Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series)

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Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series) Page 1

by Suzanne Steele

  Twisted Boss By:

  Suzanne Steele

  Dark Romance Series By:

  Suzanne Steele



  Suzanne Steele on kindle direct publishing

  Twisted Boss By:

  Copyright © 2013 by Suzanne Steele

  Dark Romance Series © 2013 by Suzanne Steele

  Thank you for downloading this e-book. This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the Author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living, or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced. Or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author.

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  This e-book is Rated R

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  Table of Contents:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Boss Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five


  Chapter One


  My name is James and if you met me out on the street or in a business meeting you would think that I was just another very successful white collar business man.

  I am not. There is a dark recess in the depths of my soul which cannot be witnessed with the naked eye. It is a receding alcove which can only be seen by those whom discover it, or those whom I choose to reveal it to. Amanda would fall under both of those categories; she would discover it and I would reveal it. This is our story.

  “Amanda,” my assistant poked me as she giggled under her breath, “There he is again, Mr. Tall, dark, and dangerous.

  I looked up to view the man who had been stalking me for the last six months. I know that I should be leery of a man who follows me from state to state as I do business, but I most certainly do not believe that leery describes what I feel when I am in his presence.

  I do feel; that is for sure. When he is near I feel to the very depths of my core. When I look and I see him watching me it is like a high; that is the only way to describe it. All kinds of thoughts run through my head because of the way that he looks at me. I wonder why he is following me, where he first saw me, and I wonder if he knows one of my secrets; that makes me nervous which only serves as an aphrodisiac and so goes the cycle.

  I look for him now. I look out among the crowd for my stalker and when he is not there I am disappointed. What kind of woman longs for a man who is nothing but an enigma? What kind of woman would crave the darkness; that is him?

  I wonder at times if there is something wrong with me, I wonder if my soul is not as stained, as tainted, as that of my stalker. If he is what society would deem as socially unacceptable because he follows me, then what does that make me; because I like it?

  “Time to start Amanda,” my assistant’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked up to view my stalker staring through me as if he knew that I was conflicted.

  My precious little prey is so conflicted. She doesn’t understand why she is drawn to me as a moth is to a flame. It is one of the reasons that I have waited six months to reveal myself to her. You see, it is a form of desensitizing her to the danger that I represent. She has become accustomed to me; use to seeing my presence at her various presentations. It doesn’t make me any less dangerous. The change has occurred in her not me, I remain the same. All it does is lower her defenses and cause her to have a false sense of security. This works out quite well for me, for when I do strike, even though she is fully aware of my presence she will be caught off guard and rendered utterly helpless.


  I stood and began addressing the room, it was something that I had to do and being nervous wasn’t going to do me a damn bit of good.

  I manipulated the pointer never giving a hint that my nerves were on edge. I had learned long ago to not entertain the negative thoughts; if I just didn’t ‘go there,’ then the nerves wouldn’t hinder my presentation. I knew that I had come up with a multi-million dollar idea and I had no intentions of letting anything get in my way of making a lot of money.

  “Do you want to have an affair?” I made sure to look men directly in the eye as I spoke. “Do you want to do drugs? Do you want to be a spy? Whatever scenario that you fantasize about, we here at images can bring it to pass. You can have all of the adrenaline high that your system can handle; with none of the consequences that doing it ‘real time’ presents. This is the cyber age and Images is the wave of the future.”

  Once again I was relieved when the crowd applauded and I was finished with the presentation. This was the last stop of a month long tour and I was simply elated that it was over. I was catching a cab from here and homeward bound on the first flight out, or so I thought.

  I snuck off making my way to the ladies room. I eyed myself in the mirror, I had done quite well with my career and now I was looking at being nothing shy of rich. This new deal was going to put me over the top and I was beyond pleased.

  I exited the bathroom and all but ran into my stalker.


  “That’s quite the scam that you have going on, Amanda.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Swindling my share of Images wasn’t the smartest thing to do. Did you think that I wouldn’t find out?”

  “I have no idea what you are referring to.”

  I leaned in like we had a secret and whispered, “Well sweetie, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you don’t have your ass downstairs and in my limo by the time that my driver pulls it around front in thirty minutes; well then, let’s just say that you are going to be doing some serious jail time. Embezzlement isn’t taken lightly!” I leaned into her ear and literally growled, exuding some of the anger that I was feeling towards the thieving little bitch.

