The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 12

by Raymond L. Weil

  A moment passed and then Commander Zafron’s voice came over the comm. “Rear Admiral Barnes, I see you have come up with a solution to your loss of power.”

  “Yes,” replied Kathryn. “Nomar came up with a method to shield one of our antimatter chambers.”

  “They are using an energy siphoning field similar to the one the Dominator has but much more powerful,” explained Zafron. “Since the Dominator is larger and has more antimatter chambers it took longer for us to lose power. Before our last antimatter chamber was affected, we managed to erect an energy shield around the ship to counteract the field. Right after that the four ships you see around the Dominator appeared. So far they have not responded to Kazak’s communication efforts. They are also blocking AI communication between ships or we would have contacted you through Camlin. We are targeting them with our weapons, which I’m certain they’ve noticed. I don’t believe they want to tangle with my ship.”

  Kathryn leaned back in her command chair wondering what to do next. “Can you have Kazak send the information on your protective energy shield to Andram and Nomar? We need to do the same thing over here and then figure out a way to get the information to our other ships.”

  “Kazak’s sending the information to Andram’s science console. I would suggest you allow me to inform them of who I am. If there are Originator AIs in command of those ships they are bound to recognize my authority. It will be in their programming.”

  Kathryn thought over Zafron’s suggestion. She didn’t see how they had any other choice. “Do so, and keep me informed of developments.” She knew time was rapidly running out on the other ships.

  “I’ve got the frequency for the energy shield the Dominator is using to protect them from the energy siphoning field,” reported Andram. Both he and Nomar were studying the information and discussing how to implement it on the Distant Horizon.

  The Distant Horizon had the same triplex energy shield as the Avenger but due to the current power shortage was only protected by a single shield. Kathryn would feel better when the full energy shield was activated.

  “Got it,” Nomar said as he and Andram finished talking. He stepped over to Major Weir’s console and began imputing some commands.

  “New shield is up,” reported Major Weir in a relieved voice.

  “Additional power is coming online,” added Commander Grissim.

  “Triplex energy shield activated,” reported Major Weir.

  “I have incoming Originator battlecruisers,” reported Captain Reynolds in alarm. “Range is twelve light years and they are closing fast. Estimated number is over four hundred.”

  “Where are the other exploration dreadnoughts?” asked Kathryn with concern in her voice. The exploration dreadnoughts were her most heavily crewed ships. They also had heavier weapons than the Originator battle cruisers Admiral Pence commanded. “Where’s the Lancelot?”

  “Just behind us,” answered Clarissa. “I’m detecting power beginning to emit from the Lancelot.” The Lancelot was a heavy dreadnought and Admiral Pence’s flagship.

  “There are a number of Originator AIs as well as a few Altons on the Lancelot,” Commander Grissim said. “They must have figured out how to get some of their power back the same as we did.”

  “Clarissa, see if you can contact the Lancelot and inform Admiral Pence what he needs to do to erect a shield to protect his vessel from the energy siphoning field.” If Pence could get full power back to the Lancelot Kathryn would feel better. Between the Distant Horizon, the Dominator, and the Lancelot she could defend her fleet. It might force whoever was behind this attack on their power to reconsider.


  Several more minutes passed and suddenly the energy shields snapped on around the Lancelot.

  “Lancelot has full power restored,” Commander Grissim reported. It’s moving into position to protect the four Originator construction ships.”

  “Good,” said Kathryn. They would need those four ships to construct an Accelerator Ring. If not they would have to travel at regular hyperspace speeds to Ornellia where an Accelerator Ring was in orbit above the planet.

  “The other Originator battlecruisers are dropping out of hyperspace,” reported Captain Reynolds. “They are forming up directly in front of us at 200,000 kilometers. There is a larger ship in the center of the formation.”

  “Some type of command ship,” suggested Commander Grissim.

  “Possibly,” replied Kathryn, glancing over at Anne.

  “Admiral, I’m picking up increasing power readings across the fleet,” reported Captain Reynolds excitedly. “Our power’s coming back.”

