Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series)

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Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series) Page 3

by Suzanne Steele

Hmm, not the neighborhood for sewer rats.

  “Hey Ma’am can you spare a dollar?”

  Clarissa turned to spew out a “No, I can’t!” But before she could manage the man had grabbed her arm and placed a knife at her throat, “You have got one warning bitch, stay away from Amanda or the next time that you see me, you will be bleeding- out and wondering why I am enjoying watching it so much.”

  As quickly as the man had appeared, he walked away into obscurity.

  She had heard rumors about James being dangerous. It was even rumored that he had been car jacked once and had the police not rolled up, he would have beaten the car jacker to death. James took dangerous to a whole new level and Clarissa had no intentions of pissing him off. There were plenty of country club power players that she had her pick of; she wasn’t about to put herself in danger. Though she couldn’t help but wonder, what it was that had made Amanda successful at landing James.

  Chapter Five

  I sat in a restaurant with a client going over paperwork. I had made up my mind that I still owned 49% of Images and I was going to make all the money that I could and then sell my share to James. Of course James was not aware of my plan, but I was always working an angle; it is just who I am.

  I looked up to view James and did a double take not believing what I was seeing.

  I quickly excused myself not wanting James to cause a scene and made my way up to the bar. “Please tell me that you are not following me, James.”

  “Please tell me that you are not on a date, Amanda.”

  His face mirrored intense displeasure as he turned towards me and glared.

  “Amanda, go get rid of your date and get your ass back over here.”

  His voice sounded like a low rumble and it really was scaring me.

  I promptly did as he asked me to, not wanting to make a scene. The last thing that I needed was a front page spread of my boss and I going at it. It wouldn’t be good for business and I was trying to make money not lose clients.


  I was so pissed off right now. I had made myself perfectly clear about going out with other men and here she was, just doing what she wanted.

  “Where are you going James?”

  I could feel myself growing very nervous as he drove down a deserted dirt road.

  “Get the fuck out of the car.”

  “Please don’t hurt me James, you’re scaring me.”

  He pressed me into the hood of the car smashing my face down and commanding me to spread my legs as he pressed his hardened stalk into me while he spewed vile threats at me. “You don’t get to have a say in what you can do and where you can go. Maybe it’s time for a full blown kidnapping. I don’t believe that I can trust you away from me.”

  He jerked my head back using my hair as a type of rein as he pushed into me violently stabbing at my insides.

  “Do you think that I’m letting you go home tonight so you can go and fuck another man? You will be sleeping handcuffed to my bed you sneaky little bitch!”

  My breath came out ragged and my words broken. “Pl, please James, please, I’ll do anything please, I’ll be good, I’ll be good.”

  “Music to my ears you sneaky little bitch. Cum for me baby, whose sweet little cunt is that?”

  “Yours, yours, yuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrzzzzzzzzzz.”

  I slept with one wrist cuffed to his bed that night; exactly as he said that I would.


  I awoke to his muffled voice in my ear.

  “I need you here Amanda. I think about you constantly, every second that you are away I want to come find you and bring you back here. I’m not taking no for an answer. I’m not giving you a choice. You could get in a lot of trouble for stealing from me, and if it takes me blackmailing you to have you; then so be it.”

  He was on top of me and he had released my wrist from the cuff that had held me but he now held me down by my wrists with his hands. He pushed in and out of me slowly as he seduced me with his words.

  “I’m twisted Amanda, I’m fucked up, I’ll never be able to have a normal relationship, but you get me, I need you, please Amanda, I’m begging you don’t go. I’ll make you stay, I mean it.”

  “I’ll stay James, I’ll stay.”

  If James is twisted, then what does that make me?


  “Amanda, you don’t even know this guy and you’re giving up your apt to move into his penthouse?”

  “I’m not giving up my apt, but I am moving into his condo. I’m a big girl, I’ll be ok. You don’t know the whole story; this is something that I have to do.”

  “I’m here if you need me Amanda. This guy has a reputation for being dangerous, please be careful.”

  “I’m fine.”

  I looked up to see James standing in front of my desk scowling.

  “I need to go sweetie, I have work to do.”

  “Amanda, stay in touch and please be careful.”

  I quickly hung up the phone.

  “Hey what’s going on with you?”

  Both of his palms were laid flat on my desk and he was leaned over glaring at me.

  “Who the fuck was that?”

  “It was my assistant, James.”

  “Oh so she doesn’t think that it’s a good idea to move in with me?”

  “She’s concerned that we are moving too quickly.”

  He sardonically raised one brow, “Does she know that you stole from me? Does she know that if I don’t control you that you are out of control? Does she know how fucking crazy that I get when you are not around?”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “The last time that you laughed at me Amanda, you got slammed down on a car hood and fucked senseless.

  “Yes, I did James. On another note James, is it true that you fired Cindy?”

  This time he chuckled, “You don’t even want to know what I had done to Clarissa.”

  You’re right James, you are twisted.”

