Loving Sweetness (Sweet #2)

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Loving Sweetness (Sweet #2) Page 10

by Jude Ouvrard

  Fingers locked on my hips while I draped mine around his neck. Heat spread between the two of us. That connection we had now, here, I didn’t want to forget; my heartbeat rising, the physical consciousness of everything Calvin was doing to me. He sped up, his throbbing cock plunging deep into me. I couldn’t possibly try to hold it anymore. He had done every possible thing to tilt me toward my release. I let out a loud, “Calvin,” and I came uncontrollably strong around him. His body heavy against mine, I could sense the spasms, as he still went through his orgasm.

  There was no way I was getting out of that bed, I was dead to the world and I would need a wheelchair to get me out of this hotel room. Pulsation still rocked through my core. I sighed, happily. Every single day of my life could end up exactly like this one if I liked.

  Calvin was mine now more than ever. I placed my ring on the night stand, afraid I would lose it while I slept. I stared at the gorgeous, precious rock. This, all of this, today must have been a dream. Too heavy to remain open, my eyes closed. I let the dreams find me. Tomorrow, I would know if all of this was real or not.

  I could not believe it. There was no ring on the night stand. I had only dreamed it. What kind of masochist person can do this to her own self? I had imagined the whole damn thing. Except, my body did hurt and I really was in that hotel room with every part of me covered with Calvin’s limbs.

  Sadly, I removed his arms from around me and then, I slowly slid my legs away from beneath his. He ended up turning on his side, giving me full opportunity to run to the bathroom. I ran away from the bed, from where I had thought my dream was reality. Sitting on the toilet, I started crying. I became overly emotional. Rose, I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to hear her voice. I had no idea of the time, only that it seemed kind of dark outside. Probably the middle of the night, and that made it impossible to call Rose. I cried louder until I covered my tearful face and felt the ring against my cheek.

  “It’s… It’s here.” I laughed and cried, all emotions mixed up. It was real, it was true. Calvin proposed and I had said yes. Why hadn’t I checked my finger in the first place? I had no idea. I dried my unnecessary tears.

  I stood up from the toilet and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My blonde hair had the look of a lion. Simba had nothing on me. I had red marks around my nipple and at the base of my neck. Calvin’s mouth had worked extra hard on marking me, it appeared. There was something different about me.

  “Iris Banks,” I said to the mirror. “Hi, my name is Iris Banks. Nice meeting you.” I chuckled and blushed at the sound of it. It sounded good.

  “Iris Banks.” I repeated with more confidence, before returning to the bed.

  I spotted my phone scattered on the carpeted floor. Thirteen missed calls and seven texts. Crap. 4:28 am. I checked the time knowing I couldn’t return any call at that time.

  You are in TROUBLE. I’m so MAD at you. ANSWER YOU STUPID PHONE

  WHERE the HELL are YOU? The paparazzi can find you but I can’t.

  Did you say yes? Do I have to plan a wedding now or a bachelorette party? ANSWER ME.

  I found my place on the bed. Calvin’s arms pulled me against his chest as if I had never left.

  I said yes. I love you too.

  Could it be possible to sleep and smile at the same time? Because I had no intention of ever stopping smiling.

  “I love you, sweet baby,” he breathed against my skin before giving me a small peck.

  “I love you too.”

  And I closed my eyes hoping to dream of our happy ever after.

  I rolled on Calvin’s side of the bed, hoping I would find him and cuddle, but his spot was cold. I sat, confused as to where he was. Sound came from the other side of the bed, heavy breathing mixed in with groaning.

  Of course, he was doing push ups. Impossible to spend a day without torturing his body with some kind of work out. His back was covered in sweat; I didn't even want to ask how many he had done already.

  “Good morning,” I said with a rough morning voice.

  “Hey, babe.” He stopped and joined me back in bed. “I was getting bored. You tend to sleep in a lot.”

  “Only because you exhausted me. I’m afraid to get out of the bed.” Trying to stretch, I could feel the muscles in my legs stiffening from his rough stand-up fuck from last night.