  “I have a message from Commander Zafron,” said Captain Travers. “He’s managed to establish communication with an Originator AI on one of the battlecruisers. We’re being told to remain at our current position until they decide what to do. It seems our appearance has caused some confusion.”

  “I can understand that,” said Commander Grissim, looking over at Kathryn. “How long has it been since they’ve seen another Originator ship, two million years or more?”

  “More like two point two million,” Camlin said. “They must have given up by now on ever hearing from an Originator or any AIs from the Shrieels.”

  Reports started coming in from across the fleet. A few personnel were being treated in the medical centers for oxygen deprivation. However, with advanced Originator medical technology everyone was expected to come through okay. All ships now had their energy shields up including the two hundred Originator battlecruisers commanded by Admiral Pence. The ships had also been informed of the necessary field frequency to stop another power drain.


  Time passed and Kathryn began to grow impatient. Finally Commander Zafron contacted the Distant Horizon. The Originator AIs in the larger command ship wanted to meet. They were requesting the meeting take place on their ship. Kathryn felt uneasy about this but didn’t see how she had another choice, not if these ships were from the lost Originators.

  “Take some Marines,” suggested Commander Grissim, her eyes narrowing. “I don’t trust these AIs, not after what they did to us.”

  “Clarissa, Camlin, both of you will be accompanying me,” Kathryn said. “Commander Zafron is bringing Kazak and from what I understand Kazak will be armed.”

  “Take a pair of combat robots then,” insisted Commander Grissim. “You are the admiral and we can’t take a risk with your life.”

  Kathryn blinked her eyes and finally nodded. “Two combat robots and Lieutenant Barkley to command them.” This seemed to satisfy Commander Grissim who immediately began notifying the Marine lieutenant of his mission.

  “Let’s get to the flight bay,” Kathryn said as she turned and began walking toward the hatch. “We have a shuttle to catch.”


  The two shuttles from the Distant Horizon and the Dominator both arrived at their destination at the same time. Zafron and Kathryn had decided it was best this way. The shuttles entered the open flight bay, which sealed up once the shuttles were safely inside. The two shuttles sat down next to each other.

  “We have a welcoming committee,” pointed out Lieutenant Barkley, looking out a small viewport next to him. “Looks like a full platoon of their own combat robots as well as a number of heavily armed AIs.”

  Kathryn looked over at Camlin. “Is it possible they have some military AIs?” From the actions taken against Kathryn’s fleet, it was the only logical conclusion she could come up with.

  “Anything is possible,” Camlin conceded. “As I’ve said before, there was much confusion in the final days. It’s possible this group of Originators could have constructed some military AIs to protect whatever type of facility they were going to build in this star cluster. The hyperspace interference field and the warships we’ve encountered seem to go along with that premise.”

  Kathryn nodded as the hatch to the shuttle opened and a ramp descended to touch the deck. Lieutenant Barkley descended first followed by the
two combat robots. Once at the foot of the ramp he positioned one robot on each side and then stood at attention waiting for Kathryn to come down. Going down the ramp, Kathryn saw Commander Zafron had exited along with Kazak. Both were making their way toward her.

  “Admiral,” Commander Zafron said as he came to a stop near her. He gestured toward the Originator AIs and the combat robots, which were their welcoming committee. “Looks as if we’re outnumbered.”

  “The tactics I’ve seen so far seems to indicate the presence of at least one military AI,” said Kazak as he gazed at the other AIs now slowly approaching. “There may be more.”

  “I’ll guess we’ll soon find out,” Kathryn said. “Commander Zafron, it might be best for you to do the talking since you’re an Originator.”

  Zafron nodded and watched as the AIs came to a stop in front of them.

  “Identify yourselves,” one of the AIs commanded as it stepped forward closer to Kathryn and Commander Zafron.

  “I am Commander Zafron of the Dominator, and this is Rear Admiral Barnes of the Distant Horizon, an ally,” Zafron responded brusquely. “Who are you and by what authority do you give orders to an Originator?”

