Spirit Intercom

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Spirit Intercom Page 6

by Sean Adami

  The man said dominantly, “It was me! You better supply us with access, man, or else we ain’t giving you any mercy.”

  Andrew wanted to maintain his ground. He was tired of people constantly poking him around. Andrew said nonchalantly, “And who are you exactly?”

  The man said, “Jimmy Creighton, son of Wallace.” He punched Andrew on the shoulder. “Take a damn seat already.”

  Andrew, massaging his punched shoulder, lowered his ego and found a seat in the back row. Andrew felt he was under severe bondage.

  Wallace said, “We have all been under scrutiny for too long, and now is the time for change. A vast ocean separates us from our demolishing physical world and the Spirit World. But with Andrew to guide us, he can create a bridge for us to reach that goal. I have never been this exhilarated to reach a new sense of freedom out of this wretched Earth.” Wallace took a small pause and continued. “To achieve this, we need to specifically plan out how Andrew will sneak us into Spirit Intercom. This is where I open up the floor to Andrew.”

  Andrew thought, sneak in the labs? There is no chance that they could ever pull this off. The radicals turned their heads to where Andrew sat. He thought, they couldn’t possibly think that I knew a way to sneak into the labs, considering I was only there one time. Knowing that they were expecting a response, Andrew contrived a plan and said, “What I was thinking is that you guys hook me up with a camera so that you guys could scan the interior and scope the dimensions of the labs. If you guys know the architecture, you would be able to pinpoint possible unguarded entries into the labs. Next time I’m invited to the labs, you guys let me do my normal thing there so that I can explore as much of the labs as possible. So, what is your guy’s take on this plan?”

  Wallace said, “Sounds like a great plan to me. How about you guys? What are your thoughts?”

  The men let off affirming yells of “yeah.” Andrew was glad they confirmed this on-the-spot plan. The men disappeared out of their chairs and travelled outside the building. Wallace got off the podium and walked over to Andrew. Wallace said, “Don’t think that you’re off the hook just yet. You and I still gotta go over some of the details.” Andrew muttered quiet curses, wanting to leave this hellhole as quickly as possible. All Andrew wanted was the sweet comfort of sleeping in his warm bed.

  Andrew knew what to say back, but he didn’t want to say it. His low patience couldn’t hold it back so he said, “I think it would be better if we go over the terms the next day. I really need to get back to my apartment and get some rest. You’d understand, right?”

  Wallace’s half-smile tainted to a half-frown. He said aggressively, “You think we care about your ‘rest.’ You ain’t going nowhere until we figure this shit out. No visiting family, taking bathroom breaks, sleeping, eating, drinking, or even sitting for you until we finish this!” He kicked Andrew’s chair laterally, and Andrew fell hard onto the floor. “Understand!”

  Andrew really wanted to punch Wallace in the nose, but he knew he had to remain submissive. There was no other way. Andrew breathed out heavily and said, “Very well, then.” Andrew lifted his body up from the ground.

  Wallace said, “Please follow me to my office.” Towards the left corner of the building was a small room with a door that read “Lead Radicalist.” Wallace opened the door, and Andrew followed him after. The room only had one light source: a flickering small light bulb hanging from the ceiling. A photograph of the frontview Spirit Intercom building was displayed on top of a wall behind his desk. Wallace sat on his immensely-torn leather chair as Andrew sat on an uncomfortable metallic chair.

  Andrew said, “So what in God’s name do you want to plan?”

  Wallace took out a black pen out of his drawer and said, “Just shut up and be quiet.” Wallace arose from his chair and swiftly punctured Andrew’s forehead with the pen.

  Andrew immediately escaped out of the chair and said, “What the heck, man! What are you doing?”

  Wallace said, “There. I inserted a tiny microscopic camera on your forehead.”

  Andrew said, “With a pen? Are you insane or something?”

  “No. You’re the insane one. This device is not a pen. The device is called a Camera Furnisher, and it carries ten microscopic cameras in itself and can be placed with exerted force.”

  Andrew tightly put his hand over his forehead and said, “That was not with force. You stuck that shit on my head brutally.”

