A Home for Christmas

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A Home for Christmas Page 12

by Vaughn, Ann

  Jenna let out a small groan and cringed at her sisters words, which she knew would set her mother off on another tangent about being the last to know, but she was surprised when nothing was said. She figured her mother would wait until they were alone before tearing into her. Wonderful. While Jackie and Riley were talking, Jenna introduced Cam to Riley's parents, pleased to see that Cam seemed to be relaxed around them.

  "Well, sister dear," Jackie said, looping her arm through Jenna's. "We need to go discuss what songs we will perform. Excuse us a moment, Riley," she said, pulling Jenna toward the formal living room where the grand piano was set up.

  Riley smiled and mouthed 'Have fun' to her as they walked away. Jenna sighed and then turned her attention to her sister as they dodged past party guests on their way to the piano.

  "He is absolutely gorgeous!" Jackie said, fanning herself. "I always did love those Navy uniforms."

  "You're leaving him to the wolves," Jenna said, referring to their parents.

  "Oh, I bet he can take care of himself. Besides, his mother is there, too. I remember her. She's Jack Stanton's mom. Oh! Riley is Jack's older brother! I remember him now, too. All those Stanton boys are hot."

  "Didn't you have a thing for Jack Stanton at one time?" Jenna asked her sister.

  Jackie sighed. "I spent one, very glorious weekend with Jack, right after high school, before he went into the Naval Academy. But, alas, I never could get past the names thing."

  "Names thing?" Jenna asked, confused.

  "Oh, come on. Jack and Jackie? That is just too cutesy for me."

  Jenna laughed then. She couldn't help it. That was so typical of her older sister.

  "Well, it's good to see you happy for a change, little sis," Jackie said, smiling but her tone was serious.

  Jenna glanced back to where Riley was, then looked back at her sister. "I guess I haven't had much to smile about other than Cam the last few years."

  "Then I guess Someone knew what He was doing that day, letting your purse get snatched."

  Jenna smiled. "I guess so."

  "Now, what are we going to perform this year?"

  Across the room, Riley watched Jenna with her sister while he listened to their mothers talk about some charity event they were working on. He spent his time answering questions from her father about his time in the SEALs, occasionally letting Cam answer when he could so that he was a part of the conversation. Ramsay Cameron was an intelligent man and warm and friendly where his wife was a bit cool and aloof. He could see how they made a good couple, even though they appeared to be opposites.

  He watched as Jackie signaled to her father, then Ramsay excused himself and walked over to stand next to Jenna.

  "Come on," Cam said to him, "Mom's about to sing. Let's get closer."

  Riley followed Cam into the living room and through the crowd so that they were standing at the front of the ring of people who had gathered around, his mother and Elise on either side of him.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen," Ramsay began. "I want to thank you all for coming out tonight. It is an honor and a joy to see so many of you in our home to celebrate this wonderful, joyous season with us. The wait staff is coming around with trays of champagne. Please, take a glass, and as they have done every year since they were old enough to do it, allow my beautiful daughters to wish you and yours a wonderful, Merry Christmas."

  Jackie began to play as polite applause lauded Ramsay's speech. Riley's eyes were locked on Jenna's as the lights were dimmed and she was illuminated only by the twinkling of Christmas lights and the flames from the candles in the room. When she began to sing "O Holy Night", a chill ran through him at the purity and clarity of her voice. She sounded, in his opinion, like an angel. Her voice was soft and sweet and reminded him of the times he'd heard the Celtic Woman group perform. When she hit the high note at the end, his breath caught. She was incredible. He placed his hand over his heart and flashed a bright smile to her when she finished, making her give a slight giggle.

  "This next song," she announced, "has been on my heart since I met this handsome sailor," she said, gesturing to him. "The other night we were talking about the Christmases he spent in the service, and how he missed being home several times over the last few years. So, Riley, this one is for you."

  Jackie began playing, and then, singing in a completely different voice than she had the previous song, she locked eyes with him. Her voice was sultry as she sang, "I'm dreaming tonight, of a place I love, even more than I usually do. And although I know, it's a long road back, I promise you...I'll be Home for Christmas..."

