by Clavin, Tom
Brocky Jack
Brooks, Bill “Bully”
Brown, Clara
Brown, Hoodoo
Brown, Neil
buffalo hunting and
lawman career of
Brown, W. H.
demand for tongues of
Dodge City and
hunting of
Kansas and
numbers of
railroads and
“Buffalo Bill” (Buntline)
Buntline, Ned (Edward Zane Carroll Judson)
Carey, Charles
Carney, Thomas
Carrington, Henry
Carson, Joe
Carson, Kit
Carter, Samuel, III
Castello, Joseph
Catlin, George
Dodge City and
Indians and
Kansas and
railroads and
stealing of
Wichita and
Chambers, Squirrel Tooth Alice
Chapman, Amos
Chaput, Don
cattle rescued from
German sisters and
Masterson and
transported for trial
uprisings of
Cimarron, Battle of
Civil War
and Battle of Adobe Walls
cattle and
Earps in
Holliday’s father and
Clanton, Billy
Clanton, Ike
Clanton, Newman “Old Man”
Clements, Mannen “Gip”
Clifton, Frank
Clum, John
Cobb, Ty
Cody, Louisa
Cody, William F. “Buffalo Bill”
buffalo hunting and
Masterson’s relationship with
rescuing Thompson and
Coe, Phil
Collins, Joe
Collins, Shotgun
Colt, Samuel
and Battles of Adobe Walls
Compton, W. W.
Coronado, Francisco Vazquez de
Courtright, Longhair Jim
Coy, Jacob
Crazy Horse
Crittenden, Thomas
Crook, George
Custer, George Armstrong
Dake, Crawley
Davis (fugitive)
Davis, Jack
DeArment, Robert K.
Deger, Lawrence Edward
Dodge City War and
Earp’s lawman career and
Masterson’s confrontation with
sheriff elections and
Dement, Dan
Denver (gambler)
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
Dinklesheets (Masterson enemy)
Dixon, Billy:
as army scout
and Battle of Adobe Walls
buffalo hunting and
Dixon, Olive
Dodge, Frederick James
Dodge, Grenville
Dodge, Richard Irving
Dodge City, Kansas:
biggest funeral in
brothels in
buffalo and
as Buffalo City
cattle and
changes in
churches in
civilizing of
Dead Line in
dealing with drunks in
decadence of
dull times in
early law-and-order efforts in
Earp’s departure from
Earps in
Earp’s lawman career in
explorations and
fire company of
first babies born in
fort founded at
as frontier keystone
gambling in
golden decade of
growth of
Indians and
lawlessness of
legendary gunmen in
Masterson’s departure from
Masterson’s lawman career in
Masterson’s saloon in
Masterson’s trips to
musical ensembles in
nationally known entertainers in
off-duty soldiers in
perils of prostitutes in
physical appearance of
railroads and
reformers in
sheriff elections in
Short’s saloon investments in
tramps in
weather in
Wild West reputation of
Dodge City Gang
Dodge City Peace Commission
Dodge City War
Doolin-Dalton Gang
Dull Knife
Cheyenne uprising and
Dunn, Jim
Earp, Abigail Storm
Earp, Alvira Packingham Sullivan “Allie”
Tombstone and
Earp, Aurilla Sutherland
Earp, Bessie Nellie Catchim
in Dodge
Tombstone and
Earp, Celia Ann Blaylock “Mattie”
in Dodge
husband’s relationship with
Tombstone and
Earp, Ellen Rysdam
Earp, James
brawling of
Civil War and
in Dodge
migration west of
physical appearance of
Tombstone and
Wichita and
Earp, Jonathan
Earp, Josephine Sarah Marcus “Sadie”
background of
husband’s death and
Tombstone and
Earp, Louisa Alice Houston
Earp, Martha
Earp, Martha Ann Early
Earp, Morgan
childhood of
death of
in Dodge
and Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
gunshot wounds of
lawman career of
legal problems of
Tombstone and
in Wichita
Earp, Nancy Jane Adam “Jennie”
Earp, Newton
Earp, Nicholas Porter
Civil War and
in Dodge
in Lamar
migration west of
son’s relationship with
Earp, Philip
Earp, Rozilla Draggoo
Earp, Sarah Haspel “Sally”
Earp, Thomas, Jr.
