Holiday Op

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Holiday Op Page 14

by Lori Avocato

  The rise and fall of his breathing against her chest caused an unexpected reaction. Allie tried to prevent it by clenching her abdominal muscles and sucking in tight, but it failed. Both breasts reacted with each brush against his back. God, she hoped he hadn’t felt them before arching her shoulders, placing a gap between them. A thin layer of cool filled the slender space. It didn’t help. Instead, she shivered, involuntarily scraping the taut renegades across his shoulder blades. If they were any sharper they’d have cut through both their clothing. That thought almost made her giggle, but she managed to swallow it. It had to be the total exhaustion making her giddy. Allie buried her head behind his and struggled for control.

  On a heavy sigh, she determined it had to be the extreme circumstances for this overreaction. At least that’s what the analytical side of her brain tried to convince the hopeless romantic in her soul. Fear thrashed through her system with each noise closing in on their proximity. Allie clawed tighter to his neck, but quickly loosened her grip when he flexed letting her know she choked him. She wanted to whisper sorry, but didn’t dare break the silence.

  They moved like creatures of the night. Hand signals and occasional clicks of their tongues were their main mode of communication at this point with the enemy closing in. Eric brought them to a halt. Several feet ahead, water roared its way down the mountain like a giant waterslide.

  Mitch stood rigid on the bank of what twenty-four hours earlier had been a minor stream that fed into the Imjin River. With the torrential rain, it now was a rapid flowing tributary. A decision needed to be made. Continue winding down along the bank or use this new fast paced waterway to their advantage. He and his men could navigate it without a problem, but doubted Allie would make it without help.

  As if they’d read his mind, Eric, Lou, and Dean were quickly making their gear watertight. Mitch helped Allie to her feet. The glide of her body down his sent an arrow of need straight south of his belt. Never had he reacted in such a manner to a woman. Usually, they were a temporary ornament in his life, then they were gone the moment they got too serious. Something about this one piqued more than just his interest. The brush of her nipples with each step he’d taken weakened his resolve to do his duty, uphold his oath, and not ravish the beauty on his back. Did she realize what she did to him? He cupped her chin as he placed a finger to his lips. Her nod relayed her compliance. The look in her eyes made him doubt she understood the full strength of her feminine wiles. Pure innocence stared back at him for a second before he turned and quickly waterproofed his gear as best as possible. The rain soaked everything, but they didn’t need their weapons becoming waterlogged while body surfing downstream.

  Mitch took Allie’s hand and guided her ankle deep into the coldness. He pointed at Eric who eased in, laid out straight on his back, held his head and his plastic wrapped weapon up, and let the river sweep him away. Lou waded in to his hips, then waited for Mitch to escort Allie in deeper. Dean remained on guard until it was his turn.

  Reading the indecision in her eyes, Mitch leaned close to her ear and asked on a soft whisper, “Do you swim?”

  Allie shook her head. Tears welled in her eyes and for the first time since she’d been pulled from the van, he thought she might cry. He forced a smile hoping to ease her anxiety. Keeping his lips close to her ear, he whispered, “Turn around, keep your back to me, knot your hands together on your chest and once we’re in position, cross your ankles and keep your legs straight. Do your best to hold your head up and your mouth closed so you don’t swallow too much water.”

  She turned as commanded and placed her hands in a ball on her chest. Mitch positioned himself behind her, tucked his plastic wrapped weapon between them and wrapped his arms around her waist. With Lou’s help, they eased back as one unit—bodies tucked tightly together, her head level with his chin, legs captured between his. Her taut round bottom nestled firmly against his pelvis was the only thing killing him on this ride. Cold water or not, his body reacted into a semi-hard condition he hoped she didn’t notice.

  For someone unable to swim, the way she molded into him amazed him. She relaxed allowing him full control. They rode the waterway like a fine tuned pair of body surfing professionals. Did that mean she trusted him? Mitch tightened his grip as they rounded a bend. When he leaned, she leaned. She mimicked his every move and never released her ankles or her hands. She made it easy for him to guide them. They followed Eric’s bobbing head in the distance. After several miles of riding the water rush, they needed to exit the cold before hypothermia set in. His men would know this as well. The lower they descended, the water slowed, making it easier to maneuver toward the bank. Mitch watched for Eric’s lead. Seeing him wade ashore, Mitch guided them toward the shallows. As soon as possible, he stood, lifting Allie to her feet.