  “You have no fucking idea!”

  “Come on, you have un-packing to do at my house.”

  “I don’t want to do it alone,” I whined.

  “Oh you are not doing it alone, I have plans for you.”

  His strides were so long that I found myself almost running to keep up. I couldn’t help but notice that nobody in the office even looked up at me, which only served to make me wonder what he had done to; or worse yet with Clarissa.

  I blurted it out in the car before I lost my nerve, “You didn’t kill her did you; you didn’t kill Clarissa did you?”

  “For once you don’t underestimate me.” Was the only answer that I got.


  “Mr. Madden, where do you want this box of office supplies?”

  “Place it outside of my office. I’ll be out in a moment.”

  His hand gagged my mouth as he pushed in and out of me while talking to the moving man right outside his dressing room door.

  The large walk-in closet was more like a bedroom and he had placed me up on an island and was pounding away as he hissed threats in my ear.

  “They know that I’m fucking you in here. I love defiling you whenever the notion hits me. Using you for all the rotten things that you have done to me. Thief!”

  “James, I’m sorry please, please you’re going to make me cum.”

  He pulled out of me jerking me down to the edge with my legs cocked up and began attacking my clit with his tongue. My fingers weaved through his hair as I leaned back on my palms taking all that he had to give. For some reason the thought of getting caught only excited me more.

  I covered my mouth to keep from crying out. He stood wedging between my legs and began hammering away at my insides, daring me to look away and promising punishment if I did. I couldn’t get enough of this man.

  We finished up and I tossed on a t-shirt and jeans that I had already unpacked.

  As we were headed out the door he jerked me around and hissed, “Get a different bra on, I can see your fuckin
g nipples!”

  I knew that ever screwing around on this man was not an option; he was too possessive, too jealous and too possessive.


  James stalked me the whole time that the movers were there. He would watch me as if he was waiting to see if I was flirting or talking to any of them. James was absolutely obsessed with me. I never knew what to expect from him. He was the most intense man that I had ever met and all of his sexual intensity was directed towards me. It was like there was cauldron that seethed beneath his surface and I never knew when it would boil over. I would look up and he would be leaned in a doorway seething in my direction. He would pull me around corners and pin me into walls only to begin threatening me with sexual violence and it always had the same effect on me; a fire in my loins.

  When I looked at James I couldn’t help but wonder why he didn’t play the field. He was quite the ladies man. He stood at well over six foot tall and he oozed sex appeal. His presence screamed tall, dark, and dangerous. His features were stoic and chiseled, causing him to have a ‘no nonsense’ look about him.

  At times he would squint his eyes when speaking to people; as if he were sizing them up. He had a way of making you feel nervous, like he knew something about you; that you didn’t want him to know.

  He worked out, so he was lean and sculpted, after-all a man had to be in shape to hogtie a girl and throw her in the trunk of his car.

  Though his features and his energy were dark, his skin was not, it was his eyes; black, intense, piercing, cut through you eyes, that demanded the truth and promised punishment if it was not given. To put it simply James had a way of making me feel as if I had done something wrong and he would interrogate it out of me. He scared the shit out me and it turned me on.

  Chapter Six


  James stretched his long legs out crossing them at the ankles as he watched Amanda at the copy machine through the large plate glass window in his office. She was so beautiful. He had always had a weakness for blondes, but the suits, not the trashy ones. She oozed sapiosexual. Every day she was dressed to the nines; business clothing, lingerie, thigh highs, heels, meticulous make-up and perfect hair. She was independent, self sufficient. She could run circles around most men in business.

  At six feet tall Amanda looked more like a model than anything else. Her blonde hair was cut in a long layered bob that had a wild look to it; a come and jerk me by the hair of my head and fuck me senseless look. All of James colleagues never failed to ask about her and James’s answer was always the same: “Stay the fuck away from her!”

  He made no excuses for his Alpha behavior and anyone who knew him knew that about him. He had made a lot of people, a lot of money, and his colleagues knew that they would be losing out if they went against his orders. No woman was worth losing that kind of money; so of course they adhered to his advice.

  There was only one man who was willing to not play by James’s rules and that was his lifelong nemesis John. They went back so far that they had attended high school together and they hated each other then, and they hated other now.


  “Well, well, well, I just had to come down here and see what all of the gossip was about. You are a site for sore eyes, Ma’am.”

  I looked up to view a man who looked more like a Malibu cut out, than a human. He came complete with the tan and the blue eyes; I should have known that he worked in the media when I saw him. He was getting ready to give me the opportunity of a lifetime and I was getting ready to be tempted to take it.

  “I’ve done my homework on you Amanda and when you’re ready to take Images to the next level, let me know. I want to put you on TV young lady.”

  “Well Mr. TV land man, I’m flattered but I don’t have TV land money.”

  “I pointed towards the plate glass window that James was now standing at and stated, “You probably need to ask Mr. Money bags over there.”

