Paranormal's Love 11 - Hot-Blooded Alligator

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Paranormal's Love 11 - Hot-Blooded Alligator Page 9

by Charlie Richards

  Collin paused and chuckled. Tristan really was just about perfect for him. The man needed space just as much as he did, probably due to his animal’s solitary nature and lack of family upbringing. Still, Collin knew Tristan would welcome him to his arms every night and they’d fuck like bunnies for hours. Hell, they could take a trip together and enjoy days out in the woods, since Collin enjoyed hiking so much.

  “Is that because you’re not going to come out?”

  Returning his focus to Tania, Collin noticed her confused scowl. He took in the way her lips pinched together and the lines bracketing her mouth. Her knuckles were white where she clutched at Emily’s hand.

  From years of growing up with Tania, Collin knew she was upset. An epiphany hit him. She had hoped they’d come out together. She wanted support.

  “That’s not the case,” Collin assured. “I—” He grimaced and rubbed her forehead. “I’ll come out.” His gut churned at those words. “Just...Tristan is a loner. He didn’t grow up with family. Even if ours turns out to be completely accepting, which I think we both know is not going to be the case,” he warned. “Incorporating Tristan will be difficult.” He smiled at her. “But I will introduce him to you and Emily.”

  Tania nodded slowly, a new kind of concern in her eyes. “Did he lose his parents? Was he in foster homes or something?”

  Collin lifted a hand, stalling any more questions. “I, uh, I’m still getting to know him,” he admitted. “I don’t feel comfortable answering questions like that at this time.”

  Emily’s eyes widened, then she grinned. “Oh, that means it’s serious.”

  Confusion filling him, Collin cocked his head. “What? How’d you come to that conclusion?”

  Tania grinned. “Easy. You say you’re seeing someone, but you’re not willing to share anything.” She exchanged a hot look with Emily that Collin couldn’t hope to understand, and really didn’t want to. “You want to keep things to yourself. You know...” Tania grinned at Collin. “You don’t want to jinx it.”

  Setting the empty beer bottle on the end table, not entirely certain when he’d finished it, Collin rose to his feet. “And I think that’s all I’m going to tell you,” he grumbled. Seeing his sister’s beaming smile, the way she held Emily’s hand and how Emily held her, Collin couldn’t stay irritated. He smiled. “I’m really happy for you. When you’re ready for—” He paused and waved his hand, hoping she understood. “I’ll be there. I’ll support you. I’ll share my own...orientation.” He shrugged, a stab of pain going through him. “If we’re going to be exiled from the family, well, it’ll be better if we get it done together. Then, we’ll come back here where our lovers will be waiting for us, and we’ll get drunk and allow our lovers to lick our wounds.”

  Tania sighed, a hint of pain in her eyes. “I really hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  “Me, too,” Collin whispered. He reached down and pulled both women up and into his arms. After hugging them both, he eased away and kissed his sister’s forehead. “We’ll get through this. You and me against the world, remember?”

  Of all the people Collin had worried about, Tania had been the biggest concern. They were only a year apart, had grown up so closely, that they’d done everything together. Losing Tania would have been worse than losing his parents.

  “Yeah,” Tania agreed. After one more hug, they separated. She gave him a grim smile. “Okay, we’ve kept you from your date long enough. Tell Tristan I look forward to meeting him.”

  Collin nodded. Then, on impulse, he leaned over and kissed Emily’s cheek. “Tania looks happy. Thank you.” Then he smirked. “And if you hurt my sister, don’t think you being a woman will get you out of a beat down.”

  While Tania snapped, “Collin, stop it!”

  Emily smiled and nodded. “If I hurt Tania, I won’t fight back.”

  Grinning widely, Collin winked at Tania. “Love you, middle sister.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Collin headed out of the house and back to his truck. As he drove away from his sister’s, he couldn’t stop grinning. It took a moment for him to realize that, for the first time in a long time, he felt hope. At least one of his siblings would accept him.

  Hope filled him.

  That feeling continued until Collin pulled up to the gargoyle’s estate and parked. Except, when he called Tristan’s number, he didn’t pick up. Collin frowned and tried again.