  Beside him, his mother squeezed his arm. He reached over to touch her hand, but could not tear his gaze away from Jenna. When she finished, proper or not, he stepped forward and drew her into his arms, giving her a brief, but tender kiss in front of the assembled crowd.

  "Thank you," he whispered softly into her ear.

  "I love you, Riley," she whispered back. He kissed her brow and started to step away but she held him to her with an arm around his waist. "We have one final song. Thank you for spending your evening with our family."

  Jackie began playing and this time, with Riley at her side, Jenna sang "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." Riley had his hand on her back and could feel the notes reverberating through her as she sang. He was so impressed by her singing. Her voice was beautiful, different with all three songs that she sang. Sweet, sultry, soft and gentle all mixed together. He was also so unbelievably turned on he was afraid the whole room would know. When she finished singing, she turned into him once more, kissing his cheek when he leaned down to whisper, "You're amazing," into her ear.

  "Merry Christmas, everyone," Jackie said, getting up from the piano.

  Riley had to wait for several people to come greet the sisters and tell them how wonderful they were. At one point, she was shuffled away from him and so he crossed over to rejoin his parents, accepting glass of champagne his father handed him.

  "Voice of an angel, that girl has," his dad said, "outdoes herself every year."

  "That was incredible," Riley agreed.

  "You have really fallen for her, haven't you?" his mother observed.

  "How could I not?" he asked, his eyes on Jenna.

  "And the boy?" his dad pressed.

  "He's great."

  "And you're ready to take them both on?" his dad asked.

  "Can't have one without the other...and I want them both," he told them, going to Jenna's side when she beckoned to him.

  "That was a lovely performance, ladies," he congratulated Jenna and her sister.

  "Thank you," Jackie said, smiling when she saw him wrap his arm around Jenna's shoulders and kiss the side of her head. "You two look fantastic together, really. I'm happy for you, little sis."

  Jenna looked up at Riley a moment, smiling, then looked back at Jackie. "Thank you."

  "I already heard Mom bragging about Riley to some of her friends. I'd say you finally have her approval, not that that ever really mattered to you."

  "It didn't. But, it's nice to know I won't have to fight with her tooth and nail this time around."

  "Are you kidding? She's probably over there planning your wedding as we speak."


  Her sister laughed. "What? It's true. She sees that nice fancy white uniform and all she hears are wedding bells."

  Riley chuckled. "One step at a time."

  Jackie winked at him. "You aren't scared, are you, sailor?"

  "Not even close," he returned.

  "Good. My sister needs someone strong to be there for her."

  "Oh, good grief. We've only been together a few weeks. Enough!" Jenna admonished, but Riley could hear the laughter in her voice.

  "Fine. I'll leave you alone. For now," Jackie said, winking as she walked away.

  Jenna shook her head. "I am so sorry about that," she said.

  "Nothing to be sorry about. You think my folks aren't thinking the same thing? Look at them, over there with
yours. Our moms are probably booking the church and naming our kids."

  Jenna looked up at him, smoothing her hand over his shoulder boards. "That doesn't bother you?"

  "Not if it doesn't bother you."

  She bit her lip. "It's weird to have my mother's approval about someone I'm seeing. She hated Wade. Of course, I guess in the end, she was right. But if I would have listened to her, I wouldn't have Cam and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world."

  He kissed her forehead. "Everything has worked out as it should. If you hadn't married Wade, if things with him hadn't gone the way they did, you wouldn't be here with me now. I believe everything in our lives worked the way it did to lead us to this moment."

  She smiled up at him. "I think you're right."

  He chuckled. "I know I am."

  Jenna laughed, drawing the attention of their parents from across the room.

  "Will you look at that?" Brody Stanton said, smiling.

  "I haven't seen my girl that happy in a long, long time," Ramsay said.

  "Riley is awesome, Grandpa," Cam said. "Mom smiles and laughs all the time now."

  "That's wonderful." Ramsay said.

