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Spotlight Page 7

by Traci Hunter Abramson

  Positions shifted throughout the night, and Craig had wished he could personally keep an eye on Sienna. At least she had been standing beside Charlie when he had traded places with Quinn in the audience.

  The rest of the evening had gone by without incident, except for a couple of minor scuffles in the parking lot and a trio of teenagers who had tried to sneak backstage. Tristan had put an end to that.

  Shortly before the Blakes left the concert, they sent Craig and Seth back to the estate where the family was staying to secure the premises and make sure security was in place before their arrival. Checking out the house itself didn’t take long, but the grounds were more challenging.

  They made their rounds through the surrounding woods and searched the house a second time. A few minutes after they finished, Brent and Damian arrived with William. When Craig was assigned the first watch shift, he resigned himself to the reality that he and Sienna might be in the same place, but he was here to work and wasn’t likely to see her as much as he would like.

  He reminded himself of that fact as he watched her heading slowly down one of the sidewalks encircling the resort. Not wanting to intrude on her private thoughts, he stayed in the shadows as she approached the fountain in the center of the courtyard. She was wearing a sweatshirt again, her hood up, her hands tucked in the pocket. He wondered if she ever considered wearing a coat to ward off the winter chill. Even as he had that thought, he saw a shiver run through her.

  Craig shrugged out of his overcoat and stepped forward. “Here. I think you need this more than I do.”

  She whirled around to face him, her hand lifting to her heart.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you, but you look like you’re cold.” He draped the coat around her shoulders.


  “What are you doing out here?” Craig glanced around the area again. “And where is George?”

  “I didn’t want to wake him. He needs his rest for tomorrow.”

  “Even if George was sleeping, I know your grandfather assigned one of your parents’ bodyguards to watch the upstairs hallway. Didn’t he question you before you came downstairs?”

  “He never saw me.” At Craig’s confused look, she added, “Let’s just say I’m well practiced in slipping past security when I need some time alone.”

  “You realize the bodyguards are there for your protection, right?” When Sienna simply shrugged, he asked, “Exactly how did you get past your bodyguard tonight?”

  “It wasn’t complicated. I gave Bernie a big cup of his favorite hot chocolate. Ten minutes later, when he went to the bathroom, I came down here.”

  “That’s sneaky.”

  “When you live your whole life with security, you learn the tricks. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.”

  Craig took a half step back and studied her. “You don’t look desperate to me.”

  Her eyes lifted to meet his. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “As it was intended.”

  “What are you doing down here?” Sienna asked.

  “I’m here for when you and your sister sneak past your usual security.” Realizing he had let his focus center on Sienna, he glanced around the courtyard to make sure they were still alone.


  “Seriously.” Craig winked at her. “I guess your grandfather is on to you.”

  “My grandfather?”

  “Yeah. He’s the one who set us up here.”

  “I see.” Sienna folded her arms across her chest. “And exactly what do you do? Don’t tell me you’re a bodyguard. I thought you were in the navy.”

  “I am in the navy.”

  “Why would my grandfather enlist the navy’s help in keeping the Blake family in line?”

  “Excellent question. It’s not one I’m really sure I can answer though.”

  “Why not?” She lowered her voice. “Is it classified?”

  “No. I just don’t know the answer.”

  Sienna chuckled. “Then why are you doing it?”

  “Following orders.” His gaze swept the area before he turned his attention back to her. “I have to think it has something to do with my commanding officer being your sister’s future brother-in-law.”

  Her face lit with understanding. “Ahh. So you think Brent called in a favor.”

  “Something like that. Plus, we’re always doing training exercises, so he probably sold the higher-ups on the need for Damian and me to get some hands-on experience.”

  “You and Damian? What about the others?”

  “We’re the new guys.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah. Our squad just expanded from five to seven members. The other guys have been together for a long time, so we’re still the stepchildren.”

  “What kind of squad do you belong to? I assume you have some kind of specialty.”

  “The Saint Squad is trained in a lot of different areas.” He debated whether he should keep his career path from her, then decided it wouldn’t hurt to be honest with her. “We’re Navy SEALs.”

  “SEALs? Wow, Brent really pulled in some favors.” She tilted her head as though his declaration might have changed him somehow. “Why are you called the Saint Squad?”

  “Apparently when the squad was formed, most of them were the same religion. The nickname comes from Latter-day Saint.”

  Her eyebrows lifted. “Are you all Mormon?”

  “All of us except Damian.”

  “That was unexpected. I’m a member too.”

  “You’re kidding. I had no idea.”

  “I’m surprised you missed that little tidbit.” She fell silent for a moment. “How much do you know about what’s going on this weekend?”

  “All I know is that we’re supposed to be on protection detail for the next forty-eight to seventy-two hours.”


  Craig sensed her surprise, which only reinforced his suspicion that the rest of his squad was keeping some pertinent facts from him.

  “When is your shift up?”

  He glanced at his watch to see it was nearly 3:00 a.m. “Seth should be here to relieve me in a few minutes.”

