The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 6

by Raymond L. Weil

  “We will soon be approaching the first hyperspace detection line of the Eternals,” said Aaliss. “Our computer projections ran by the Originators indicate a 98 percent probability we won’t be detected. However, the hyperspace detection field around the Median Galaxy is much stronger and covers a wider area. Our probability of not being detected by it drops to 82 percent.”

  Ariel blinked her eyes and then spoke. “I don’t believe the Eternals will be expecting us to return to the Median Galaxy. Not after our defeat there.”

  Jeremy nodded. He was thinking the same. “I am concerned about their patrol ships, particularly the ones traveling with their stealth fields on.”

  “Our sensors have been recalibrated to detect Eternal ships through their stealth fields,” Kevin said. He had worked with several Originator AIs in making the necessary adjustments. “We can detect an Eternal ship traveling in stealth mode out to our full sensor range of thirty-two light years. They won’t take us by surprise like they did the last time.”

  “If there are Eternal ships around, we’ll know it,” added Ariel, her dark eyes focused on Aaliss. “Do we know the range of the Eternals’ sensors? We have a ways to travel in the Median Galaxy before we reach the system where we lost Grayseth. There are bound to be patrol ships about.”

  Aaliss slowly nodded her head. “We have to believe their sensors are at least as good as ours. The projections we ran indicate a 70 percent probability we will be detected before we reach the system.”

  “Even with our stealth fields active?” asked Kevin, his eyes showing some concern.

  “Yes,” Jeremy replied. He laid his partially eaten sandwich back down. He really didn’t have an appetite. “With the stealth fields the Eternals use they are bound to know ways to penetrate it. I’m hoping we can get in, grab Grayseth and the other survivors, and get back out before the Eternals can respond with a fleet.” Jeremy had known about all of these odds before launching the mission. They had been the subject of several long meetings with Bartoll and some of the other surviving Originators.

  “We’ll have at least several hours in the system before the Eternals can arrive with a fleet,” said Aaliss. “That’s how much time we have to find Grayseth, rescue him and any other survivors, get the assault shuttles back to the fleet, and jump back into hyperspace.”

  Kevin’s eyes widened. “We’ll only have two hours to search an entire planet? That’s cutting it pretty close.”

  Jeremy let out a deep breath. “Grayseth’s cutter has a long-range communicator on board. Once we arrive in the system, we will begin broadcasting a message announcing our return. I’m hoping Grayseth will be able to answer it.” If he didn’t then the odds of locating any survivors on the planet dropped to near zero. There would not be a second rescue mission after this one.

  Kevin took another bite of his steak as he thought over what he had just heard. “We’re going to end up fighting some type of fleet battle before we can extract Grayseth and his crew. Two hours is not going to be enough time to complete this mission, especially if we’re detected before we reach the system.”

  “It’s a possibility,” admitted Aaliss. “If we do it will give us an opportunity to test our new energy shields as well as our more powerful weapons.”

  “Keep in mind those modifications have only been made to the heavy dreadnoughts,” pointed out Kevin. “The Originator battlecruisers haven’t been modified and we could lose a lot of them if we encounter a major Eternal fleet.”

  Aaliss nodded her head with a sad look in her eyes. “Unfortunately, we can’t add another antimatter chamber to the battlecruisers without a major change in their design. For the time being they will remain vulnerable to the Eternals’ weapons.”

  “We are developing a new battlecruiser,” said Jeremy. “It will be a little larger than the current ones but will incorporate all the changes in weapons and shield technology. We’ll convert the shipyards at the Communications and Transport Hub first and then do the shipyards on the rest of the Dyson Spheres in stages.”

  Kevin finished his steak and then looked over at Ariel. “What plans do you and Clarissa have if Katie’s having twins?” He had finally come to grips with the possibility he might be having two children.

  Jeremy laughed. Only Kevin could change the subject in such a way to make him smile.