  “Are you complaining, babe?”

  “I would never complain about it. You know that.” I pulled his arm closer to me, wanting to cuddle.

  “We should take a shower,” he suggested.

  “Or we could stay in bed a little longer.”

  He chuckled and tried to pull away. “I count on doing just that, later. Now, I’m taking you out. Get into the shower.” I groaned unhappily and got out of the bed. The sheets tangled with my legs, I kicked them away and felt the pain in my legs. Not only in my legs was I sore. My body had been used. He followed behind me and laughed at my sloppy attempt to kick the sheets away. “Wait, turn around.” He said with a luscious voice, one that tested my soreness.

  “Hum.” His hand covered my derriere and I was lifted into his arms high enough for me to wrap my legs around his waist. Both of us completely naked, I loved that feeling of his skin against mine.

  “Look at you, so soft and fucking perfect.” He paused “That ring on your finger, it stays there. Never take it off.”

  His serious face, without a bit of a smile, warned me, and I also understood that he had been the one to put it on my finger while I slept.

  “I won’t.”

  “Good. Now, let’s shower, because we both smell.”

  I chuckled. He got the water running with one hand and walked us under the cold stream, making me squeal like a little girl.

  “Calvin, let me go.”

  “Not a chance.” He laughed and pressed me against the cool tile wall. “Kiss me,” he demanded, unharmed by the ice-cold water running down his back.

  My teeth chattering, I gave him a small kiss on the lips as the water slowly began warming up. He stepped away for a quick moment, scanning my curves, his eyes up to my hair and down to my toes. His naked body was in full view, his erection tempting me. He pressed his body against mine, both of his arms caging me, I felt small and safe at the same time. His lips crashed down on mine; how could he crave me so much when we had spent the night making love? His tongue pushed into my mouth, taking full possession of my own. Our tongues swirled in an erotic way, I didn’t want this moment to stop, ever. My whole body screamed for him.

  Then, he pulled away, breathing heavy, hard as steel and that smirk on his face. “Time to shower, babe.” He took the bottle of shampoo and started massaging his hair. He laughed quietly, as if I had missed the joke.

  “No way. You aren’t going to stop now. You have me all worked up and then you stop. You’re a tease.”

  “Maybe, I am.” He smacked my derriere and rinsed his hair under the water. I took the bottle of shampoo and proceeded to wash my hair, but my hands were replaced by his and small kisses marked the curve of my shoulder.

  His hand covered my skin with soap, it tickled and it turned me on at the same time. I tried pulling him closer, tempting him, but he didn’t cave. “Why don’t you want me?”

  “We only have one day here, Iris.” He kissed my pouty lips. “Besides, I love when you’re aroused. It’s… I don’t know, I just love it.” He locked my lip between his teeth, pulled just a bit, and released it. Again, he had left me wanting more. So much more.

  I rinsed out all the soap and got some conditioner in my hair. I hated the peace and quiet without him to torment me. I hurried out of the shower, dried my hair and almost ran to find him… Dressed. Already in jeans and a navy t-shirt. He was talking on the phone…my phone. Oh no, Rose!

  “Get dressed, babe,” he said, loud enough for me to hear. “Yes, Mrs. Hartwell, we’ll visit as soon as we can.”

  “Mom? You’re talking to my mom?” I couldn’t believe it. “How dare you?”

  “Hold on, I
think my future wife wants to speak to her mom.” He sniggered. I wanted to strangle him.

  “Mom… Hi mom.” My blood ran cold. I was scared of what her reaction would be.

  “Iris Hartwell,” she said, but I couldn’t tell if she was mad or happy.

  “Mom…” I waited… and waited. Then, I heard a sob. “Don’t cry, mom.” Please. Right away, my eyes filled with tears. Calvin looked at me with a worried expression. I had to find some privacy, and the bathroom seemed to be the closest place. “Say something, please.”

  “A year ago, you left us with a broken heart.” She sniffed. “And then, you came home with this gentleman, happier than ever.”

  “What are you saying, Mom?”

