The Dungeon Fantasy Club

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The Dungeon Fantasy Club Page 80

by Anya Summers

  Bastian made her ache in ways she hadn't thought possible.

  Delilah didn't know what to do about him, about his desire for her to wear his cuffs. She knew a number of women who would bash her upside the head for even considering turning him down, let alone actually doing so. He'd made it on to People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive issue for a few years running. Women would literally clobber her over the head, troll her social media and more, if it was discovered she'd said no in any fashion to Bastian Dean.

  Except that wasn't what made her want to say yes. It was the way he looked at her, like she was the most beautiful woman and he only had eyes for her. That, with a single touch, she wanted to sink into his heat, his strength, and roll around in him. Ethan had certainly never done so or made her feel this way. No man had, if she were honest. And it was unfair of her to continue comparing Bastian to her ex. There was no comparison. Bastian put her ex in the dust, and didn't deserve that.

  "Ready, beautiful?"

  He held out his bare arm as if he were dressed in tails and they were about to ascend the stairs to the opera house, instead of heading to the Dungeon to perform an explicit scene. He didn't comment on her robe or question her appearance, but trusted that she was ready for the club. It was nice to be thought of like she was an intelligent, capable woman. Delilah was more than ready for the club. She'd chosen the itty bity honeycomb fishnet dress with the intent to wow Bastian, and she couldn't wait to see his reaction. The man seemed to love her body, curves and all, making her feel brave enough, confident enough, to wear the dress for the first time.

  It amazed her just how, little by little, Bastian had begun soothing the destruction to her confidence and composure wrought by Ethan.

  Without a backward glance at her room, she accepted his arm, sliding her fingers around his forearm, and let him lead the way.

  "Ready," she replied, feeling more confident about herself on his arm. It shouldn't matter that he liked her body and found her attractive. But dammit, it did. After being told on a nigh relentless basis just how frumpy she looked, to have someone like Bastian lust after her body was an intoxicating experience.

  They strolled toward the elevator; the hum of the always present electric currents between them sizzling. And Delilah was surprised at the emotion she felt. She was happy. When was the last time she'd caught herself being happy? It had been ages. That was what happened when you eliminated a toxic personality from your life. She hadn't been belittled or talked down to in more than a month. And while she'd been at the manor, her incessant inner critic had all but been silenced by Bastian's arrival in her life.

  It left her wondering for the hundredth time if she weren't a few beers shy of a six-pack for not wearing his cuffs.

  "Are you going to Zoey's bachelorette party tomorrow night?" he asked as he pressed the elevator call button.

  "I don't know if I should. I'm not sure it's proper considering I don't really know her." But she'd like to; she'd like to get to know all of the women in the wedding hoopla. It had been so long since she'd had a group of girlfriends.

  "I think you should go. It will be good for you to mingle with some of the attached subs."

  And that was part of the problem. Between Zoey, her glowing pregnant sister Ophelia, Kara, Lucy, and Elise, Delilah didn't know if mingling with them would be a good idea—not when everyone had weddings and 'till death do they part' on the brain. Sure, Amaya would be there, and Declan's distant cousin Veronica, who seemed nice, if a little shy, but weddings, baby showers, and bachelorette parties tended to make women go a little overboard crazy.

  "I'll think about it," she replied. It was the best she could do. Most likely she wouldn't make her decision until the eleventh hour, anyhow.

  In the elevator, after Bastian put in the code to take them down to the Dungeon level, Delilah slipped the black silk robe off her shoulders. Yes, she was risking running into one of the orchestra members, but they had all claimed to be heading to their rooms for the night after everyone had had dinner.

  "You're killing me," Bastian groaned, and yanked her close. "It's a good thing I didn't know you were wearing this when I arrived at your room, because we never would have made it to the club," he murmured just as the doors slid open and thumping bass from some heavy metal band Delilah didn't know played from the hidden wall speakers.