Earp, Virgil
brother’s relationship with
cattle stealing and
Civil War and
daughter of
death of
in Dodge
finances of
freight-hauling jobs of
and Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
injuries of
lawman career of
lumber business of
migration west of
personality of
physical appearance of
saloon employment of
stagecoach jobs of
Tombstone and
wives of
Earp, Virginia Ann Cooksey
in Lamar
migration west of
and son’s relationship with father
Earp, Walter
Earp, Warren
childhood of
death of
in Dodge
Earp Vendetta Ride and
migration west of
Tombstone and
Earp, William
Earp, Wyatt Berry Stapp
alcohol and
beautiful baby contest and
birth of
bordello employment of
boxing of
brother’s death and
brother’s relationship with
buffalo hunting and
buffaloing skills of
cattle and
childhood and adolescence of
church building and
comparisons between Masterson and
courage of
nbsp; death of
Dodge City War and
Earp Vendetta Ride and
father’s relationship with
fighting of
finances of
first wife of
fourth wife of
freight-hauling work of
funeral of
gambling of
and Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
heritage of
horse stealing of
Indians and
injuries of
killings of
lawman career of
legal problems of
Masterson’s first meeting with
Masterson’s relationship with
material available on
media on
migration west of
mining and water claims of
mining-associated work of
naming of
notoriety of
personality of
physical appearance of
pistols of
saloon investments of
second wife of
stagecoach work of
third wife of
threats against life of
Earpe, John
Earp Vendetta Ride
Eastman, Professor
Edison, Thomas
Edwards, Adelia Earp
buffalo hunting and
death of
migration west of
Elder, Kate (Mary Katharine Haroney) “Big Nose Kate”
Holliday’s relationship with
as prostitute
Essington, J. M.
Estleman, Loren D.
Ewing, Hugh and Thomas
Faber, Charles
Faulk, Odie B.
Fetterman, William
Fisher, King
Fitzpatrick, Thomas “Broken Hand”
Fleming, Henry
Ford, Bob
Ford, Charlie
Ford, James Hobart
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Fort Dodge
buffalo and
founding and expansion of
Indians and
Love and
off-duty soldiers and
railroads and
Foster, Joe
Foy, Eddie, Sr.
Frémont, John C.
Frontier World of Doc Holliday, The (Jahns)
Garfield, James
Garretson, Fannie
Garrett, Pat
German family
Gilmore, Robert
Glick, George Washington
Goodnight, Charles
Gosper, John
Grant, Ulysses S.
Greeley, Horace
Griego, Francisco “Pancho”
Grimes, Hoke
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Hallett, Samuel
Hancock, Winfield
Hand, Dora (Fannie Keenan)
death of
Hanrahan, James
Hardin, John Wesley
Harris, Jack
Harris, William H.
Hart, William S.
Hartman, Lou
Harvey, Jim
Haspel, Frederick
Haspel, Jane
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Haywood, Nat
Hazel, Jessie
Heffridge, Bill
Hickok, James Butler “Wild Bill”
death of
Hardin’s relationship with
lawman career of
Masterson’s relationship with
pistols of
Hinkle, George
lawman career of
sheriff elections and
Holliday, Alice Jane
Holliday, Cyrus
Holliday, Henry Burroughs
Holliday, John Henry “Doc”
alcohol consumed by
childhood of
death of
in Dodge
Dodge City War and
Earp’s relationship with
Earp Vendetta Ride and
Elder’s relationship with
finances of
gambling of
and Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
gunshot wounds of
Indians and
killings of
in Las Vegas
lawman career of
legal problems of
Masterson’s relationship with
personality of
physical appearance of
Ringo’s confrontation with
Royal Gorge War and
Tombstone and
tuberculosis of
Holliday, Mattie
Hooker, Henry
Hoover, George
Hoy, George
I Married Wyatt Earp (Earp)
buffalo and
conflicts between whites and
Dodge and
eradication of
hunger and diseases of
Kansas and
Masterson and
railroads and
Tombstone and
trading with
transported for trial
U.S. treaties with
Ingalls, Battle of
Inventing Wyatt Earp (Barra)
Jackson, A. C.