  She spun facing him, shoving her soaked hair back from her face as she sputtered, teeth chattering, “That was fun.”

  “Shush.” Mitch reminded her of the need for silence even though her delight thrilled him to the core. Allie nodded as she visibly shivered from head to toe. Cold settled into him as well, but he refused to acknowledge it. She needed warmth and fast.

  Lou and Dean landed within a few feet of them. It didn’t take much to communicate they desperately needed to get Allie dry. Her teeth rattled. She rubbed up and down her arms as she did a little dance in place. Mitch scooped her into his arms and carried her into the cover of the trees before anyone spotted them. Dean remained with him while Lou and Eric scouted for a place to recover and regroup their situation. Time ticked and seemed like hours before Eric returned. He motioned for them to follow. Less than a hundred feet from where they landed, a small village lay nestled at the base of the mountain.

  Their reconnaissance found an empty house on the farthest end away from the water. Dinnertime smells filled the air making their stomachs growl. The village consisted of a total of fourteen houses in various sizes, from the simple hut to adobe type dwellings with straw thatched roofs. One dirt road led into and out of the center. Beside two of the larger homes, ancient cars sat and looked as if they hadn’t been driven in years. No doubt due to the rain, no one milled about the village. All seemed content to remain inside and dry.

  Dry. That was one thing Mitch wished he could make happen for Allie. Her lips were turning blue. Relief washed over him the moment they entered through the back door of the empty house. Heat filtered across his exposed skin and Allie gave an audible sigh.

  Lou started a fire in the fireplace. The only two windows were covered, not allowing light from the fire to alert the outside world anyone was there. With the dark skies and heavy rain, Mitch doubted the smoke from the chimney would be noticed. The house was small with only three rooms, a kitchen/living area, a bedroom, and a primitive bathroom. Lou stood from the fire and pointed toward the bathroom.

  “There’s running water, but no hot. I heated some over the fire for you.” He smiled at Allie and Mitch’s gut clenched. “It’s not much, but it might help warm you up. Toss your clothes out here and I’ll hang them to dry.”

  “Thanks,” Allie managed to reply before Mitch clutched her elbow and guided her toward the bathroom. One look and he noticed there was no door. The bedroom didn’t have one either. Great. Knowing she’d be naked in the tub again wreaked havoc on his resolve. But he knew she needed to soak in a warm tub to help relieve the cold from her system. If it were up to him, he’d slide in that old, claw-footed tub right along with her and help soothe her senses with a good dose of body heat. His body heat.

  “Make it quick,” Mitch stated in a much gruffer tone than he meant. “We’ve got to keep moving as soon as you’re rested.”

  “Thank you for stopping. I’ll only take a few minutes.” She licked her lips. “The man who started the bath, what’s his name?”

  “Sergeant Lou Randle,” he practically growled on a low whisper. For some reason, it irked him that she wanted to know Lou’s name.

  Mitch turned on his heels, marched
into the bedroom, and jerked the blanket off the makeshift mattress on the floor. He hung it haphazardly over the bathroom door, granting Allie a smidgeon of privacy.

  “Are you sure this place is secure?” Mitch turned to Lou.

  “According to a letter I found, they’ve gone to visit their daughter and newborn grandbaby in Kosong.”

  Mitch read the note and was reassured the couple wouldn’t return anytime soon. The letter informed them of the birth, which occurred two days prior. Knowing the Korean culture, they’d probably stay a month with their daughter to help, especially since it was her first child.

  What would a child of theirs look like? Where the hell had that come from? Mitch tossed the letter back on the table as he grappled for control over such ludicrous thoughts. Cold wet clothes landed at his feet. Turning he caught a glimpse of Allie’s smile right before she closed the makeshift curtain. Every ounce of him hungered to cross that line between duty and desire. He gathered her clothes and hung them to dry. Think Marine. Think duty and nothing else.

