The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 3

by Raymond L. Weil

  “We’re sending two hundred Marines,” said General Wesley. “They’re the best we’ve got.”

  “Plus sixty combat robots,” added Major Wilde. “The robots have been working out great in taking out the Conqueror Drones in the Dyson Spheres. They’ve recently been modified with better armor and more powerful weapons. All the Marines and robots we’re taking have substantial combat experience.”

  Jeremy nodded. He hoped that was enough. “Have you studied the planet your people will be landing on?” Jeremy had looked at the data and had been horrified when he realized the type of planet Grayseth was on.

  “T-Rexes,” answered Major Wilde, her eyes narrowing. “The wildlife on the planet is formidable but we’re taking the weapons to deal with it. The energy cannons the combat robots are equipped with will be well suited for this type of environment. The assault shuttles also have a twin energy turret, which can take out any of the wildlife on the planet. If Grayseth’s down there, we’ll find him!”

  Jeremy took a moment to study the major. Brenda Wilde was a young woman who had shown amazing command ability. She had been with Reesa Jast on all of her adventures on the Dyson Sphere in the Milky Way Galaxy as well as the first meeting with the Originator AIs. In recent months she had been busy clearing some of the Dyson Spheres from the Simulins and their Conqueror Drones. He had specifically chosen her for this mission due to her combat experience.

  “The search will be difficult,” said General Wesley with a deep frown. Wesley was in charge of the 40,000 Marines based just outside the city at the huge military base the general had set up. “You’re talking about trees taller than some of the buildings in this city. The undergrowth will be nearly impassable. There’s also a good chance Grayseth has hidden all of the escape pods and the command cutter so the Eternals will not be able to detect them. That’s going to cause us problems as well.”

  “All the escape pods have short-range communication devices on them,” Jeremy said. “The command cutter has a long-range one. I’m hoping once we reach the system we’ll be able to contact Grayseth and the survivors from the Warrior’s Pride.”

  “I understand Admiral Calmat will be going with your fleet as well.”

  “Yes, General. He feels honor bound to rescue Grayseth as do I.” Jeremy had tried to talk Calmat out of it but the admiral stubbornly refused to be swayed.

  General Wesley shook his head. “This honor system of the Carethians is a very big part of their culture. However, at times it causes them to take unnecessary risks. You’re not going to do the same, are you?”

  “I will do what I must,” Jeremy responded.

  It was difficult to explain the Bears’ honor system and their attitude toward the hunt. It was something they were taught and raised by as soon as they could walk. It had taken Jeremy years to fully understand and grasp its meaning. The Bears had embraced him as a clan brother and Jeremy intended to live up to his obligations.

  “It may be difficult to search that world, but I’ve had my Marines training in several of the habitats inside one of the Dyson Spheres which has a similar ecosystem, including dinosaurs,” Major Wilde said. “Of course we were using stunners as the Originators didn’t want us to kill any of the large beasts.”

  Jeremy saw instantly how this could be useful. It didn’t surprise him there were habitats inside some of the Dyson Spheres that would have such animals. The Originators in the past had been collectors of life, all sorts of life. Someday, when he had the time, he would like to explore the Dyson Spheres and all the wonders they held.


  The three spent several hours going over the mission and what would be required of Major Wilde’s Marines once they landed on the planet. Once all three were satisfied the Marines were as prepared as they could be, the meeting ended.


  An hour later Jeremy stepped into the large Communications Center in one of the lower levels of the Tower and made his way over to Angela. She was one of the Special Five and had been with Jeremy since the days of the Fleet Academy on Earth’s moon. She was also now second in command of the Communications Center.

  “Hello, Angela.”

  Angela turned around with a large smile spreading across her face. “Jeremy! Have you heard back from Kelsey or Katie?” Both the women had gone to get pregnancy tests. Angela was hoping Clair would soon have some little friends to play with.

  Jeremy shook his head, looking a little frustrated. “No, I don’t know why these checkups take so long.”

