Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series)

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Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series) Page 7

by Suzanne Steele

  Mike immediately recognized the phone number and picked it up. James was a number one priority, he paid more than any other client and Mike had no intentions of losing him to the competition.

  “James, hello, what can I do for you?”

  “I have a situation. I need someone flushed out of hiding.”


  “Amanda Hendricks.”

  “That’s that blonde headed chick on local TV, isn’t it?”


  “I need her found quickly and money is not an issue.”

  “James, if that bitch used a credit card anywhere, I will have her for you tonight, or by in the morning at the latest. Let me get crack-a-lackin and I’ll get back with you.”

  “I don’t care what time that it is Mike, I want to be notified immediately. As soon as you find her, I want to know about it.”


  I awoke in a panic, due to the fact that I couldn’t breathe.

  “Not one word bitch!”

  This is the first time that I can remember being scared of James. He had warned me. He had clearly stated that he was dangerous and I had dismissed it. The look in his eyes right now was one that I had never witnessed before. It was the look of a predator moving in for the kill. How in the hell had he found me, and more so than that, how had he gotten into my hotel suite?


  I felt my cock harden as I viewed the tear on her cheek and the terror in her eyes. I needed to get her out of here. I knew that I was in predator mode and that meant that a good fuck would be in order.

  I lifted my hand from her mouth as I spoke, “Not one word, no matter what happens to you!”

  She shook her head up and down signifying yes.

  I reached in my pocket and grabbed the ball gag that was in it; popping it into her mouth, next the cuffs that I housed in the waistline of my jeans.

  Immediately I recognized the look and my cock jumped; the pleading that a woman does with her eyes when she can’t use words. Amanda was begging me to have mercy with those hazel eyes of hers, but there would be no mercy tonight.

  I hustled her out to the van that Mike had parked right outside of her room.

  Her whimpers were delicious; absolutely delicious.


  I circled the guillotine type device and eyed my nude victim. The only thing that I permitted her to leave on was her high heels. I made my way to the front of the device and lifted her head by a fistful of hair. Her tear stained face and puffy lips only served to excite me.

  “You haven’t seen this room. I warned you Amanda. I clearly stated that I would fuck your world up. I don’t care what you want or what you desire, you gave up all rights when you stole from me.”

  I popped the ball gag out from between her lips and watched as her face turned red from embarrassment; due to the drool that fell to the floor.

  “You deserve to be humiliated. You deserve to have that pristine makeup of yours running down that pretty little face. Now you have about ten seconds to convince me that you weren’t trying to run out on the debt that you owe me.”

  “James! I am not going to be your little fuck doll while you fuck anybody that you want to!”

  I hadn’t wanted to fuck anybody since Amanda but, I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her that.


  I winced as he viciously pulled my head up to eye level by a fistful of hair.

  “Oh God James, please, you’re scaring me. I don’t know what you want from me; I don’t know what you want.”

  “No James, no” I screamed out, as I heard the swish of his belt being removed.

  My cries fell on deaf ears as he made his way to the back of me and began striking my tender ass. Blow after blow until I finally just gave in to the pain. I don’t know how to explain it, but I literally felt as if I were floating.

  I groaned as I heard the buckle hit the floor and felt James penetrate my soaked opening; over and over and over my body racked with orgasm after orgasm, until I literally passed out.

  I don’t remember much after that, other than that the same man who had just viciously beat me, carried me to a tub and gently placed me between his legs. He washed my hair and my body as if I were a delicate china doll that he did not want to break.

  Something happened that night; I fell in love with my blackmailer. I know that there will be those who don’t understand and I don’t expect you to.

  It boils down to one thing, the same man who is a dangerous predator; that will stop at nothing to have his way with me, is the same man who is my only source of help. He holds my future in his hands; literally.


  I lay in bed with Amanda spooned in my arms.

  “I warned you Amanda, I gave you full disclosure and you chose not to listen to me. You need to take me very seriously or I’m going to hurt your husband and I’m sure that you wouldn’t want to drag him into this sordid little affair, now would you?” I knew that she heard me though she feigned sleep.

  “I’m sure that you wouldn’t want to see something bad happen to your husband, Amanda. I trust that you will be taking me at my word from here on out.”


  I stood in my office covertly watching my woman as she spoke with her husband. It got harder and harder for me to see her with him. As far as I am concerned Amanda belongs to me and the thought of that man touching my woman, makes my blood boil.


  “Amanda Lynn Hendricks, I have no idea what you have gotten yourself into, but if you cost me this election, I am not going to be a happy camper.”

  “Yes John, God forbid that your precious image would get tainted.”

  “Amanda, I know that you are sleeping with this guy. Has he got something on you?”

  “Yes John, he does and I have no intention of pissing him off; he’s dangerous.”

  “Then go to the police, Amanda.”

  “John, I embezzled money from the man. It won’t be him going to prison. If I have to sleep with the guy to stay out of prison; then so be it. I am not coming home. I am staying at a hotel.”

