Lavender Excursions

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Lavender Excursions Page 18

by Danielle Engle

  "Come inside and get out of those wet things," Taryn said in a motherly tone. She took both women by the arm and led them into the cabin. "You look like you went ice-fishing and fell in," she teased.

  Camarin and Kimberly laughed nervously as they removed their wet coats and scarves. Taryn summarily took the wet items and hung them to dry. Meantime, Camarin sat on the bench and motioned for Kimberly to join her. They removed their boots and set them on the boot tray. Taryn returned and stood watching them. Finally, unable to stand the suspense any longer, Camarin asked, "What are you doing here?"

  "Actually, I've been up north on business and was on my way back to Chicago. When I stopped to get gas and something to drink, that's when I ran into Taylor." Taryn motioned toward the main quarters.

  "She told me about the smoke bomb," Taryn said. "Any idea who did it or why?"

  "Uh, no," Camarin said. Seeing the puzzled look on Kimberly's face, she explained. "I was going to tell you about it when we got here. Someone, probably kids thinking they were pulling a cute prank, set off a smoke bomb in our cabin."

  Taryn bit her tongue, trying to keep her anger in check. To give herself a few seconds to regain her composure, she said, "Let's move into the living room." The two women followed her, Camarin and Kimberly sitting on the couch and Taryn taking the armchair closest to the fire. Unable to stop herself, she gave Kimberly a coy smile and winked. "Now Camarin, be honest," she said. "Whose husband did you piss off?" She turned to Kimberly and explained, "Camarin just can't keep her hands off married women. I've repeatedly warned her that she'd eventually run into someone who would seek revenge." The smile never leaving her face, Taryn leaned back in her chair.

  Camarin decided to let it go. If Taryn had something planned, there wasn't anything she could do about it. Ignoring the barb, she smiled and engaged in the mindless chatter of old friends entertaining one another with amusing stories of their personal lives. Time passed very pleasantly. Taryn looked out the window and noticed it was snowing again. She decided she'd better cut the visit short since she did want to return to Chicago tonight. "Looks like I better get moving," she said, pointing to the window. "Present company excluded, this is not a place I'd want to get stuck."

  "Oh, my," Camarin said, surprised to see the unexpected snowfall.

  She stood and walked Taryn to the door, Kimberly following a short way behind her. While Taryn slipped into her coat and boots, Camarin reminded her, "Drive carefully. You're not in Chicago where the roads are cleared within minutes of the first snowflake falling."

  Taryn laughed. "I'll try not to forget," she said, opening the back door.

  Camarin and Kimberly stood in the doorway, watching Taryn walk down the icy path. "I'll call you when I get back," Camarin called after her. "Maybe we can get together for lunch or something."

  "Sure thing," Taryn replied. She hurried inside her car and started the motor. Drumming her fingers on the steering wheel, she waited for the car to warm a little. The snow was getting worse and it seemed to be getting colder. She decided to stop somewhere, pick up something to eat and fill her thermos with coffee. Backing her car out of the driveway, she started in the direction of the freeway.

  Ten miles later, she was still driving and looking for a place to stop.

  She spotted a tavern, just on the edge of another little resort town.

  What the hell , she thought. After locking the car and kicking ice chunks from its sides, she went inside. The place was dark and dreary. Most of the customers looked to be locals indulging in friendly conversation while they chugged a few beers.

  One of the men spotted Taryn right away. He whistled and yelled,

  "Hey, pretty babe, wanta have some fun?" Giggling like an adolescent schoolboy, he ducked down so Taryn couldn't see who'd yelled at her. The other men joined in, whistling and making eyes at Taryn. Feeling braver now that his friends had joined in, the man raised his head and blew Taryn a kiss.

  Taryn ignored the men as best she could, knowing a response would egg them on. She walked to the bar and ordered a large coffee to go. When she paid the bartender, he winked at her and said, "Ya'll come back now." She gritted her teeth, turned and strode out of the dingy little tavern.

  Once inside her car, Taryn opened the coffee and took a sip.