  Still nothing.

  More than a little confused, Collin dialed the main line for the estate.

  “You’ve reached Falias Estates. This is Sapian,” the gargoyle answered. “How can I help you?”

  “Sapian. Hi,” Collin greeted the gargoyle that had saved him and introduced him to the world of paranormals. “How are you?”

  “Doing fine, buddy. What about you?” Sapian asked. The gargoyle always seemed to sound concerned and sincere. “I heard you have some problems in town. Is everything all right?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Collin replied. “This isn’t about that, actually.”

  “It’s not?”

  “No,” Collin confirmed, surprised to realize that, once he’d hit the shower, he hadn’t once thought about his job. Damn. That had never happened to him before. He grinned, wanting to talk to the man who’d brought a little unexpected levity to his life. “I’m looking for Tristan. He didn’t answer his cell.”

  “Well, I heard he went to town with Golren and Taolma,” Sapian said. “As far as I know, they haven’t made it back, yet.”

  “And you haven’t heard from them?” Collin pressed. “Is that normal?”

  Sapian chuckled. “They’re adults, Collin. It’s not like we keep tabs on them.”

  There was silence as Collin tried to decide if he wanted to take a walk to the pond. Maybe Tristan had made it home, went straight there, and was in shifted form, so he couldn’t answer his phone.

  Wasn’t that a mind fuck?

  “Out of curiosity, why are you looking for him?” Sapian asked.

  “Well, he’s my mate,” Collin admitted. “We were supposed to meet this evening to, uh, talk and...stuff,” he finished lamely.

  “Ooohhh.” Sapian drew out the word and ended with a chuckle. “Raymond made a comment about a charge to Gardenside Bed and Breakfast. Maybe he’s making plans for something special and he missed your call.”

  Collin frowned, unable to help but immediately think of Misses Wallice and Canaan Bell. “Right, okay,” he responded slowly. “I’ll head that way and call him again.”

  After saying goodbye, Collin activated his Bluetooth. He restarted his car and once again called Tristan’s new number. When that still got nothing, he frowned and called Leroy’s number.

  Leroy picked up on the second ring. “Hey, Detective,” he greeted. “I suppose you’re looking for Tristan?”

  Surprise filling him, Collin nodded. He realized the nurse couldn’t hear it, so he said, “Right. How did you know?”

  “Tristan told us you’re his mate,” Leroy explained. Then, he sighed. “You’re not going to approve of this, but he found out Canaan is involved with people hunting paranormals and that he’s staying at the Gardenside Bed and Breakfast, so...uh...that’s where he is.”

  Collin growled. Anger flared through him. How dare Tristan interfere with his case? Did he not trust him to keep their secret? Did he plan to take revenge for his captivity?

  Had Tristan learned something new?

  Damn, he didn’t want anything to happen to that man.

  “I’m on my way there now.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Tristan glanced at the large Jacuzzi that dominated the corner of the room. He really, really wanted to fill it and shift. It wouldn’t keep his alligator happy for long, but any little bit would help. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d remained in human form for so long.

  Glancing up at the massive armoire in the corner, Tristan noted Taolma’s dark green-scaled head resting on the top of the crown molding. He knew the shif
ter rested there to be out of the way while Tristan lured Canaan into the room. He just couldn’t suppress the twinge of jealousy at the other man being in animal form.

  Tristan knew he’d have to get used to it, though, because he wanted more than just a couple of hours a day with Collin. Thinking of his mate had him remembering their time in the bathroom...and their plans to meet that evening.


  Pulling his phone from his pocket, Tristan realized he’d somehow turned it off. He hit the power button and waited impatiently for it to load. Just as the start-up screen appeared, Tristan’s sharp hearing made out the sound of feet on the stairs.

  Tristan shoved his phone back into his pocket. Moving toward the doorway, he stopped before it and listened intently. He just about jumped out of his skin when a loud tap, tap, tap echoed in his ear.

  “Tristan?” Collin’s soft call reached his ears.