  Angela laughed. “You’re just nervous about becoming a father. Brace was the same way.”

  Jeremy hesitated as he looked around the busy room. Originator AIs, Humans, Altons, and Carethians were sitting in front of many of the consoles. There were even a few Originators present since it was their technology being used to monitor all two hundred and eleven Dyson Spheres plus the Communications and Transport Hub. “I’m still uncertain if this was a wise move on our part. This coming war with the Eternals could unravel everything we’ve built here.”

  Angela’s face took on a look of seriousness. “There’s never a good time for a baby, particularly where your career is involved. I’m just happy I could come to work here. Also, keep in mind Kelsey, Katie, and others are going to be involved in designing a new exploration cruiser, one families can go aboard. I do miss being on the Avenger. It was a big part of my life. When Clair came along all of that changed, but I’ve never regretted it and you won’t either. By the time the babies come Kelsey and Katie will probably have their new ship completely designed if not built.”

  “Yes, the new exploration cruiser.” Kelsey and even Andram had discussed it with him. Their vision of the new vessel was far beyond anything Jeremy had imagined. They had even enlisted the aid of a few of the Originator AIs and Bartoll had promised Originator help in the development of the vessel. When it was finished it would be the largest and most powerful vessel the Originators had ever built, even larger than the Dominator, which was five thousand meters in length. “It’s still several years away from being a reality. It will take longer to build than they think.”

  “Perhaps,” replied Angela doubtfully. “You know when Kelsey and Katie want something done quickly they always manage to find a way. They’ve already asked me to design the ship’s communication systems. Designing and building this new ship is going to be a lot of fun and perhaps someday we can all go on an exploration mission together. The Originators control over six hundred galaxies and I want to see and explore every one of them.”

  Ariel and Clarissa both suddenly appeared next to Jeremy. Both of the friendly AIs had big smiles on their faces.

  “Kelsey is in your office with news,” said Ariel, her dark eyes alight with excitement.

  “I think you’re going to be a father,” Angela said grinning. “Now go; don’t keep Kelsey waiting. I’m sure she’s all excited about sharing the news with you.”


  As Jeremy hurried from the Communications Center, Angela looked over at the two beaming AIs. “I suppose the two of you already have training schedules set up for the new arrivals?” Clarissa had one set up for Clair and spent a lot of time with the toddler.

  “Oh, yes,” Ariel said, her eyes glinting with excitement. “Clarissa and I have been discussing it and the schedule will be similar to Clair’s.”

  Angela shook her head. The two overprotective AIs almost acted like Clair and the other future children of the Special Five were their own. “I’m sure you’re both excited but let Kevin, Katie, Jeremy, and Kelsey have some privacy. This is a special time for them.”

  The two AIs looked downcast.

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t watch. Just don’t interfere.”

  With that, the two AIs promptly disappeared.

  “I probably shouldn’t have said that,” Angela said to herself as she turned back toward her master control console.

  She had reports from several Dyson Spheres to review, particularly the one in Galaxy X-938 c
losest to Eternal space. Angela knew Rear Admiral Hailey Mann was still at the Dyson Sphere in that galaxy. She had defeated the Eternals in the big battle there after Jeremy had been severely injured. Her fleet had been massively reinforced just in case the Eternals returned.

  It had been frightening to learn of the battle and realize how close they had come to losing Jeremy, Ariel, and so many others. Jeremy was trusting her communications skills to keep him informed of any developments involving the Eternals in Originator space and she was not going to let him down.


  Jeremy entered his office to find Kelsey sitting behind his desk relaxing. She had a radiant smile on her face, which made her look extremely alluring.

  “What did the doctor say?” Jeremy couldn’t contain the question. He was dying to know if he was going to become a father. From Ariel and Clarissa’s reaction a few moments earlier he was pretty certain of the answer.

  “It’s positive; we’re going to have a baby in a little over seven months.”

