The One who got Away_A Second Chance Romance

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The One who got Away_A Second Chance Romance Page 91

by Mia Ford

  “I understand you have your way of doing things,” he said leaning forward. “But at some point, you may have to step out of your comfort zone to push the company in the next direction.”

  “That’s true, but to do that I need all the facts,” I said taking a deep breath.

  “Well, let me know if you want to see the numbers,” Chris replied standing up. “I have some meetings to get to, I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Sounds good,” I said standing and shaking his hand.

  I watched Chris walk out of the office, shutting my door behind him. He was a good guy and had the best financial interest of the company at heart, but he was very disconnected from the rest of it. When I started the business, I knew I could grow it fast enough that it would make a significant impact on the stimulation of our economy, and it has done exactly that. Today, it was one of the largest stimulators of our country’s economy, but I could see it taking a turn. Corporate America was not what I wanted out of Pope Financials, and though I knew it was impossible to stay entirely out of the circuit once the company reached a substantial size, it bothered me that it was starting to dive in, instead of sticking its toe in the waters.

  I knew from watching my father, reading, and seeing the trends of the largest corporations in the world, that once you completely submerged yourself in the politics and policies of the corporate big time, the company often lost all will to remain a morally intact organization. That was what I was afraid of, running and owning a company that was questioned by the very people that kept it afloat. I didn’t want to be the latest corporate scandal, or the company found to be working along with the big government to fill the pockets of politicians. I had made it this far without dabbling in morally questionable actions, and that had been difficult, especially once Pope Financials hit the top ten companies. I was publicly traded, had investors, and the whole nine yards, but I was very careful with what avenues we took to get ourselves there. It was starting to become harder and harder.

  I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my chin, wondering what other companies thought about this. I knew I didn’t have to outsource to get overseas, but I also knew that financially it was a risk to expand on the back of current profits. If anything went wrong, there would be no net to catch us. With outsourcing, we could save a lot of money and put that back into expansion. At the same time though, that would turn off a lot of people, put thousands out of work, and create a stigma of morally questionable operations with the public and behind the scenes. Personally, it would create a question in my own mind.

  The decision was difficult and I knew I couldn’t jump in head first.

  Chapter Four


  The week had gone by so fast I didn’t even know what I was doing. It was Friday which meant the protest march was almost there. I didn’t have many spare moments to be taking personal time, but I had promised Lisa I would meet her friend, so that was what I was going to do. I had to remind myself that she didn’t force it on me, I agreed, knowing I needed to get out there and broaden my horizons a bit, it just never seemed to be the right time.

  I looked in the mirror at my long dark hair, pulled up one side. My hazel eyes glimmered against the dark eye makeup I had applied, and I was satisfied with my outfit. It was a tight black dress with a black suit jacket over it, creating a serious but playful effect. This was one of my problems, I thought about everything way too much. People didn’t like intelligent people, it made them uncomfortable, but I had a hard time playing dumb, especially with so much ignorance already in the world.

  That ignorance was in full force this week when the higher powers would found out about the number of people that the march and protest were going to bring. No one ever paid attention when it was under a thousand, but you could start to feel the push back when the numbers breached that mark. We had done that and more, especially with the controversy swirling around in the current administration. People were ready, they were no longer hiding behind the comfort of their front doors. They wanted change in any shape they could find it. In some ways, the political unrest happening had strengthened our ability to get the issues noticed. Three years ago, no one would have cared about a protest against outsourcing, it wasn’t one of the popular human rights issues, but now people were starting to take notice of everything.

  That was good for us but also brought the opposition in our faces full force. I had seen it all through the years from death threats to financial bribes and this time was no different. You knew when people started to get nasty and show their colors, you were headed in the right direction. They were paying attention to you and perceived you as a danger to their pocketbooks. The thing you had to remember was they were people just like you, and their threats and callous words didn’t mean anything more than someone was taking notice. Still, it brought a level of discomfort and stress to my life since I had somehow become a leader in this movement.

  I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, ready to go meet this guy at a restaurant in Manhattan. My sister had described him as funny and handsome, two things that were a plus but not the core of what I was looking for in a man. I just had to keep telling myself that like him or not, I was getting out there and meeting people, which I needed desperately in my life.

  When I arrived, he was standing in front of the restaurant in a pair of dress pants, a button-up shirt that looked slightly too big on him, and a nervous smile. I stepped out of the car and watched his eyes grow bigger, obviously pleased with how I looked. I smiled at him and walked over, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek.

  “Jack, I presume?”

  “Yes,” he said smiling. “Ruby, you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I said, liking the smell of his cologne.

  “Shall we?”

  I nodded my head and walked through the door he held open for me. The hostess showed us to our seats in the back of the restaurant where we could talk more privately. You could barely tell how a date was going to go from the first twenty minutes, especially with nerves running wild between two people sizing each other up. That was the time when we decided whether we were attracted physically. He was handsome, I would give him that, but there was nothing smooth about his mannerisms. He looked like a big kid fumbling around at a fancy restaurant. I tried to ignore it and give him the benefit of the doubt.