Jackson, Frank
Jahns, Pat
James, Frank
cattle and
Masterson’s relationship with
robberies of
James, Jesse
cattle and
death of
Holliday’s relationship
robberies of
Jamieson, Henry
Johnson, Turkey Creek Jack
Jordan, Kirk
July, Jim
Kahn, Henry
buffalo and
cattle and
and decadence of Dodge
Dodge City War and
Earp’s lawman career in
explorations and
Garden of Eden compared to
Holliday’s trips to
Indians and
Masterson’s lawman career in
railroads and
slavery issues in
travelers to and through
weather in
Kansas Pacific Railroad
Keeler, Bill
Kelley, James “Dog”
attempt on life of
Hand’s relationship with
and Hayes’s visit to Dodge
Kenedy, James “Spike”
Kenedy, Mifflin
Kenedy, Thomas
Kennedy, Edward
Keys, William
King, Luther
King, Melvin
King, Roger
buffalo hunting and
U.S. treaties with
Lake, Stuart
Law, Nellie Jane Earp
Lee, Robert E.
Lewis, Alfred Henry
Lewis, William
Lewis, William E.
Life of “Billy” Dixon (Dixon)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln County War
Little Arkansas River, Treaty of
Little Bighorn disaster
Little House on the Prairie (Wilder)
Little Wolf
Lonesome Dove (McMurtry)
Long, Stephen
Love, Nat “Deadwood Dick”
Lovell, Henry
Loving, Cockeyed Frank
Richardson’s confrontation with
McCall, Crooked Nose Jack
McCall, W. H.
McCanse, Bob
McCarty, Harry T.
McCarty, Thomas L.
McCarty, William Henry, Jr. “Billy the Kid”
death of
Holliday’s relationship
Mackenzie, Ranald
McLaury, Frank
McLaury, Tom
McMurtry, Larry
Mallan, Perry
Mann, Daniel
Mann, James
Marcuse, Hyman Henry
Martin, Barney
Mason, Joe
Masterson, Catherine
Masterson, Edward
brother’s relationship
buffalo hunting and
death of
funeral of
gunshot wounds of
lawman career of
personality of
railroads and
Masterson, Emma Walters
Masterson, James
buffalo hunting and
lawman career of
saloon investments of
Masterson, Thomas, Sr.
Masterson, William Barclay “Bat”
alcohol consumed by
as army scout
and Battle of Plaza
beautiful baby contest and
birth of
brother’s death and
brother’s funeral and
brother’s relationship
buffalo hunting and
buffaloing skills of
childhood and adolescence of
church building and
comparisons between Earp and
courage of
on dealing with drunks
Dodge City War and
Earp’s first meeting with
Earp’s relationship with
finances of
gambling of
German family and
gold prospecting considered by
Indians and
injuries of
killings of
lawman career of
lawmen helped by
legal problems of
marksmanship of
material available on
media on
newspaper publishing work of
in New York
nickname of
notoriety of
personality of
physical appearance of
pistols of
prisoners retrieved by
railroads and
romances of
Royal Gorge War and
saloon investments and work of
sense of humor of
sheriff elections and
wife of
writing of
Mather, David Allen “Mysterious Dave”
Maxwell Land Grant War
May, Ida
Meagher, Mike
Medicine Lodge Treaty
Meredith, Dr.
Mexican War
Meyers, E. C.
Miles, Nelson
Monahan, Sherry
Moonlight, Thomas
Moore, Morris
Moore, Texas Dick
Morco, Happy Jack
Morrow, Prairie Dog Dave
Moulton, Ed “Gopher Boy”
Mrs. Earp (Monahan)
Murphy, James
Murray, Frank
Myers, Charlie
Nixon, Tom
Norton, Charlie
gambling of
O’Connor, Richard
O’Haran, Thomas
Olds, William
O’Loughlin, Tom
Oriental Saloon
O’Rourke, Mike “Johnny-Behind-the-Deuce”
Our Wild Indians (Dodge)
Palmer, George
Palmer, Lizzie Adams
Palo Duro Canyon, Battle of
Parker, Cynthia Ann
Parker, Isaac
Parker, Quanah
Parkman, Francis
Parsons, Louella
Paul, Bob
Peacock, A. J.
Peak, June
Pierce, Abel Head “Shanghai”
Pierce, Cad
Pierce, Dale
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery
Plaza, Battle of the
Plunkett, Richard
Pope, John
Powell, Sylvester
Prairie Rose
Prescott, Ariz.