  While Allie soaked, they stripped off their outer layers and hung them to dry around the fire. Each left on his camouflaged pants and tank top undershirts. They checked their weapons, ate, and then took their places. Lou sat at the back door. Dean took the front and Eric moved into the bedroom where one of the two windows was located.

  Allie lowered over the edge of the small claw-footed tub. Instant heat warmed her toes, her calves, her thighs, and then her bottom. Cupping the water in her hands, she brought the glorious heat to her face. She sighed as she sank into the half-filled tub. Eyes closed, she envisioned a certain hunky Staff Sergeant and wished the situation were different. Why couldn’t she have met him in a better place?

  Because you live in two separate worlds. Allie’s eyes sprang open wide. Would she see him again once this was over? God, she hoped so. But she lived a quiet life, working in a science lab at her father’s side. And Mitch was a Marine whose life was filled with adventure. Sitting upright, she quickly ushered the water all over her body soothing the ache and the cold to ease. Before the water lost its allure, she stood and got out. There was no way she’d slow them down.

  She grabbed a towel from the single shelf, wrapped it around her. Noticing it didn’t cover much, she lifted the edge of the blanket and looked into the room. Mitch stood with his back to her. Lou sat leaning his head back against a wall beside the back door. The other two weren’t in sight. As quickly as possible, she lowered the blanket and wrapped it around her as well, leaving only her head visible.

  The sight of him without his helmet, back turned to her standing in his undershirt, camo pants, and boots stole her breath. Sandy blond hair in a high and tight cut made her palms tingle with the urge to touch it. Was it soft? Broad shoulders stretched the green tank top taut. Biceps flexed as he removed some sort of instant meal from a pack. Allie’s mouth watered and she doubted it had anything to do with the food. When he turned and lifted his gaze to hers, she swore her heart stopped for a millisecond. Get a grip, Allie. He’s just doing his job nothing more.

  Mitch battled the urge to close the short distance between them and gather her in his arms. Allie looked like a lost angel wrapped in a blanket. Those big, brown eyes presented him with an invitation he couldn’t accept. Her lips were no longer blue, but held a rich rosy hue, begging him to taste. She was naked beneath that thin layer of cloth and that knowledge set his insides on fire. He swallowed hard and forced his voice to work and his libido to back down.

  “Hungry?” He held an open container her way. “It’s not much, but it’ll take the edge off until we get you to safety.”

  “Thank you.” Their fingers brushed as she accepted the meal. Heat sizzled up his arm to pool in his chest. He couldn’t help but watch as she lowered to sit in front of the fire while she ate. The way her feet folded under her tush turned him on even more. The blanket’s thin fabric caressed her skin like a glove, clinging to her luscious curves. Every ounce of blood in his system shifted to one location causing him discomfort.

  “What about you and the others?”

  Her question snapped him out of his dumbfounded, teenage crush-like stupor. Shaking his head, he regained a grasp on his senses. “We ate the MRE’s—meals ready to eat—while you bathed.”

  “Then I won’t take long.” The sensual gaze she shot him across her shoulder nearly crumbled the fragile wall of restraint he had left. “I promise.”

  Forty minutes had passed since they’d first entered the house and he knew they pressed their luck. Mitch turned, grabbed his shirt and dressed. The others returned and followed suit. At least the inner layer was warm and dry. The outerwear still maintained a fine sheen of dampness, but it wasn’t dripping anymore and at least was warm on the inside. When he turned to hand Allie her semi-dry sweats, she wasn’t by the fire. He spun on his heels and caught sight of her coming out of the bedroom. The man’s shirt and pants she wore gave her a tomboy appeal. The pants looked more like a pair of Capris.

  “The gentleman of the house must be short,” he said.

  She carried a worn pair of boots. Before she stuck her foot inside, he handed her the pair of socks he’d grabbed earlier.

  “Thought you might need these somewhere along the line, ma’am.”

  His consideration astounded her. The look in his eyes warmed her heart. He’d thought about her needs when she hadn’t.

  “Thank you.” She managed to push past the knot in her throat and hoped he’d say something else in that rich Southern drawl. His accent tickled her ears and made her smile inwardly as a fleeting fantasy of him whispering sweetly ignited her soul.

