Bound To You: Vranthian Vampires – Book 1

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Bound To You: Vranthian Vampires – Book 1 Page 7

by K. A. M'Lady

  She had managed to crawl out of the smoke-filled craft, her head throbbing, her body aching from wounds she couldn’t see, but could certainly feel. The night air chilled her. But the thing that stilled her breathing, caused her heart to cease, was seeing the knife held to Draven’s throat, his blood pooling along its razor-sharp edge. All she wanted at that moment was for this horror to end.

  The cold-calculated need for death brushed through her. It filled her up with its black haze until nothing else remained. Nothing but the night and the strange mist that now curled around her legs, her middle and eventually her back and arms. The tendrils formed a body, encompassing her in Ook’s strong, firm grasp as he encased her in his arms. “Leah,” he whispered, removing the weapon from her trembling fingers. “It is finished. He will hurt you no more.”

  “Draven,” she questioned, her voice filled with worry.

  “I am here, love,” he told her, appearing before her out of the darkness, his strong hand gently stroking her cheek. She melted into his touch, her sigh filled with exhaustion and longing.

  Sirens sounded in the background, their heavy blare drawing nearer. Blinking past the comfort of Ook’s strength and the hunger in Draven’s dark eyes, she was finally able to form a coherent thought. “The Police.” It took another moment for her brain to function fully, but once it kicked in, reality began to return. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

  “The ship,” Ook advised, reaching for her hand as Draven reached for her other.

  Light shimmered all around them. The wind kicked up sending the smoke from the downed spaceship to swirl and gust in motes of dust and black soot. “Kantella,” Draven swore. “He’s stealing our vessel.”

  “The human Police are closing fast.” There was no mistaking the concern or battle stance Ook took as he stepped before Leah, katana poised for confrontation.

  “I’ll get rid of the evidence. Stay with her,” Draven told them, as he faded into the shadows, heading straight into the smoldering ruins of his now burning ship.

  Horrified, Leah watched him go, knowing that Kantella had taken any hope of them returning to their own planet with them while Draven’s ship burned, and her own authorities were about to swarm enmasse. She knew that if the Police found them she’d never be able to explain a giant of a blue-skinned warrior or a deathly pale, fanged, man-like creature with an aversion to direct sunlight.

  “Come on,” she said, dragging Ook behind her as she headed toward the burning ship. “The minute he’s out of there, we’ve got to bail.”



  Draven emerged seconds later covered in grime, his skin streaked in black, his duster ripped and singed in several spots. “I sent an emergency call to Kuthar. The ship is set to disintegrate. We’ve got to get out of here.”

  “Come on,” Leah told him, taking his hand in hers. “This way; my apartment is two blocks north of Park.” With a nod of her head, she led them away from the ship and into the thicket of trees. Draven paused, pulling her into his arms as they turned to watch the first wave of Officers wander through the other side of the forest-like setting. Their eyes on the smoldering ruins of Draven’s vessel, they watched the length and breadth of its austere hull shimmer in blue flames, sparkling like a sapphire in the night. Then, in a prism of fire, it disintegrated to smoldering ash, leaving nothing behind but dust.

  Melding with the shadows, they stalked the streets of Leah’s earth, blending into the crowd, yet not a part of it. Ook cloaked himself in mist and trailed at their feet; unable to hide the color of his flesh from human eyes. She felt them, a warm presence surrounding her, comforting her. For the first time in what seemed like ages, they soothed the restless ache inside of her.

  Climbing the brownstone’s steps that led to her apartment, she realized she didn’t have her keys to get in. She didn’t even recall where her purse was; her belongings to this life long gone. They paused in front of her door and Ook appeared beside them then evaporated once more, the lock twisting, the door knob turning, revealing her former life beyond its opened oak frame.

  Draven’s hand at the small of her back guided her through the entry, the world outside quickly closed away. Before her stood her future; the comfort of Ook’s waiting arms, the heat of Draven at her back. Ook enfolded her in the warmth of his body and she sighed in relief. Her lips brushed his chest where his heart danced its steady rhythm, reveling in the tremble her touch brought.

