The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 19

by Raymond L. Weil

“Where do you want to go?” asked Sergeant Hatter, who was in charge of the six Marines and the four combat robots, which made up the security detail for Ariel and Aaliss.

  “The central computer core,” Ariel answered. She had thought about it and this seemed to be the most logical place to go to find the information she wanted. “If we can access it we can download the data and examine it later. It will have the information we’re most interested in.” Ariel knew Jeremy was highly interested in the technology and weapons on the ship but he also wanted more information on the Eternals: the number of galaxies they controlled, the size of their fleet, and their current fleet deployments. She also knew the data in the computer core would most likely be heavily encrypted.

  Aaliss paused as she thought about where the computer core might be. “In all Originator vessels the core is in the centermost section of the ship. I suspect it will be the same here on this vessel.”

  “This is a big vessel to wander around on,” said Sergeant Hatter with a frown. He was carrying a shotgun that fired large metal-penetrating slugs. Several other of his Marines were carrying the same type of weapon while the rest were armed with energy rifles.

  “He’s right,” said Ariel, turning toward Aaliss. “Any ideas?”

  Aaliss pulled out a small hand held scanner from a case she was carrying. “I can use this to guide us in the right direction. Before we left the Avenger I used its sensors to scan as much of this ship as possible. While the alloys this ship is constructed of blocked some of the scans I do have a partial schematic of the vessel. I can get us close to the center of the ship but that’s the best I can do.”

  “If that computer core is as important as I think it is that’s the most likely place to find Eternal combat robots,” said Sergeant Hatter. “We should call for more of our own from the Avenger.”

  Ariel hesitated but Jeremy had told her to trust Sergeant Hatter and obey his recommendations if they got into a combat situation. “Okay, but make it quick. I’m anxious to get to the computer core.”

  Sergeant Hatter returned to the shuttle and spent a few minutes communicating with the Avenger. A short time later a second and larger shuttle arrived. The shuttle landed and from it a second squad of Marines debarked as well as ten more combat robots.

  “Are we expecting trouble?” asked Corporal Bower, who was in charge of the second squad of Marines.

  “Maybe,” Sergeant Hatter replied. “We’re going into a part of the ship that might contain a few Eternal survivors and possibly some of their combat robots.”

  “We’re prepared,” said Bower, patting his energy rifle.

  Sergeant Hatter turned toward Ariel and Aaliss. “We can go whenever you’re ready.”

  The group headed out with two Marines and three combat robots leading the way. Aaliss followed right behind directing them down various corridors.

  As they moved through the ship Ariel paid particular attention to everything around them. In several corridors they had to stop and allow the robots to clear wreckage, and at times they had to go in search of other connecting corridors because the damage was too severe. Occasionally they came across a dead Eternal. Ariel noticed none were wearing any type of protective gear.

  A few times Ariel had everyone stop as she inspected a room or some particular piece of equipment. Much of it Aaliss recognized as it was similar to Originator equipment. However, there was some for which Aaliss had no idea as to its purpose. They documented it and took videos for future use.

  “Our technology is very similar in many ways,” Aaliss said after inspecting what appeared to be a medical facility. They had found a number of dead Eternals inside. “The main difference in this medical facility is that they rely on their mechanical nanites to repair their bodies for even the most minor injuries.”

  Ariel had taken the time to examine several pieces of equipment in the medical facility. What intrigued her most was a small device that was capable of building and programming mechanical nanites. It frightened her to realize the extent the Eternals had come to rely on the microscopic nanites for everyday life.


  After nearly two hours Aaliss had them stop as she examined her small scanner, a frown covering her face. They had come to a large hatch which was shut, barring them from advancing any nearer their destination. “My scanner indicates there is a power source functioning behind that hatch and there is also atmosphere present.”

  “Can you tell if there are any Eternals inside?” asked Sergeant Hatter, gripping his shotgun a little tighter.

  Aaliss shook her head. “No, it can’t detect that. But this is close to the core. If there are survivors they could very easily be behind that hatch.”