  Andrew scratched his forehead and asked, “Will this thing be able to come off? I can’t even feel the camera with my finger, but I still feel like it’s a splinter poking deep into my body.”

  Wallace said, “Don’t even think about taking that off. It’s connected tightly to your skin, and it’s meant to be small so that the lab researchers won’t be able to spot it.”

  Andrew said, “Now that we have the camera in me, I feel it’s time to call it a day. How about you?”

  Wallace said, “Shut up. Now that the hard part of the planning is done, it’s time we go over how you are going to physically perform this plan.” He put the Camera Furnisher back into his drawer.

  Andrew said, “What do you mean? All I gotta do is just work there normally and explore more of the building. There’s nothing more needed to be said.”

  “It’s not all that simple. What you need is their trust and respect. Thinking about the past, why did they make you take a break from their labs?”

  Andrew sighed and said, “Just because I used the contrivance without supervision … but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have their trust. I’m still the son of the creator, the Robert Rutano.”

  Wallace said, “That doesn’t permit you to be on autopilot and do whatever you desire. You gotta be disciplined. You have to act passionate and pretend that you deeply care for the labs. Then you will earn their trust.”

  Andrew asked, “Why do I need their trust in the first place?”

  Wallace reached into his drawer and took out a blue composition book. Wallace said, “So that you can obtain security passes and rights for unaccessible rooms. We want as many resources possible that we can use to our advantage.”

  Andrew said, “I doubt that they would be willing to give me any security access. After all, it’s not like I’m a security guard or a lab researcher.”

  Wallace opened the composition book, and Andrew saw an upside-down long list of names. Wallace flipped through the pages of many names and numbers alongside each name and said, “This is a list of every security guard and lab researcher who works at Spirit Intercom. Next to each name is their security ID number.” He finished flipping through the 20 pages of names.

  Andrew was impressed and shocked at the same time. He asked, “How in the hell did you get that list, and who gave it to you?”

  Wallace said, “I got a guy who has been on the staff for a really long time. His name is Rick, and he is a security guard there. You may have met him.”

  “Nope. And if you have a guy working on the inside, why doesn’t he just give me the lock combinations?”

  “Because he’s not the head security chief.” Pointing at a name, Wallace said, “This is the chief, Kurt Strawlin. If you can somehow even get in touch with him that’d be impressive. But I doubt it. I say your best bet is to use Rick as a referral, a referral that can second-handedly contact the chief. Going to the chief head-on is too abrupt and will likely get nothing done. With this list you will be able to learn the names of every guard since each of them has a security ID badge on them at all times. Take this book with you when you’re there.” He handed it to Andrew’s palm.

  Continuing, Wallace said, “Saying hello to each of the guards will establish a closer bond with you and Spirit Intercom. My mate, Rick, may be able to help you out on any security questions or requests that you have. You understanding more of the plan?”

  Andrew said, “Yeah. I am. Would you say that we’re about done now?” Andrew was growing more exhausted by the second, and all he wanted was some nice quiet slee
p time.

  Wallace said, “There’s only one more thing we need to go over.” Wallace reached into his other drawer and pulled out a small handheld cardboard box. “When you’re at the labs, make sure to deliver this package to Rick.”

  Andrew asked, “What is it?”

  Wallace said, “Just give it to him. He’ll know what to do with it. Just say it’s from Wallace.”

  “I don’t even know what Rick looks like.”

  Wallace said, “Rick told me that he usually patrols the southeastern part of the building near Room 2B or something. When you get the chance, just peruse in that area and give it to him.” Wallace put the box into Andrew’s left hand.

  Andrew again asked, “What’s in the box?”

  Wallace said, “Shut up for the hundredth time. Give it to him. It’s an order. Follow it. Now get outta my sight! Close the door on your way out.” He pointed his finger sternly out the door.

  Andrew said, “By all means.” Andrew spurted out of the room with the box and composition book in his hand. Shutting the door, he was ready to leave at a minute's notice; all he wanted was his sleep. Having his hand on the doorknob, Andrew saw Jimmy up in his face. Andrew’s body shivered from the abrupt startle.