  However, after a bottle of wine and some food, I had a better idea of who this guy was. Jack was your typical spoiled middle-class male, from a family with enough money to keep their attention focused on moving up in the world, but not enough to enjoy dinners at places like we were sitting. He had been coddled to the point where he had no clue what went on in the world around him. It was like watching the news, listening to them recite the bull crap that was passed down from channel to channel until the truth was utterly unrecognizable. He lacked the capacity to make a clear, intelligent statement without replicating precisely what he read on his Facebook feed. I was trying hard to not be rude, but he was making it very difficult.

  “You actually believe the CEO’s of these companies care about a few million dollars? They are making decisions on what will grow their business,” he said shaking his head.

  “Of course, they care,” I scoffed. “And so do their stockholders. When you get that big, you start to lose touch with why you started in the first place. Though, some of these guys knew exactly what they wanted, without any moral or patriotic base to their decisions whatsoever. There is more than one way to accomplish a goal, Jack, it’s just that the most lucrative are almost always the easiest and quickest way around a problem.”

  “You sound like a conspiracy theorist,” he laughed.

  “You sound like an idiot,” I replied, not feeling sorry about it at all.

  I looked down at my purse and pulled some cash out for dinner and tossed it on the table. I was done, I tried. This was the reason why I didn’t put myself out there anymore, it ended in me being pissed and storming out of whatever social situation we
were in.

  “Thank you for a lovely evening,” I said looking over at him.

  “Oh, come on, Ruby,” he chuckled. “It was a harmless conversation. Don’t go.”

  “It’s not harmless,” I said turning around. “It’s the world we live in, and I can’t sit there and even consider spending time with someone that sees things through the same mainstream goggles that led us into this mess in the first place. I’m sorry, I’m sure you are a delightful person to hang out with outside of the debate, but this is my life.”

  He shook his head with a snide smile on his face as I turned and walked out of the restaurant. I was pissed, not because he was the same old unintelligent guy that I seemed to always find, but because the world was so blind to everything. I couldn’t even socialize myself for a long enough time to make friends. Maybe I was kidding myself, maybe the people I worked with and protested with were the only people that I would ever feel even minutely comfortable with.

  I stopped on the sidewalk and looked around, not ready to go home yet. I was too wired to go back and sit in my apartment, and I didn’t want to go to any of the gatherings the people I knew were throwing. I needed a drink and some time to myself. I looked across the street and recognized the name, it was that club, Exposé, that Lisa wanted to go to. I was fairly positive they had a bar on the lower level. I walked over and showed my ID, smiling at the doorman as he let me through. Straight ahead was a dark room with lights moving all around and a deep drum of music. To the left was a quieter bar with red carpeted floors and marble counters. There were small candles lit on all the surfaces and a few other people sitting around lost in conversation. It was still early which was probably why the place wasn’t packed yet.

  I walked over and sat down on a bar stool, smiling up at the bartender behind the bar polishing glasses. I ordered a whiskey and diet and sighed, glancing up at the muted televisions playing the latest news channels. I looked to the side and there was one couple, pressed tightly together, and two guys, talking to each other about the local sports games and what chicks they were going to score with. I looked down at my drink as I swirled the straw around in the glass. I was thinking I needed to let the idea of a relationship go. I didn’t have time for it anyway.

  Saddened by this revelation, I downed my drink and ordered another. If my date was over already, I might as well get wasted and drown my sorrows.

  Chapter Five


  I had agreed to meet Chris at Exposé that evening, but when I got there, he was already upstairs on the 3rd floor. For once, I felt like socializing, though I knew that probably wouldn’t last long since most of the people that came there were so wrapped up in themselves a conversation was almost impossible. Still, I wandered down through the clubs, scoping out the place. The girls were all dressed in their sluttiest attire, some staring over at me flirtatiously, and others already having picked their victim for the night. When I got to the first floor, I stared down the hall at the dark club that most of the non-VIP’s ended up partying in. It seemed like an interesting idea, talking to some normal everyday women, but it also seemed like a huge headache. I went to take a step forward toward the room and glanced over, realizing they had a bar at the front. I had been going to Exposé for years and never realized they had a nice quiet bar there.

  I shrugged my shoulders figuring it was worth a try and walked into the room. It had low lighting like the rest of the place but looked much more upscale than any of the pubs I usually frequented. I walked up to the end of the bar and nodded at the bartender. They had just about any liquor you could think of plus some that I had never heard of before. I was going to stick to what I knew, though.

  “What can I get you?”

  “I’ll have a Blanton’s on the rocks, please,” I said.

  I reached to my back pocket to retrieve my wallet and looked up at the person sitting a few stools down. I paused staring at this woman, who was sipping her drink and looking slightly miserable. She had a couple of empty shot glasses in front of her, too. Her hair was long and deep chestnut brown, and as she glanced up at the television, I could see her striking hazel eyes. She had fair skin with rosy cheeks, and she seemed so perfect that it was hard to believe she was real.