  I sharply turned on one toe and walked away as if nothing had happened.


  What the fuck just happened? I stood staring at the gorgeous specimen of a man as he walked away. Nobody should look that good. He sto
od at about 6’2 and had a lean muscular build. His dark hair held just enough texture to keep it back in the professional cut that it was styled in. He was dressed to kill right down to his Italian leather shoes and he smelled absolutely divine.

  I pushed all of those thoughts out of my head and got my game face on. I would have to be on top of my game to deal with this guy, I could stand to lose a lot of money if I didn’t deal with this situation correctly. I needed to meet him in his limo and get this taken care of. Surely this was some type of misunderstanding. He couldn’t possibly know what I had been up to…… Or could he?


  I pushed down on my hardened cock as I walked away. It took a certain kind of woman to grab my interest, a challenge if you will. A come take me, make me do bad things, bad girl things, and Amanda had that. Mix that with the fact that I had that bitch right where I wanted her power struggle wise; and it was a sexual aphrodisiac to a man like me.

  Yes, this was going to be fun and I had every intention of dragging it out and milking it for all the enjoyment that I could get out of it.

  By the time that I got done with her, she would know that she had stolen from the wrong man.


  I made my way through the hallway feeling much like I was walking the plank.

  I just needed to get this little meeting out of the way and be back to business. Surely this guy couldn’t have known about any underhanded business dealings that I had been a part of. I mean it wasn’t like I had hurt anyone; Jack was dead and we all know that you can’t hurt a dead person.

  I eased my way into the limo and was startled when the driver took off.

  “Hey wait a minute I have a plane to catch.”

  “You won’t be on that flight Miss. Hendricks.”

  I eyed the man seated next to me as he stared straight ahead. It was evident that he was not in a good mood by his stoic profile. He began speaking as he turned and coldly eyed me with his black eyes, and even though he was calm, I felt a chill course through me.

  “You and I both know that Images was not your idea, my partner helped you come up with that.”

  Oh shit.

  I was grateful that I was seated because I knew that if I had been standing I would have felt the room spin.

  I had sorely underestimated this situation. To put it bluntly I had not known that Jack had a partner.

  “It isn’t like I did anything wrong, Mr. whatever your name is.”

  “My name is James Madden and that will be Mr. Madden to you now that you are going to be working for me.”

  That pissed me off and I no longer cared about manners.

  “I don’t work for anyone, James!”

  Faster than I could even see it coming he lunged in my direction and grabbed me by my throat. His face was within inches of mine and his voice had become some sort of feral growl.

  “Listen to me you thieving little bitch. You stole from me and I don’t take kindly to someone fucking me without kissing me first. I have my Lawyer on speed dial waiting to hear if I want to press charges against you. What you are going to do is go and get on my plane and fly back to Louisville Ky with me. You work for me now!”

  I was baffled, scared, confused and at a loss for not only words, but actions. That never happens to me; ever!

  After a very long pause of glaring at one another I pulled out my phone and dialed my assistant. “Catch your flight home. I am on another flight, something came up.”

  “Oh, Mr. Talk, dark and dangerous?”

  I glared right at James as I spoke, “No Mr. Rude, uptight and bastardly.”

  “Oh……K……..Doesn’t sound good.”

  “It isn’t.”

  Needless to say the rest of the trip was spent in silence. I found myself being very grateful for the fact that we were in Cincinnati and this would be a short trip home.

  What have I gotten myself into?


  Watching that bitch sweat on the way home made my cock hard.

  If she thought that she was sweating then, well she hadn’t seen anything yet.

  I sat behind my desk eyeing her, “You are a cutthroat little bitch. Jack Beardsley isn’t even cold in the ground yet and you have taken over. Now you have two choices: you either agree to what I say, or your little thieving ass goes to jail today.”

  “I didn’t know……”

  “Shut up, Amanda! You work for me now! 51% of that company is mine. You don’t make any decisions without my knowledge. You report here for work at 9:00am every morning Monday-Friday and you go home when I say that you can. Oh, and the best part of this little deal is…….”

