Control (Kenshaw Ranch Book 4)

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Control (Kenshaw Ranch Book 4) Page 25

by Piper Frost

  I've avoided Tommy for the most part, and he hasn’t pushed either. I don't know if it's necessarily avoiding, but we've kept our distance. I watch him a few minutes and when I see Kinlee watching me, I quickly head to the cooler.

  “Why aren't you in a suit?” Bo stops me. We've been here a few hours and I haven't taken my cover-up off yet.

  “I am.” I show him my shoulder strap and he cocks his eyebrow.

  “Why you wearing that ugly thing?”

  I gasp at my Versace wrap. “This cost four hundred dollars, Bo.”

  “No one said the rich have good taste.” He shrugs. “And you're stupid for paying four hundred bucks for some cloth. What're you hiding, Affton?” He's starting to lose patience and I know he thinks I'm hiding scars. It's not that though. I'm trying to hide I have little to no confidence anymore.

  I look over as Tommy walks up, handing me a beer. “Thanks.” I smile at him.

  “Bo, Kenshaw's over there teaching Bobby how to hide snakes in his pockets to get 'em home. I feel like the kid needs better male role models.” He glances at me then back to Bo.

  “So get your ass back over there.” He nods, not done with our conversation.

  Tommy glances at me. “You doin’ okay?”

  “Yeah.” I grin. “Let's swim them to the other side of the lake.” When I turn to walk away, Bo grabs my wrist.

  Tommy looks between the two of us but waits for me to smile at him. “I'm going to go save Bobby. We'll swim shortly. Let me finish this beer.” He wasn't going to say that, I can tell, but there's one person in this town Tommy won't cross. It's just weird it's my little brother.

  I huff and pull my cover up off. “Happy? I don't know why you're being so weird about this. All my bruises are gone if that's what you're looking for.” I scowl up at him.

  “That ain't what I'm lookin' for. I'm lookin' for my sister. So when you're ready to return her, I'd appreciate it.”

  I roll my eyes. “Your sister's been gone for almost seven years, Bo,” I whisper so no one hears us. “A month in the south isn't going to change anything.”

  “Tommy Barns has seemed to change a lot in a few weeks.”

  I look away before he sees my smirk. “Then maybe that's what I need.”

  He follows me as I walk away. “And he probably needs the old Affton back.” He shoves me, so I punch his gut and run toward the kids.

  Luckily the Kenshaws have a good range of ages with their kids so they're each able to help in one way or another while I swim them across the lake without Tommy. After my brother pretty much let me know he knows about me and Tommy, I started to clam up. I can't shake the thought that everyone also knows I’m married.

  As Jo starts rounding up her army of kids, I jump onto Tommy's back in the water. We've spent the day avoiding getting too close and we wouldn't even act like this as just friends.

  “Hey, stranger. I missed you today but you looked like you've been having fun with the nephew.” He holds onto me tight, walking us around the lake.

  “I love that kid.” I grin and kiss his cheek before getting off his back. “All those kids. So many freaking kids.” My eyebrows are high on my forehead while I watch them get ready to leave.

  “Another generation,” he mumbles. “There was a time I used to think this place wouldn't last past us, but it seems to be doin' just fine.” He chuckles as Brandt screeches at one of the kids. “Never thought I'd see the day Kenshaw became a dad to a fuckin' city of little people.”

  “Me either.” I laugh. “You plan on having a city of little people?” I casually ask, but if Tommy's my long term goal, I need to know the answer.

  He stops and cocks his head to look back at me. “I think my plans are all kinds of up in the air right about now. I’m not against much anymore. Only one thing I'm planning on.”

  Turning around, I walk backward to the shore while he follows me. “What's that?” I quietly ask, wanting our conversation kept private.

  He catches up with me and his hands go to my hips. “Making sure the girl I love knows it,” he whispers, pushing his lips to my neck. “Every damn day. Long term, Bean.”

  “Fucking called it!” Grant screams and when I look, he's pointing at us. “Kenshaw! You owe me fifty!”

  “Grant! Watch your mouth!” Jo yells, ushering her kids into their Chevy.

