The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 9

by Raymond L. Weil


  “I have a communication from the Eternals,” reported Lieutenant Lantz.

  “Put it through,” ordered Jeremy. If they were willing to talk so was he. It might give the shuttles time to land in the flight bay. He just needed a few more minutes.

  “We are the Eternals. Surrender your ships and your crews will not be harmed.”

  “And exist as your slaves,” answered Jeremy.

  “You are not an Originator nor one of their AIs,” said the Eternal. “To exist as a slave is to live. Is that not better than dying?”

  “We will not be slaves,” answered Jeremy.

  “They you shall die.”

  “Inbound weapons fire,” called out Kevin, his eyes growing wide. “They’re targeting the AI fleets.”


  In space, heavy energy weapons fire struck the globular formation of the nearest AI fleet. Energy shields shimmered brightly and then buckled from the stupendous firepower. Energy beams slammed into the hulls of several Originator 2,000-meter battlecruisers, tearing them open. The beams played over the hulls opening up compartment after compartment. In just a few moments both ships were a mass of twisted and smoldering wreckage. Other Originator ships in the formation were also suffering damage. Bright explosions marked the deaths of other vessels.

  The Originator battlecruisers returned fire with their antimatter beams and gravitonic cannons. Their response was focused on just four Eternal battlecruisers. At the same time they unloaded their missile tubes, firing dark matter warheads. Four-hundred-megaton explosions rolled across the energy screens of the four ships. For several seconds they resisted and then they collapsed. The four ships were instantly subjected to the deadly power of dark matter as well as the Originator AIs’ energy weapons. Almost instantly all four ships were reduced to their composite atoms.

  The battle quickly intensified as more ships brought their weapons into play. The second Originator fleet broke its globular formation, forming up into a solid phalanx ten ships high and twenty long. Every ship began firing on the Eternals trying to knock their shields down. In the Eternal battle line, gravitonic cannon fire from the Originator battlecruisers slammed into numerous Eternal warships setting off massive explosions and hurling glowing debris into space. Dark matter missiles quickly finished them off turning several areas of space into miniature novas.


  “Our battlecruisers are hitting the Eternals hard,” Commander Malen said. “Their increased shield strength’s allowing them to withstand the Eternal energy beams, at least for awhile.” The battlecruisers’ energy shields had been modified but not to the extent of the heavy dreadnoughts.

  “We’ve lost twenty-seven battlecruisers and the Eternals have lost twelve of theirs,” added Kevin. “The battle is getting more violent.”

  “Assault shuttles are docking,” reported Commander Malen as she listened to a report from the flight bay. “Two minutes and we can leave.”

  Jeremy looked at the tactical display. There were no other Eternal ships inbound at the moment. “No, as soon as they’re safely in the flight bay we’ll take our dreadnaughts and attack the Eternal fleet. They need to become accustomed to losing.”

  Jeremy was determined to teach the Eternals another lesson. They had been defeated in the fleet battle in Galaxy X-938, though just barely. A second defeat might delay any attack they were contemplating against the Dyson Sphere in that galaxy. It was an opportunity Jeremy couldn’t afford to pass up.

  “The military AIs are in agreement,” Aaliss said. “They would like to see this Eternal fleet destroyed as well.”


  Fleet Commander Solten stared in disbelief as several more of his battlecruisers were destroyed by energy weapons fire from the Originator ships. His own weapons were not nearly as effective as had been reported from the battle, which had taken place in Galaxy X-938. It was evident some improvements had been made to the Originator battlecruisers’ energy shields as well as weapons. It was taking several hits of his fleet’s energy beams to penetrate the shields.

  “A number of shuttles have come up from the surface and docked with one of the larger ships,” reported Second Commander Albor. “We are also detecting evidence of a nuclear detonation on the planet.”

  “They must have recovered the survivors from the fleet battle in this system,” said Solten coldly. “Our two battlecruisers failed to capture them.” He had been informed earlier of the purpose of the two ships in the system.