  “I’m saying all kind of things, Hun. I’m saying that I think it’s too soon. I’m saying that’s he’s good to you. I’m saying that I don’t want you pregnant now. I’m saying that you need to get to know him better. I want you to visit us soon.”

  “Are you happy for me?”

  She took a deep breath and I expected the worst. “In the end, Iris, it doesn’t matter if I’m happy. The question is, are you? Does he make you happy? Does he make you feel good, proud and loved?”

  “He does all those things, Mom, and more. He’s a very good man,” I said with confidence. He wanted what was best for me, all the time.

  “I’m happy, Iris. Rose is beyond ecstatic and your father, well, he’s Calvin’s number one fan since the day he visited. I know he will take good care of my daughter.”

  Calvin slowly opened the door of the bathroom.

  “He will. He already does.”

  She congratulated me repeatedly during the following minutes.

  “I wish I had been the one announcing the news to you. It’s something I won’t be able to do again. It can’t be undone.”

  “Don’t worry about it. What matters is that you’re happy. It’s everything a parent can wish for her child.”

  “Thank you, Mom” I wished I could see my family, I missed them now more than ever.

  Calvin’s arms wrapped around my waist while I hung up the phone with my mother. My emotions took over and I cried some more. I didn’t know if it happened because I missed my family, or because I wasn’t the one announcing it, or simply for being happy.

  “Whatever it is that’s making you cry, I’ll fix it. Okay?” He kissed my forehead. “I’ll fix it, just talk to me, babe.”

  “She was crying, Cal. She’s happy for me.” Calvin removed the tears on my cheeks with the hem of his t-shirt. “I wish I had been the one who told her.”

  “That’s my fault. There were a lot of people around us last night. I saw them taking pictures, and some paparazzi showed up too. Vince’s restaurant is renowned for being the hotspot of celebrities and athletes when they’re in town.” He took my face between his hands, I could see the regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Iris. I took that moment away from you. I’m truly sorry.”

  I believed him. “It’s okay. I might take few days off to visit them, soon, if that’s okay with you.”

  “We’ll go together.” He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me closer to him. “Are you still upset with me? I only answered your phone because it was the third missed call in five minutes.”

  “We’re good, baby.” Shaking my thoughts away, not wanting to ruin our small vacation, hadn’t been so easy. Talking to my mom, the long distance separating us had been rough.

  “Let’s get out of here and get some fresh hair.”

  I nodded, not trusting my voice. I took my phone and purse and we headed out.

  Outside, my body was covered with shivers. The morning coolness that the sun hadn’t yet warmed up made me wish I had brought something warmer. Our fingers were intertwined and Calvin kept kissing the ring, smiling shyly every time.

  “Where are we going?” Not that I didn’t want to walk around and enjoy the city view, but I needed a coffee or something to wake me up.

  “There’s a good place for breakfast around here.” We kept on walking, both of us relaxed and not feeling the stress of our daily life in New York. Boston turned out to be great. My eyes were looking everywhere, in every direction. I wondered what my life would have been like if I had moved here. I would never know and would never have any regrets. My destiny brought me to Calvin.

  I followed him, let him guide me through the streets of that beautiful city, and finally we made it to the restaurant. My stomach growled. My mouth had gone dry. I couldn’t wait to order some food and have a peaceful time with Calvin. We hadn’t really talked a lot last night or this morning. We had been preoccupied. I loved being preoccupied with Calvin.

  “Can we sit by the window?” I asked, wanting to watch the city coming to life.

  “Yes, absolutely.” He walked in and found a place by the window. Calvin didn’t wait for us to be assigned to a table. I didn’t think he really cared about it. Arrogant might describe him best.

  “After you,” he said, pulling my chair from under the table. I sat and he pushed back the chair at a comfortable position.

  The waitress rushed to our table. She looked upset until, of course, she saw Calvin. He smiled at her and apparently, everything was forgotten. Some people know how to use their assets; Calvin was one of them.

  I rolled my eyes and let the poor girl gawk.