  “Someone owes me fifty bucks,” Grant bitches, laughing and jogging over to us.

  I pull away from Tommy and say goodbye to all the kids. I thought we were leaving too, but it looks like Grant has other plans when he pulls out a fifth of whiskey and I realize only Jo's taking all the kids home. Bo and Brandt start a fire while Kinlee and Kaydence force me back into the water.

  “I just peed,” Grant says, interrupting us and the girls groan, swimming away.

  “You're never going to grow up.” I laugh and splash him in the face, but he stops me from swimming away from him and pulls me close enough I wince.

  “Some of us just don't have a stick up our asses about growing up,” he says, grinning at me. “Don't act like you hate me, Affton. I'm the cool best friend of the guy you're in love with.”

  “Shut up, Grant.” I try to push away from him. Grant was always around when I'd hang out with Tommy, and yeah he's a friend, but he's always been immature and he'll never change.

  “So you decide to stick around here, then?” He floats to his back and closes his eyes. When he lifts a bottle of whiskey out of the water I start to laugh as he unscrews the cap.

  “You've got so many issues.” I push on his stomach, making him sink, but I take the bottle when he offers it. I glance toward the shore where Tommy's laughing with the others and I smirk. “I don't know if I'll stick around. You guys kind of fucked up my plans.” I float to my back and he grabs my legs, keeping me from drifting away.

  “So? Make new plans.” He shrugs and takes the whiskey bottle back. “And anyway, this place and all of us in it are way more interesting than your jackass people back in Cali.” He takes a long drink and hisses after he swallows it. “Y’all have to drive me home tonight, too. Last time Bo did and he scares me.”

  “Stop being a pussy.” I laugh at him and try to get away again because chatting with Grant isn't really a favorite past time, but he's not letting me. Strangely enough, I'm comfortable with him, so I don't fight it. “I hope Tommy's sober enough to drive.” I grab the bottle and take another gulp.

  “One of us will be. Or looks like we'll be camping under the stars tonight.” He grins and his eyes move to the sky. “I'm glad you came back, Affton. And I hope you stay. For his sake, at least.”

  “Yeah,” I mumble and crawl onto his back because I'm getting too drunk to stay afloat. “I hate the country though.”

  “No you don't,” he laughs, swimming us deeper and not letting go of me. “You just like the city too. Ain’t nothin' wrong with liking both.” His hands grip my thighs as he floats us around the lake, his fingers doing more than just holding me against him. He's caressing my skin, and I should probably make my way back to shore.

  “The hell you two doin' out there?” Tommy yells from shore, wearing a knowing smirk. He walks into the water and swims out to us. “Jesus, this is fucking cold!” He laughs as he approaches us. “You guys look awfully...comfortable.”

  I let go of Grant and swim past them to shore. “We should go.”

  I should never trust Grant Matthews.

  I watch as she wraps the towel tight around her and give Grant a glance as we walk to my truck. There are so many things I want to ask her, and so many things I want to tell him. But I can't with either of them when they're both right here.

  “Back to my place for drinks?” I ask, nodding to Grant. “Stay in the spare room I'll get ya home in the morning.” He lives on the other end of town and right now I just want to get home.

  Grant hops in the backseat and when Affton climbs in I make sure she's in the middle, right next to me. The ride back is quiet and I think Grant's passed out back th
ere until I glance and see him staring out the window. We park at my place and head inside, each of us sighing in relief.

  “I'm too old for late night partying anymore,” I say, laughing and grabbing us each a beer. I toss one to Grant and offer Affton one.

  “You're a pussy, dude. We used to stay out way later than this.” He relaxes back on the chair in the living room and takes a long swig of his beer.

  Affton follows me to the couch and when I sit, she sits and props her legs on my lap, grinning at both of us. “So, Grant.” She takes a drink of her beer. “I hear you've fucked Tommy.”

  Grant's snort almost sends beer out his nose. “Damn, Barns, you didn't waste any time, did you?” He laughs then points his beer at Affton. “That word doesn't spread, you hear that? And we never fucked. We just used to fuck the same girls. At the same time. That's all.” He shrugs. “It's not gay, Affton.”