  Draven’s hands upon her hair, gently pushing it away from her face had her turning into his touch. His dark eyes, filled with the fire of his desire, bore into her just before the hard press of his lips melded against hers and melted away all uncertainties.

  This is where she belonged. Safe, finally, with the two of them.

  The taste of Draven against her lips melted away her fears and worries. All she knew was the lush heat of his mouth against hers, the gentle brush of Ook’s lips against the nape of her neck. Tremors of delight rippled beneath her flesh and she broke from the kiss in a gasp. A fire unlike anything she’d ever felt before coursed through her belly.

  “What…what was that?” she gasped, blinking rapidly into the warm depths of Draven’s desire-filled eyes.

  “It is the binding,” he told her, his own breath labored as he bent forward to press a small kiss against her cheek. “It is said that when a Vranthian finds his trion and their blood and magic are merged, it is like the fire of creation resides in their union. It is a binding of soul and spirit, flesh and life. A union older and more unique than the spark of time.”

  “You, Leah,” whispered Ook, still holding her against him, raining gentle kisses along her neck, “You are our completion.” He pressed his lips to the underside of her ear just below the lobe, stroking his tongue beneath it. Spirals of desire spread through her like tiny sparklers beneath the skin, and she could only groan with need.

  “Tell us you don’t feel it too,” Ook uttered, grazing his lips and teeth along her neck. “Tell us to stop, and we will.” The look in Draven’s eyes was filled with hope, worry, longing and fear. She knew all of those emotions. Felt each of them whirl through her with every caress of their hands upon her flesh.

  She wanted them. Needed them more than she needed breath. Her life had been filled with so much pain and loss. She couldn’t imagine losing anyone else again. Not them. Not now. Not after finally finding them. Not after feeling the possibility of their love and knowing their care for her. Their need to protect her. Knowing they would hold her and cherish her above all others. It was amazing and beautiful. It filled her with such a force; power and purity, that she couldn’t imagine ever being without it.

  Leah leaned into Ook’s strength, savoring the feel of his massive frame against her. Then, reaching one hand forward and caressing Draven’s face while the other stretched over her head so she could mimic the action to stroke the sleek, round lines of Ook’s smooth jaw, she whispered, “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  In the fading twilight of her home, Leah gave herself freely to the two men she loved...willingly gave herself to the trion.

  Draven, her tall, dark Vranthian and Ook, her quiet, intense, blue-skinned Darengy worked quickly and intensely together to remove her clothes, one article at a time, relishing in the revealing of soft flesh and pliable limbs. Heated kisses warmed her skin as each delved and tasted, sparking tiny fires everywhere they touched.

  Ook scooped her into his arms and effortlessly carried her down the hall and into her bedroom; the green silk was haphazardly thrown across her bed just as she’d left it. Draven pulled the linen from her bed and Ook laid her in its middle, their dark eyes filling with molten fire as each began to discard their own attire, never taking their gaze from her naked body.

  Chills pebbled her flesh, tightened things lower down as she watched them join her in unison on the bed. Anticipation stole through her, as well as nervousness. She’d never done anything so risque’ as giving herself to two men.
  “You are about to be well loved by your two mates,” Draven told her, clearly reading her frazzled mind.

  “A memory you will cherish and yearn for, again and again,” Ook concurred.

  They didn’t leave her any time to consider further contemplation; two sets of hands stroked up her legs as each lay beside her, their bodies resting casually, touching, stoking the flames. While one hand wandered her lower extremities, the other stole across her belly, stroked the underside of the nearest breast and cupped the round, ripe globe. Her body shuddered as the other’s roaming fingers parted her legs further, found her swollen, wet folds, and entered her with searching fingers.

  Leah could only groan into Draven’s kiss as he leaned over her, tasted her sigh of delight. Beyond that there was only hunger and burning. Light coursed through her veins as Ook easily slid a finger within her channel, stroking her to near madness.