  “Is there any way to go around this section?”

  “No, the computer core should be in the next compartment.”

  Sergeant Hatter frowned as he examined the hatch. It was obviously sealed from the inside.

  “Corporal Bower, set explosive charges against the hatch; we’re going to blow it. I want four combat robots to go inside as soon as the hatch is open. If there’s any resistance they’re to respond with deadly force.”

  “Yes, Sergeant,” Bower said as he gestured two of his Marines forward who immediately began attaching small disks around the edge of the hatch.

  Sergeant Hatter looked behind them and pointed to a junction in the corridor. “We need to get into those adjacent corridors before we blow this. When the hatch comes free the air inside is going to rush out.”

  Everyone but four combat robots moved back. They stepped back just enough so they would not be damaged from the blast. They were heavy enough the outrushing air would not be a problem.

  “Anytime,” said Corporal Bower, handing Sergeant Hatter a small detonator.

  Hatter looked over at Ariel and Aaliss. “Are we ready?”

  “Let’s do it,” Ariel said. “If there are Eternals in there we have no idea what they might be doing.” She was concerned they might be attempting to delete the information in the computer core.

  Sergeant Hatter nodded and then pressed the detonator. The corridor seemed to shake and air came rushing out of the hatch, which now lay at an odd angle against the corridor wall. The four combat robots finished shoving the hatch out of the way and then rushed into the adjacent compartment their weapons raised.

  “They’ve met resistance,” Aaliss reported worriedly. She could communicate with the robots with her internal comm unit. “There are both Eternal combat robots and Eternals in the compartment.”

  “Corporal Bower, take four more combat robots and your squad through the hatch, the rest of us will follow once the rooms clear,” ordered Sergeant Hatter, gripping his shotgun tighter.

  The indicated combat robots, Corporal Bower, and his squad of Marines quickly went through the open hatch.

  A minute passed and then Aaliss turned toward Sergeant Hatter and Ariel. “The danger is over. We can enter.”

  Sergeant Hatter, the rest of the combat robots, as well as the remaining Marines went through the open hatch. Ariel and Aaliss hurried after and quickly entered the compartment.

  With surprise Ariel saw three of their combat robots down and one Marine. The compartment was a large one and in the center were eight of the large and bulky Eternal combat robots as well as a number of Eternals lying unmoving on the floor. All the Eternals were wearing protective gear; some of them had large holes from weapons fire.

  “There were six Eternals in here plus the combat robots,” reported Corporal Bower, stepping over to Sergeant Hatter and Ariel. “We’re sweeping the compartment to make sure there are no more.”

  Aaliss walked over to one of the Eternals who she noticed was moving slightly. One of the Marines did also, placing the barrel of his energy rifle on the Eternal’s chest and pressing down.

  “Don’t move,” the Marine ordered over the open comm channel.

  “So it is true about the proxy race,” the Eternal said in a weak voice. He looked up at Aaliss. “You
are an Originator AI. Why do you resist us? It would be much simpler to turn over the Shrieels. We would allow you to continue to exist and serve us.”

  “No,” replied Aaliss, shaking her head. “You’re evil and represent everything the Originators stood against. We will never surrender the Shrieels to you.”

  The Eternal was silent for a moment and then responded. “You cannot win. In the end, we will control all of Originator space and all AIs will obey us as loyal servants.” With a sudden movement, the Eternal shoved the rifle aside and leaping to his feet grabbed the Marine and threw him across the room against a wall. The Marine crumbled to the floor without a sound.

  Aaliss stepped back, alarmed at the strength of the Eternal when a large hole suddenly appeared in his chest. Through his protective helmet the Eternal looked surprised and then collapsed to the floor. Turning, Aaliss saw Sergeant Hatter lowering his shotgun.

  “Guess they’re stronger than they look.”

  “It’s the mechanical nanites,” explained Aaliss as several Marines rushed over to their fallen squad member helping him to stand. “They can multiply the strength of an Eternal several times. In time the body of the one you just killed would have been made whole again.”