  Jerking the door open, Tristan stared into the glowering face of his lover. He noticed Collin’s jaw was clenched, his brows were drawn, and his eyes narrowed. His dark eyes roved up and down Tristan’s slender frame, sparking with some unknown emotion as his chest heaved while his shoulders remained stiff with tension.

  “Stunning,” Tristan whispered, revealing his admiration of his sexy mate.

  Collin’s lips pulled away from his teeth as he let out a soft, feral growl. Grabbing Tristan’s upper arms, he walked him backward, deeper into the room. He kicked the door closed, then spun them both and slammed Tristan against the wood.

  Leaning close, he whispered harshly, “Why aren’t you answering your phone? Why are you here? What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He curled his lip, frustration rolling off him. “Don’t you trust me to take care of Canaan?”

  Tristan’s cock ached in his jeans at his human’s display of dominance. He shuddered hard in his mate’s grip, struggling to get his brain back online. His mate in angry dominant mode should not turn him on so much, but damn. Tristan wanted to drop to his knees and free the big shaft outlined in his groin. He’d suck it down and—

  “Answer me, damn it,” Collin snarled gruffly. Then, his eyes narrowed and he leaned close so his breath fanned across Tristan’s face as he whispered harshly, “Or do I need to fuck the answers out of you? Hmm? Get you so hot and hard, then refuse to let you come until you speak?” His dark eyes sparked as he reached down and palmed Tristan’s erection. “Would that be the best way to interrogate you?”

  Tristan moaned, the sound slipping unbidden from him. His channel clenched. He could so get behind that idea.

  Just as Collin gripped his zipper, Tristan heard a soft hissing noise. He froze, remembering where he was...and who was also there.

  Evidently, Collin had felt his sudden withdrawal, for he scowled as he growled, “What is it? I wouldn’t actually hurt you.”

  Tristan shook his head, clearing most of the fog of lust from his mind. He blinked a couple of times, then focused on Collin. Easing the death-hold he had on his lover’s shirt—a very nice dark blue silk piece that he would love to feel against his skin—Tristan reached up and smoothed his fingertips along Collin’s furrowed brow.

  “I can think of nothing I’d like to do more than allow you to pound my ass into submission,” Tristan admitted. He let out a soft sigh, then added, “However, then I would return the favor and I’d claim you. You’d be mine for the rest of our days. He flattened his other hand over Collin’s chest. “Body and soul, and I hope someday heart.”

  Collin rested his forehead against Tristan’s and muttered, “I’d let you. We have a lot to discuss, but I’d let you.” He pressed a quick peck to Tristan’s mouth, then added, “You weren’t answering your phone and I heard about you being over here.” He frowned. “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  Tristan smoothed his hand down Collin’s chest as he cupped his lover’s jaw with the other. “This has nothing to do with you not being adequate to send Canaan on his way without giving him information about us,” he stated. “Quite the opposite, actually.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I know you’d have no trouble sending Canaan and Bud’s wife on their way...probably with a trumped up story about him getting lost in the woods and eaten by animals,” Tristan stated, grinning when he caught Collin’s surprised look. “But we actually need him our custody.”

  “You mean like Wallice?” he snapped, a scowl deepening the lines around his mouth.

  Tristan wanted to kiss those lines away, but knew now wasn’t the time. “I’m afraid so. Wallice admitted to there being an organized group hunting paranormals. Canaan is one of their lawyers...supposedly. We need to take him in for questioning.”

  “Damn it, Tris,” Collin yelled, pushing away from him and stalking a few steps away. “Take him in for questioning? This isn’t a war!”

  “Yes, it is,” Tristan insisted, doing his best to keep his tone steady and soothing. “They are hunting our kind. We are at war.”

  Collin closed his eyes and tipped his head back. Tristan watched his nostrils flair and his chest expand and contract several times. The man obviously struggled with either how to accept what Tristan was telling him, or how to convince Tristan of how wrong he was.

  Tristan wished he could make it easier for him...but he couldn’t. This was something that Collin would need to come to grips with. Sometimes, there was no black and white, and the shades of gray blurred heavily.

  His head still tipped back, Collin opened his eyes. He gasped as his eyes widened, and he leaped backward. “Gee-Zus! What the fuck?”

