Rise & Fall

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Rise & Fall Page 23

by Charlie Cochet

“I’ll give him a call as soon as this is over.” Hopefully it wouldn’t all blow up in his face and his dad wouldn’t be kicking his ass. Seb, Ash, and Sloane finished hashing out the details, and everyone grabbed what equipment was left. They agreed to call if anything changed. Seb and Sloane chatted as they headed out, with Dex carrying his and Sloane’s equipment. Outside, Ash caught hold of Cael’s arm. Since Seb and Sloane stopped to continue their conversation, Dex pretended not to eavesdrop on his brother and Ash.

  “Hey, listen, I know things between us are rough, and it’s completely my fault, but how about if after this is all over, we sit down and have a chat. Just the two of us? Please. I… don’t want to lose you.”

  From the corner of his eye, Dex saw Cael fold his arms over his chest, his gaze hard.

  “You have to have something to lose it, Ash.”

  Ouch. Dex almost cringed. He kind of felt sorry for Ash. Cael obviously hadn’t retracted his claws completely.

  “I deserved that,” Ash said, “But give me a chance to explain. I’m sorry I’ve been pushing you away. I want to let you in, I really do. More than anything. I promise to try harder. Give me a chance. If what I have to say isn’t good enough, then… well, you decide.”

  Cael seemed to mull it over, a host of emotions crossing his face, many of which Dex knew all too well. His brother was afraid of getting hurt, even more than he already was, but he also wanted Ash more than anything. Cael was easy to read, always wearing his heart on his sleeve like his big brother.

  Damn it, Cael, say yes. Put him out of his misery. You know you want to.

  Cael’s expression softened and he nodded. “Okay.” He met Ash’s gaze and spoke softly. “Please don’t hurt me anymore, Ash. I don’t think my heart can take it.”

  Ash swallowed hard. He looked like he wanted to reach out but held himself back. “We’ll work it out somehow. I promise. Be careful tomorrow, okay?”

  “Van sitting isn’t exactly dangerous work,” Cael teased. “You’ll be out there, so you take care. And wear a vest this time.”

  Ash chuckled and gave Cael’s cheek a playful nudge like he’d always done. “Got it.” With a wink, he walked off, calling out a grumbled good-bye to the rest of them. Dex pretended to be inspecting the equipment when Cael came to stand beside him.

  “You can stop acting like you weren’t eavesdropping.”

  Dex blinked innocently. “Moi?”

  Cael rolled his eyes at him. “Please. You are like the nosiest person ever.”

  “Ridiculous lies.”

  “I heard Rhonda from PR was hooking up with Josh in Accounting.”

  Dex gasped. “I thought she had a thing for Mark over in Recruitment?”

  “A-ha! I told you. I was totally making it up,” Cael replied smugly.

  “Damn. All right, I was eavesdropping. You mad?”

  “No.” Cael’s expression turned worried. “Do you think I made the right decision? What if we sit down and it all falls apart? What if things get worse between us?”

  Dex bumped his brother playfully with his hip. “What if it works out and you get everything you want?”

  Cael smiled shyly. “Thanks, Dex.”

  “Any time.”

  “You ready, Dex?”

  “Yep.” Dex motioned for Cael to follow. “Come on. I’ll walk you to your car.”

  As they left the dimly lit sidewalk outside the boarded-up house Austen had set up for them, Dex tried not to give too much thought to the next day. Finally, after months of frustration, dead bodies, and no leads, they were moving in on Hogan. They were going to get a location on the guy if they had to beat it out of Collins. This time tomorrow, Beck Hogan would either be behind bars or six feet under. Dex was fine with either one of those.

  IT WAS almost time.

  The day was bright with clear skies, the air crisp and cool. According to Seb, his agents were already undercover and in position around the area.

  Dex helped Sloane out of the van, a tingle going up his spine at seeing his partner back in uniform, even if it wasn’t his official THIRDS uniform. Then there was the crutch under his right arm. Dex really wished his partner would reconsider and head home, but Sloane was in work mode, and nothing would deter him, injuries or not. Who the hell knew what was about to go down or what would happen at the end of this. What was the likelihood they’d catch Hogan without the THIRDS finding out about it?

  “All right, let’s all get into position,” Sloane said. “Cael, get this van out of sight.”

