And Now You're Mine

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And Now You're Mine Page 13

by Annie Harland Creek

  “Really?” The corner of her mouth curled. “I never would have guessed.”

  “Your sarcasm isn’t lost on me.” He snickered as he rose from the bed. “Give me a few minutes, I’ll ask the ladies of the house if they could lone you some clothes until we can go shopping.”

  “What? You don’t like what I’m wearing?” She scooted from under the sheets and twirled for his approval.

  “I like my bathrobe very much.”

  Funny, she didn’t remember putting his bathrobe on. Her last memory was sitting naked in Christoff’s lap as the world shook around her. He must have wrapped her in his robe to carry her to the main house. His chivalry deserved a reward. Dropping the garment from her shoulders, she let it fall to the floor.

  “How about now? Do you like my birthday suit?”

  His eyes widened in appreciation, but his eyebrows drew together. “I don’t understand. You would go naked to a birthday celebration?”

  Rolling her eyes, she sighed. Forgot who I was talking to. “You are such a dick sometimes. This is the suit I was born in. Get it? Birthday suit.”

  He curled his arms around her waist and drew her in for a kiss that literally took her breath away. Her body instantly responded to him. Barely had his tongue entered her mouth and she could feel her orgasm building. She dragged him down onto the bed and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Hurry, Christoff.”

  “I’ll be back soon, I promise.” He whispered against her cheek. “The others are just outside. Do you really want them to hear us? I will return with the clothes and,” he lifted up from her to wink, “I’ll show you my birthday suit.”

  “No. Can’t wait. Too close.”

  She could feel the pressure building between her legs as her womb clenched. Arching her back, she grabbed his hand and placed it at the source of her discomfort.

  “Give a girl a hand, will you?” She curled her hands around his head and pulled him down. His lips claimed hers. His tongue danced inside her mouth and his fingers worked their magic on her clit. The pressure of his hand … perfect. The steady clockwise motion … flawless. Her orgasm … thunderous.

  “Don’t stop.” She screamed into his mouth as her body convulsed against his palm. “Oh, Chris. Oh, fuck, yes.”

  The voice in her head rejoiced. Yes. I believe living inside your curvaceous body will have many advantages. The female orgasm is a new, and very pleasant experience. Shall we go again?

  “Get off me.” Evangeline pushed against Christoff with her palms.

  “But I thought –”

  “Just go.” She snatched the robe off the floor and, turning her back, put in on.

  “Did I do something wrong?” His hands gently brushed her shoulders.

  The confusion in his voice broke her heart. Although her body craved his touch, she couldn’t give in to the desires, knowing that they were not her own. The demon’s lust was becoming insatiable. He had plans for her body once he took it over completely. Plans that did not sit well with her. His quest for physical pleasure almost exceeded his desire for causing pain. With her self-control slipping, she couldn’t risk being around Christoff.

  “You promised me some clothes.” She reminded him, without turning around. How could she face him without giving in to the urges? The urge to screw him. To hurt him. To kill him.

  His hands left her shoulders. The silence in the room became almost deafening until, finally, relief came with the clicking of the door.


  Christoff was still scratching his head as he made his way back to the living room. What had he done to upset her? Hadn’t he satisfied her needs adequately? Her groans sounded like those of appreciation for his technique. Why had she suddenly dismissed him?

  As he entered the room, the reaction of the occupants varied.

  Susie blushed a bright shade of pink while the other women avoided his eye contact. The brothers Corel smirked, but Palmer broadly smiled as he sauntered over to slap Christoff’s back.

  “Sounds like you ‘saw to her needs’ thoroughly, Lurch. Funny. I never pegged you for a five-minute wonder. Always thought you’d have staying power.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Palmer?” He brushed the man’s hand away and glared.

  “Your sexual prowess.” Terry grinned widely. “By the way, have you ever heard the expression, “pay-back’s a bitch”? How does it feel having your private moments shared with others?”