  “I couldn’t care less about James, I want you; behind my camera.”

  “So you know my Boss; that is evident.”

  “Your boss and I go way back and we hate each other.”

  “Well I will be certain to stay out of the line of fire, thanks for the ‘heads up.’”

  I turned making my way back to the office with Malibu man on my heels.

  James stepped over blocking his way in after I stepped through the door.

  His voice was low, more of a feral growl as he spoke, “Stay the fuck away from her; she is my property.”

  John chuckled, “Your property? You are such a Neanderthal. I have every intention of making her a star. I’m putting her on TV James and now knowing that you don’t want me to, just makes it that much more delicious.”

  With that he turned and left, leaving me to deal with the fallout that was James.


  I hung from a chain in James’s basement with tears streaming down my face. My arms ached from being held over my nude body. My captor had subdued me hanging me from a rafter that held two thick crude chains with wide steel cuffs attached. He had raised me up so far that I was almost standing on my toes. Fatigue; did not even begin to describe what my body was experiencing.

  He viciously grabbed my chin squeezing so hard that I was sure that I would be bruised the next day.

  “I’m sorry,” I wailed. “I told him to ask you James, he is only trying to use me to piss you off. Please don’t take it out on me.”

  “I’ll tell you a little secret, I have a tad bit of a sadistic streak; and you have tapped into it young lady. Would you like to sleep down here in that cage over there?”

  “Oh God James, please no, I will be good I’ll do anything that you want.”

  His grip on my chin tightened and my tears had now turned to sobs.

  “What I want………..Is for my property to obey me………..”

  “I’m nobody’s property, James.”

  “Oh I beg to differ with you on that young lady, I own your ass. You do not steal from me and walk away from it as if nothing happened.”

  “Please, I will do anything, anything James.”

  “Your cunt is so wet Amanda. You like the things that I do to you. You are just as twisted as I am.”

  He slipped out of the drawstring pants that he wore, picking me up with ease.

  I wrapped my legs around him, grateful for the reprieve of standing on my toes.

  “Can I fuck you, Amanda?”

  He moved causing my back to be pinned against the cold concrete wall as he continued holding me and threatening me.

  “Can I fuck you until your back is scraped up from me taking you? I can do anything that I want to you; I can do anything that I want to you Amanda because I own you. I could ruin you with just one phone call. I don’t want to do that Amanda, but I will stop at nothing to keep you.”

  He pushed up and into me causing me to cry out.

  “Open your eyes! Oh, that is a good girl. Stay away from him Amanda, I will cage you like a wild animal. You have no idea how dangerous that I am.”

  “Please you’re going to make me cum, let me cum.”

  He ground in circles continuing to threaten me, dominate me, and tell me that I was his property, that I belonged to him. He was telling me all of the vile things that he would do to me and it was turning me on.

  “Cum for me, you little thief. You bitch! Every day you steal more of me. You are making me crazy Amanda.”

  I don’t even remember him loosing me.

  I vaguely remember him placing me in his garden tub between his legs and washing my hair, bathing me with great care and checking over my body to insure that I wasn’t hurt, when he removed me from the tub he applied lotion all over me.

  He positioned his head between my legs and licked gently in my folds pulling two more orgasms from my body. He gently mounted me and for the first time; he made love to me, as his whispers in my ear revealed a vulnerable truth to me. “I love you Amanda, please don’t make me live without you. I know t
hat I’m fucked up, but you get me. I can’t function without you girl…….I love you……….”


  I sat in the chair watching her as she slept. I loved her so much that it physically hurt. It was a dark foreboding, an aching gut wrenching feeling, it was love.

  I knew that I was fucked up. I can’t even tell you how I got that way. It isn’t like I had some God awful childhood or trauma, it is just who I was. I had a dark, deviant, sexual bent, and it took a certain kind of woman to satisfy me. Amanda got it, she not only got it; she fed off of it. She pulled it from me and she enjoyed everything that I dished out. I knew that she would never be the same after me; but neither would I.


  I woke up the next day to a kinder, gentler James. Our day was spent at home together making love, cooking meals, watching movies and swimming at dusk in a heated pool. I ran into the condo giggling as he chased me after I had pushed him in the pool.

  He pulled me to him kissing me with so much passion. I knew that I had fallen in love with a man who was blackmailing me, I knew that this would be considered crazy by someone on the outside, but like it or not, the heart wants what the heart wants. It didn’t matter what anyone else thought, there was only James and I and neither one of us could deal with the thought of being without the other.

  Suddenly his expression became very sinister, “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness Amanda; it would not be in your best interest.”

  Something about the look on his face insured me, that regardless of how much we ‘bonded,’ James was not a man to be taken lightly.

  James and Amanda

  “I really don’t care what you think James; I have to meet my Dad for lunch.”

  “I want to go, Amanda.”

  I noted that it sounded more like a whine than a request and I couldn’t help but wonder how one man could be such a contradiction in terms.


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