  Draven’s lips moved on, gently gliding, nipping and tasting his way down her jaw, her neck. He tasted the tender rush of blood pumping beneath the vein in her throat, and she relished the groan that escaped his lips before he moved on to her collarbone. Then he settled at the swell of her aching breasts, taking them into his large hands, cupping the mounds, running his thumb across the tight peaks and then laving first one and then the other to near agony. Pain and pleasure erupted within her. She was dying with delight and hunger.

  Ook pressed her legs wider and settled between them. A knowing thrill rode her as his fingers worked his own brand of magic upon her wet flesh. She wanted him inside her. Needed it. Her desire streamed from her in anticipation, soaking his fingers, and much to her delight, his hungry mouth delved to taste her.

  Her first orgasm broke from her lips with a cry; their names blurred in a moan. The press of Ook’s thick flesh gliding inside her as her body still quivered, aftershocks traveling her body...he rode each one, bringing her to orgasm again.

  Numb with amazement and floating as her body became alive under their tender administrations, she barely noticed the change in positions as they maneuvered her to fit their purposes.

  Draven lay beneath her. Gently he coerced her to straddle his waist, his lean chest before her like an offering. She bent forward and hungrily ran kisses up the length of it. Whirled her tongue across his nipples. Delighted in his desperate groan. He spread her legs wider, pulled her forward to his lips and pressed the full, hardness of him into her tender, throbbing opening. He filled her to her core, her body stretching to accommodate his length. She shuddered, and he began to move.

  “Oh, God!” she moaned, fire blazing through her once again.

  The warmth of Ook’s hands on her hips and back, pressing her into Draven’s chest, stuttered her breathing. The feel of him stroking her body where she and Draven were joined sent spirals of lightning coursing through her.

  Draven kissed her, long and deep, his tongue tasting every uncertainty. Giving her breath where she thought she had none. “We must become one through our bodies, our blood and the magic,” he whispered gently.

  “We will never hurt you,” Ook told her, running his fingers along her swollen lips, pressing one alongside of Draven’s shaft, each moving in slow, knowing unison.

  Leah gasped as wicked hunger scorched her. Ook ran his wet finger up to her quivering ass and stroked the rosebud of her secret passage. Circled it with her wetness, and repeated his onslaught in a slow, steady rhythm. Over and over they tortured her with this delight, until she was begging them to take her. To complete her. To love her.

  The press of Ook’s shaft at her entry stilled Draven’s movements once more, and she held her breath. Pulling her closer, he took her lips with his own. Fingers on her swollen nub, she released her breath.

  Ook breached his way past her entry and into her tight channel. Light exploded behind her eyes and then they began to move. It was madness and heaven. Delight and agony. As one retreated the other pressed forward. Her body quaked, her orgasm building, trembling for release.

  Ook shafted her from behind, Draven filled her to her womb. Blood rushed in her veins, and euphoria began to spread through her limbs. On the verge of release, she felt Draven’s lips graze her neck, the tips of his canines pressing against her skin. Ook’s warm hands pressed between her breasts and Draven’s chest, resting where their hearts thundered. Each thrust of their bodies drove her closer and closer to the edge, and as her inner muscles clamped tightly around each of them, Draven’s teeth broke through her flesh. Her orgasm exploded through her body like a tidal wave, pulling each of them with her.

  Through the frenzied haze of of lightening rippling through her body, a strange, warm glow filled her. It sparked and danced beneath her skin like a nebula, like magic. Her heart warmed. Behind her eyes, she swore she could see the dawn of time; a kaleidoscope of colors bursting with each draw of Draven’s lips upon her neck.

  Then he was speaking, soft and far away. “Drink, Leah. Drink, and become our mate. Be our partner...always.”

  She felt the warm press of a hand at the nape of her neck guiding her forward. Her lips pressed to the thundering vein at Draven’s throat. She didn’t hesitate. She wanted this. Wanted them. Couldn’t imagine ever being apart from them. When the coppery heat passed her lips and his and Ook’s life, their memories, washed over and through her, she knew that she’d found her home.