  Jimmy had a small black knife up to Andrew’s neck. Quietly but aggressively, he said, “You better do what my father ordered you to do, or else this knife is eating your pharynx.” Andrew’s tiresome state came inside-out, and his petrified state came over him.

  Andrew panicked and said, “Don’t worry, man. I’m dedicated and won’t let you down and—”

  Jimmy said, “Cut your bullshit. Get the hell outta here!” He released the knife away from Andrew and pushed him out of the building until Andrew fell on the outside desert floor.

  Genuinely scared of Jimmy, Andrew scouted for his car but realized he didn’t have his keys. He asked, “Hey, Jimmy. Do you happen to know where my keys are?”

  Jimmy came to the building entrance and windmilled the keys to the floor next to Andrew. “Here’s your keys. Better follow through with your shit or else—” Jimmy pulled out his knife and pretended to slice his neck.

  Andrew scrambled for his keys and sprinted to his car. Smashing the touch recognition with his finger, he prompted the car door open. He threw the box and composition book to the backseat and sat in the front. Jimmy had a daunting stare on Andrew the entire time. Too afraid to look into the eyes of this killer, Andrew, grabbing the steering wheel, drove off with his car wheels screeching from a 180 degree turn. Dust dispersed behind.


  What was in the box?

  How threatening do the radicals concoct?

  Camera ingrained,

  Surveillance of Andrew was sustained.

  Looking back at the secluded hideout, Andrew just drove. Drive straight , he told himself until he told the Sporksterbeale, “Drive to my apartment now.” The car engulfed the steering wheel and gas pedal and took over control. He realized that he should mark the location of where the hideout was in case he wanted to visit it back. Andrew said, “Yo, Sporksterbeale. Before you autopilot me home, please pinpoint this location on your map and name it as ‘Radical Hideout.’”

  The Sporksterbeale voice stated, “Gotcha. Location is marked. Longitude and latitude have been coordinated. I will engage in self-driving mode and drive to your apartment now.” Andrew finally relaxed and his tension shriveled. Andrew closed his eyes and fell asleep on the way to his apartment.

  After driving for about three hours, the car stopped on the street of Andrew’s apartment. Andrew was still in deep sleep. The Sporksterbeale honked itself and said, “Andrew! Andrew? You have arrived at your destination. Wakey wakey!”

  Andrew gradually opened his eyelids. Checking the Mindcord time, he saw it was 8:03 a.m. It was a Wednesday still. He was finally home. His anticipation to sleep in his bed couldn’t be contained. Andrew opened the garage door for the Sporksterbeale to park in. Kevin’s silver TY Zoor car was parked in the garage. Leaving the handheld box that was in the backseat, Andrew escaped out of the Sporksterbeale, ran to his bedroom, and flung his body into his bed. Before closing his eyes, he saw Kevin enter his room with a troubled look on his face. Kevin said, “Bro, where the hell were you? Are you okay?”

  Andrew said, “I’ll explain everything that happened to you later. I’m dead. Please lemme sleep.”

  Kevin said, “Alright. As soon as you wake up rested, let me know.”

  Similar to how Wallace told Andrew to close the door on his way out, Andrew said, “Kevin, close the door on your way out.”

  Kevin departed out of his room, and Andrew received some well-deserved sleep.

  Andrew had slept for a solid 8 hours. Andrew’s instinct everytime he woke up was to check the latest news on Mincord ; so he did just that. He saw the time was 4:11 p.m. Checking the daily bulletin of Mindcord News, he saw an article that stated “Europe has Split into Two Continents from a Massive Earthquake.” Another article stated “African Inhabitants Completely Wiped Out from Severe Air Pollution and Smoke.” Andrew was alarmed by these catastrophic events. He selected his message tab and saw a message labeled from Robert Rutano. Andrew’s mind grew bewildered. He opened the message and it read the following:

  “Hello my son. I have been thinking for quite some time over the past several hours, and I finally came to a decision. I realized it was absolutely foolish of me to dismiss you out of the labs. All you desired was to visit the labs on your own time, which I totally understand being that I am a very curious person myself. I want you to come back as soon as you can so that you can help me once again. I invite you to join us on a one-week-long endeavour in the Spirit World where we try to uncover as much data and information about this dimension. Once again, I am truly sorry for kicking you out of the labs. I will always love you, and please come back.”