  “The other battlecruisers in the system have joined our fleet formation.”

  Solten studied the tactical display for a moment. “We have more ships inbound. They will be here shortly. We must hold these Originator vessels here until our reinforcements arrive. If we can capture several of these vessels or even part of their crews we can learn much about the Originator AIs’ intentions and their capabilities.”

  Albor nodded his agreement. “We are the Eternals and it is only right we conquer Originator space. In time their AIs will be obedient to us.”


  “All shuttles are in the flight bay and secured,” reported Commander Malen.

  “Aaliss, inform the other dreadnoughts we will be engaging the Eternals.” It was easier to allow Aaliss to pass on the message since there was at least one Originator AI on each heavy dreadnought including Admiral Calmat’s. “Lieutenant Lantz, inform Admiral Calmat Grayseth and the rest of the Carethian survivors are safely on board.”

  “Message sent,” she replied.

  Jeremy turned toward Lieutenant Striker. “Take us in.”

  “All weapons charged and dark matter missiles are loaded in the missile tubes,” reported Major Preston from tactical. “Let’s go kill some Eternals.”


  The fleet rapidly formed up into an attack formation and surged forward toward the Eternal fleet. As it reached engagement range, the fleet opened up with its ion cannons, freezing the energy shield modulation on numerous Eternal vessels and thus greatly reducing the effectiveness of their shields. At the same time gravitonic cannons, antimatter projectors, and particle beam cannons fired on the Eternal battlecruisers. With the extra antimatter power chamber each dreadnought was equipped with, the weapons fire was much more intense than that from the Originator AI battlecruisers. In addition, hatches slid open and each dreadnought began launching dark matter missiles at selected targets. Across the Eternal formation massive explosions lit up space.

  The center section of an Eternal battlecruiser exploded and debris started drifting away from the ship. A dark matter missile slammed into the stern of another Eternal vessel and the ship vanished in a fiery explosion. A pair of gravitonic beams penetrated the weakened shield of another battlecruiser blowing several energy beam turrets to shreds and blasting out a cavernous hole in the hull. The Eternal attack faltered under the blistering attack of the dreadnoughts.


  “The power of those ships is as great as our own or greater,” cried out Second Commander Albor in astonishment. “How can this be?”

  “They are of Originator design,” replied Solten harshly. “We should have known better. Their technology is on an equal par with our own. This needs to be reported to the Council of Eternals as well as Fleet Commander Norlan. These ships are not like those he fought before.” Solten gazed at a viewscreen showing one of his battlecruisers under heavy attack. Even as he watched gravitonic beams tore it apart.

  “We’ve lost forty more ships to the new vessels. At this rate our fleet will be defeated before our reinforcements arrive.”

  Solten knew Albor was right. He was in a battle he could not win. Never in his long career as an Eternal officer had he ever retreated from an enemy. It was the Originators long ago who had imprisoned the Eternals in their own galaxy behind an intergalactic hyperspace jamming field. Now they were up against their old enemy’s AIs and possibly a proxy race. The being he had spoken to earlier had not been an AI and was definitely not an Originator. That conversa
tion seemed to confirm the AIs had found or created a race to fight for them.

  The Warbringer shook violently as a dark matter missile detonated against the ship’s energy screen, threatening to bring it down.

  On the viewscreens, other Eternal battlecruisers were suffering heavy damage or dying under the intense assault of the newer and larger Originator vessels that had joined in the battle.

  “Withdraw,” ordered Solten, not willing to accept he had just uttered those words. However, he knew if he remained his fleet would be destroyed. “We cannot win this battle.”

  Second Commander Albor quickly passed the order.

  As the Warbringer made the jump into hyperspace, Fleet Commander Solten couldn’t help but wonder what the future held for the Eternals. If the Council of Eternals decided to go through with their plan to conquer all of Originator space and take over the Shrieels, it could be a long and costly war.


  “Eternal fleet is jumping into hyperspace,” Kevin reported with relief in his voice. “They’re pulling out.”