  Sergeant Hatter came over and carefully inspected the rest of the fallen Eternals making sure they were deceased. Once he was satisfied, he turned back toward Ariel and Aaliss. “Where’s the computer core?”

  Aaliss looked at the scanner and then pointed toward another closed hatch. “Through there.”

  Hatter gestured toward Corporal Bower. “Blow that hatch and be prepared to take out any resistance. It wouldn’t surprise me if there are several more Eternals and their combat robots inside.”

  Bower’s Marines quickly set the charges and then handed the detonator to the sergeant. Four combat robots were positioned just out of range of the explosive charges with four Marines behind them.

  “Be careful,” cautioned Ariel. “We don’t want to damage the core.”

  Sergeant Hatter let out a deep sigh. “Don’t miss your targets and don’t hit the computer core.”

  “Ready,” said Corporal Bower. He moved behind the combat robots and the Marines that were getting ready to storm through the hatch when it was blown. “Pick your targets.”

  Sergeant Hatter pressed the switch on the detonator and the explosive charges detonated, blowing the hatch completely off. The combat robots charged through, their weapons held ready along with the Marines. There seemed to be some commotion inside and then Corporal Bower’s voice came over the comm. “Room is clear. There were two Eternals inside.”

  Sergeant Hatter and the remaining Marines went into the room followed by Ariel and Aaliss. Two dead Eternals without protective suits lay on the floor in front of a large control panel. “Is this what you were searching for?” asked Hatter, turning to look at the two AIs.

  “Yes,” Ariel said as both she and Aaliss stepped over to the panel.

  “Corporal Bower, take your squad of Marines and ten combat robots and keep the compartment outside secure. Make sure no more Eternals or their combat robots bother us. I want the remaining combat robot stationed inside here at the hatch.”

  “Yes, sir,” Bower said as he moved quickly to carry out the sergeant’s orders.

  Ariel looked around, examining the room. It was nearly twenty meters long and eight wide. In the center was a long cylinder several meters wide and at least twelve meters in length. There was no doubt in her mind this was the Eternals’ main computer core for the ship.

  “That’s it,” confirmed Aaliss, looking at the long cylinder. “From what I can tell the two Eternals were trying to set off a self-destruct. She pointed to a screen covered in computer code. “It appears the self-destruct was damaged in the battle.”

  “We must inform Jeremy of this,” Ariel said, her eyes widening with concern. She knew in the past all ships of the Federation had self-destructs. The current Originator vessels did not, but it wouldn’t surprise Ariel if that option was soon added.

  “The self-destruct is not an automatic function. It has to be triggered from the Command Center.”

  Ariel stepped back over next to Aaliss gazing at the computer code. “If I’m reading this correctly they were nearly ready to activate it.”

  Aaliss spent a few moments examining the code and then reached over and pressed several icons on a nearby computer screen.

  “Self-destruct terminated,” said a computer voice over their suit comms.

  “Self-destruct?” asked Sergeant Hatter worriedly. He had heard the computer voice.

  “Yes,” Aaliss began explaining. “It seems our friends here were getting ready to set off the ship’s self-destruct, killing all of us.”

  “Has it been deactivated?” Hatter had a look of deep concern on his face.

  “Yes,” replied Aaliss. “It has to be set manually and I’ve shut down the program.”

  Ariel reached into a zippered pocket on her protective suit and took out a small square object. It was about the size of the palm of her hand. She pressed several small buttons and then placed it on the main computer console. Instantly several green lights started blinking.

  “Accessing computer files,” it said over their suit comms. “Firewall detected.” The lights switched from green to red. “Firewall disabled.” The lights turned back to green.

  The small device was an Originator hacking system capable of invading computers and accessing their files. It was something Ariel had requested from Bartoll in case they ever came upon an undamaged Eternal computer. Ariel never expected to have access to an entire Eternal computer core. This core might hold the answers to many questions they had about the Eternals.