  Bastian pulled her into the club, heading directly toward the scene area instead of the bar. She had hoped to have a drink first, but Bastian seemed in a hurry to begin their scene and get his hands on her. She shivered involuntarily as her insides quaked in anticipation. The power of it, of what her body was capable of doing to him, the desire and need it created in him, notched her confidence up a few levels. The roped-off scene area they entered had a punishment bench.

  Delilah's body shuddered as excitement flooded her system. Discipline was one of her favorite parts of the BDSM lifestyle, and a major turn-on for her. He knew that, and planned to capitalize on it in their first public scene together. She had to give the guy credit; he certainly had paid attention to her wants and needs. He didn't have to instruct her to disrobe, her hands were already at the hem of her dress.

  When she was completely nude, Bastian helped her onto the bench. She knelt on the padded knee cushions. From this position, her legs were spread in an open, wide V, and it put her rear at waist height for Bastian. He lowered the center pole, adjusting it to accommodate her shorter height. Then she leaned forward until her forearms rested on smaller leather arm pads. The bench put her body into a doggy style position. Bastian fastened both her wrists and ankles into the attached cuffs, which made it impossible for her to move away.

  "Comfortable, love?" He caressed her cheek.

  "Yes, Sir."

  Tingles of anticipation swept along her spine as Bastian shuffled around the space, pulling packages out of the armoire. Then he came and knelt in front of her so that his face was level with hers. He took her lips in a kiss that seared her soul. It was drugging, hypnotic; she would have agreed to anything in that moment. His hand toyed with her breasts, teasing the areolas until they hardened and swelled from his touch. Bastian broke the kiss, moved lower and tongued her peak until it pebbled into a hard point, then placed a black suction cup around the tip and twisted. Pleasure-pain zinged her system.

  The device made it feel like his lips were sucking on her nipple with unrelenting pressure. Bastian did the same to her other breast, putting it into a suction twist. Her boobs throbbed, and pleasure coursed through her system.

  He kissed her again briefly before standing and leaving her field of vision. She felt him moving around behind her. Her body was on a delicious edge of anticipation, but she didn't have to wait long to discover what he had planned. His fingers danced over her slit, rubbing over her entire crease.

  She hissed out a breath as his mouth went directly to her clitoris, lashing the nub with his tongue. Spirals of pleasure filtered through her as the bud grew extended from his attentions. And then he affixed one of the suction cups to her swollen clit and twisted it. Lightning arced from her nub to her pussy, setting off showering sparks of ecstasy.

  "Now, the rule of this little discipline session, love, is that no matter what, you are not to come until I tell you to. Understood?"

  Delilah groaned internally and huffed out, "Yes, Sir."

  "Good, now I am going to start with the flogger, then we will work our way up to the cane. Use your safeword 'red' if it gets too intense."

  He was going to torture her. She loved being disciplined. Absolutely loved it. Bastian didn't begin with gentle strokes but started with an intensity that made her burn. The leather falls smacked against her rear with a crack. Delilah panted. Moisture seeped from her pussy as he delivered a series of stinging swats. The action made her nipples and clit, still confined in the suckers he'd affixed, pulse in time with every strike of the lash.

  Her head swam as need engulfed her. Bastian laid blows all along her back and shoulder blades, but it wa
s the ones he delivered to her ass that nearly sent her over the ledge each time. The supple leather struck against the sucker on her clitoris, sending gigawatts of pleasure straight to her pussy.

  Bastian was turning her into one large nerve ending. Her release, this bright shiny summit he hurtled her body toward, was nearing with all the velocity of a sonic boom. Delilah fought against it, huffing and straining as Bastian switched from the flogger to the more intense cane. The snap of the cane seared against her butt, leaving a welt. She loved the cane, loved the way the impact would reverberate and remain longer than with the flogger.

  Mewling sounds erupted from her lips as she fought back her climax. But Bastian didn't relent; he just kept applying the cane, the sharp crack of it against her rear filling her ears, with a relentless precision. Sweat beaded on her skin as she fought her body's natural need for release.