  Cael gave him a salute. “You got it. Good luck.” He closed the doors to the van, and they all waited for him to drive off before Dex helped Sloane over to Seb’s BearCat concealed in the bushes off Terrace Drive. The back doors opened, and Seb appeared with Calvin beside him. They helped Sloane inside.

  “We’re ready when you are,” Seb stated.

  “Okay.” Dex turned to the rest of his team. “Let’s do this.” He tapped his earpiece. “Cael, you in position?”


  “All right, then.” Dex signaled forward. The rest of the team followed him, and he disappeared into the bushes.

  Time to get this party started.

  THIS WAS going to be too easy.

  Idiots. Going off to hunt their prey while leaving their baby bird in the nest. That’s why cheetahs struggled to survive. Why they were the most vulnerable of the Felids. So eager to trust, so innocent, needing someone to take them under their wing. Hogan smiled to himself. This was going to be fun.

  He pulled the officer’s cap down low over his eyes as he approached the van parked among the trees and dense shrubs, and he knocked on the back door. A few seconds later, the door cracked opened, and the young cheetah Therian appeared.

  “Is there a problem, officer?”

  “You have to move your van, son. There’s no parking on the grass.”

  “Oh. Sorry, I’ll go ahead and do that. Thanks.” He made to close the door when Hogan grabbed the handle and jerked it open, the kid tumbling out and into his arms. With a toothy grin, Hogan shoved him hard into the van before climbing in and securing the door behind him.

  “What the hell?” The young cheetah Therian scrambled to his feet and spun around, recognition dawning on his boyish face. “Shit.”

  “Afternoon, Agent Maddock. I hear you’ve been looking for me.”

  Big silver eyes widened as the kid took another step back, Hogan’s name escaping from between plump lips. He inched closer to the side of the van where the equipment was.

  “I hope you’re not planning on contacting your brother, because it would ruin my surprise.”

  The young agent glared daggers at him. Brave little shit. Hogan would give him that much. He almost felt sorry for the kid. No doubt he’d been corrupted by his Human family. A Therian should never be raised by Humans. They’d tamed him. Eaten away at the wildness in his heart until there was nothing left but a harmless kitten.

  “Well, well. Aren’t you adorable?”

  “Fuck you, asshole!”

  Hogan launched at him, grabbed the young Therian around his waist, and tackled him to the ground. It was over in seconds. The kid was no match for a tiger Therian, much less one of Hogan’s size and strength. He used his heavy mass to hold the agent down on his belly against the floor, his arms pinned at the sides of his head.

  “And such sharp claws,” Hogan murmured, his lips close to the agent’s ear. “I bet Keeler loves that feistiness. I knew there was something going on between you two. He pretended so damn hard not to show he cared. But we saw right through him. You should have seen his eyes when Merritt said your name. There was this rage vibrating through him. Your ferocious lion could barely maintain a grip on himself. He might have been able to fool the Humans, but he couldn’t hide it from a fellow Felid. He’s in love with you. So much so, he would die for you. This time, I’m going to make sure he actually does.”

  “You’ll never beat him or my brother,” the kid spat out. “They’ll
take you down and put you in a cage where you belong. With the rest of the rabid animals.”

  “There’s that mouth again. I hear it runs in the family. Shame. It’s a pretty mouth.” Hogan held both of the agent’s wrists in one hand so he could run the other down his slim neck and sinewy frame. He was soft yet firm. Hogan pushed his crotch up against the young Therian’s perky little ass. It would be a waste to get rid of the cheetah Therian so quickly. He slipped his hand under the T-shirt, moaning at the silky soft skin underneath. His hand travelled lower down, the tips of his fingers slipping under the waistband of the agent’s tac pants.

  “Maybe I should fuck you right here. We could make a little video for Keeler. I would love to see his face when he watches it. When he sees all the ways I defile his precious little chew toy. It’ll destroy him. What do you say?” His hand moved to the agent’s ass and in between his legs where he pressed firmly down. “Shall we give him a show?”

  “You sick son of a bitch! Get off me!”

