A Night of Flame and Blood

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A Night of Flame and Blood Page 7

by Elisabeth Huerta

  “Woah, stop right there.” I threw one of my hands up. “Are we really going to eat at Mod’s diner?” I asked.

  A loud chuckle escaped him. “Really? That is the part that surprised you.”

  “Yea, it seems so normal.”

  He snorted. “I am normal when I want to be.” He paused for a second. “Does this mean you are ready for the tying you naked part?”

  I gave him a harsh glare.

  “Fine. I’ll just take you out to eat since you are clearly not ready for that second part.” He winked. “But you will be, eventually.”

  I threw a few nasty curse words at him. He shook his head at me, but his eyes glowed in a way that made me know he liked it when I argued with him.

  The town plaza was a couple of clothing shops piled together in one corner, and a movie theatre that took up the majority of the space. But cramped in between the social limelight of our great town was the diner. The place was always crowded with teenagers when school let out, all looking to gossip while scarfing down food. I had never gone, but Rebecca frequented it with her friends. I was actually kind of excited.

  “Look whose happy.” Daston parked his car smoothly in a small spot and unbuckled his seat belt.

  “Yea I kind of am.” I bounced slightly in my seat. “Rebecca is always coming here, and Robert never wants to come. It feels kind of good to come here like I am a normal girl.”

  “You are a normal girl.” I was just about to argue when he got out of the car and moved to my side of the car so quick, I did not realize what he was trying to do until he grabbed the car door and opened it for me. A girl could get use to this.

  I got out of the car a light smirk on my lips. He gave me an amused look. Daston held out his hand, palm up. I looked down on it confused.

  “Are you asking me to hold hands?”

  “It’s only courteous to escort your date, is it not?” He kept his tone teasing, but I could sense sincerity under that.

  I clasped his hands, his eyes widened. “If you must.” I let him guide me to the restaurant entrance. “How old fashioned are your parents?” I chuckled.

  “Not sure, my parents are long since dead.”

  I tripped on my feet. My face crumpled. I was so stupid, why did I make that assumption. I felt horrible.

  I felt the pressure of his hand gripping me tighter. “No, I did not mean it like that. Don’t feel bad, it was such a long time ago. I do not even remember them.” He laughed. “I guess I am just like this. I’ve watched others do it and they rubbed off on me until it became part of my personality.” He shrugged his green eyes sincere. Daston pushed the door open and stood beside it, his other hand still held mine and he guided me in with it. The diner was empty except for three tables that held a few teenagers who looked mildly familiar.

  “I feel awful, I am sorry.”

  He waved me off. “Don’t be, besides. You can make it up to me later.” He winked.

  I scoffed. “Don’t take this the wrong way Daston.” It was the first time his name had rolled out of my tongue. I usually only thought it in my head. He noticed and beamed down at me. “I am only here to hear what you have to say.”

  “Sure.” He gave me a disbelieving look. “You could have told me to forget dinner and tell you in the car, or anywhere else for that matter. But you gladly accepted the dinner invitation.” He leaned in toward me, his face so close I had to take a step back. I could not have handsome so close to me, it muddled my brain.

  “I..” I did not know what to say, I did not even think about that. How did I not think about doing that? I dropped his hand angrily.

  He smirked down at me.. “I am going to punch you. I swear I will.” I hissed.

  He extended his hand out to me. “You want a repeat of our previous action.”

  I snorted.

  “What did I say about getting cocky, Brianna? It doesn’t suit you.” He let his hand drop, and it might have been a trick of the light, but for a second he looked dejected. I felt the need to cheer him up.

  “So Daston, where are all your moves? Or did you lose those when you lost your dignity?”

  His eyes brightened up. His face transformed back into the man who could charm the pants off of all genders, male and female.

  “You really want me to use the moves on you don’t you.”

  I scoffed.

  “Really, Brianna, there’s no shame in the truth. Besides, I’ll let you in on a secret. You don’t need any moves to get a girl’s attention.” He looked me up and down before grinning at me.

  “I am really getting tired of your flirting one second, reprimanding me another strategy. If you think you can pick up chicks that way, you’re wrong.”

  “Are you sure about that.” He glanced at me from under his eyelashes.

  “Positive.” I said, thankful that my voice did not break.

  “Well then what do you call this.” He gestured around him with his hands. “Did I not pick you up, and am I not taking you out to eat. Something must be working.”

  “This,” I waved my hand around the diner, “is nothing more than two barely acquaintances having dinner. Unless you usually call bribing a girl with information and luring her to dinner a date.”

  “I do actually; how else do you think I get dates?”

  “Uhh, never mind. Let’s just eat.” I glowered at him.

  Daston led us to a secluded table on the opposite side to where the teenagers were sitting at. It was away from anyone’s prying eyes. The seats were cushioned with red padding. I gave him a questioning look.

  “This is my favorite table.” He explained.

  “You come here often?” I asked, surprised. It was hard to imagine Daston in our local diner.

  “How else would I know it would be empty at this time?” Of course, Daston, would know about a lonely place. It’s probably why he was so good at hiding during lunch.