  “By mine,” a weak voice spoke as two AIs entered the bay through an open hatch. They were assisting what looked like an older Originator “I am Belson, commander of this vessel. And I too am an Originator.”

  Kathryn looked in surprise. It was obvious Belson was in bad shape. His body looked gaunt as if he hadn’t eaten in a long time. Kathryn was surprised the Originator could even stand. He looked extremely frail. His face was covered with a rash and was badly discolored.

  “You have the pathogen,” Kazak said in recognition.

  “Kazak,” said Belson, gazing at the military AI. “I am surprised to see you as well as the Dominator. Are you here representing the Defenders of Zorn?”

  “No,’ Kazak replied. “The dark matter Shrieel was destroyed and those of Zorn’s people who were in stasis there were killed. We have also found the Seeker, and those on board who were part of the Defenders of Zorn have been taken into custody. The Defenders of Zorn are no longer a threat.”

  Belson looked shocked at hearing of the destruction of the Shrieel. “How and who destroyed it?”

  “I did,” Kathryn said. “I launched a large number of powerful antimatter missiles into the photosphere of the Shrieel’s sun causing it to go nova. We were fighting a deadly enemy at the time and it was the only way to defeat them.”

  Belson turned toward Kathryn as if reconsidering his initial judgment of her. “I see why Commander Zafron considers you an ally if you can destroy a Shrieel.” Belson turned back toward Zafron. “Why have you come here? It has been over two million years and no word has come of the cure. I have waited in stasis on my command ship for the appearance of the Dominator, the Seeker, or another Originator ship for all of that time. None ever came. Why now?”

  Zafron took a deep breath. “We have the cure, but there were no records of where you and your people had gone.”

  “Only those on the Seeker knew and a few in a hidden stasis facility on the dark matter Shrieel. Once the cure was found they would either bring it to us or send the Dominator. At least that was the original plan until the Defenders of Zorn became involved.”

  “From your appearance you are in the last stages of the pathogen,” Zafron said with a trace of concern. “There is an Originator medical specialist on the Distant Horizon and she has the cure with her. Allow her to administer it to you and when you are stronger we can talk more. There are a number of questions we all have.”

  Belson seemed to be considering the offer and then he spoke. “How many of our people are on the Shrieels now? Have they recovered from the pathogen to the point that our civilization is alive and vibrant once more?”

  “No,” Zafron replied sadly. “It was only recently the Dominator was discovered and I was awoken. The survivors of my crew were in stasis when Rear Admiral Barnes discovered my ship adrift in an asteroid field. She was also involved in discovering the hidden location of the Seeker. At the moment there are less than one thousand of us alive at the Communications and Transport Hub.”

  Belson looked sorrowfully at Zafron. “Then the pathogen almost won. It nearly wiped out our people.”

  Commander Zafron nodded. “We have been searching for clues as to where your people went, and it was only when we discovered the Seeker that Jankel informed us of where you had gone. We set out immediately to find you as we desperately need more of our people at the hub.”

  “That sounds ominous,” Belson said. “What has happened? Are more of the Shrieels in danger? Our AIs and repair robots should have been able to maintain them indefinitely.”

  “It’s the Anti-Life,” Zafron said. “They’ve escaped from their galaxy and are ravaging the universe. We fear that hundreds, perhaps thousands of galaxies have already fallen to them.”

  “The Anti-Life,” repeated Belson, his face turning even paler. “That is a word I had hoped never to hear again.” He looked over at the AIs and then nodded. “I will take you up on your offer to take the cure. If it works and I survive then I will take you to my people.”

  “How many are we talking about?” asked Kathryn. She hoped there were at least several thousand.

  Belson forced a weak smile. “We are the Originators and we do nothing in a small way. There are twelve million of our people in stasis waiting to be revived.”

  Kathryn felt herself sway in shock. “Twelve million!”

  “Yes,” Belson answered. “Now, if you will take me to your ship and administer the cure we can continue. My two AIs will accompany me. Both are military AIs and will be able to ascertain if I am being misled in any way. At the current stage of the disease, I recognize my mental faculties are not what they once were. I could be easily fooled.”