  She's laughing so hard she's having a hard time catching her breath. “I'd watch.” She wiggles when I start to tickle her calves. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's the alcohol. But honestly.” She looks from him to me with a smile beaming on her face. “I'm not really surprised. But I would love to know how this came about.”

  “Well, as you know your boy here happens to be the biggest horn dog this side of the Mississippi,” Grant says and I shake my head.

  “Don’t listen to him,” I cut him off and smile at her, praying this doesn’t scare her away but she's the one who brought it up. “Honestly, I think we were drunk the first time it happened. It was so long ago I barely remember it, but there was only one girl at this party we were at that we both wanted, so we approached her and were pretty fuckin' blunt about it.” I laugh.

  “I told her I'd stick it in her ass if she let Barns stick it in her pussy.” Grant nods like this is any normal everyday conversation and Affton giggles harder.

  “You DP?” she asks in excitement. “God, this just gets better. So then...your balls have probably touched. Right?” She looks between us. “Right?”

  “God,” I groan. “It's just best not to think about what parts of us have touched and what parts haven't, Bean.”

  Grant starts to laugh which spurs Affton's giggles even more.

  “Yes, Affton. Our balls have touched. But it was all for the greater good because once word got out that this small ass town had two hot dudes willing to do that?” He makes this explosion noise and does the hand gesture and everything. “Shit. Went. Down.”

  “Oh gross.” She's still laughing but she sits up and scoots away from me. “I can only imagine how many girls in this town have had both of you in once.” Her eye contact is lost to the floor now and she's fiddling with the strap to her bathing suit. I’m not sure if she's turned off or turned on, but the pink flush to her tone makes me believe it's the latter.

  “Not everyone could handle both of us. Sometimes we would just be there...” I catch her gaze finally. “Watching.” Her eyes flit to Grant's and I look over at him.

  He's wearing a stone faced expression and gripping his beer tight. “All we would do is watch,” he murmurs, bringing his drink to his lips. “You ever done that, Affton? Let someone watch you orgasm at the hands of someone else?”

  Her eyes dart to mine and she studies my relaxed expression, probably thinking Grant's about to get his ass stomped, but I smirk. I'm not pissed. I never thought something like this would ever be brought up in casual conversation, but it doesn't piss me off.

  “N-no.” She clears her throat and drops her head, adjusting that damn strap again.

  “You should try it sometime,” Grant suggests. “It's not as scary as it sounds.”

  My eyes flick to Grant’s and he's nodding slightly, his eyes locked on Affton.

  “Grant,” I warn, knowing this whole situation isn't something she's ever probably thought of. And definitely not with the two of us.

  “I'm just sayin’.” He shrugs. “It's probably better to try it with someone you trust.”

  Grant and I haven't done this in a while. Hell, he knows how I feel about Affton. We've never picked girls we had any emotional connections too, so this probably should bother me, but it doesn't. Not at all.

  “Trust is key.” I bring my fingertips to her legs, drawing circles on her skin. Her eyes are locked on me and I hear Grant shift across the room. I'll try it, but the minute she shows signs of being uncomfortable, we're done. “You trust me, Bean?” I whisper, tucking her hair behind her ear and watching her slowly nod. “Good,” I murmur then lightly lean in and push my lips to hers, inhaling her sweet scent. I back away, her cheeks flushed and eyes filled with lust. “And you trust him?” I nod across the room where Grant's watching us intently.

  She starts to laugh and shoots Grant a doubtful smile. “Hell no. But I trust that you do. No offense.” She winks at him.

  “None taken, sweets,” he says, raising his beer before bringing it to his lips.

  “So?” I whisper, pushing her to lean back on the couch. “It's like this,” I manage, though I'm a mixture of terrified and turned on. I've never had this type of reaction when we’ve done this before. I push my lips to her skin and she melts into my touch. “Just relax,” I whisper, painfully hard just from the thought that this could actually happen. Her nipples pebble under her swim top and her breathing becomes faster. My hands cup her tits and my thumb flicks over her nipple, making her gasp. “This okay?”