  He would know a lot about empty places. He had probably found all of the ones in our town. A quick image of candles and cement floors went through my mind. I shook it away.

  “What are you thinking?” He asked.

  “Just wondering what they serve here.” He did not seem to believe me, but let it drop.

  A waitress appeared quickly with our menus. She had fiery red hair and brown eyes. She looked several inches taller than me, and I was surprised to see how beautiful she was. Even in her uniform she was glowing.

  As soon as she set our menus down, she turned quickly towards Daston. “What are you going to have today, Daston, the usual?” She asked, fluttering her eyes. I found myself bothered by the way she talked to him. It was a little too flirty. Even though Daston and I were not on a date, for all she knew we could have. She should at least have some respect.

  Seeing how comfortably she talked to him, I came to the conclusion that she was his usual waitress. Maybe she figured she had dibs on him, or maybe she saw my appearance and pegged me in the friend category.

  “Of course, Rachel.” He smiled at her making her giggle. Now he acts like he interacts with human when he is with Rachel.

  “Right away Daston.” She said sweetly. I saw her arrange her tight uniform, bringing more focus to her large chest.

  I looked down at myself. Did I really have to wear this unappealing hoodie? Now my chest looked practically nonexistent.

  Rachel stared at him for longer than necessary before turning reluctantly in my direction. I could see the tips of her ears glow red, matching her hair. She did not like that I was here with Daston. Her reaction made me exhale in relief. Daston did not bring girls with him when he came here; she would not be so bothered with me if he did.

  “And for you.” She asked between clenched teeth. Her eyes were focused on her note pad but as soon as she lifted them, she recoiled back as if someone had burned her. I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy her reaction. But my enjoyment was cut off when I realized Daston could see everything. I turned to look at him and found him staring at me. Not in a weird ga
wking way, he looked at me with knowing eyes. He was expecting this to happen.

  I was about to apologize when he smiled at me, nodding in a way that let me know it was ok. “I’ll have a burger combo. And lemonade.”

  “Bring her pecan pie too, she’ll like that.

  I gave Daston a curious look. I actually was looking at the dessert menu, but I did not want to look too much like a hungry ass.

  “Ok.” Rachel nodded at Daston. “I will.” She turned around and walked away.

  “Good call on the pecan pie.” I said.

  He laughed warmly. “I knew it.”

  I glanced around the diner, there was no one nearby. “Hey, so is now a good time to talk about you know what?” I asked.

  Daston put his hands to his lips and shook his head. “Not here.”

  “Then why did you bring me here?” I said exasperated.

  “We can talk about other things here. The main things we’ll talk about in the car.”

  I shook my head. He could have mentioned that before. “Fine, how come you’ve been following me around, and how did you know where I lived?”

  “Straight to the point.” He stared straight into my eyes, his green and my brown. “You interest me. I wanted to find out more about you, but I could never find you alone. I don’t know if you have noticed but I am not good around people.”

  “Really? Because you seemed pretty good with Rachel.” I cut in.

  “Is that jealousy I detect?” He grinned. I gave him a hard look. “Anyways, that’s why today I took advantage of the fact that I kept finding you alone. I couldn’t not approach you.”

  I felt my lips curve upward before I could stop it. Damn, I should not be feeling this way. It was illogical, but it felt good.

  I cleared my throat. “And my house?”

  His eyebrows rose up in surprise. “Are you asking me if I stalk you?” He asked, incredulously. My cheeks turned pink. “You are, aren’t you? Do you really think I spent my time outside your window watching you Brianna? Don’t you think I have a life, one that doesn’t revolve around you?”

  My mouth popped open. “I said nothing about you staring at my window.”

  “Well, you should because now that we are on the topic, you need thicker curtains you don’t know what kind of creep could be lurking about waiting for a peep show.” He grinned. “Luckily, you gave me one yesterday.”

  My mouth dropped impossibly wider.

  His shoulders were shaking when he saw my face and he started laughing. “I am kidding. I saw you and your sister leaving the house one morning. I cannot believe you would actually think I am some sick peeping Tom.” He gave me a jokingly appalled look.

  “I would not put it past you.” I shook my head, relieved that he was joking.

  His face went back to being serious. I never really noticed until now, but when his face was serious, he looked older, more mature.

  “You done with your soft core sexual harassment?” I asked.

  He smiled cheekily at me. “You know, that’s why I like you Brianna. You’re not afraid to tell me my shit. In your attitude you are completely unpredictable, did you know that.” He tipped his head sideways as if to get a better look at me. “Sometimes you can really pull the rug out of people’s feet.”

  “Thank you.” I said, taking it as a complement. I leaned in closer to him. “Tell me something.” I asked.

  “What do you want to know?” He leaned closer as well until we were a breath away.

  “Why do you find me interesting? I know you have noticed what happens when people see into my eyes. Is that it? Does that interest you?”

  He stared at me. “No, that is not it. I mean yes that is interesting and down right funny to see, but that is not the main reason. I find you, all of you fascinating.” There was no hint of doubt on his face.

  “I see.” I could feel my cheeks enflame again. “Well, I still find you to be a pervert, but in a good way.” I winked at him.

  “I knew you liked it.”

