A Night of Flame and Blood

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A Night of Flame and Blood Page 21

by Elisabeth Huerta

  I heard footsteps behind me, but their steps were much harder and faster. I could hear them advancing. I pumped my arms higher and willed my legs to go faster, every muscle in my body seemed to protest. I was running so fast my chest ached and an extreme thirst seemed to develop in my throat. In that moment I knew I was going to die. I could never outrun him.

  I was sure that it was Daston behind me, and no matter how much he did not want to kill me, the power Derik wielded over him was too strong to break. It was funny, the one person I trusted the most was the person I was running away from.

  The force of Daston’s body crashed into me, knocking the breath out of me and sent me sprawling on the ground. Daston climbed over me and pinned me down, his eyes were different, they were no longer the eyes of a wounded man; I could see an evilness in them. It was as if I was seeing into Derik’s eyes instead of Daston’s.

  His big hands came around my neck and he tightened his hands around it, restricting air from coming in. I could not breathe, I could see was the night sky behind Daston’s head. I did not want to look at him. He was sneering down at me, enjoying the kill.

  The world started getting hazy; my lungs felt like they were shriveling up from lack of air. I heard Daston’s voice talk to me as he squeezed my life out.

  “Tell me, Brianna, were you disappointed to find out I was the murderer. Or are you more disappointed by the fact that you never got to kiss me before you died.” I would have snorted if I could. Trust Daston to inflate his ego right as he was killing me. “I dare say you needed a good kiss.” He continued giving a harsh laugh, and then everything started going black. I could not see anything anymore. I knew I was passing out.

  I was in the darkness for a long time when I heard a yell. A force of air rushed itself into my lungs, I started gasping. I felt like I hadn’t inhaled for centuries and even then, the air I was breathing did satisfy me. My vision started to clear, and I slowly became aware of the huge figure before me. I recoiled back when I realized it was not one but two figures. One was on top of the other pinning it down. The one at the bottom looked like it was not putting up much of a fight; he was letting himself be pinned down.

  The figure on top pulled out what looked to be rope. I still could not get a clear image of them.

  “Tie me up to a tree!” The figure on the bottom, Daston, I realized, screamed. “Do it now before he makes me stop you.”

  “That was the plan pretty boy.” The voice of the second figure shocked me. It was Robert.

  Robert tied a quick knot around Daston’s hands and led him to a tree. Daston obeyed, clearly in control of his body again.

  I watched as Robert strapped Daston to a tree. My vision getting clearer each time until it was back to normal.

  “Robert.” I whispered more to myself. They both turned towards me, relief in both of their faces. Robert finished up tying Daston and walked towards me cautiously. Daston turned his head away. I could tell he was ashamed, his shoulders drooped.

  “Brianna.” Robert said when he was close enough to touch me. “How are you feeling?” He crouched down to my level and looked me in the eyes. Robert’s eyes were looking at me with so much compassion. Remorse coursed through me.

  I threw my arms around him and pressed my face to his chest. “I’m so sorry.” I whimpered. “You were right, I should have trusted you.”

  He held me tightly and kept whispering back “it’s ok Brianna, it’s alright”. But it wasn’t, how could I make him understand that I messed up. That it was my fault my sister was in there with Derik, and I probably had no choice but to let him kill me so that she could be free.

  “It’s not your fault.” He whispered back. His voice was shaking slightly, and it had taken on a tint of regret. “This is my fault; don’t ever think that this could possibly be yours.”

  I finally looked back into his face and saw the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes. “Do you remember that time when you spend the night over at my house?”

  I nodded back unsure of where this conversation was heading.

  “I told you that we were summoning my grandmothers spirit but I lied. That wasn’t my grandmother’s pendant, it was Josephine’s.”

  Josephine, that name sounded familiar.

  “You don’t mean, Jackie’s mom do you?” Jackie’s mom had died five years ago when a random mugger killed her.

  Robert nodded. “Yes, Jackie’s mom.”

  “Why would you? How did you even have her pendant?”

  “It’s difficult to explain, but Jackie’s mom left that pendant behind, and I grabbed it when she was killed. She was killed in front of me, it was an accident.” Robert had a far off look and I knew he was reliving that moment again.

  “She knew there was a chance she could die but she took it. She had taken precautions. Josephine was your guide. She was the one who was supposed to help you be a seer. But the demon came too soon, sooner than she expected. She had the trap laid out for him, but she hadn’t given her powers to Jackie yet.”