  Andrew was perplexed by this message. He didn’t know how to feel about this. Andrew thought, why is my father bringing so much compassion? He realized what he was feeling. He felt admired. He felt needed. He felt loved. He felt a desire to come back. He had to. If not, then Spirit Radicals would annihilate him.

  Andrew saw Kevin barge into his room. Kevin interrupted Andrew’s train of thought. Kevin asked, “So are you going to tell me what happened?”

  Andrew said, “Give it a break already. I’ll tell you later. Get out!” Kevin got the message and shut the door on his way.

  Andrew’s train of thought got back into business. He would go to Spirit Intercom right away—right after he explains everything to his aggravating roommate. It would be time to return back to his father. He turned off Mindcord and got off his comforting bed.

  In the living room, Andrew looked for Kevin. Kevin sat on the couch watching a news channel named MCN (Manhattan City News) on his 64K TV. Andrew said, “News? Aren’t you sick of that already, considering everything is just bad nowadays .”

  Kevin turned to Andrew and said, “What’s also bad is you not giving me any news about you .”

  Andrew said, “Jeez. I’ll tell you now.”

  Kevin said, “Finally. It’s about time.”

  “First, turn off that sad-sack news.”

  Kevin’s snap of his fingers signaled the TV to turn off. Kevin had his full-on attention toward Andrew. Andrew said, “I’ll be brief. All that happened was that I was the first one to enter the Spirit World dimension, I got coded neurons injected into my brain, I fought a bee that had a dopamine compositor in its stinger, I got fed by robots, and now I am home.”

  Kevin just stared at Andrew blankly. Kevin said, “Okay, there’s no damn way you did that. You’re shittin’ me, right? Are ya?”

  Andrew said, “Nope. That’s the full truth.” Except that it wasn’t the full truth. Andrew didn’t want to bring up the Spirit Radicals and being kicked out of Spirit Intercom for unethical reasons; but, in Andrew’s mind it was the truth.

  Kevin said, “Well then. That’s a lot to take in.” He took a short pause.
“Why did it take you 20 hours?”

  Andrew thought, maybe it’s because I got kidnapped from a bunch of terrifying rebels . Andrew said, “What can I explain? It was a long shift, and we did a lot of testing.” Andrew knew this statement was just a small white lie, but he still felt a little guilty for lying to his best friend.

  Kevin said, “Alright. That was one hell of a ride for you. At least you’re back now.”

  Andrew said, “On that note, I actually won’t be here for a week because I’m leaving for another assignment with Spirit Intercom. And I need you to maybe watch over my kids for me this weekend because they’re visiting at that time. Sorry about that.”

  Kevin grew disappointed but not to the point of irritation. He said, “Oh damn. That sucks. The second I think you’re back you leave.” He closed his eyes and shook his head for a second. “And regarding your question, I can take care of your kids.”

  Andrew said, “Thanks, bro, so much. I appreciate it.”

  “Sure, no problem. I’m sure though that your kids will be a bit saddened you won’t be here.”

  “Ehh. It’ll be fine.” Andrew walked to the kitchen and opened the snack pantry. He reached his hand in the back and took out a sprocket by accident. “Damn, you’re right. There are a lot of prosthetic parts here.”

  Kevin said, “Well, anyway. Did you message them that you won’t be able to see them?”

  Andrew said, “Why do you care so much, dude? I have everything under control.”

  Reaching to the point of irritation, Kevin said, “Do you have everything under control?”

  Andrew asked, “Bro, what’s your deal? Why are you acting like this?”

  Kevin rose up from the sofa. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s the fact that you were gone for 21 hours straight, or maybe it’s the fact that you haven’t explained shit to me. Do you even know what you’re getting yourself into in Spirit Intercom?”

  Andrew said, “What do you mean? I already told you. Spirit Intercom is fine. My father owns the place for God’s sake.”


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