  Christoff glanced around the room. “Could someone tell me what this man’s talking about?”

  David filled a glass with the liquid from a blood bag and handed it to him. “To use your vernacular, he’s referring to the sounds of you and Evangeline, fornicating your brains out only meters away from us.” He motioned to Terry and Susie. “Even those without super-human hearing could tell what was happening.”

  So what? His woman had needs and he satisfied them. Surely that only proved him to be a competent and generous lover? Besides, they were wrong in their assumptions.

  “We did not fornicate.” He told them as he finished his drink in one gulp and handed back the glass for a refill. “I merely—”

  “Saw to her needs.” Terry chuckled. “Yeah, you told us you were going to do that. I didn’t know you meant literally.”

  Anna helped Susie to her feet as vampire and detective squared up.

  “Ladies, I think it’s time we left the men to their own devices.”

  “Wait.” Christoff pushed Terry aside as he addressed the women. “Evangeline lost everything in the fire. Could I impose on you to loan her something until I have the opportunity to take her shopping?”

  “Of course.” Meaghan nodded. “I’ll rustle up something straight away.” In seconds, she’d disappeared up the stairs and returned with an armful of clothes. “I’m not sure if these will fit well. Her body shape is more voluptuous than mine and, from what I’ve been told, she’s tall.”

  He took the clothes and nodded his thanks. Yes. His woman had the stature of an amazon and her body curved in all the right places. The very thought of her stirred his blood. If only he could understand her and what was going on in that beautiful mind of hers.

  “I think she’ll need this, too.” David handed him a box containing a brand new iPhone. “I understand her phone was stolen. This one is set up for her with her old number. I’ve taken the liberty of having a tracking device added. That way, we will know where she is at all times.”

  Christoff opened his mouth to protest, but closed it without saying a word. David was right. They needed to keep track of her comings and goings. Considering her recent volatile mood swings, her struggle with the demon must be escalating. As strong as she was, he worried for both her sanity and her soul.

  “As much as I’d like to stay and hear more about big guy’s sex life,” Terry interrupted as he hooked his arm around Susie. “The sun is almost up, and I need to get this one home, so I can start work.”

  “I’ve fortified the perimeter of your house.” Anna kissed her friend goodbye. “Nothing is going to be able to get in.”

  Christoff resisted the urge to argue Evangeline’s innocence. The mystical protection was probably a good idea considering the recent events. Susie’s humanity left her vulnerable and her pregnancy even more fragile to supernatural attack. As much as he loved and trusted Evangeline, he knew the power of the demon.

  When Susie rose on tip toe to kiss his cheek, she whispered in his ear. “She can beat this, Christoff. With you at her side, she’ll defeat him.”

  He smiled his thanks, then turned to Terry. “Keep me informed about any other supernatural events.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Even Christoff recognized his salute as sarcastic.

  “We all want to be kept in the loop,” David reminded Palmer. “Things can escalate pretty quickly. I don’t want any more nasty surprises.”

  Nasty surprises? Was he referring to Evangeline? Before he could comment, he noticed the subtle shaki
ng of Susie’s head and the knocking at his cerebral door.

  They mean well. She told him. You’re upset and taking offense too easily. Go to her. She must be feeling very insecure.

  With a nod, he left the room, but Susie’s voice followed him. I’m here if you need me.


  “Who did you borrow these clothes from? A pint-sized Pollyanna?”

  Evangeline gazed at her reflection in the floor length mirror. The short floral dress barely covered her bottom and her breasts threatened to pop out from the neck. Although made from a stretchable material, the garment clung to her body like a second skin. She reached down and held up the daisy sandals with her index finger.

  “You’re shitting me. Daisies? Who in the hell wears daisy sandals? Is David’s wife twelve?”

  “Meaghan meant well.” Christoff told her with an expression that reminded her that her words had been ungrateful. She hadn’t even met the Corel family and they’d opened up their home to her.