  “We’ll have two coffees for starters,” he said, waking her up from her daydream.

  “Of course, I’ll be right back,” she stammered, flushed.

  “Seriously, Calvin. Poor girl.”

  “What do you mean, poor girl? I only smiled at her. I thought she was going to rip my head off.” He laughed and looked careless.

  What else could I do but laugh? I was happy, and there was no reason not to be. He had proposed the day before; I had a beautiful ring on my finger and a gorgeous man sitting in front of me. Candice’s incident seemed like another life. So much happened in such a short time. I still hated her for what she had done, but I had Calvin and nothing else mattered.

  “Iris, what are you thinking about? You seem so far away and lost in your thoughts.”

  I smiled, embarrassed Calvin had noticed. “I’m still in shock that you brought me here and proposed. I want to forget about everything that went down with Candice.”

  “But you can’t.” Regrets and sadness haunted his eyes.

  “No, I can, Calvin. Candice had an impact on us, but it only made us closer and stronger.” I shook my head in disbelief. “I wish nothing had happened, but my father used to say everything happens for a reason. I believe all that drama was meant to happen.”

  “You, Iris, surprise me at every turn. I had planned this weekend for a while, but it was supposed to be later. I decided to change my plans when I realized I had to make you mine, officially. I didn’t want you to run away from me, again.”

  “I’m here to stay.”

  With that being said, we both smiled and leaned toward each other to kiss.

  We ate and relaxed before facing the numerous hours of walking. There were so many things I wanted to see, but at the same time, Calvin had left me…unsatisfied. He had teased me. Maybe we could go back to our room mid-afternoon. I probably flushed cherry red at the thought of having him again.

  We ended up at the hotel at the end of the afternoon. I could tell he had done everything he could to delay my much-needed sexual release. While I had hoped for something spicier, Calvin had been on his best behavior. He made love to me with all the passion and love he had. I gave myself to him completely. The way he could take total possession of my body and my sense overwhelmed me. He had taken every bit of my energy, as usual, never disappointing me. I lay in bed, still living through the aftermath of my dominating orgasm. My heart pounded in my chest and my legs were left with spasms. I could still feel the burning heat between my thighs and yet, I still wanted more. That was the thing with Calvin, I always wanted more. Even on the verge of falling asleep, I desired more. More never seemed to be enough. I cra
ved him. He made me crave him. Calvin knew what he was doing.

  He played with my hair and caressed me until I passed out. How could I not fall asleep when he did everything he could to make me?

  “Babe, time to wake up. I made dinner reservations. You have to jump in the shower and get ready.”

  “What? A reservation? I thought we were staying in.” I wanted to stay in; my legs were still killing me.

  “Well, the plan changed. Come on, Iris, I’ll take a shower with you.” He tried to bribe me and it worked. I got out of bed and in the shower in no time.

  Again, frustrating me, he didn’t reciprocate my advances. Yes, he kissed me, nibbled on my earlobe, but he didn’t push for more and it was a lot unlike him. He could never get enough of me, normally. Maybe there was something about Boston, I had no clue.

  Plus, his phone, outside the shower, kept ringing and it played with my nerves. I rinsed the soap off and got out of the shower, wanting to check who had called. It was unlike me to do such a thing; Calvin had nothing to hide and had never hidden anything from me.

  I twisted my hair in a towel and one around my body and took his phone while it continued its incessant ring. A private caller and missed calls from Candice.

  “Candice called.” Hate resonated in my voice. Even her name irritated me. I didn’t want her to speak to him ever again. Would she ever understand this?

  “I’m not taking her calls, Iris.” Calvin said, using the same tone as I did. “I’m not dealing with her again. Not now, anyway” His tone had softened.

  “I know. I’m sorry.” My irritation still playing with my mood, but I knew I had to move on.

  We both got ready in absolute silence. Candice probably knew about the engagement, and most likely had plans to ruin it. This was probably part of it. Don’t let it affect you, Iris. She’s not worth it. I repeated it in my head while drying my hair and getting dressed.


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