  “Do you think we could go for a walk?”

  “A walk where? It’s the middle of the night.”

  “You do realize that most people would jump at the prospect of going for a walk with a famous movie star.”

  Craig considered that. “I guess you’re right.”

  “You guess?” She was being playful, but a touch of insecurity illuminated her face. “Are you saying you don’t want to go for a walk with me?”

  “I’m telling you that my concern right now is to make sure you stay safe. That is my job at the moment.”

  She straightened slightly. “I see. So you really are acting like a bodyguard.”

  “For the next forty-eight to seventy-two hours, I am.” Something changed around him. He turned, putting his body between Sienna and the space where he felt someone’s presence.

  Seth emerged from the sidewalk behind him.

  “I gather you’re here to relieve me.”

  “That’s right.” Seth motioned to Sienna. “How did you get out here?”

  “She wanted to go for a walk,” Craig answered for her.

  “And her bodyguard was okay with that?”

  “Kind of.”

  Seth shook his head. “I don’t feel comfortable with you out walking by yourself.”

  “What if Craig is with me?” Sienna asked.

  Seth reached out and tugged on the hood of her sweatshirt. “Keep the hood up, keep Craig with you, and stay on the grounds.”

  “Really?” Sienna said, delighted.

  “I’m not a prison warden. I just look like one,” Seth said, his lips twitching into a brief smile. “Craig, keep your comm gear with you in case you run into any trouble.”

  “Will do.” Craig watched Seth cross the courtyard to check the perimeter of the resort grounds. He t
urned to Sienna. “Where to?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t think anyone would say yes.” Sienna looked up at him. “Do you mind going for a walk with me?”

  “It depends. Am I going on a walk with Sienna Blake or a famous movie star?”

  “Is there a difference?”

  “I would think so.”

  Genuine surprise reflected on her face. “I knew I liked you.”

  “I hope so.” Craig shifted beside her and put a hand on her back to guide her down a path. The naturalness of the gesture surprised him, and a glimmer of hope for something beyond friendship took hold. He smiled slightly. “After all, I am your date for Saturday night.”

  * * *

  Sienna took a moment to process Craig’s words. At first she thought he was asking to be her date for Saturday. Disappointment and irritation surfaced when she realized he had been assigned to play the part.

  Silence fell between them, and Craig must have sensed her mood change. He reached out, touched her arm, and slowed his pace. She could imagine acting out such a scene for the cameras, but the tingling sensation shooting through her at Craig’s touch wasn’t something she could summon at will. Every time he touched her, she experienced a similar response, yet now she wondered if the growing attraction was real on his part or only hers.

  “You didn’t know?” he asked.

  Sienna shook her head. “This is the first I’ve heard of it.”

  “I’m sorry. I assumed your grandfather had already talked to you about having someone stand in as your date.”

  “Knowing Grandpa, he was planning to wait until we were on our way to the reception to mention it.”

  They reached the edge of the woods, the moonlight casting shadows on the path. Craig stopped and turned to face her. “If you would rather I not be your date, I can talk to your grandfather.”

  “If he has it in his mind that I need a personal bodyguard, nothing is going to change it,” Sienna said, not bothering to disguise her frustration. She couldn’t be sure if her grandfather was being overprotective or if he was trying to play matchmaker like he had for her sister.

  Embarrassment bubbled to the surface, and she could feel her public persona settling over her, that thick shield she often used to protect her real feelings from being seen. “How did you end up being the lucky one? Did you draw straws? Pick numbers? What?” Sienna watched Craig’s expression, searching for any clues that he might be holding something back. She might not be an FBI agent like her grandfather, but over the years, she had learned how to read people.

  “Hardly. I was the logical choice,” Craig said. “After I survived your grandfather’s interrogation, he realized I was the only single member of the squad. That’s how you got stuck with me.”

  “It sounds like you’re the one who got stuck with me.” Sienna questioned Craig’s motivation. It seemed everyone always wanted something from her. Why should he be any different? “You realize this could make you famous,” she continued. “One kiss on the cheek, a few too many dances, or even holding hands could put you on the front page of all the gossip websites.”

  “Thanks for the warning.”

  “What? You don’t want to be famous?” She cringed inwardly at the way she sounded like the epitome of a Hollywood diva.

  “Not particularly,” Craig answered as though he truly didn’t care about her fame. “My line of work and fame aren’t terribly compatible.”

  The realization that his words were uncomfortably true overshadowed her annoyance, and she felt her defenses ease. “Now you sound like Charlie.”

  “FBI agents can work successfully without going undercover. SEALs don’t typically announce where they work. If we get noticed by the wrong people in another country, it could turn deadly.”

  “Then why are you doing this?”

  “Because I was asked to.” Craig stopped walking and took her hand. He held it until she turned to face him. “I hope you know I would have volunteered, given the opportunity.”

  His sincerity sent a flutter through her. “In my world, most people plan everything they do with the press in mind. I’m not used to being around someone who isn’t trying to get their name in print one way or another.”