  Hogan chuckled before the unexpected blow landed. The young agent’s skull slammed back into Hogan’s nose, causing him to roll off with a litany of curses, the wind knocked out of him when a boot kicked him in the stomach over and over. Officially fucked off, Hogan let out a fierce growl and snatched the kid’s leg, jerking him off his feet and slamming him down against the van’s carpet, making the young cheetah Therian gasp for air. Hogan straddled him, surprised by the kid’s ferocity.

  Hogan swiped his arm across his bleeding nose, momentarily letting his guard down when a punch caught him in the ribs. With a growl, he struggled to get a grip on the feral young Therian hissing and clawing at him. Silver eyes flashed with indignation.

  “You really think you’re a match for me?” Hogan snarled. “I’m going to put an end to your lover, your piece of shit brother, and the rest of your traitorous team. They took my revenge from me, now I’m going to take everything away from them. First your brother, then Keeler, then that asshole Brodie, and then I’m coming back for the rest.” He snatched a fistful of the agent’s hair and jerked him to his feet. “Then after I’ve had my fun with you and your sweet little ass, you’re going to join them in hell.”

  The kid landed a punch across Hogan’s face and kicked at the side of his knee, freeing himself long enough to lunge at the equipment on the console across from them where he managed to hit something on a keyboard. The last of Hogan’s patience snapped. He picked the kid up, shoved him against the van’s wall, took hold of his head, and cracked it hard against the side. The kid went limp in his arms.

  “Fucking little shit.” Hogan cursed and winced at his split lip. Fishing the burner phone from his pocket, he put in a call. “Pick me up. Little fucker was more of a pain in the ass than I expected. Don’t underestimate those assholes.”

  “DESTRUCTIVE DELTA, on my mark,” Dex instructed quietly, his fingers flexing on his tranq rifle from his hidden position inside the bushes.

  Bautista sat on the edge of the fountain in Wagner Cove a few feet away. Around them were agents dressed as civilians. One in rollerblades, another tending to the grass, a couple walking down the path. Theta Destructive sat in their BearCat several yards away on Terrace Drive awaiting instructions from their Team Leader. Seb had given them only enough information for them to know another team was working the area undercover. It was all they needed. When a team trusted their Team Leader, the agents would follow him or her to hell and back, no questions asked, no excuses given.

  Exactly at noon, Collins appeared, giving the area a cursory glance as he headed over to Bautista and gave him a kiss. Destructive Delta listened in on the conversation through the tiny military-grade bug they’d placed on the cross hanging from the delicate gold chain around Bautista’s neck.

  “Hey, baby. I’m surprised you called.”

  “I was missing you,” Bautista replied, standing to wrap his arms around Collins’s waist. “You’re always so busy these days.”

  “Yeah. But it’ll be over soon.”

  Dex’s gut twisted. The alarm bells in his head went off, and he listened intently.

  “What will be over soon?” Bautista asked, cocking his head to one side.

  Collins kissed his boyfriend on the lips before taking a step back, an almost heartbroken expression on his face as he held his hands up in surrender. “I don’t blame you for turning me in. You’re a good guy. It’s why I fell in love with you. Take care of yourself.”

  Shit. He knows. “Destructive Delta, move in!” Dex held his tranq gun at the ready as he and the rest of his team emerged from the shrubbery and rushed Collins who remained still, his hands up in front of him as he called out to them.

  “I’m unarmed, agents.”

  “How could you?” Bautista cried as Calvin tried to drag him away. “How could you kill all those people?”

  “You wouldn’t understand,” Collins replied, turning away from his distraught boyfriend. Calvin led Bautista to Seb’s black Suburban heading their way while Ash removed the Therian-strength zip ties from his belt. He kicked at the back of Collins’s knees, forcing him onto the ground before he secured the Therian’s ankles, then his wrists behind his back.

  “You’re going to rot in jail, you piece of shit,” Ash said, roughly hauling the Therian to his feet.

  Dex frowned. He studied the area around them. Everything was quiet. No telltale signs of an ambush. No Therians hiding in the bushes or the reflection from sniper beams. Nothing.

  This is too easy.

  Collins smiled maliciously, and Dex’s blood ran cold. He marched up to Collins and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. “What did you do?”

  “Me? I haven’t done anything.” The smile never left the smug bastard’s face. “The question you should be asking, Agent Daley, is what have you done?”