  “Amanda Lynn, if you think that I am going to pay for you to shack up in some fancy hotel with your boyfriend; then you are sadly mistaken young lady. I’m not paying for the two of you to eat lobster and go to the spa”

  I stuck my finger in his face and hissed, “I can pay my own way. I have been doing it for ten years.”

  I stormed off towards the entrance of the building and I could hear him screaming in the back-round, “You just make sure that you are at the studio on the days that you have TV shoots.”

  I walked away just shaking my head, these guys were getting on my nerves.

  “I’ll see you Sunday and don’t worry, I’ll be sure to act like everything is peachy-keen.”


  Well that was all that mattered to John anyway, so he left happy.

  I made my way back into the office and sat at my desk.

  I looked up to view James locking the door and shutting the blinds.

  Oh shit, this is not good.

  “I didn’t do anything, James.”

  “Shh, that’s a good girl, be quiet.”

  “Stand up here by the edge of the desk, Amanda.”

  I felt the pad of his forefinger touch my trembling lip.

  I could feel him standing behind me and as I turned around to see what he was doing, he palmed my back between my shoulder blades as he spoke, “No, no, no, get the top of your body down on that desk baby girl.”

  My legs trembled as he wiggled my skirt up onto my waist. He slowly pulled my g-string down and lightly tapped my inner thigh. I knew instinctively to spread my feet apart. “Oh Amanda, so wet and I haven’t even touched you yet.”

  “Not here James.” I felt the heat of a smack on my ass and jumped.

  “You don’t tell me what to do Amanda, and you damn sure don’t tell me what to do when it comes to my property, girl! Oh Amanda, you’re wet baby
girl. You can deny it all that you want to, but your body tells on you girl.”

  I could hear his pants drop and he spread me open with his fingers and gently slid into me.

  “That is my cunt Amanda, you belong to me now. You stole from me and I refuse to take anything for payment; but you. You’re not going back to that hotel. Do you understand me? You’re going to the condo tonight.”

  “Please James, you’re going to make me cum, please, I can’t help it, I’m going to.”

  He pulled my head back growling in my ear, “You better not. Not until I hear you say that you are staying at my condo tonight.”

  “I’ll stay, pleeeeeze.”

  “Good girl, cum for me Amanda.”

  My fingers clawed into the desk as my body convulsed, giving in to all that my blackmailer wanted.

  His hands gripped my hips as his thrusts became more aggressive until he had emptied his seed into the condom that he wore. He made his way to the bathroom removing the condom and returning with a warm wet towel.

  His eyes cut into me as he declared, “We are going to the Dr and getting tested, I’m sick of these condoms. I get tested every month and use condoms, so I know I’m clean. And I damn sure know that you better be; is there anything that you need to tell me?”

  “No James, I’ve never had an affair, until I was blackmailed into it.”

  He grabbed my chin squeezing as his black eyes cut into me, “I guess that you stole from the wrong person then, huh Amanda?”

  I rolled my eyes and got dressed.

  James and Amanda

  “Come on Amanda, we are going to put you into some pajamas.”

  He had insisted that Amanda go from work to the condo with him.

  He led her into a bedroom that had been completely stocked with anything that she would need on her nights spent there.

  Everything had been purchased in the right sizes right down to lingerie. If James was anything at all, he was observant.

  James reached over grabbing a v-neck midriff white T-shirt and accompanied it with drawstring flannel bottoms.

  He talked to her as he dressed her. “Your dirty clothing will be placed over this fainting couch.” He pointed to an antique couch in the dressing room connected to the large walk-in closet that accompanied the spare bedroom. The cleaning lady will retrieve it and have it cleaned and placed back into your closet.

  Items which are used when you spend the night and have to return to that other man’s house are to be placed into a bag and brought to me at the office. I will then insure that the cleaning lady receives them to have them cleaned. Amanda!”

  “Yes,” she answered looking into the cold black eyes that stared back at her.

  “These items are never to be left at that other man’s house. This is of the utmost importance, do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she mumbled; unable to look at him.

  “Bras, panties, every item; is to be brought back here, Amanda. Disobedience in this area will result in swift discipline, is that understood?”

  “Yes,” she mumbled.

  He placed one finger under her chin lifting her face up and forcing her to look at him.

  “Do not underestimate my power of observance. I’m a very precise man.”

  He peered down on her, “Go use the restroom, Amanda.”

  He watched as she padded off to the bathroom. She reminded him at times of a little girl who needed guidance, and he was just the man for the job.

  “Lie on the bed Amanda, take the flannel pants off and leave everything else on.”

  He had left her in the white cotton t-shirt and panties for a reason. James had a reason for everything that he did, especially when it concerned Amanda.

  He reached down taking her pulse by placing his thumb on her jugular. “Why is your heart racing, Amanda?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “If you don’t know, then who does?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He watched her chest heave up and down as he retrieved an ice cube from the bucket that housed the champagne on the nightstand.