  "Whew, hot!" she said. The incident in the tavern dismissed, she started thinking about more important matters. Her mind was reeling and her cunt was on fire. No matter how much she tried to evade her feelings, the end result was the same. Taryn longed for Kimberly in a way she found to be very threatening to her hard-core independence.

  "Oh, God," she groaned, running her hand through her hair. "I can't do this! Not now." Her hands were trembling so badly she dropped the key. "Damn!" she muttered, picking the key off the floor mat.

  She finally managed to get it into the ignition. Her sleek Italian sports car started easily. It was getting down the mountain that presented a problem.

  "Hey, there pretty lady," sounded a voice outside her window.

  When Taryn turned, she saw one of the local studs peering through the glass. Instinctively, she jerked away from the door. Embarrassed by her obvious display of fear and realizing it made her an easy target, she rolled the car window down and asked, "You need something, mister?"

  He was a large built man, reminding Taryn of her brother when he played football at the university. His face was handsome in a rugged sort of way. Taryn admired the blonde hair that was swept back from his face. It revealed a set of emerald green eyes that, unfortunately for him, were dulled by the excessive amount of alcohol he'd consumed inside the bar.

  "Just checking on you," he said. "You look sort of lost and I don't recognize your car as belonging to anyone around here. I'd remember this one if I saw it," he added, gazing admiringly at Taryn's car. He leaned inside the window. "Why don't I have a seat inside and you can tell me where it is you're trying to go. I'm pretty good about giving directions," he added. "But it is a mite cold out here." He shivered for emphasis and rubbed his hands up and down his well-muscled arms.

  "Actually I was just getting ready to leave," Taryn replied. "And I do know where I'm going. But thanks for checking." She shifted the car into gear and started backing out of the parking space. His large hand suddenly reached inside and he tried to wrestle the steering wheel out of her hands.

  "Aargh!" she growled. With one hand shoving against his face and the other squeezing his fingers, she managed to get his arm out of her car. She floored the accelerator, sending her into a spin as she exited the parking lot. By the time she'd gotten back onto the freeway, Taryn was shaking with fury. Her coffee spilled all over the seat, she drove a few miles down the road and stopped. She refueled her car, cleaned the seat as much as possible and picked up another coffee. Anxious to get back to the city, she opened her window part way so the cold air blew against her face. "That ought to keep me awake," she muttered.

  She started her car and headed for the freeway.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The road was clear most of the way back to Chicago. Taryn debated stopping at Trudi's bar and unwinding a little before going home. What the hell , she told herself, turning the car down the street to Larry's Place. She parked in the pay lot next to the bar. After checking to make certain the car alarm was set, she strode across the parking lot.

  Larry's Place was hopping. People were lined up at the bar waiting to get drinks. She spotted a couple of familiar faces, but she was not in the mood for company. Acknowledging the women with a smile, she moved on. Not wanting any baby dykes hanging on her arm and drooling over her, she searched for an unobtrusive place to sit.

  "Hey, Taryn. How's it going," sounded a familiar voice.

  Taryn surveyed nearby tables trying to see who was speaking to her. Suddenly she felt a strong hand slap her across the buttocks, then squeeze her ass cheeks. She gasped. The hands were groping her in a much too intimate manner. When she tried to turn around and see who was behind her, a pair of ha
nds held her firmly in place.

  "Now, now," the woman told her. "Settle down, sweet cheeks. It's been a while since I've seen you. Couldn't help myself, sampling the goods." She chuckled and turned Taryn around where she could see her.

  "Debbie! I can't believe it's you," Taryn exclaimed. "Where have you been the last three years?"

  Debbie Gaylen was Taryn's coming out coach. At a time when Taryn could not distinguish a butch from a femme or a twinkie from a bulldyke, Debbie taught her well. She kissed Taryn on both cheeks, her arm sneaking around her waist and brushing against her nipple.

  "Too far away from you. That's for certain," Debbie replied. "Care to join me for a drink?"

  "Sure," Taryn said. "Do you have a table?"

  "Follow me."