  A look of excitement spread across Ariel’s face. “Clarissa and I have been discussing a training schedule for all four children. We have learned a lot from what Clarissa has done with Clair.” Ariel’s dark eyes seemed to sparkle. “You do know that Angela wants to have another baby so there will be four young ones close to the same age, right? Clair will be the oldest by several years and as a result will be given more responsibility.”

  “Five,” said Kevin, his eyes widening at the thought. “Five children.”

  “The new Special Five,” announced Ariel happily. “I suspect in the future more will be added, particularly as romantic as Katie and Kelsey have been recently.”

  Kevin and Jeremy’s faces both flushed slightly. They tended to forget their two AI friends could look in on them whenever they wanted though they were supposed to give the couples some privacy at times.

  “Kelsey and Katie are designing a new exploration dreadnought,” Jeremy said, deciding to change the subject. “They claim it will be powerful enough that even the children will be safe on it.”

  Ariel grinned. “I’ve seen the preliminary designs. I would call the ship a super-dreadnought. It’s even larger than the Dominator and they have Andram, Angela, and several Originators working on the final design. It’s still months away from any actual construction beginning.”

  “Katie says they want to explore Originator space,” added Kevin. “There are over six hundred galaxies the Originators claim control over.”

  “That’s correct,” Aaliss said. “In nearly every one there is either a Shrieel or a major base of some type. There has been no new exploration of those galaxies since the outbreak of the pathogen other than what was done by the Dominator. From time to time ships of various space going races have approached a Shrieel or one of the bases but they are warned off and told not to return.”

  “I wonder if in all of those galaxies there are any races advanced enough to help us against the Eternals?” asked Kevin. “We have the Altons in our home galaxy; there are bound to be more like them in others.”

  “It’s possible,” Aaliss replied. “But we would have to conduct an extensive survey of each galaxy first.”

  Jeremy knew if they wanted to protect all those galaxies from the Eternals it might be necessary to get other races involved. The Dyson Spheres and bases would not be enough to hold back the Anti-Life. The new ship Kelsey and Katie wanted to build might be ideal for such an exploration mission.

  Jeremy had spoken to Kelsey in depth about the new ship before he set out on this mission to rescue Grayseth. Kelsey had a passion for exploration though no decision had been made on who would command the new vessel. Jeremy knew Rear Admiral Barnes would be the ideal fleet officer to be put in command of the new ship. It was something Jeremy would discuss with Kathryn after she returned from her search for the lost Originators. He also had no intention of allowing the new exploration dreadnought to go anywhere without a powerful escort. Perhaps a new class of ships could be designed to accompany the exploration ship.

  “I haven’t been to any of the bases,” said Jeremy, looking over at Aaliss. “What are they like?” He’d been so focused on the Dyson Spheres and what they could do he hadn’t really asked too many questions about these so-called bases.

  “Most are large space stations with ship construction and repair facilities,” answered Aaliss, her eyes shifting back to Jeremy. “All have been brought back online and are in the process of being fully updated by the Originator AIs on board. Bartoll has indicated at least one military AI will be assigned to each base.”

  “Just how many bases are there?” asked Kevin, his eyes narrowing sharply

  “Two thousand and eighteen.”

  Jeremy was surprised at the number. Bartoll had mentioned the bases several times to Jeremy but he hadn’t really thought about them being substantial. Once they returned from this mission, he was going to investigate those bases more thoroughly. They could be highly useful in the war against the Eternals, particularly in making sure all six hundred galaxies in Originator space stayed under Originator control.

  “How long have they been dormant?” asked Kevin curiously.

  “Since the war with the Anti-Life ended,” Aaliss answered. “Once the war was over it was decided to place them in stasis. They remained in stasis until Bartoll ordered them reactivated.”

  “It makes me feel better about exploring all of those galaxies if we have active bases in all of them,” responded Jeremy. “At least that way if Kelsey and Katie’s new ship gets into trouble there will be help close by.”