  He began running the ice over her areola through the shirt and became mesmerized by the small pink nipples which had now hardened to a peak.

  She began trying to rise up and get away from the cold.

  “Do I need to tie your ass down?”

  She whined but remained still. He took the ice rubbing it over her cunt and watched mesmerized by the white cotton that now showed her pussy lips.

  He wiggled her out of her underwear and began rubbing the ice on her pussy lips and forcing her down as she cried out, ‘It’s too cold, please.”

  “Let me warm it up for you.” He flattened his tongue out lapping up the melted water. He continued alternating ice and then the warmth of his tongue. “Don’t you dare fucking move,” he hissed pinning her hips down with his large manicured hand.

  “Spread that cunt open, Amanda.”

  She hesitated due to embarrassment and he pinched her inner thigh.

  She pulled her lips apart gasping as he lapped at the juices that now ran freely. He lifted his head and began playing in her folds as he eyed her.

  “Look at me Amanda!”

  Her eyes locked with his. “Show me how you masturbate; do it!” He commanded, not allowing her time to argue.

  “Bend those knees and spread those legs open. That’s it I want to see every inch of my little victim.”

  He began pumping two fingers in and out of her, commanding her to make herself cum. You little exhibitionist, that is it, there it is. Don’t you dare take your eyes off of me; I’ll spank your ass. Your cunt is so wet girl, the more that I threaten you the wetter you get. You have got two minutes to cum or I’m beating your ass. He watched as she screamed out never losing eye contact with him.

  He pulled her over to the side of her bed until her ass was on the edge and he was able to hold her legs over his shoulders.

  “Please don’t hurt me James, it’s too deep.”

  He pulled up on her legs causing her ass to leave the bed and he continued holding her and pounding in and out of her as he talked.

  “You’ve never been fucked like this. That little cunt of yours is mine now. Payment for the money you ripped me off for. Whose cunt is that Amanda?”

  He watched as she clawed at the sheets with her eyes rolled back in her head.

  It didn’t matter how much James took Amanda, he had an insatiable appetite for her and it was never enough.

  He listened as she told him that she belonged to him now and he almost believed her. Nothing but having sole access to her would ever convince him, and James would go to any length to insure that his property remained under his complete control.

  Chapter Twelve


  James sat in front of the TV with bourbon in one hand and the remote in the other. He slowly rubbed his thumb over the spot that he had rubbed the color off of by habit.

  He studied Amanda’s facial expressions, her humor, her temperament and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Amanda was a natural in front of the camera.

  James found this to be odd because Amanda unlike many women that he knew did not crave the spotlight. It was almost as if the limelight craved her.

  He could see why John would not want to lose her presence on the show, it would cost him viewers and he knew it. Regardless of how much he detested John; he respected the fact that John was a savvy business man.

  Even those people who craved being in the limelight many times did not understand what went along with losing anonymity.

  Having a glaring spotlight over your head 24/7 could be stressful for even the most seasoned of temperaments, but Amanda handled it like a pro.

  James was not only educated, he was street smart and he knew that Amanda growing up overseas and being the only white kid in the neighborhood; was working to Amanda’s favor. She had learned to walk with her head held high in even the most glaring of spotlights.

; James knew how much Latin men loved American blonde women, and that would put Amanda under the glare of a spotlight overseas, and it also would have made her a target for the Latin women who would naturally hate her for the fact that their men were captivated with her.

  It couldn’t have been easy for Amanda growing up but she had taken the hard things and used them for her benefit by learning from them; that alone warranted James’s respect.

  James knew that Amanda had learned how to not buckle under the scrutiny of being analyzed like a lab rat on a daily basis. Most people’s nerves would be shot, but not Amanda. The more that people tried to put Amanda on the spot, the more she rose to the occasion. James believed that this was the reason that Amanda commanded a room the way that she did. It wasn’t that she was cocky; it was a necessary evil to survive. Amanda oozed self confidence and she would need it when dealing with James, because even though James would not beat her down, he would use any means necessary to accomplish that which he desired, and what he desired was Amanda.

  Getting Amanda away from John was not going to be an easy feat. She was not only married to John, but her television career was connected to him also, but then again; her career with Images was attached to James. Little by little James was, and would, continue to sink his talons into his little prey.

  The more impossibilities that arose to challenge James, the more obsessed he became with having Amanda in his care full time.

  James was a predator and once he locked sites on the prey of his choice, he would relentlessly pursue it until he maintained the control that he not only craved, but needed.

  He cringed as he watched the humorous banter that went on between Amanda and her husband. The thought of John touching Amanda made his blood boil. He didn’t want to kill him, because he knew that would create a rift between him and Amanda. It was going to take a lot of thought and planning to achieve that which he wished accomplish. Failure was not an option when it came to Amanda.

  Chapter Thirteen

  James and Amanda

  I looked up to view James with his palms down on my desk, leaned over me and glaring.


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