  On the viewscreens, Jeremy could see the large four-kilometer-long battlecruisers opening up hyperspace vortexes and fleeing into them. This battle was over. “Inform the military AIs to take out any damaged Eternal ships that can’t jump.”

  “You don’t want to try to board them?” asked Commander Malen, cocking an eyebrow. “We could gain some valuable tactical information.”

  “No,” Jeremy replied. “If we wait around we risk a much larger Eternal fleet showing up, one we can’t defeat. It’s best we leave as soon as possible. What were our losses?” Jeremy knew they had lost some Originator AI battlecruisers, but he wasn’t sure if they had lost any of the larger dreadnoughts.

  “We took out ninety-three of their battlecruisers and we lost sixty-eight AI battlecruisers and one of our military AIs. We have four dreadnoughts reporting damage but they’re still combat capable and can make the jump back into hyperspace. They report the damage will not impair their ability to make it back to Galaxy X-938.”

  Before Jeremy could reply to Commander Malen the metal hatch to the Command Center slid open and Grayseth stepped through.

  “Jeremy!” Grayseth boomed in his customarily loud voice. “It is good to see you again, clan brother!”

  Jeremy stood and stepped toward Grayseth who met him with a huge Bear hug. Jeremy felt the breath leave him as his chest was nearly crushed. Grayseth let him go, stepping back with a big grin on his face.

  “I knew you would return if it was possible.”

  Jeremy nodded. He felt tears form in his eyes upon seeing his long time friend safe and unharmed. “In honor, I could not leave you on that planet.”

  “In honor,” Grayseth replied. Then his face took on a more serious look. “How is Marille?”

  Jeremy grinned. “Waiting for your safe return. I believe she mentioned wanting to have a lot of cubs as soon as you return.”

  Grayseth looked pleased. “How are Kelsey and Katie?”

  “Pregnant,” Jeremy replied. “We took your advice and have started our families.”

  This pleased Grayseth even more. “It is a wise decision, one I will abide by myself once we return. Now tell me, what has been going on in my absence? Are we at war with the Anti-Life?”

  “If we’re not we soon will be,” replied Jeremy. “So far the battles that have occurred could be called skirmishes.” Full-fledged war had yet to begin but Jeremy suspected it was on the horizon.

  “All enemy ships have been destroyed,” Aaliss reported. “Fleets are ready to enter hyperspace. I would suggest we do so quickly as I have detected a large Eternal fleet inbound at the edge of our sensor range.”

  “Then let’s do so,” ordered Jeremy, with a smile. “It’s time for Grayseth to return to his clan and Marille.”


  Moments later the remaining Originator AI battlecruisers and the heavy dreadnoughts made the transition into hyperspace. They had succeeded in their mission and it was time to return home.

  Chapter Six

  Rear Admiral Kathryn Barnes gazed at the viewscreens showing the galaxies they were flying past. They were still a good week away from their destination, the large star cluster just outside the Triangulum Galaxy. She wished she had the time to stop at Ornellia to check on the progress Admiral Jackson was making in restoring that world. Since the return of the Ornellian refugee fleet the latest reports indicated rapid progress was being made. Perhaps after this mission was over she would be able to find the time to pay the planet a visit.

  “All systems are operating normally and the intergalactic hyperdrive is functioning at optimal efficiency,” reported Clarissa.

  Kathryn turned her eyes away from the spiral galaxy she had been observing on the main viewscreen. Someday she would like the opportunity to do more exploration. That was one of the things she liked about the Distant Horizon: it was designed not only as a warship but as a research vessel as well.

  “What do you think we’ll find in that star cluster?” asked Commander Anne Grissim. She was standing near a tactical display showing the numerous green icons of the fleet.

  “Originators, I hope,” Kathryn replied.

  “Possibly a city or even a space station,” Camlin added. “All of the evidence we were able to get from Jankel indicates the Originators who fled the dark matter Shrieel had not yet come down with the disease or were in the early stages. They took a number of AIs with them as well as a large number of repair robots. They could have built anything.”