  “Yes,” she breathes and nods, keeping her eyes on me. I can feel the slight tremble in her body, but I'm not sure if it’s lust or nerves, but she's not stopping me.

  “Just you and me, Beany. I promise. Grant’s pervert hands won’t touch you.”

  Grant knows not to touch her and I may kick his ass if he does. Just the fact that she's okay with this tonight is leaps and bounds from where we were a couple days ago. But no one touches my girl before I get to.

  “I can hear you, you know. I’m right fucking here.” Grant grumbles and adjusts himself in his chair.

  I chuckle and find Affton's gaze again. ”Hey,” I whisper, grinning and letting my fingers dance along the top of her swimsuit bottoms. She shivers slightly and I smirk. “Breathe, Affton.” I slide my hand between her legs, locking my eyes on hers, and feel how wet she already is. I drop to my knees on the floor and watch her eyes start to flutter closed as I slowly push my fingers inside her. “Fuck, Beany,” I huff. “I've always loved this pussy.”

  She exhales and her eyes close while her pussy clenches around my fingers. When Grant's shifting makes a noise, her eyes open and land on him, making me worry she's going to end this. She lets out a quiet moan and her eyes focus on me again. Good. Stay focused on me. I push her bottoms down, letting them fall to the floor and moan when I finally get a glimpse of her pussy. I trail my finger down her before dipping it inside.

  “You like this, Beany. God, you're already so wet,” I say, my tone thick and full of emotions.

  “Sounds like it,” Grant mumbles from behind me and I shake my head slightly.

  This went from zero to sixty in ten minutes and I'm terrified something's going to make her run. Scare her away. Affton moans and I smirk. That moan isn't one that says she's about to bolt. I let out a breath, pushing another finger inside her and feel her tighten around me.

  “Greedy,” I chuckle, dipping my head and laying kisses from her stomach to her clit before stopping.

  Her eyes go wider and she bites her lip, glancing from me to Grant, and I pause, my heart beating out of my chest that she just realized what she's doing. She narrows her eyes at him briefly then looks back at me. “Don't stop,” she whispers and I can feel her pussy throbbing around my fingers.

  “I don't plan on it,” I growl, dipping my head again and tasting her.

  She tastes so fucking good. My tongue flicks over her clit and she gasps. When I look up at her, she's got her eyes locked on Grant’s across the room and I grin. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this would happen, but it's too hot to stop now.
  I run my tongue over her again and curl my fingers slightly, then latch my mouth around her clit and suck. She whimpers, clamping her lips like she wants to hide the sounds from us, but I want to hear her so I flick my tongue and it brings her eyes to mine as her mouth pops open. I flick then suck and she lets go of the moan she was trying to suppress and her entire body shivers.

  “Tommy,” she says, her nails sliding through my hair as her hips lift to push my mouth against her again.

  Grant's noise makes her eyes dart to him and when I notice they lock on him and widen, I know he's probably stroking his cock so I don't stop sucking on her clit, flicking my tongue every few seconds.

  “Oh my god,” she quietly moans and her eyes bounce from him to me, unable to focus on one of us.

  “Let go, Beany,” I whisper, blowing gently on her clit before taking my tongue to her again. “Don't overthink this and just let go.”

  Her eyes squeeze shut and she bites her lip as her grip in my hair gets tighter.

  Grant’s noises make her eyes pop open. She looks over at him and pushes my face harder between her thighs. He grunts, probably coming, and her hand slaps over her mouth as her thighs start to shake. Pulling her gaze from him, we lock eyes and the torture on her face makes me want to grin, but I don't stop sucking and flicking. Her head drops back as her body bursts into vibrations.

  “Fuck!” she screams loud enough it echoes.

  I don't let up as her pussy clenches around my fingers. Grant shifting in his chair and his footsteps across the room tell me he's already done. After one more lick I back away and let him watch me pull my fingers out of her, coated with her juices. I lock eyes on her and lick them, then glance up at Grant who's standing next to us now, watching and breathing heavy.

  “Damn,” he mutters, shaking his head.

  He's lost his shirt since we started this and I can only hope his jizz didn't get on these hardwood floors. I chuckle and shake my head, my dick painfully hard.


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