  “It is wise to explore those galaxies,” said Aaliss. “It has been millions of years since the Originators took an interest in exploration. Much will have changed in those galaxies since then.”

  Jeremy was listening with interest. That was all in the future. He wouldn’t mind going on a few exploration missions just to see what was out there. However, for now he was the fleet admiral and there was a war to fight. “Tomorrow we cross the first hyperspace detection line. Let’s hope we make it across undetected. Grayseth is waiting.”


  In the system that was the Avenger’s destination, two Eternal battlecruisers dropped out of hyperspace. A passing patrol ship had reported several low yield energy signatures on the surface of one of the planets. The two ships had been sent to determine whether this was a fluke occurrence or the result of technology.

  As soon as the ships exited hyperspace, they immediately set a course for the only planet in the system capable of supporting life. They would scan the planet and report on the presence of any unknown energy sources. If necessary more ships would be called in.


  Grayseth was inside the command cutter working on his log when Shantor came rushing in.

  “Grayseth! Several shuttlecraft have been spotted flying low over the forest. Hawthorn believes the Eternals have returned.”

  Grayseth drew in a sharp breath. This had been his biggest concern about using the energy cannon. While it was capable of killing the largest of the predators of this world, it was also possible its energy discharges could be detected. Grayseth stood, rising to his full height. “Make sure everyone is armed with energy rifles and extra charge cartridges. The fact they are flying over the forest indicates they’re not quite certain where the energy discharges came from. I’m going to the cave entrance.”

  Grayseth knew if the Eternals found them it would be the end. He had no intention of surrendering to the Anti-Life. From what the Originator AIs and Bartoll had told him, they were an evil and cruel race of beings who were now part machine as well as organic. They fed on the harsher emotions and were dedicated to conquering all races in this universe. In many ways they reminded him of the Simulins.

  Grayseth put on his breathing mask and headed for the entrance. He picked up an energy rifle and a belt of charge cartridges on the way. As he left the cavern, he saw other Carethians picking up their rifles and checking them. If they had to fight the Eternals on this planet, they would die with honor.

  After making his way through the caves to the entrance, he saw Hawthorn and Belmar standing next to the large energy cannon looking out through the camouflage. On the slope only a few small bones remained of the beast they had slain a few days back.

  “We have two Eternal shuttles flying low over the forest,” Hawthorn reported upon seeing Grayseth. “So far they haven’t come near the cave.”

  Grayseth looked out in the direction Hawthorn was indicating and could see a silvery looking object in the distance. “Lasall is out with a foraging party. Being under the canopy of the forest he may not be aware of the Eternal vessels.”

  Hawthorn’s large eyes grew wider. “It’s possible the Eternals will detect his group’s energy rifles. They may attempt to follow them back here.”

  Grayseth studied the camouflage surrounding the cave entrance. From a distance, the entrance was well concealed. However, up close it became more obvious there was a hidden opening. The question for Grayseth was did they try to fight off the Eternals by staying in the cave or should they make a break for the forest and use its thick cover for protection? If they did it would mean abandoning the command cutter and its resources. With its small fusion power plant they had a way to recharge the power cartridges for their energy rifles. Without it they would soon be dependent on improvised weapons such as wood spears and bows and arrows. Neither would offer much protection from the wildlife of this planet. There was also the problem of food and being able to breathe. While the breathing masks allowed them to breathe normally while out on foraging expeditions they weren’t practical to use for extended periods of time.

  Grayseth looked over at Hawthorn. “We will wait for Lasall’s return and see if he is followed. We must prepare ourselves, for the end of our hunt may be near.”

  Hawthorn nodded his head. “If today is to be our last day on this world, let it be a day of honor.”

  “For the clans,” said Grayseth, standing fully upright.

  “For the clans,” repeated Hawthorn and Belmar.