  “Oh,” I said looking back at the bartender and taking my drink.

  I wandered over to the closest place I could sit without being a creeper and pulled out the stool. She glanced over at me, and I smiled, watching her cheeks grow a bit redder. She smiled sweetly back and then looked up at the television. On the screen, they were playing some sort of local news channel, their rhetoric streaming across the bottom of the screen in captions.

  “Every time the news comes on I feel like they want you to think the world is ending,” I said glancing up at the screen. “I don’t know how someone does that job without losing it and telling everyone the truth in a glorious on-screen meltdown.”

  She looked at me for a moment with a shocked look on her face and immediately I remembered why I didn’t have regular conversations with people. I said the wrong thing, as usual, forgetting that most people were sheep just like the mainstream media. Hell, for all I knew she was a reporter for one of the stations.

  “I’ve been saying that since I was a little kid,” she said with a smile on her face. “The truth is everywhere except up there on that screen. It’s all money, power, and politics.”

  “I’m Nathan,” I said, immediately impressed.

  “Ruby,” she replied.

  “I wasn’t even watching it, it was just somewhere to focus my face, so I wasn’t staring blankly at other people,” she said, slightly tipsy.

  “Ha,” I said throwing my head back. “That’s totally my move. I’ve been in a bar and watched an entire basketball game before and had no idea who played.”

  “Bars can be awkward,” she laughed.

  I scooted over and sat in the seat next to her, continuing the conversation. We talked about the politics on the screen, the truth of money and power in society, and many other deep conversational topics. I liked her. She was not only gorgeous, but she seemed to be relatively intelligent as well. She was extremely passionate but not in a way that she let her emotions take over too much, which was a good thing since too many people made huge decisions based off their emotional responses to things. It wasn’t that I didn’t have emotions, I just was able to separate them from the reality of a situation.

  We sat there for several hours, conversing, drinking and just generally having a good time. She was slightly hard to read since her first reaction wasn’t to flirt with me, but at the same time, so was I. I was the guy that flirting never came naturally too, and after a while, and several embarrassing one-liners, I decided that being myself was the best option.

  “Wow,” I said glancing down at my watch. “It’s already midnight.”


  “Time fly’s when you’re having fun,” I said with a smile.

  “That it does,” she said, looking kind of flirtatious for the first time that evening.

  “Long shot here but would you like to come back to my place and have a drink? I just live down a few blocks across from Central Park,” I asked, feeling self-conscious about the question.

  “Sure,” she said after a few moments of contemplation. “Let me just pay my tab.”

  “Please,” I said. “Allow me.”

  I handed the bartender my credit card and glanced at her, letting him know I wanted to cover her tab too. She looked up at the thick black card in my hand and sighed slightly, but I ignored it, figuring she was just reacting to me purchasing her drinks. We left the club and took a cab since we were both a bit on the drunk side.

  When we got to The Avalon she didn’t say a word, merely followed me to the elevator that took us to the 51st floor. When we walked into the apartment, she looked around, her eyes wide with the well-appointed, expansive space. She ran her fingers down the large glass table that was situated in the
dining room and turned to me, shaking her head.

  “Impressive,” she said. “What did you say you did?”

  I ignored her question as I poured us both a drink from the bar. I smiled thinking about her reaction if I told her I owed a large corporation. She would have something to say about that. For the moment though, I didn’t want her to know. I turned and walked over, handing her a glass and tapping mine against hers.

  “I didn’t say,” I said with a mischievous smile.

  She smiled back and reached forward, pulling my glass from my lips and out of my hand. She set it down on the table and turned back to me, stepping forward. Slowly she leaned in and brushed her lips against mine, the smell of her lavender scent pulsing through my nostrils. I could feel my heart pick up the pace as our lips barely touched and her hot breath smoothed over my mouth. I reached forward and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her into me and tilting my head to the side, opening my mouth as I forced the passion between us to come out of hiding. I pushed through her lips with my tongue, and she met with hers, swirling around each other, tasting the whiskey on our breath. It was erotic, and there was something about this woman that made me want to take my time.

  She moaned lightly into my mouth as she wrapped her arms around my neck, leaning further into the kiss. Electricity shot through my chest as she pushed her hips forward pressing against my cock that was fully erect in my pants. I reached down and picked her up with one arm, holding her tightly, pulling back and staring into her eyes for several moments. The tension between us was thick and hot, and all I could think about was getting her back to the bedroom and undressing her slowly. Her chest was heaving up and down, and she moved her head back to mine, pulling her legs up and wrapping them around my waist.

  I walked from the living room and down the hall, entering my bedroom and sliding my finger down the censored light switch. The room was dark, streams of low light cascading across the floor from the moon outside the window. She walked slowly over to the floor-to-ceiling glass panels that looked out over the city and the park, unbuttoning her jacket and dropping it to the floor.


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