug, manipulated, moving around in his ass, his nipples, so sore now, so superbly stimulated.

  Derek came behind him, licked his neck. It sent shivers down his spine, then abruptly he turned his head to the left and kissed his mouth deeply. “I could love you,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. They’re coming now. I’ve just gotten started…no time to teach you to truly obey. But at least now, we’ll both get what we want.”


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