  The hidden promise within his eyes stated he was more than a Marine. He was a man in need of love. Allie broke their stare. Stop, she reprimanded. Stop thinking of this as some sort of romantic venture. Was she so desperate for adventure and excitement that she’d fantasize about her rescuer? Yeah. She was. She’d spent years in the lab with no one but her parents as companions. The only two men she’d dated were boring drones. Neither had the gumption of this hunk of male specimen. Just looking at him caused her heart to pump faster.

  Determination not to disappoint him or cause this mission to fail set in her soul. She knew she slowed them down and guessed in a normal operation they wouldn’t have made this pit stop. This was all because of her. From here forward, she planned to do whatever it took to help them get out of here in one piece. She shoved her feet into the boots and shimmied the rain poncho back on over her head. Digging deep she gathered her resolve and struggled to maintain a look of confidence, even though her nerves were strained and her muscles hurt.

  The boots were snug, but she managed to walk well enough in them. They would do and it was better than running in bare feet.

  Eric slipped outside first. The others followed. A beat-up truck sat along the far wall of the house. Dean worked his magic and got the engine cranked. Lou drove. Allie sat in the middle, Mitch at her side, weapon at the ready. Dean and Eric rode shotgun in the back.

  They stayed on the dirt road only long enough to get within a mile of the location where they’d stowed the inflatable boat. The river still gave them the most direct and fastest route out of North Korea. As far as Mitch was concerned, he wanted to get Allie out of here as fast as possible. Not sure if it was his imagination or not, he thought he heard the low rumble of quads in the distance. Instinct told him Kwan hadn’t given up.

  Body surfing down the tributary may have gotten them ahead by a few miles, but it didn’t mean they were safe. They’d lost valuable time by stopping to let Allie rest. He shot a sideways glance her way. She still looked tired, but at least she no longer shivered from head to toe. He lingered longer than he should have on her lips before he dragged his gaze back to scanning for the enemy. Lou maneuvered the truck as far as it could go along the rough terrain off road. Then they hoofed it to the boat. Running full force as the drone of engines closed in on them.

  Within seconds, Eric and D
ean uncovered the boat and started the motor. Mitch helped Allie in and ordered her to crouch in the center. They hadn’t gone far when something whizzed past Mitch’s head. They were under fire. Lou began evasive maneuvers. Mitch, Eric, and Dean took combat positions and prepared to return fire on Mitch’s command. Normally they were in and out, no shots fired unless fired upon. That was the way of the Force Recon Marine. Repeatedly, shots came close but failed to reach them. They were out of range.

  Something in Mitch’s gut told him it wasn’t over. They wouldn’t stop there.

  Dark skies and continuous rain provided a cover of near invisibility for them as they forged downriver headed for the sanctity of the DMZ and the safety of South Korea. Allie crouched low in the middle of the boat as he’d asked. He and the others provided a wall of protection, but none would be a complete shield in the eye of a well-placed sniper. Mitch’s chest tightened. Soon they’d reach the one area of the river they were most vulnerable. The last half mile of North Korean territory consisted of steep cliffs on both sides and nowhere to hide.

  Kwan wasn’t stupid. If he planned an ambush, that would be the most logical location. At least in Mitch’s trained mind, it seemed the best. All he could hope was they didn’t have the capabilities to outrun them and get ahead of the high-speed boat. Every muscle tightened the moment they entered the cliffs. Mitch scanned the upper regions for any signs of life.

  Nothing. But he didn’t relax. He wouldn’t until the package had been delivered to safe ground. The package. Swallowing hard, he couldn’t completely convince himself to think of her as a package. Although she had a nice package he wished he could unwrap and explore. Visions of her naked form danced behind his eyes tormenting his self-control. It had only been a glimpse, but it had been enough to ignite a burning curiosity he couldn’t deny.

  When this was over, he truly needed to rethink his decision of living a life alone. He lifted his night-vision goggles to rest his eyes. Glancing at her, he knew those big, brown eyes stared his way even though he couldn’t see her. He could feel the heat of her stare. Not condescending, not judgmental … simply sensual, which shocked him to the core. What would a woman of her stature, her intelligence want with a man like him? She had a family, a life, and a career. And he, Mitch sighed, sliding the goggles back in place, he came from nothing, had nothing and lived for only one reason … to serve as a Marine.


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