  Something wasn’t right. Dex’s gaze shifted to Ash who looked equally annoyed by Collins’s cryptic threat. A phone went off, and Dex looked around, the rest of the team shrugging. It took Dex a moment to realize it was coming from Collins. Searching the Therian’s pockets, he pulled out a burner phone. There was a text message. He opened it up, and his heart almost stopped.

  We’ll be in touch. Don’t do anything stupid until then, or your cheetah won’t be chirping much longer.

  On the screen, an image of Cael bound and gagged, his cheek bruised and split lip, popped up. Dex thought he was going to be sick.

  “Oh God.” He shook his head. No. No way could that sick son of a bitch have Cael. It couldn’t be. The phone slipped from his hands onto the grass. It couldn’t be. The photo was a lie. It had to be. Dex walked away from Collins before his shaky hand touched his earpiece. “Seb. I need one of your guys to check the van. Now.”

  “On it.”

  “What is it?” Ash asked worriedly.

  Dex held a hand up, signaling for him to wait. He had to know for sure. A few heart-stopping moments later, and Seb’s anxious voice came on the line.

  “It’s empty, Dex. Cael’s gone. Looks like there was a struggle.”

  “Fuck!” Dex put his hands to his head. It had been a trap. The whole thing had been a fucking trap. Had Collins known Bautista would turn him in? He had to have been expecting it. No wonder the guy had turned himself in so easily. It had all been a distraction for Hogan to get his hands on Cael. How long had the bastard been waiting to make his move?

  “I’d listen to what he says,” Collins called out behind him. “Hogan likes them cute and perky.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Ash demanded, giving Collins a shake. Dex stormed over, his anger reaching boiling point as he threw a punch and hit Collins square across the jaw, forcing his head to snap to the side.

  “You motherfucking piece of shit, where’s my brother?”

  Hobbs appeared beside Collins, holding him up. Furious, Dex concentrated on Collins, barely aware of the gasp behind him or the lack of Ash’s presence. He was about to beat the shit out of Collins if he had to when Ash’s claws
dug into Collins’s neck, drawing a horrible gurgling sound from him. Startled, Dex took a step back. He stared in stunned disbelief as the Felid inside Ash looked out from his amber eyes. His claws had grown out along with his fangs, and he lifted Collins off his feet. Tiny rivets of blood trailed down Collins’s neck.

  “Tell me where he is, or I’ll rip your fucking throat out!” Ash snarled.

  Fuck. Dex looked from Ash to Hobbs, who was staring wide-eyed at Ash. So this was a first for his teammates as well.

  “Tell me!” Ash squeezed his fingers tighter around Collins’s neck, drawing more blood and choking from Collins.

  “Ash!” Dex tried to pry Ash’s hand off Collins’s neck. “We’re not going to get any answers if he’s fucking dead!”

  Dex’s words seemed to get through, and Ash lowered Collins, placing him back on his feet, but he didn’t let go. He let out a low feral growl as he shoved him into Hobbs. Dex walked up to Collins who was awkwardly holding on to his bloodied neck, glaring at them.

  “Tell me where he took my brother, or I swear I will let him beat it out of you.”

  Collins let out a scoff. “I’m dead anyway, Daley. I’ll never fucking talk.”

  “Have it your way,” Dex replied through his teeth. He stepped back and nodded to Hobbs. “Bring him.”

  Seb’s voice came in over his earpiece. “You said you were going to hand him over.”

  “When I was done with him,” Dex said. “And I’m not done.”

  “Jesus Christ, Daley. What the hell are you going to do?” Seb’s irritated voice was swiftly followed up by Sloane’s concerned one.

  “Dex, what the hell is going on?”

  “Hogan has Cael.”


  “We’re taking Collins back to the van to interrogate him.” They headed for the van when there was a commotion behind him. He spun around in time to see Collins swipe Ash’s gun from his holster. Theta Destructives agents pulled their weapons, aiming at Collins who took aim at Dex. Hobbs was quick, clamping down Collins’s arm and twisting it, forcing the man to cry out while Ash threw an arm around Collins’s neck. The expression on Ash’s face had Dex bolting toward him, shouting out an order. It came too late. Dex watched, horrified, as Ash jerked his arm back, snapping Collins’s neck. The cougar Therian crumbled to the ground in a lifeless heap.


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