  * * * * * *

  Voices in her living room woke her. Nestled in the warmth of her bed, their scents still clinging to her skin, Leah was hesitant to rise from the warmth and comfort that surrounded her. But she knew that her journey was just beginning. There were things to be done.

  Starting with getting back to Draven’s own planet.

  Making quick work of a shower and dressing in her own clothes, Leah entered her living room to find Draven, Ook and another man in deep discussion.

  “Good morning,” she hesitantly stated.

  “That would be good evening, love,” Draven told her with a warm smile, extending his hand towards her.

  Ook stood and reached for her, pressing a small kiss to her head as she sat between them on her couch.

  “Leah, this is my brother, Kuthar,” Draven told her, nodding towards the large, striking man taking up residence on her overstuffed chair. Leah extended her hand in greeting.

  “It’s very nice to meet you,” she told him, a flutter of interest sparking through her.

  Kuthar was tall. Taller than Draven. His long pale hair, streaked with shades of white, made it almost luminescent. His icy blue eyes sparked with mischief. He leaned over her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles. “A pleasure, my dear.”

  The growl that rolled from Draven and Ook had her smiling back at Kuthar.

  “Relax, my brothers,” he told them in easy banter. “What is bound is not so easily taken.”

  “Just remember that, Kuthar,” Draven advised warningly.

  “Come,” Kuthar said, a small smile twinkling in his eyes as he rose to his full height. “We must leave this rock as quickly as possible. Your Leah’s authorities are still swarming and we must make haste. Kantella’s ship was spotted streaking across Tragarian airspace and I, for one, do not intend to let him rest so easily.”

  “Leah!” Someone pounded at her door. “I know you’re in there. Every damn light is on. Now let me the hell in!”

  “Shit,” Leah exclaimed, looking at Draven with concern.

  “Who is it?” he asked, rising with his hand on his laser.

  “I’m coming in, so you better damn well be decent. Leave your best friend to worry for weeks,” grumbled the voice from the other side. A key was inserted, and the knob twisted.

  “It’s my best friend, Cyn. If she sees Ook, she’ll freak.”

  Too late. Cyn was through the door and standing in Leah’s living room, a look of startled shock, worry and awe written all over her latte-colored face. “Holy mother. What the hell have you gotten yourself into?”

  The door slammed behind her, and Cyn jumped. T
urning to see who had closed her into the Twilight Zone, her eyes locked onto Kuthar’s ice-blue ones. Blinking away her lust-filled shock, she turned back to her friend. “Want to tell me where the hell you’ve been for the last three and half weeks, and why there’s a blue guy standing in your living room?”

  Leah couldn’t help but laugh. Leave it to Cyn to take it all in stride.

  “She comes with us,” Kuthar stated. His voice was gruff, filled with warning and the authority that brooked no argument.

  “Like hell,” she told him with a glare. “Leah, what the hell is going on? “

  “We leave, now,’ Kuthar reiterated.

  “What about my stuff?” Leah asked, looking at Draven for guidance.

  “I’ll send someone later to handle your affairs. Right now, it is not safe to be here any longer. We must go,” Kuthar told her, reaching for Cyn’s arm and heading towards the door.

  “Don’t worry, love,” Draven whispered, pressing a warm kiss to Leah’s ear. “Kuthar has been King for some time. He knows what he is about. “

  “He may be King,” Leah told him, watching him drag an unwilling Cyn behind him, “but if he thinks Cyn is going anywhere she doesn’t want to, then he’s in for a whole lot of trouble.”

  Draven and Ook both smiled, a twin look of understanding passing between them.

  Leah could only shake her head. Well, if it was trouble Kuthar wanted, it was trouble he would get. They didn’t call Cynthiana Rue ‘Cyn’ for nothing. Besides, Leah was getting the best of everything; the men of her dreams and her best friend. Who could ask for anything more? Yes, her life was definitely looking up.

  K.A. M'Lady

  K.A. M’Lady lives in the mid-west with her amazing husband and three wonderful children. She works, she writes, she believes. All things are possible with Faith, Love and Understanding. We all have gifts to offer the world – even the small things can bring joy to another’s heart.


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