  Jeremy sat down in front of his desk breathing much faster than when he had come in. “Seven months! What about Katie?”

  Kelsey grinned. “The same. Our due dates are within two days of one another.”

  “Has she told Kevin?” Kevin was Jeremy’s closest friend and also an officer on the Avenger.

  “She’s doing it right now.”

  Jeremy stood up. “I think we all need to go out and celebrate. Why don’t you call Angela and Katie and we’ll all head somewhere special tonight.”

  “That new restaurant on Gaia Street?”

  Jeremy sighed. She would pick the most expensive restaurant in the city and also one hard to get reservations in. “If you like.”

  “I’ll go down to the Communications Center and tell Angela. I know she’ll be just as excited as the rest of us.”

  “I’ll see about making the reservations,” said Jeremy, wondering how he was going to swing this with such short notice.

  Ariel suddenly appeared behind Jeremy. “Reservations are made for 7:30 tonight. I reserved a private table in a more secluded part of the restaurant.”

  Jeremy grimaced. He realized the AI must have been listening to their conversation. It was something he had gotten used to over the years. He also wondered how Ariel had made the reservations so quickly.

  “Can Clarissa and I come also?” asked Ariel with a plaintive look in her eyes.

  Kelsey laughed. “Of course. How can we celebrate without the two of you with us?”

  Ariel grinned. “Clarissa and I need to go pick out some clothes.” The AI disappeared again without another word.

  “Well,” said Jeremy, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest. “This should be an interesting evening.”


  On the planet of Gardell in Eternal controlled space, the Council of Eternals was meeting. They were discussing the recent setback of their attack on the Originator Shrieel in Galaxy X-938. The resistance had been much stiffer than expected, forcing their fleet to withdraw after suffering heavy losses. The Eternals were eight feet tall and powerfully built. They were also completely bald. Their eyes were dark and cold, showing little emotion.

  “I can see no mistake in the tactics used by Fleet Commander Norlan in his attack upon the Originator fleet,” spoke Second Leader Tallard.

  “His fleet did come out of hyperspace early,” pointed out Second Leader Queexel. “It gave the enemy time to prepare.”

  First Leader Clondax pressed an icon on the screen in front of him and an image of a warship appeared on the large viewscreen in the council chambers. “This ship is unidentified. While obviously of Originator construction, Fleet Commander Norlan does not believe it is commanded by an Originator AI.”

  “A proxy race,” suggested Second Leader Nolant. “Is it possible the AIs have taken it upon themselves to find surrogates to fight a war against us?”

  “If they did it is a very dangerous and talented surrogate race,” Clondax said, his eyes narrowing. “It is the race we encountered in the Median galaxy; the ships are the same.”

  The council was silent for several moments.

  “Is it possible the Originator AIs have decided to resist our expansion across the universe?” asked Second Leader Tallard. “We have had no contact with them up until now.”

  Clondax nodded his head. “That is my belief. I have already ordered scout ships back to Galaxy X-938 to see how active the AIs are in that galaxy. I believe we should also send ships to all Originator AI controlled galaxies to monitor AI activity. Special attention needs to be spent on increased activity around the Originator Shrieels and any ship movements.”

  Second Leader Tallard looked over at Clondax. “Is it possible we are seeing the result of surviving Originators?” This caused a stir around the table.

  “No,” answered Clondax, looking sharply at the others. “All of our computer projections indicate the last Originator died out several million years ago. We only have their AIs to deal with now.” They had learned of the deadly plague sweeping through the Shrieels from communication intercepts. Though the Originators had penned the Eternals into their home galaxy, they had missed a few Eternal communication relay stations.

  “The AIs could be dangerous,” pointed out Second Leader Tallard. “They do have Originator technology at their disposal.”

  “The AIs, while they may be dangerous, can be dealt with,” responded Clondax. “Once we come up with an acceptable strategy we shall eliminate them and add the Shrieels to our empire. They will be very useful considering the construction capacity they have.”