  “Look, Chris. I appreciate the clothes, really, I do. It’s just that—”

  “They don’t suit your personality.”

  “Not to mention, they don’t fit.” She leaned forward and placed the shoe beside her foot. “At least two sizes too small for my huge feet.” Motioning to her breasts, she added, “And look at these puppies about to escape the kennel.”

  “I can’t take my eyes off them.” His eyebrows lifted, and a smile spread from cheek to cheek. “Also, your feet are perfect. Everything about you is perfect.”

  His features softened as he moved towards her with outstretched arms. She rushed into them and snuggled into the warmth of his embrace, drawing strength from his adoration. Could he really see perfection where she only saw flaws? Was his love enough to drive the demon away? If she told him the truth, would he, could he understand?

  “I need to ask you something.”

  “What is it, min dyrebare?”

  She led him over to a settee beside the block out curtains covering the bay window. The bed posed too many temptations. Besides, her questions were more important than her sexual needs.

  “Tell me about my father?”

  His hesitation gave her cause for concern. Was her father really so evil?

  “Your paternal line consisted of many mages, but until your father, most dealt with white magic. My sources told me that, once he’d tasted the power of black magic, he became obsessed with the need to learn more about the forces of darkness. Drunk on mystical energy, he summoned the demon to do his bidding, but demons are notorious tricksters. It convinced him to give himself completely over, even change his name to that of the demon.”

  “I knew that my mother kept her maiden name and registered my name Russo. Are you saying that my father changed his name to Lupescu?”

  “Not just his Surname. Mánagarmr is the demon’s Christian name. It means ‘devourer’.”

  Almost afraid to ask, she steadied herself for her next question. “And Lupescu? What does that mean?”

  “Moon wolf.”

  Palms together, she held her fingertips against her mouth. “I’m guessing that means something?”

  With a nod he answered. “The medallion symbolizes a wolf swallowing the moon. We assume that the demon identifies with the Fenris wolf from the Norse Ragnarok legend.”

  Not just the moon, my dear. The entire world. With our combined power and my knowledge, we will destroy this world and create a better one.

  A shiver ran down her spine. Was that even possible?

  “Are you all right?”

  “No.” She stared up into his glacial blue eyes. “No, Chris. I’m not all right. Far from it.”

  “What can I do to help you?”

  “You can kill me.”

  He recoiled at her request. His brows knit, and his lips tightened into a straight line.

  “I couldn’t even if I wanted to. Trust me. Nothing could convince me to kill you.”

  As she sprung to her feet, she challenged him. “What if I told you I’d taken a human life?”

  “I don’t believe you.” He glared his disbelief as he rose to face her. “Why would you say such a thing?”

  Shoulders squared, she blurted out the entire story then corrected her previous statement. “Not just one human, ten. I deserve to die. You said so yourself.”

  Grabbing her by the shoulders, he argued. “When I said those things, I did not know you. The real you. If you killed those people, it was surely self-defense.”

  Did he know her? Maybe the other Evangeline, the real Evangeline might have killed in self-defense, but soon that woman would be gone. Every minute brought her closer to the edge of darkness. She balanced on a precipice, waiting for the inevitable plunge into the abyss. The demon’s control clouded her mind, waiting for the right moment to take over. Even now, she could hardly tell what thoughts were her own and what belonged to him. All she knew for sure was that it was only a matter of time before he took her over completely.

  “Please, Chris. I don’t want to hurt anyone else.”

  “And you won’t. I believe in you.”

  Even as his arms drew her in for a kiss, the demon encouraged her.

  The fool trusts you. It will be easy to lure him to his death. First, we must kill the others. I cannot come inside the house, so you must come out to me. Find me in the garden and I will give you a weapon suited to killing vampires. Hurry. I have waited many years for the pleasure of destroying the vampire who entombed me in the medallion.

  As hard as she tried, she couldn’t stop her legs from moving towards the door.