  Several kilometers into the forest, Lasall was aware of the shuttle flying above them. He had heard its passage through the air, recognizing it for what it was. Moving his foraging party to an area where the forest was less dense, he had waited until a small vessel came into view far above them.

  “It has to be the Eternals,” said Dabak, who was a Carethian Marine. “They must have detected Hawthorn’s use of the energy cannon the other day. They have come in search of who fired the weapon. They must suspect there may be survivors from the space battle on the planet.”

  Lasall was in agreement. It put them in a difficult situation. There were four of them in the foraging party and if they attempted to return to the cave, the Eternals might spot them on the slope of the small mountain. In honor he could not lead the enemy back to the hidden cave and Grayseth.

  “We will continue deeper into the forest,” he said after some consideration. “Perhaps we can draw the Eternals away from the cave.”

  Dabak looked down at the energy rifle cradled in his large arms. “The Eternals may be able to detect the power cartridges in our rifles.”

  Lasall slowly shook his head. He knew the likelihood of his group returning to the cave was nearly zero. “We can’t survive without the rifles; it’s a risk we’ll have to take. Even if they can detect the energy cartridges they will have to find a spot to set down and those are few and far between in this forest.”

  “Or call in an orbital strike,” said Dabak, his eyes darkening. “It’s what I would do.”

  “Unless they want captives,” Lasall replied. “They may want to know how many of us there are.”

  “We must not be captured. Better to die in the hunt than to become slaves to the Eternals.”

  Lasall agreed with Dabak. “For us, a new hunt has begun. If the Eternals do land and come for us, let it be us who do the hunting.”

  Dabak showed his incisors. “To the hunt.”

  The others in the group echoed his sentiment.

  “Then let’s move deeper into the forest,” ordered Lasall. He was sure by now Grayseth was aware the Eternals had returned. By sacrificing his foraging party perhaps it would give Grayseth the time he needed to escape detection.


  In orbit, the Eternal commander listened to the latest reports from the small craft he had searching the area of the planet where the mysterious energy surges had been detected. One of the craft was reporting they had located four minor sources of energy moving through the forest near a small mountain.

  “Land our warrior robots,” the comm
ander ordered his second in command. “I want whoever is down there captured. If there are survivors from the battle in this system they will be a valuable source of intelligence.”

  “I will send the order,” the second in command replied.

  The commander stared coldly at the large viewscreen showing the planet below. If there were survivors down there he intended to find them.


  Moments later larger ground attack craft left the two orbiting battlecruisers. Six ships in all descended toward where the energy sources had been detected. On each craft there were one hundred and ten of the deadly Eternal warrior robots. These robots were designed to show no mercy and eliminate all opposition unless overruled by an Eternal.

  The ships rapidly made their way through the atmosphere and were soon in the location where the energy signals were originating. Pausing over the thick forest they began firing powerful energy beams downward. Trees burst into flame and the underbrush lit in pyres of fire. The beams played across the forest setting a large area ablaze. Smoke soon obscured much of the towering forest as the flames began to spread. The beams shut down as their work had been completed.

  For twenty minutes the fires burned as the underbrush added fuel to the inferno. However, without the energy beams the fires began to die out due to the high humidity in the surrounding forest. Once the fires died back sufficiently, the ships used their energy beams once more to clear out suitable landing spots.

  The six shuttles landed in the burned out areas and large ramps descended from the ships. From each shuttle a line of large and tall warrior robots descended. The robots were equipped with energy weapons as well as dangerous explosive cannons. The robots were armored and nearly impervious to weapons fire. As soon as the last robot exited the ships, they formed up in two long parallel lines and began marching toward the source of the energy signatures. As they walked dust and ash were stirred up, floating into the air and nearly obscuring the robots.


  Lasall was coughing and wheezing heavily. Not even the breathing masks could remove all the smoke and ash drifting through the forest. There were still a few small fires burning though even these were rapidly dying out.


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