  “Jackie?” I interrupted.

  “Yes, since Josephine knew she could die she wanted Jackie to take over and be your seer. She had filled Jackie in on a lot of the knowledge that only guides have, but the demon came at night for her. She knew it was now or never, so she took a chance and sent the demon to hell, sadly it killed her. There was a lonely little boy playing outside in his yard. It was by pure luck that she saw him. She made a rash decision and right before she died, she released her power into him.”

  “You.” I whispered.

  “Yes, me. I did not have any knowledge when it came to being a seer but the few that she managed to instill in me. I was a novice and I had to learn everything through books. But that was not enough. I knew I was not training you like I should, so I tried to summon Josephine so that she could guide us. But I did not know. Josephine and the demon both left imprints of themselves on the objects that were left behind. When she died their souls were meshed together and sent to hell. The demon is the stronger of the two, so he was able to rise when I called. I was so stupid, Brianna, stupid for not looking more into it. I felt his presence when the candles unlit. I knew what I had done. I had allowed him to connect to the Earth. It was only for a couple seconds, but he was able to call on Daston to do his bidding in that time. So, you see, it is my fault, not yours, never yours.”

  Robert looked so grieved by this revelation, I ached to comfort him. I wanted to say something, anything that would make him feel better.

  Unfortunately, I did not get the chance. Daston’s angry voice interrupted. “So, it was your fault that animal contacted me. Do you know how long I have wanted to be free of him? Do you understand the amount of awful things he made me do? I was so glad to be free of him, for five short years I was in peace but now, it’s over.”

  “Stop it!” I yelled. I leveled my gaze towards Daston. “Don’t you see that Robert feels bad enough without you rubbing it in his face. I hate that you’re in pain but don’t take it out on him.”

  “He’s right though. I was a complete idiot.”

  Daston made a noise that sounded like an agreement. I glared at him and he stared back in a manner that I knew meant he did not regret the jester.

  “That’s why you were talking with Jackie.” I realized.

  “Yes, she was able to give me more insight on being a guide. She would have actually made a good one.”

  I snorted. I was glad Jackie never got to be my guide. I don’t know if I could have stood that much contact with the human Barbie doll.

  “No really, she would have been good for you. She was the one who came up to me when she figured out you were a seer. She genuinely wanted to help.”

  “How did she figure out I was a seer?” She always called me names, but never once did she let on that she knew what I was.

  “A little over a week ago, when you stared her in the eyes, she saw it, the seer in you. Her mother did not have enough time to tell her who the seer was. Jac
kie was not even sure if her mother had chosen the new seer before she died.”

  Thinking back to that day, her reaction made sense now. It was not how people usually reacted. She did not cower in fear, she was in shock, it was as if she could not believe what she was seeing. As if she had seen something that only legends talk about.

  “Ok, that’s enough talk.” Dastons voice came impatiently from his tree. “These arms of mine aren’t just meant to look good. If he takes control of me once again—and he will—I could easy break through these ropes with my strength.” He flexed from under the rope to demonstrate the muscles that rippled from his arms.

  “You know you’re really not what I expected. I didn’t think a demons shadow could be this vain.” Robert observed.

  “We’re not. I’m just the exception, because I’m so damn good looking. Now go, get out of here.”

  Right, Rebecca. She was still in there with that feign, nothing else mattered but getting her out. I ran back towards the room. Robert was on my heels. I barged in not even being discreet about my return.

  “Ahh Brianna.” Derik was standing in the center of the room, still in the same spot, he had not moved an inch and neither had Rebecca. “Nice of you to join us again. And you brought Robert. I believe a thank you will suffice dear Robert for my return would never have happened without you.” He bowed down to Robert with a genuine smile. Robert did not return it.

  “So, have you come to accept your fate, or will we need Daston to come here and convince you.” He rubbed his hands together vigorously as if he was preparing to have a feast.

  “You know I could just kill you.” I said, remembering the process that the book, Having a Demon Problem, described.

  “Well that’s not very nice Brianna. After all the trouble I went to set this place up, my guest of honor is going to try to kill the host.” He laughed so chilling that I felt a shiver go all the way down my spine.