  “Then it will be war,” said Second Leader Nolant, folding his powerful arms over his chest.

  “It will be war,” replied Clondax. “We will assemble a new invasion fleet in the Median Galaxy. From there we will launch an all out attack on Galaxy X-938 and take over the Shrieel. From there we will move on until all the Shrieels have fallen. We are the Eternals, and none shall stand in our way.”


  Jeremy was in the new upscale restaurant in the heart of the city. When they arrived they had been ushered immediately to their table in a quiet alcove where they had some privacy.

  “I’m going to try the French Onion Soup,” announced Angela, looking over the menu. Next to her, Brace grimaced shaking his head.

  “Caesar salad to start with,” said Katie.

  Angela laughed. “Just wait. In a few months both of you will be craving all kinds of strange food. I had Brace get up in the middle of the night once to go get me some strawberry ice cream.”

  “Unfortunately there was none in the house,” said Brace, recalling the incident. “I had to go to a store and get it. There were several times she sent me out to get food we didn’t have in the house. Some of the food was really weird.”

  “There are no hamburgers on this menu,” complained Kevin, glancing over at Katie accusingly. “How can a restaurant not serve hamburgers?”

  “Eat a steak,” replied Katie menacingly as she kicked her husband under the table. “You like steaks and the ones here are supposed to be very good.”

  Everyone looked over their menus and placed their orders. Kevin finally settled on a New York Strip cooked medium.

  “That’s nearly raw,” complained Katie frowning.

  “The flavor is in the juices,” replied Kevin grinning. He knew Katie didn’t like to see any pink or red in her meat.

  “So, I guess Clair will soon have two playmates?” asked Brace, looking over at Katie and Kelsey.

  “At least two,” Katie said grinning. “The doctor said I might be having twins.”

  “Twins!” blurted out Kevin, his face turning pale and his eyes bulging. “You didn’t tell me earlier it might be twins.”

  “I was saving it for tonight.”

  “That’s great!” exclaimed Kelsey, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

  “Twins,” repeated Kevin, his eyes glazing over. “I was only expecting one.”

  “Twins run in my family,” Katie said. “Two of my cousins had twins before I went into stasis.”

  Ariel and Clarissa looked meaningfully at one another.

  “Sounds like the next Special Five or Six is well on its way,” commented Ariel as she sampled her tea. In her new AI body she could eat as well as drink. It allowed her to greatly appreciate her Human friends’ love of certain foods.

  “We’ll have to redo the training schedule,” Clarissa said thoughtfully.

  “There’s plenty of time for that,” said Kelsey, smiling at the two AIs. “We have seven months before the babies arrive.”

  “I’ll help with anything I can,” said Angela. “If they’re girls I have a lot of extra baby clothes from Clair.”

  “A lot,” said Brace grimacing. “Some I don’t think she ever wore.”

  “We have nurseries to design,” said Katie, her mind racing at all that needed to be done, particularly if she had twins.

  “We’ll help,” said Ariel and Clarissa. The two looked at each other and laughed.

  “I wish Grayseth was here,” said Kelsey. “I know Marille and he were planning on having children as soon as they could.”

  “He will be shortly,” promised Kevin. “We’ll bring him back.”

  “This will be the last opportunity we have to all be together until after the rescue mission,” said Jeremy.

  “I hope Grayseth survived,” Kelsey said softly. “I spoke to Marille the other day and she really misses him. She’s thrilled at the thought he might still be alive and we’re sending a rescue mission. She claims it would take more than a dinosaur to stop him from coming back to her.”

  “As loud as Grayseth is all he would have to do is growl and the dinosaurs would turn and run,” added Kevin.

  Angela looked over at Ariel and Clarissa. “If Grayseth comes back and takes Marille as his mate, there will soon be a pack of cubs running loose in their den.” The Bears called their homes dens. “Are you going to set up a training program for them as well?”

  Ariel and Clarissa looked at each other, unsure of themselves.


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