  I rose from my seat and made my way over to her chair and leaned down and whispered in her ear, “The best part of this is, that I have a new fuck buddy.”

  “You can’t sexually harass me!”

  “Its blackmail sweetie and I just did.”

  “You bastard!”

  “You have no idea. Go home. You are going to need to be rested up for tomorrow. Oh, but before you go, you need to sign these.”

  I made my way to my desk drawer and produced the papers that gave me 51% of Images.

  “I need for my lawyer to see these,” I stated biding for some time.

  As if reading my mind he spoke, “You’re biding for time Amanda. Sign the papers, or go to jail.”

  I reluctantly………. Signed my life away………..

  I made my way behind her chair and placed my hands on her shoulders. “Don’t turn around, just listen. I’m looking forward to burying myself deep into that thieving little pussy of yours and there isn’t a damn thing that you can do about it. I don’t take kindly to thieves and I have every intention of teaching you a lesson that you won’t soon forget.”

  “I didn’t know that he had an agreement with you, the papers were not signed and it wasn’t in his will, James.”

  “Liar, I saw you the day that you went to his office and cleaned out all traces of Images. You have sorely underestimated your opponent.”

  “Fine, take 51% of the company but leave sex out of it.”

  “No! You work perfectly for me. I can fuck you with no emotional ties. You know- friends with benefits, but in our case it will be enemies with benefits. You are a sneaky little bitch and I don’t like you.”

  I grabbed a handful of her hair and roughly jerked her head back, “You are perfect for ‘angry sex.’ Every time that I look into that pretty little face of yours while I’m pile driving that sweet little slit between your legs; it will meet a need in me. I have an aggressive side and you young lady are the perfect little victim for me to take it out on. Now go home!”

  I had to stifle a laugh as I watched her almost trip over her four inch heels going out the door.

  I sat down behind my desk and interlocked my fingers behind my neck as I let my mind wander.

  I could have any woman that I wanted. There was never a shortage of women throwing themselves at me. The problem was: that they wanted me to secure their social status. They were women who craved being in the lime light. They wanted to run in the circles of the upper echelon and they saw me as a means to an end.

  At least with Amanda I knew what I was getting and there would be no emotional ties. Yes, Amanda could satisfy the animalistic side of me that needed release. In fact, I could take out all my frustrations on her, because I had every intention of humiliating her in my bed; I had every intention of fucking her like a dirty little whore, my dirty little whore.

  Chapter Two


  I sat on the bed doing research on my new found nemesis. Over and over I beat myself up, how in the world could I have let a detail this major slip by without me knowing it? I can’t say that I was totally in the dark, but what I did know was that those papers between the two business men had not been signed. All they had was a verbal agreement. What I had failed to discover was the paper trail on that verbal agreement. I had been playing beat the clock and I lost.

very detail that I was able to drudge up against James only made me more leery.

  The nicknames that he had been dubbed were a clear sign that I was in over my head. ‘The shark,’ ‘Venom,’ ‘board room bastard,’ on and on they went and the end message was that James always came out on top.

  I shook my head and cleared the thought of having to have sex with him out of my thought process. It wasn’t that the guy wasn’t gorgeous, I’m sure that getting women was not a problem for James at all. James scared me; he scared me because I knew deep down inside that what he said about angry sex was the truth and I had always had a weakness for that; though I had never been privy to it. Being ‘taken’ had always been a fantasy and now I was being presented with the opportunity to act out that fantasy; something about the idea of acting out that fantasy with James, scared the shit out of me. It scared me because it excited me.

  As far as I was concerned there was no threat of me falling for him emotionally because he was too much of a bastard. Even though that wasn’t a threat I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of my body responding to him.

  I finished off my wine and made my way to bed.


  I made my way into work the next day to a flurry of my office being moved into James’s.

  “I’m not moving in here and how the hell did you get into my office to move things here?”

  “I own the building where you rent your office space,” he smugly stated.

  “Well you don’t own me.”

  He leaned in towards me, “Well technically I do. Let’s just say that if you had a set of balls, I have you by them right now.”

  “Charmed I’m sure, James.”

  “Oh it is going to be fun breaking you down, Amanda.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “I don’t need luck. I have the capability of outwitting you in any arena.”

  “Game on,” I hissed.

  This guy was beginning to piss me off with his arrogance.


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