  Taryn watched her long-legged friend strut to a table near the dance floor. She wore the requisite black leather pants, a set of gold cufflinks peeking out of her right back pocket and an open leather vest that flapped open as she walked, leaving little to the imagination.

  When she turned to see if Taryn was following her, Taryn had a sudden vision of herself kneeling on her hands and knees in front of Debbie. She was waiting, her mouth open, to receive those soft, full nipples that were now teasing her from behind the vest. There was a time when Taryn literally licked Debbie's boots in order to have the privilege of tasting those wonderful breasts. Needless to say, by the time she sat down, Taryn's panties were wet.

  Debbie smiled across the table as if reading her thoughts. She sipped a club soda, twirling the lemon slice in the bubbly liquid while looking Taryn over. "You look like you need a fix," she said.

  Taryn smiled and gazed into the candle burning in the center of the table. She knew the fix Debbie was referring to and, intoxicating though it might be, it was not drugs. When Taryn left three years ago, Debbie warned her that she was making a mistake. Taryn was determined to prove her wrong. "Still convinced I need a well-hung dyke like you to keep me happy?" she asked.

  Debbie grinned and pushed her biker's cap down over her eyes.

  "Taryn, Taryn, admit it now. Don't you miss me?" Her vest swung open allowing Taryn a side view of her left breast. She had a cocky and arrogant look on her face.

  Taryn wanted to ignore her flirtations, but she could not help but look at what Debbie was offering. Her eyes filled with longing, remembering the way Debbie's nipples would get hard and stiff when she was excited. A familiar ache and longing surfaced and tears for something long past threatened to fall. Taryn's eyes became puffy and swollen as she struggled to hold her sadness in check. She was torn between pride for herself and desire for the woman sitting across the table from her. Why did she have to run into her tonight of all nights?

  Taryn looked away, then shrugged. "I miss you, Debbie," she said.

  "But I do not miss the lifestyle you offered me." Her eyes defiant, Taryn turned back and stared at the woman who'd taught her first hand how it felt to surrender herself totally to another's control.

  Debbie leaned forward and gazed into Taryn's eyes. She sipped the club soda through a straw, her tongue caressing it. Her gaze never faltering, she puzzled over Taryn's response.

  Taryn felt mesmerized, her eyes fastened on Debbie's tongue stroking the straw as if it were her lover. Taryn remembered that tongue moving over her mouth, her breasts, and her clit, the way it stroked her and teased her, drove her to her knees begging Debbie to take her.


  Debbie's voice brought Taryn back to reality, to the bar where she'd taken more virgins than she could count. Larry's Place was her kingdom, available when she wanted to stake a claim. Tonight she wanted to be claimed. It was a disconcerting thought. "I'm sorry,"

  she said, her face flushing with embarrassment. "You've caught me at one of those times when I've a lot on my mind and not much of it worth sharing." She looked wistfully at the woman sitting across the table from her. "Maybe I need a vacation," she said in a voice so low it was barely audible.

  Debbie leaned over and took Taryn's hand in hers. "Come to Veronica's with me – a place where we can talk in privacy and you don't have to worry about someone seeing you or hearing you," she said. "Spend some time with me." Debbie took a deep breath, waiting for Taryn to say something. "Come," she whispered, "let me take you away from all this responsibility for a while." She looked around the bar, which she knew was now Taryn's home territory.

  Taryn was trembling. She felt so lost and alone, wanting desperately for someone else to be accountable for her life, to make the decisions in areas where she now faltered. Debbie's eyes looked so trusting, Taryn found her determination faltering in the face of such power. "I'll go," she whispered, "if you promise me one thing."


  "You know you're one of my weaknesses. Promise me you won't take advantage of it, Debbie." She watched Debbie very closely. "I can't go back to the way things used to be. Not even if I wanted to,"

  she added. Her voice was raspy with emotion.

  Debbie felt the familiar throbbing. Her breasts, her pussy and other intimate parts of her body longed to have Taryn at her command.

  Although Taryn didn't realize it, she was one of Debbie's weaknesses.

  "I promise," she told her. She stood and offered Taryn her hand.

  Their eyes locked, brimming with a desire so strong that neither woman felt confident she could contain it.