  Bastian turned her body into a pulsing, mindless mass of passion. Delilah lost her sense of time and space. Her nipples and clit had swelled to nigh painful proportions in the suckers. The cane struck against the sucker on her clitoris, pushing her body to a taut ledge of desire so stark, it was painful. Delilah sensed her climax coming, knew she wouldn't be able to keep herself together that much longer as tremors wracked her frame.

  "Please, Sir. I need to—" She whimpered as the cane struck against the pussy sucker again, and it took all of her energy not to let go into the climax that danced around her periphery.

  She shook, she strained. Her only thought was that she needed to come.

  Bastian moved behind her, and then his hand stroked over her labia. She moaned, feeling her orgasm barreling down on her body with hurricane force winds. If he didn't allow her release, and soon, her body was going to stop listening and take over.

  His big body shrouded hers while his hand stilled on her sex.

  "Come, love."

  Bastian released the sucker on her clitoris, and her body splintered.

  "Ahhh." Delilah wailed as wave upon wave crashed into her system and shook her very foundation. Her pussy clenched and quivered. Her nipples pulsed and swelled, and moisture ran down her thighs.

  Then, before she had the chance to return to a semi-conscious state, Bastian slathered lubrication on her anus, pushing a digit inside to coat her rosette. To her utter surprise, when he lined his cock up with her back channel, she felt the smooth head of a dildo at her pussy.

  Oh, sweet heavens!

  He was going to double penetrate her with a dildo. And then she had no more thoughts when he rolled his hips forward. The dual sensations of his member stretching the walls of her anus, and rubbing against the sensitive tissues of her pussy as it was filled with the dildo, made her brainless. By the time he fully embedded his cock inside her ass, Delilah was a mumbling, keening mass of nerve endings.

  Bastian thrust his pelvis and Delilah finally understood what heaven was. His plunges were slow and steady as he pushed her body to acclimate to the double penetration. The way they penetrated her at the same time made her rather delirious. She'd seen these types of dildos before, they had a cock ring that fit around the man's penis, and the dildo rode alongside. It was wonderful. He held her hips, his fingers digging in for purchase as his strokes switched from lazy and unhurried, meant to drive her crazy, into this pumping rhythm meant to shove her body over the ledge.

  She loved every minute of it. Her channels clenched around him and the dildo as he slammed his hips in increasingly violent thrusts as his own ardor rose. Bastian leaned over, still thrusting; his hands went to her breasts where, in a single twist, he released her nipples. Throbbing, aching pleasure arced straight to her core and set off a chain reaction.

  "Ohhh." She screamed as her body came apart at the seams. She quaked and keened as the blaze scorched her from the inside out.

  Bastian's plunges became more frenzied. His strokes grew more intense as he lost control and his own need took over. Delilah was awash in such pleasure; she didn't think it was possible for one person to feel such intensity. Bastian grunted as he hammered in such forceful strokes it blinded her. His thrusts increased as he pounded. His cock lengthened and swelled inside her rear.

  He slammed inside her to the hilt and her body went supernova.

  "Delilah," he roared as his body strained and jerked. His member spurted inside her ass in hot, streaming jets of cum. His hips pistoned and canted, continuing his thrusts until the final tremors of his orgasm diminished.

  Delilah must have passed out after that because the next thing she knew, she woke up snuggled in bed within the security of Bastian's strong arms cradling her to his chest. She sighed, closing her eyes. She could get used to this kind of care.

  And while her need for him—her pleasure at finding herself in his embrace after such an intense scene—should worry her into an ulcer, instead of listening to her inner doubt monster, she snuggled closer and drifted off.

  Chapter 10

  The next evening, Delilah stood in the conservatory as the pastor ran through the wedding details with Declan and Zoey. It was interesting to watch all the couples present and their interactions with one another. Even though this was the rehearsal, Zoey shed a few tears as she walked down the aisle. Her maid of honor, her sister Ophelia, sniffled a bit as well, as did her other bridesmaid, Lucy.