  “It could be quite sizable,” said Sible from the helm. “We could be talking about a few thousand Originators to tens of thousands who fled to the star cluster.”

  “Sible’s correct,” continued Camlin, her eyes focusing on Kathryn. “We searched the records in the Communications and Transport Hub from the dark matter Shrieel and couldn’t come up with anything. During that time period there was much chaos and many records were lost. We have no idea how many there were or what they might have taken with them.”

  “What about the search for other stasis chambers on the Shrieels?” Kathryn knew Jankel was convinced there were some. She had spoken to her father briefly about it before she left on this mission. He seemed optimistic they would eventually find the hidden stasis chambers.

  “Leeda and Reesa are conducting research with the aid of additional Originator AIs,” answered Camlin. “They believe if any stasis chambers were constructed they would be well hidden and all traces of their construction deleted from the records. In the final years with all the chaos sweeping across the Shrieels as Originator civilization collapsed, if any had been built those who had taken refuge in those chambers would want them to remain hidden. Even an Originator when faced with death and the end of civilization might be driven to take desperate actions.”

  “Such as taking over these stasis chambers for their own use?” surmised Commander Grissim.

  “Precisely,” replied Camlin, looking over at Anne. “That’s what’s making the search so difficult. The Shrieels are massive and hidden stasis chambers could be anywhere.”

  Kathryn nodded her understanding. “That still doesn’t explain why none of the stasis chambers have opened. Surely when the AIs at the Communications and Transport Hub discovered the cure some of the chambers should have activated.”

  Camlin nodded. “It is a mystery, one Reesa and Leeda hope to solve.”

  Kathryn looked back at the viewscreen. The spiral-shaped galaxy was rapidly falling behind the Distant Horizon. “Perhaps these lost Originators we’re searching for will hold some of the answers.”

  “It’s possible,” said Camlin, her eyes brightening at the thought. “Let’s just hope we find them. We’re going to need them against the Anti-Life.”

  Kathryn sighed at the mention of their new enemy. The Anti-Life, or Eternals as they now called themselves, had already proven to be dangerous. Bartoll was of the opinion they needed to find more Originators to complete much of the research the
Originator AIs had been working on since the pathogen destroyed Originator civilization. While the AIs were capable of doing the research, it was taking too long. Problems an Originator could solve in a matter of a few hours might take one of the AIs a couple of years. It was one of the reasons it had taken so long for the AIs to finally come up with a cure to the deadly pathogen.


  Back at the Communications and Transport Hub, the Avenger had just finished setting down in its berth in the large spacedock. The fleet had returned home in triumph having completed its rescue mission and defeating an Eternal fleet.

  “Marille is waiting for you at the Tower,” Ariel said to Grayseth, who was standing next to Jeremy. “She’s excited to see you and happy you’re home.”

  “She may have to wait a little longer,” replied Grayseth, a little grumpily. “It is necessary to speak to Bartoll, Governor Barnes, Admiral Calmat, and Admiral Kalen about what transpired on the Warrior’s Pride as well as on the planet. My duties must come before my personal desires.”

  “We’ll try to make it short,” promised Jeremy, knowing how impatient Grayseth was to see Marille and to return to the Bears’ new city. Jeremy was going to insist Grayseth take a few months off from his duty to the fleet and spend it with Marille and his clan. Calmat could fill in for him for the time being.

  “I have a message from Leeda,” said Aaliss, looking surprised. “She and Reesa want to meet with you as soon as possible.”

  Jeremy felt a chill run down his back. He knew Leeda and Reesa were researching the possibility of other hidden stasis chambers on the Dyson Spheres including the four at the Communications and Transport Hub.

  “She is also requesting the presence of Major Wilde.”

  Jeremy felt his heart skip a beat at this. If Leeda wanted Major Wilde there, it seemed to indicate this was going to involve some type of military operation which needed Marines or combat robots. Just what had Leeda and Reesa discovered?


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