  "Let's go," Taryn whispered. She waited while Debbie placed money on the table. After she walked past, Taryn paused as if reconsidering, then followed her out into the cold night air. Chicago had transformed itself into that dark world, the underworld where societal conventions did not have a place. Taryn wondered about the changes, knowing that life would resume its normal pace when the sun rose the next morning. And she, like the world around her, would return to the life she knew. Unless, that is, the dark hunger raging inside of her took rein. She got in her car and followed Debbie to their destination.

  Veronica's was located in a very unassuming place in Chicago proper. Debbie slid her security card through the slot outside the entrance. The door opened and they entered a lobby. Debbie placed her hand on a scanner to confirm that she was a member in good standing.

  Taryn followed her former lover into the center room. There were tables and chairs scattered about, much like an oversized family room.

  The lighting was very subdued, creating a soft, warm ambience that would be very misleading for anyone not familiar with the actual events that took place there each night. Debbie led Taryn to a sitting area near the fireplace.

  "Looks like the place has been remodeled since I was here," Taryn commented.

  "Yes, I suppose it has. I forgot how long you've been away." A hostess stopped at their table, offering them something to drink from the mini bar on wheels. "Two club sodas with a twist of lemon,"

  Debbie told her.

  Taryn laughed. "I see some things haven't changed. You're still afraid you'll make a fool of yourself if you imbibe?" she asked.

  Debbie frowned. "You're never going to let me forget that, are you?" she asked, shaking her head as she dolefully recalled the one time she'd been drunk in Taryn's presence. "I've never forgiven Carrie for that, you know," she said.

  Taryn laughed, remembering how excited Debbie was when they gave her a surprise party for her thirtieth birthday. A man from one of the local clubs dressed up like a female stripper and popped out of a box when she opened it. After letting her drool over him for a while, he pressed her hand against his groin. "You should have seen your face when you realized you were touching a real life penis!" Taryn exclaimed.

  Debbie laughed in spite of her embarrassment. She leaned over the table and whispered, "And I paid you back for that little prank, didn't I! Gave you a little token of my appreciation that night in bed. About ten inches long, three inches around and never flaccid. I swear you were hobbling for two days after that." Debbie chuckled and took another sip of her club soda.

  It was Taryn's turn to be e
mbarrassed. Without thinking, she retorted, "That's more than I can say for your clit."

  Debbie shot up from her chair, startling Taryn. She knew she'd forgotten a very important rule when Debbie barked, "Get up!" No one could tease Debbie Gaylen about her sexual prowess. Taryn frowned, her heart pounding against her chest. Seeing Debbie this angry made her giddy with fear and, although she hated to admit it, excitement. She cast her eyes down, a resolute look on her face. "Get a life," she said, dismissing Debbie as though she was a nuisance.

  "I would have thought you'd learned by now, Taryn" Debbie hissed.

  She seized Taryn's hands and pulled her from the chair. In one swift move, she twisted her arms behind her back and shoved her face down on the table.

  Taryn winced, her cheek stinging from the sudden impact against the wooden surface. Pain shot through her arms. Taryn knew it was intentional and she cursed herself for the way it made her feel. God, she wanted this woman to take her! Just once more , begged the little voice inside of her head. She grimaced, anger flashing in her eyes and blinding her vision. Was she willing to pay the consequence, to accept Debbie's terms for satiating the need that raged and roared inside of her?

  Overcome by her own need, Debbie had no intention of allowing Taryn to make that choice. She spread her legs apart and shifted her body so that her cunt was pressed against the table's edge.

  A malicious smile on her face, she reached underneath Taryn and unbuckled her belt. Not caring if she tore the belt loops, she grasped the buckle and pulled it free.

  Knowing this might be the only chance she'd get, Taryn tried to out maneuver Debbie while she worked to free the belt. She steeled her body, waiting until the moment was right. When she felt Debbie's arms relax a little, she pushed as hard as she could, trying to flip the other woman over.

  Debbie laughed, jerking her arms painfully tight against her shoulder blades. "You can't be serious now, can you?" she scoffed.


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