  Even the men seemed to take the rehearsal in stride with an aplomb and reverence. And the testosterone from all the alpha Doms present was damn near palpable. Declan was the first of the DFC owners to get hitched. Well, except for Tyler, but that had been years ago, before Delilah had met him. And from what she'd heard through the grapevine, Ashley had never fit him. But looking at Tyler now, the way he stood in the audience with the willowy beauty, Elise, who leaned back against him with his arms around her middle while she rested her head against his chest, was a comforting sight to see.

  The united front Zeke and Chase made, flanking either side of Kara, each with an arm around her, made Delilah sigh. They made quite the threesome. Jesse, with his rakish charm, and Hunter, with his trademark hunky smile, stood off to the side in their duties as ushers. Jared had been made Declan's best man, and Tobias his second groomsman. There should be laws against having this much beefcake present in one place. Every man here was a specimen of exemplary manhood in his own right.

  Declan's cousin, Veronica McGinnis, stood in the audience next to the prima ballerina Katarina Roberts. Delilah didn't know either woman well, although she'd seen Katarina perform a few years back, and the tiny blonde was magnificent at her craft. And Veronica had inherited the same electric blue gaze as her cousin, which complimented her copper locks. She seemed nice enough, if a bit shy. Then there was a friend of the Mills sisters, Will Evans, who was this giant of a man. He had to be at least six and a half feet, and reminded Delilah of a defensive lineman with his ripped thickly muscled build.

  She caught sight of Bastian with his band members, stationed near the entrance to the conservatory. From her perch near the front with the orchestra players she had an eagle-eye view of the group.

  There would be others at the wedding, of course, but this was the nuclear group that made up the wedding party. Seeing everyone present brought a surge of longing up inside her chest so intense it stole her breath. She wanted that type of permanence in her life. Wanted it with a fierceness more potent than any wine.

  When it came time for her to run through the Ave Maria and she stood up, Delilah's gaze zeroed in on Bastian. It was as if the rest of the room fell away and she sang to him, for him, with a wistful yearning filling her voice. After the scene last night, she didn't think it was possible for her to want him even more—but she was wrong. Watching him now, the way his gaze focused on her like she was the only woman in the room, with a mixture of emotions on his face, made her tremble.

  Bastian had become her addiction. She wanted him more now than she had before, if that was possible. He had literally screwed her brains out at the DFC the night before. In all her years as a submissive, she
'd never been shot so high into subspace that she lost consciousness. And deep in her heart, she knew it wasn't the scene but the man.

  The heated look on Bastian's face made her blush as the song ended and she sat. She avoided looking at him. She had to, since all she wanted to do when he looked at her that way was drag him to the nearest bed, bench, couch, you name it, and proceed to fulfill all of her fantasies.

  When the rehearsal finished, the large group moved into the formal dining room for the rehearsal dinner. Since Declan had brought in outside catering for the wedding reception in the form of Zeke Driscoll, his cook, Mrs. Stewart, had taken over charge of the rehearsal dinner.

  It was a rather boisterous affair, with laughter and conversation flowing between the guests. There was an assortment of appetizers already on the table that everyone availed themselves of, from cheese boards to pan-seared scallops, and crusty, steaming loaves of French bread.

  As the cook and an army of helpers served the main course, a slow braised lamb shank with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, smoked shiitake mushrooms, and sautéed baby carrots in a red wine glaze, Declan rose from his seat at the head of the table, getting everyone's attention.

  "First, I want to thank you all for making the trip here to help celebrate our wedding. It means the world to us that you have done so. Second, I'd like to raise my glass to Mrs. Stewart and the purveyor of our excellent meal. You have outdone yourself. Thank you for making tonight so special for us. Zoey and I can only hope you will be with us for many years to come. And last, to my bride on the eve of our wedding. Zoey, I never knew how empty my life was before your unorthodox entry into it. That I had been waiting all this time to meet my best friend. But I thank the heavens every day that they sought fit to bring me you, and would give up everything I have just for another day with you. I love you more than you will ever know, and am honored that you have chosen to marry me. So if you will all raise your glass and toast my Zoey."


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