  The mothers exchanged knowing looks. Both felt it wouldn't be long before they were planning a wedding.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mike Casiano stood in the shadows of the room, eyes on Riley and his woman. He'd only agreed to come to this thing at the Camerons because of the concerns Riley had for Jenna's safety...and at the insistence of his mother, who had arrived from Italy just last night. He knew she was trying to set him up with the oldest Cameron daughter, Jackie. While Jackie Cameron was an extremely attractive young woman, she held no interest for Mike. Dating was something he decided long ago he hadn't the temperament for.

  "Hey, stranger," he heard a feminine voice say from over his right shoulder. He looked over to see Kacee Adtkisson walking up to him. Kacee was a sort-of extended family member. Not related by blood, but their families had been close over the years, so he viewed her as a cousin of sorts.

  "Kacee," he greeted.

  "I haven't seen you at one of these type things in years."

  "Been busy," he replied.

  Kacee offered him a tender smile and he knew she understood what he meant by that. Truthfully, she was the only member of her family that he could stand being around, other than her parents. Her many brothers on the other hand, he could do without.

  "So, what brings you out of your cave, then?" she asked, sipping her champagne.

  "Riley needed my help."

  "I heard you got shot not too long ago. I'm glad to see you're on your feet again."

  "Too stubborn to let it get me," he replied.

  "And so you are," she agreed. "Be careful in the future, Mike," she said, then walked away. He watched her go and wondered for the millionth time why he couldn't be attracted to her. It would send their mothers over the moon, but when he looked at her, all he saw was a family member.

  "All good on your end, Whit?" he asked his colleague who was keeping an eye on Jenna's house.

  "All's clear, Boss," Whit reported back.

  "They should be heading home soon."

  "Are we watching the house all night?"

  "Only if Riley ends up not staying the night. If he stays, no need for us to be there."

  "Copy that."

  Mike watched Riley and Jenna and her son approach her parents and knew they were getting ready to leave.

  "Heads up, Whit. They're getting ready to head your way."

  "Are you leaving so soon?" Elise asked when the three of them approached

  "Cam has school tomorrow," Jenna reminded her mother.

  "Oh? When is school out for Christmas?"

  "Wednesday," Cam answered.

  "Oh, well, I guess you need to go get in bed then," she said, kissing his cheek.

  "Yes, ma'am. Good night, Grandmother."

  "Good night, darling. Riley, it was nice to meet you. I hope you can convince my daughter to come visit us more often."

  Jenna's eyes bugged at that, but Riley took it in stride.

  "I'll see what I can do," he said, kissing her cheek.

  "Jackie? Can you do me a favor?" Jenna said to her sister.

  "Sure, whatcha need?"

  Jenna handed her phone to her sister. "Take a picture of the three of us?"

  Riley looked down at Jenna, a bit surprised by the request, but pleased by it. He put his arm around her shoulders and his hand on Cam's shoulder, smiling at her sister for the picture.

  "Perfect," Jenna said when Jackie handed the phone back, showing her the picture she took. "Thank you."

  Riley helped her into her coat and they headed out the door.

  "Riley?" Cam asked when they were in the privacy of the Mercedes.

  "Yeah, bud?"

  "Do you have to go home tonight?"

  Riley glanced at Jenna then met Cam's gaze in the rearview mirror.

  "Yeah, I do."

  "Why? I mean, you stayed all weekend while I was gone, right?"

  "Cam, I -," Riley began but Cam cut him off.

  "I don't want you to go."

  "Cameron," Jenna said, "don't interrupt."

  "Yes, ma'am. Sorry, Riley...but can you please stay with us?"

  Riley's gaze slid to Jenna, who was studying his profile. He wasn't sure how to proceed here and needed her to step in. Truth be told, he wanted nothing more than to stay with them, for more than just the obvious reason. He still wasn't convinced that what Wade had gotten involved in wouldn't somehow blow back on her and Cam. He would sleep easier if he were there with them. On the same token, though, he wasn't sure what kind of message sleeping with Jenna while Cam was home would be sending. He was honest enough with himself to know that he couldn't do the honorable thing and sleep in her guest room.