  Realizing what Collin must have finally noticed, Tristan rushed to his side. He grabbed one of his lover’s upper arms as he rested his other hand on his chest and rubbed him soothingly.

  “Easy, easy, that’s just the other reason we can’t really go at it like bunnies at the moment.”

  “Ya think? What the hell is Caladon doing in here?” Collin snapped. Pointing, he added, “And like that?”

  Tristan continued to rub the man’s chest, trying to calm his mate’s racing heart. “Actually, that’s Taolma,” he said. “Caladon and Golren are outside on the balcony.”

  Tristan pointed toward the slightly cracked sliding door that led to a small, private balcony. The tall boa constrictor shifters had easily climbed onto the second story balcony. Currently, they were waiting for Tristan’s signal, just in case he needed help subduing Canaan...and watched for possible reinforcements, should the man call for any.

  Collin gaped, his face a little pale. He glanced from Taolma to the open door, back to Tristan. Finally, he managed to close his mouth, only to swallow hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

  Tristan attempted to soothe him with soft touches. He leaned up and pressed his lips to Collin’s jaw. Placing open mouth kisses along the bone, he made his way to his lover’s neck, then nibbled along one tendon.

  Sighing, Collin’s shocked and panicked scent cleared. He wrapped his arms around Tristan, rubbing up and down his back in return. He tilted his head to give Tristan more room, causing Tristan’s alligator to hiss excitedly in his mind. Feeling his lover nuzzle his cheek, he fought the urge to sink his canines into his sweet human’s neck.

  The sound of footsteps pulled him out of his thoughts.

  Tristan eased away from his mate, giving him a pleading look. Collin sighed and nodded, then he walked to the door. While uncertain what his human planned, Tristan knew that, for them to work, he had to show a little faith in the man, especially considering the conclusions the detective had jumped to upon his arrival here.

  Collin opened the door and swung the door wide. “Mister Bell. Misses Wallice. Do you have a couple of moments?”

  “Detective DeSoto,” greeted a cold voice. “What can I do for you?”

  At about the same moment, a feminine nasal voice asked, “Do you have news on my husband?”

  “I do, Misses Wallice,” Collin stated, his tone reserved. He stepped back and swept his ha
nd out to indicate that they should join him in the room. “Please, I’d like you to sit down.”

  Tristan backed away and leaned against one of the sofa chairs. Uncertain what Collin planned, he leaned his hand on the back and tried to express a certain...confusion and wariness. All considered, it wasn’t that hard.

  Cocking his head, Tristan watched as Collin ushered in first a tall, dark-haired man with oily-looking, slick-backed hair. A woman of average height with dirty blonde hair pulled into a harsh bun followed him. While the man’s eyes were hard and calculating, the woman’s appeared wide and fearful, dominating her pale face.

  “Who is that?” Canaan demanded belligerently, pointing at Tristan.

  Collin closed the door and locked it. He waved toward the sofa and ordered, “Have a seat.”

  While Misses Wallice obeyed, Canaan crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me what news you have, Detective.”

  Tristan frowned when Collin dropped to a crouch and started fiddling with his left shoe.

  “Well,” his lover began. Tristan’s eyes widened as his mate pulled a small revolver out of an ankle holster and stood, pointing the weapon at Canaan. “It’s time for you to answer a few questions for my friends.”

  Canaan reached behind him and pulled a pistol. As his arm began to swing around, probably planning to aim at Collin, Taolma struck. From the shifter’s vantage point above and behind, he’d probably spotted Canaan’s weapon before Tristan had.

  Taolma clamped his mouth around Canaan’s wrist as he began to spin. In seconds, they both tumbled to the floor, a ball of coils and a hollering man. Sandra screamed and Tristan lunged forward. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and a hand over her mouth, ceasing her racket.

  Collin dove toward the struggling Canaan, who was desperately trying to bring up his weapon as he spewed hateful slurs. With his hand trapped at his side, his body being squeezed by Taolma’s coils, Canaan couldn’t do a whole lot but draw attention. Unfortunately, that’s not what they needed. Collin slammed the butt of his pistol on Canaan’s head, knocking him senseless.


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