  “Then let us go to the Distant Horizon,” Kathryn said. “I’ll send word to Cynthia we are bringing her a patient.”

  “Cynthia? I knew a Cynthia that went on the Seeker. Is it the same woman?”

  “Yes,” replied Zafron, nodding. “She was the only Cynthia on the vessel.”

  “She was a good person,” Belson said slowly. “It speaks well for you that she is present.”

  “Then let us go,” Kathryn said. She felt excited at what Belson had revealed. Twelve million Originators were far more than anyone had expected. She could imagine Bartoll’s excitement when he heard the news.


  It took nearly a week for Belson to fully recover from the effects of the deadly pathogen. When he did he looked much younger and healthier. Kathryn knew part of this was due to the use of organic nanites to restore the organs of his body and give him back his strength. The medical science of the Originators never ceased to amaze her. She was well aware of it since her own body had been severely injured when the dark matter Shrieel had been destroyed and the shattered wreck of the Distant Horizon made its desperate journey to the Communications and Transport Hub.

  When Belson felt he had improved enough to speak of what occurred in the star cluster as well as the dark matter Shrieel he summoned Kathryn, Commander Zafron, Kazak, Camlin, Nomar, and Cynthia to a meeting.

  Kathryn was ready as they had been sitting in the same star system the entire time. She was anxious to see where the Originators were hidden as well as what type of facilities they had built.

  Entering the conference room which had been prepared for the meeting, Kathryn took her seat along with the others. Both of Belson’s military AIs were present as well. During the entire week of his recovery at least one of them had been at his side the entire time. The other had been speaking and asking questions of the various Originator AIs and command crew of the Distant Horizon. Camlin and Clarissa had even allowed both AIs to access the ship’s main computer memory core, though Camlin and Clarissa had carefully monitored the intrusions.

  Belson looked around the table before beginning. “I am greatly surprised at the prese
nce of Humans and Altons on Originator designed warships. However, Sabor and Anthon have confirmed how important the two races have become to the surviving people of our race. I don’t foresee this being a problem, particularly since Bartoll is a senior member of the Originator Council and has the authority to make such a decision.”

  “How did your people come to be here in this star cluster?” asked Kathryn.

  Belson’s eyes focused on Kathryn. “After years passed and there was no evidence the Dominator was making any progress in finding a cure, it was decided we could not risk allowing our race to die out. As you know some of us had arranged for the Seeker to follow the Dominator and monitor it in case a cure was found but kept from the rest of us by the followers of Zorn.”

  “The commander of the Dominator was a follower,” confirmed Zafron. “I found that out from Jankel.”

  “Some even found their way onto the Seeker,” said Belson. “We discovered this after the ship left.”

  “Commander Alvord is a firm believer,” Kazak said. “He is asking for a ship so he and the few who still support him can leave the hub.”

  Belson’s eyes narrowed sharply. “Don’t let him. It would not surprise me if there are other hidden stasis facilities scattered on other Shrieels with members of Zorn’s faction. He may also know the location of my people.”

  “We believe the same,” Commander Zafron answered. “He will not be allowed access to a ship.”

  Belson nodded. “We knew in time our AIs at the hub would eventually find a cure. Every possible avenue for a cure was researched and the most advanced labs and medical research centers possible constructed there. In the meantime, several hidden stasis facilities were constructed in secret here in this star cluster. Even though this cluster has numerous habitable worlds, there were no advanced races with space travel present.”

  “Strange no one from the main galaxy has colonized it,” said Nomar. “There were a number of space traveling species in the outer region of the galaxy near the cluster.”

  “For some reason it was never colonized,” Belson said. “It took us years to build the facilities and to begin moving our people in secret to the cluster. We chose young people of childbearing age from nearly every Shrieel as well as a large number of esteemed scientists and researchers. We brought everything we would need to reestablish our civilization once the AIs at the hub found the cure. The conditions in the Shrieels were rapidly deteriorating. We didn’t build the stasis facilities there for fear of them being destroyed.”


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