  "Mom?" Cam asked, seeing that Riley was deferring to her. "Can Riley stay?"

  She turned in her seat to face her son. "Why do you want him to stay so much?"

  "I like when he's in the house. It feels safe."

  Jenna's eyes widened. "You don't feel safe, just you and me?"

  Cam looked down at his hands and then out the window, avoiding her gaze.

  "Not since Dad came pounding on the door that day."

  "Honey, your dad would never hurt you, you know that, don't you?"

  Cam shrugged. "I guess...but I would just feel better if Riley was there with us and not across town at his brother's place."

  "All right, bud," Riley said before Jenna could speak. "I'll stay."

  Cam's smile was huge and caused Jenna's heart to swell.

  "Awesome! Thanks, Riley."

  "Cam, Riley can't..."

  "Riley can't what?" Riley asked, glancing over at her. "I'll sleep on the couch."

  "Dad's girlfriends sleep in his bed when I'm there," Cam said, "it's no big deal."

  "Cameron!" Jenna gasped, "It is a big deal."

  "You aren't Dad, Mom. You haven't had a boyfriend since you split up with Dad. Now you do. I'm not stupid about what goes on."

  Right at that moment, Jenna absolutely hated Wade Blackwell. She hated that her son was wise beyond his years about things like that.

  "The couch will be just fine for me," Riley said, and the finality in his voice let them know that he was through discussing the matter. "I've slept on the ground a lot in my career. The couch won't bother me."

  Jenna sighed. "You don't have to sleep on the couch. We have a perfectly good guest room," she told him.

  "So, it's OK if Riley stays, then?" Cam asked brightly.

  "Sure, Cam. If Riley doesn't mind."

  "I don't mind," Riley added. "I'll need to stop by my place, though, pack a bag."

  "You mean Jack's place," Jenna said almost absently.


  She shook her head. "Nothing."

  He eyed her skeptically for a moment, then turned his attention back to the road as he headed toward Jack's place rather than her hous
e. They didn't speak on the drive, but he noticed her studying his profile a few times during the drive. Something was going on in her head, he just wasn't sure what it was.

  He led them inside when they got to Jack's place and told Cam to kick back with the X-box while he and Jenna went into his room to pack and talk. He shrugged out of his uniform jacket, hanging it up while watching Jenna move around his room, looking over his pictures.

  "Jenna?" he prompted, placing a bag on the bed.

  She looked up, seeing him just in his undershirt and uniform pants. She sat on the edge of his bed, smiling at him, but he could see the smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

  "Are you all right?" he asked, adding clothes to his bag.

  "I'm fine. I didn't know that Cam was feeling uneasy since Wade came over the other morning."

  "Maybe it's just that he hasn't really seen his dad wasted like that. Not that he's scared of him."

  She nodded, then got up to pace again, restless. She paused before a picture of him with several other guys and one woman. They were all in combat gear, even the woman, in a desert somewhere. She recognized Mike standing next to Riley, his eerie eyes staring intensely at the camera.

  "Where was this?" she asked, turning the frame toward him.


  "Who are all of these people?"

  He came over to her. "Left to right, Zig, Max, Whit, Coop, Colt, Tessa, Gib, Me, Mike."

  "I didn't know they let women in units like yours."

  "Tessa was tactical support, and Captain Gibson's assistant. Zig was the one we lost the day that Mike was captured. He was also the only one of us who was married."

  "How long have you been out?"

  "Little over two years."

  "And you've been doing the private securities thing ever since?"

  "After recovering from injuries, yeah."

  She closed her eyes a moment, then crossed over to him, folding him into her arms, squeezing him tight.

  "Hey, what's going on?" he asked, concerned.

  She shook her head as she pulled back. "Nothing. Can I help you pack? You should bring several days' worth of clothes. That way..."

  He stopped her by pulling her back to him and kissing her until she was clinging to him. When he pulled back, she was smiling up at him, a dazed look in her eyes.


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