  “I promise you’ll never have to worry about that with me. In fact, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell anyone I’m in the military.”

  “What am I supposed to say when people ask me what you do?” Sienna asked. “That question is bound to come up.”

  “We could always say I work on my family’s farm. Technically I still own an interest in my mom’s place,” Craig told her. “Of course, if I’m standing next to you, I doubt I’ll be the focus of the conversation. We both know you’ll be the center of attention.”

  “Not this time. Saturday belongs to Kendra and Charlie.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Sienna debated briefly whether she could confide in Craig. She wanted desperately to be able to talk to someone about her roller coaster of emotions surrounding her sister’s upcoming wedding. Though she didn’t know Craig well, he was clearly being invited into her inner circle. After all, he was being trusted with her safety by one of the people who loved her most. Still, knowing her own parents weren’t aware that Kendra and Charlie were getting married this weekend held her back. “You’ll see soon enough.”

  “See what?” Craig’s eyes narrowed. “I’m so tired of not knowing what’s really going on.”

  “How good are you at keeping a secret?”

  “I’m a Navy SEAL. That’s part of the job.”

  “You have to understand, not even my parents know what’s really happening,” Sienna began.

  “What is really happening?”

  She looked around to make sure they were alone. “The Whitmores’ anniversary party is an excuse for us to all be here.” She shifted closer to Craig. “We’re really here for Kendra’s wedding.”

  Though she caught a glimpse of Craig’s surprise, she saw him quickly mask it with understanding. “Now everything is starting to make sense.”

  “You can’t tell anyone I told you.”

  “Don’t worry. Your secrets are safe with me.”

  Sienna stared up at him, finding a sense of calm she hadn’t felt since arriving in Virginia. Suddenly the idea of going to Kendra’s wedding with Craig at her side didn’t feel like an imposition. Instead, she looked forward to the prospect.

  “Come on.” Craig motioned back toward the resort. “We should both get some sleep while we can. It sounds like the next couple days are going to be even crazier than I thought.”

  When he took her hand and a bevy of butterflies erupted in her stomach, Sienna found new meaning in his words. “That you can count on.”


  “You want me to do what?” Craig was certain he hadn’t heard Brent right.

  “We have to secure Sterling’s cell phone,” Brent repeated. He had used those exact same words a moment ago when Craig had arrived in his room to find Brent waiting for him with William and Sienna.

  “You mean steal,” Craig corrected. “You want me to steal Sterling’s cell phone.”

  “If my son has his cell phone when he finds out Kendra is getting married this weekend, word will get out. We have to make sure he and Monica don’t have any way to communicate with the outside world until after the reception is over.”

  “How are we getting Mrs. Blake’s phone?” Craig asked.

  “Kendra and Charlie already took care of that. Kendra borrowed Monica’s phone this morning when they were at breakfast and gave it to me instead of giving it back to her mom,” William said. “I’ll give it back after the wedding.”

  “Won’t she notice it’s missing?”

  William shook his head. “She loses her phone all the time, so she probably won’t realize it’s missing until we get ready to leave.”

  “What about your son? He’ll notice his phone is gone.”

  “He’s so used to his assistant taking care of his
phone, there’s a good chance he won’t notice. Besides, I plan to keep him distracted tonight at the White House. Hopefully, by the time he does notice, it will be too late for him to do anything about it.

  “Now, this is how it’s going to work,” William continued. “Sienna will introduce you to her dad and let him know that you’ll be her date for tomorrow.”

  “This should be interesting,” Sienna mumbled under her breath.

  Craig read her expression. “I gather he’s the protective type.”

  “Maybe a bit,” William answered for her before continuing. “I’ll call Sterling to tell him I’m coming to see him. That way we’ll know where his phone is. One of you will text me that information, and when I get to his room, I’ll give him a hug and pickpocket his phone.”

  “Grandpa, you’re making this way too complicated,” Sienna said. “What happens if Dad keeps his phone in his hand after you call him? You can’t lift it off him if he’s holding it.”

  “Do you have a better idea?”

  Sienna gave them all a winning smile. “Watch and learn.”

  Twenty minutes later, Craig stood outside Sterling’s hotel suite with Sienna by his side. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

  “Just follow my lead.” She slipped one hand into his and lifted the other to knock.

  “As long as it doesn’t get me killed.” He hoped the flutter of nerves rushing through him was a result of holding Sienna’s hand rather than preparing to meet her father.

  She grinned at him and sent his stomach somersaulting. “Don’t worry. My dad doesn’t carry a gun.”

  Sterling’s door swung open, and in a flash, his expression went from welcoming to glowering. Craig had seen both expressions in various movies over the years. He found this man even more intimidating in person than he was when facing down terrorists on the big screen. Apparently Sienna wasn’t joking when she said her dad was overprotective.

  “Hi, Dad.” Sienna released Craig’s hand long enough to give her dad a hug. “This is my boyfriend, Craig.”


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