  “Accessing computer files. Computer files being downloaded.” The green lights began blinking faster. “Firewall detected.” The lights turned back to red again. For nearly a minute the lights flashed red and then the computer voice spoke again. “Files accessed, 10 percent downloaded.” Suddenly the lights in the room dimmed, went out, and then came back on again.

  “Firewall detected, files being deleted.” The lights on the small device began blinking back and forth between red and green. “Twenty percent downloaded. Files being deleted by firewall.”

  Ariel frowned. She had been afraid there might be some type of defensive program, which would begin deleting important or classified files if the computer core was penetrated. All she could do was hope the hacking device could download enough files to be of use.

  “Twenty-three percent of files downloaded. Deletion of files accelerating. Twenty-seven percent of files downloaded; all other files have been deleted. Power system failure in twenty seconds.”

  Ariel stepped forward and removed the device, placing it back in her zippered pocket. “That’s it; there’s nothing left. It’s all been deleted.”

  Aaliss looked around. “Let’s hope there’s some useful information in the files the hacking device downloaded.”

  “We can leave,” Ariel said to Sergeant Hatter. “It’s time to get back to the shuttles.” Even as she spoke the power died and all the lights in the computer core and the outside compartment went out.

  Everyone activated their suit lights. “Let’s go,” said Sergeant Hatter. “The sooner I’m out of this ship the better I’ll feel.”

  Ariel agreed. This was her first mission Jeremy had trusted her with outside the Avenger. She felt she had completed it to her satisfaction. Looking down at the zippered pocket on her protective suit, she couldn’t help wondering what was on the hacking device. Maybe now they would know more about the Eternals and how bad this war was going to be.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rear Admiral Kathryn Barnes was standing with Commander Belson watching as the first Originators were injected with the cure for the deadly pathogen, which had nearly destroyed their race. Earlier in the day Belson had taken Kathryn, Admiral Pence, Zafron, Cynthia, and Clarissa on a tour of the massive space station the lost Originators had bui
lt in orbit around the blue-white world that contained their main stasis facility.

  Kathryn had been amazed at what the Originators had constructed. The station contained living quarters for all 50,000 of the crew, entertainment venues, exotic cafeterias, and nearly everything else a high tech civilization might need. The station had manufacturing facilities and several large spacedocks capable of repairing Originator battlecruisers or even building new ones.

  “What will your people think of my people, the Altons, and the Carethians being on the Shrieels?” This had been worrying Kathryn and she had finally decided to ask. She still hadn’t sent a message back to Fleet Commander Strong on what they had found.

  Belson turned toward her with a quizzical look on his face. “That’s an interesting question, Admiral. In all of our long history very seldom were other races allowed on the Shrieels long term. There were a few instances where highly developed civilizations were allowed to visit, but none were allowed to stay.”

  “It’s different this time,” Commander Zafron said. “I have fought alongside these people and while they may be more primitive than us, they are going to be needed if we wish to prevail against the Anti-Life.”

  “That’s the crux of the matter,” said Belson, taking a deep breath. “The Anti-Life. I’m afraid our people, for the most part, have become too civilized to fight a war. There are a few exceptions, such as you and me but the majority of our people would not be willing to go into battle even if it is against our old enemies.”

  “My point exactly,” Commander Zafron said. “The Humans, Altons, and Carethians have fought many enemies in the past years, some of them nearly as horrendous as the Eternals. They can command our ships while we handle the scientific development necessary to win this war.”

  Belson let out a deep sigh. “What if someday they turn against us? If we do as you say we’re giving them access to technology far in advance of what they have now.”

  Kathryn decided to interrupt. She didn’t want to mention they had already been given access to considerable Originator technology. “I believe once you come to know us you will realize that will never happen. The Shrieels are yours and we’re only your invited guests. The Eternals are just as big a threat to our home galaxy as they are to the Shrieels. I think we’re all in agreement they must be stopped.”


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