  “Sometimes.” I admitted. “But other times I want to beat the shit out of you.”

  “Hmm I might like that, a little ruff.”

  I stepped on his foot to try to get him to shut up. Light footsteps approached us, Daston looked up first. I turned in the direction he was looking at and saw Rachel carrying two heavy plates. Her face still looked hesitant, and this time when she set the plates on the table, she did not look at me. She didn’t even speak, not even to give Daston one of her flirty smiles. I guess even he was off her list.

  We ate quietly only bantering a couple of times. At one point I might have thrown a piece of my burger at his face but stopped once I received my own face full of mashed potatoes.

  “I still have some potato in my ear.” I argued as we walked out of the diner. “Did you have to throw so much? I only threw a tiny piece of burger.”

  “And? You should not have started it.”

  I grumbled and tried rubbing some of the remaining potato off of my ear when I felt his fingers slide along it. I stared in shock as he brought his fingers to his mouth.

  “Did you just eat the potato I had in my ear?” I asked shocked.

  “Mmm, not bad, actually added extra flavor.” He licked his lips before grinning up at me. “We should do that again.”

  “I’m going to ignore the fact that you actually ate something that was in my ear. Seriously I wouldn’t even do that, and it’s my ear.”

  “What the hell is so disgusting about your ear, don’t you clean it.”

  “Yes but—“

  “See, no problem.” I was going to argue about how it was a problem when I realized something. “Can you tell me now?” I whispered.

  He gave me a sideways glance and nodded towards the car. I took the sign and hurried, he still managed to beat me to the door and held it open for me to go inside. I slid inside the seat and buckled the seat belt. I was impatient, and he seemed to be taking his time opening his car door.

  “So,” I thrummed my fingers against my seat belt, “about me seeing things.”

  “You can’t even wait until I turn on the car?”

  “What do you think I have, unlimited patience?” I grumbled. I had waited through the whole entire meal. I did not think I could handle anymore.

  He turned on the car and reversed it out of the parking spot. I exhaled in frustration as he purposely ignored me.

  “Daston!” I screamed.

  “Okay, Okay. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” He said once we hit the street. “I’ll tell you one hint.” He fixed me with a hard gaze. “And it’s the only thing I could tell you. You got that.”

  “Why can you only tell me one thing?”

  He thought about it for a second. “I’m kind of forbidden to tell you.”


  “I’m forbidden. I can’t tell you anything. It’s something you have to figure out on your own. Well, not entirely on your own, I just can’t be the one to tell you.”

  “Then why are you giving me a hint?” I asked.

  His gaze turned pensive, before he glanced at me with a determined look. “Because it’s the only thing I can give you without breaking the rules.”

  I stared at him shocked; there were so many questions I wanted to ask him.

  “Why aren’t you free to do what you want?” I asked.

  His eyes, always so warm turned cold as ice. A chill passed over me, I clutched my hands to my chest. I knew I was not going to get an answer to my question, and after seeing his face, I was not sure I wanted to know.

  I swallowed. “What is the hint?”

  He kept his gaze fixed on the streets. He was flying down the intersection, his hands clutched tightly against the steering wheel. We made it to my house faster than I thought possible. He kept the engine on as we sat idle on the street.

  He did not look at me when he finally answered. “The book.”

  “What book?”

  He exhaled frustrated. “You know which boo
k.” I did know. I realized something.

  “You were the person who returned the book to the library.” I stated.

  He smiled.

  “Do you have a little crush on Robert?”

  His eyes went wide before he gave me a disgusted look. “Forget it.” I said quickly. “It was an inside joke.” I shook my head, a small laugh escaping my lips. “Anyways, what about the book?”

  He gave me an annoyed look. “What else are you going to do with a book? Read it of course.”

  “I already did.” I huffed. I did not like it when someone undermined me.

  “Sorry, that was rude.” He said sincerely. “But if you read the book, then you must know.”

  “Know what? Don’t tell me you believe what it says? The old legends about witchcraft, and demons, all stuff that doesn’t exist.”

  He tsked. “You shouldn’t be so quick to discredit. Especially with what you’ve seen.”

  “That’s what I really want to talk about, the seeing business.” We were parked outside my house, it could have been a trick of the light, but I could have sworn the curtains in the kitchen opened slightly. “Are you talking about my dreams?” I asked bluntly. I watched his expression carefully, his eyes widened ever so slightly, if I had not been staring at him, I would not have noticed.

  He smiled slightly. “At a girl, put all the pieces together now. It’s all related, what you read in the book and what you see.”

  I shook my head. “That does not make sense. I need to know more.”

  “It will make sense eventually.” He exhaled lightly and reached his hand towards my hair, with his two fingertips he pinched a stray strand. “Darling, you should know a lot of things. Sadly, I can’t be the one to tell you.”

  He let go of my hair and turned his head back out the window, towards my house. “You should go now; your family will be worried.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll be fine, I have someone waiting for me too.”

  I gave him a small smile, glad that he had someone who worried for him. I quickly undid my seat belt and opened the door to get out when I thought of something.

  “Daston,” I asked, “If I figure out what’s in the book, then can you tell me more or will you still be forbidden.”


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