  “I need some time outside by myself. Time to think.”

  He flopped back onto the bed and half-smiled. “I’ll be here.”

  “I’m counting on that.” She told him, before leaving the room.

  We both are.


  After closing the bedroom door, Evangeline turned and gasped. Had she been transported to a palace? The Italian tiles beneath her bare feet were immaculate. The pristine white and gold pattern too clean for the likes of her. Despite her profession as a scammer taking her to the most affluent homes in town, this one took the cake when it came to luxury. On tip toe, she crept down the long corridor, past what looked like a living room and into the kitchen. Beyond that, she could see the handles of sliding doors poking from behind heavy, block out curtains.

  As she reached to slide open the door, she paused. Can’t let him force me to hurt anyone. Especially Chris. Her fingers tightening around the handle until they turned white. There must be another way.

  I grow impatient. The demon told her.

  “Fuck you.” She answered aloud, but still, she slid open the door and stepped outside.

  Holding her hand above her face to shield her eyes from the sun, she made her way down the balcony steps, through the beautifully maintained tropical garden and past the swimming pool. There, on the meticulously manicured lawn, he waited. Unlike their last encounter, he wore a black suit with matching shirt and tie and stood with his legs apart, hands firmly on his hips.

  Arrogant prick.

  “Here.” He held out an ornate handled dagger. “The steel has been magically tempered. Contrary to popular opinion, wooden stakes are not as effective in the disposal of vampires.”

  Drawing on all her courage, she spat at his face. He wiped the spittle off his cheek with the back of his suit sleeve but kept his other arm, and the dagger, extended.

  With a shake of her head, she gave him instructions of her own.

  “You can stick that thing up your ass. I won’t be listening to any more of your commands.”

  “Won’t you?” the demon laughed. “We’ll see about that.”

  Blinding pain stabbed at her temples, driving her to her knees. She glared up at him from her position on the ground. “Is that all you’ve got, asshat?”

  “Not even close.”

  The scream caught in her throat as her uterus twisted. Invisible knives stabbed at he
r internal organs. Blood trickled down between her legs and she began to lose consciousness as he leaned over her and whispered.

  “Don’t force me to injure your reproductive organs. I have plans for your womb.”

  “I. Will. Never. Have sex. With you.” She gasped as another contraction tore through her body, forcing her to curl into the fetal position on the lawn.

  “Sex? No, my dear.” He chuckled. “I’ve lost interest in that notion.”

  She raised her head and struggled to open her eyes. “I don’t understand. How—”

  Twirling the blade around between his fingers, he crouched down on his haunches, so his face was inches away from hers.

  “I grow tired of the body I’m presently inhabiting. He was a poor substitute for your father, but a necessary evil, pardon the pun. When your vampire killed him, he took away my powers. I was forced to wait until your blood brought me back from the ether.”

  Straightening the cuff links of his silk shirt, he smirked. “I needed a temporary, but willing vessel. This one, although aesthetically pleasing, had no power of his own. You exceed your father in natural abilities and your beauty outshines my current physical form. As a matter of fact, the sensations I experienced while inside your mind, have convinced me that the female form offers more pleasures. More sins of the flesh. When I’m bored with the many lovers, I will create my own offspring and together we will rule the world.”

  “No.” Evangeline forced herself to her knees then up to her feet, almost clipping the demon’s chin as she threw her head up. “I will never let you take control of my body. I will fight you tooth and nail, every step of the way.”

  “I love your spirit.” He chuckled as he threw the dagger down at her feet. “We’ll make a formidable union, you and I. Now pick up the weapon and kill the vampire.” His eyes shimmered as a smile spread across his face. “On second thought, kill all the vampires who reside in this house.”

  Backing away, she shook her head. “Never. I will never hurt anyone in that house.”

  “You didn’t seem to have a problem killing my minions.” His mouth curled at the side, sending a wave of nausea up her throat. “And you did it, rather spectacularly, I might add.”


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