  “That’s not very funny, considering she could do it.” Robert smirked. There was something different about Robert, I realized. He was standing erect, his face was void of fear, and he had confidence. He looked different from the scared little boy I’d come to know; this was a man. Robert had grown up. There was something about him that made me honestly believe he was able to stand up to this demon.

  “Really, well I don’t think she has the guts to kill me. Considering that killing me will also kill her precious Daston.”

  My head snapped quickly towards Derik. Kill Daston? “You’re lying.” I said it with as much conviction as I could, but a deep fear had settled in my heart. He could not be right, could he?

  “Does it look like I would lie? But of course if you don’t trust me go right ahead and do it.” He smirked.

  “Even if that is true, what makes you so certain that I wouldn’t still kill you? If I recall Daston is a murderer. Killing him wouldn’t be so bad.” I worked to keep the nonchalance in my voice. I was lying through my teeth.

  Derik reached out and grabbed a stray hair that had blown across Rebecca’s face, and tucked it behind her ear. It was a gentle caress, she smiled at him sincerely with eyes that were dark abysses. There was nothing in that person’s expression that reminded me of Rebecca. The thought that he had made her his puppet made me sick.

  “Don’t put that act on me Brianna. I know you well. I watched you when you were little, of course then you just thought I was a bad dream. When I was sent to hell, I did not give up on you. I knew one day we would meet formally. And just like I knew we were going to meet I knew that a sweet girl like you would not resist helping a tortured soul. And Daston’s soul is the most tortured there is, he clings to his humanity. You would not bare hurt Daston because deep down you want to save him. And how would you be able to live with yourself knowing you killed the life of an innocent.”

  “Be quiet, you stupid slime!” Robert screamed and lunged at Derik. Derik flicked Robert to the wall with a simple twist of his wrist as if he weighed nothing. Robert collided against the wall hard, cracking the wall, chips fell in several directions.

  Derik tilted his head up, his eyes turning completely black. A loud thump resounded from the cemetery. It sounded like the Earth was ripping in half.

  “Ahh, that should be Daston.” Derik smiled. Derik must have Daston back in control. “What is it going to be Brianna? Either way I’m going to get you. It’s your choice. You want Daston to bring you to me or are you going to turn yourself over and save yourself some dignity.”

  I looked towards Robert slumped shape on the floor. His chest was rising and falling; he was breathing, but he was knocked unconscious. Rebecca was standing in the center of the room next to Derik with a goofy grin on her face. She was so gone from this world, only getting rid of Derik would bring her back. There was no way I could defeat Derik, not with Daston’s strength. Daston could have me pinned down on the floor in less than a second.

  I felt Daston’s presence behind me. I knew I would never be able to escape him. “Fine, I’ll go willingly.” I decided.

  Derik broke out in a wide smile. Little lines appeared next to his eyes when they crinkled and his face which always looked repulsive looked pleasant for once. “Excellent.”

  I walked slowly, deliberately trying to prolong possibly the last seconds of my life. I made sure to knock over several candles on purpose before I stopped in front of Derik. I was close enough to smell his scent, sweat mixed with cologne, and a tint of sulfur. I kept my back on Daston.

  I cursed myself for not having dipped the ruda leaves in the pigs blood beforehand. I could not even use the salt, there was no way I’d be able to draw a circle around him in such little time.

  “Shall we.” He asked, extended his hand as if he were asking me for a dance.

  “If I do this you’ve got to promise that you’ll let Rebecca go.” I looked at him sternly, willing him to listen to me.

  He scoffed. “Done. I didn’t like the brat anyways. No amount of prettiness could block out her annoying habits.”

  I chose to ignore that. “And you can’t hurt Robert. He has to be left alone.”

  “Is that it darling, because you demand too much considering I’m the top dog here, not you.”

  “You didn’t promise the last one.”

  “Fine, I won’t touch the boy.” He said angrily. I was surprised that he was conceding to my demands considering he referred to himself as the top dog.

  I nodded my head to signal that I was ready. He pulled out a long dagger from his pocket; the tip looked as if it had been sharpened recently. Words scrawled in another language were inscribed on the handle. The dagger glinted in the candlelight.

  There was a red glow on Derik’s face; it was possibly on mines too. I dug my hands in my pockets and watched Derik raise the dagger high over his head. He chanted strange words, most of which I recognized were in Latin, his voice coming in tongues, it sounded deep. I looked at the dagger that was poised to strike at me, and I could not make myself be afraid. I did not understand why I was not. I should be.

  As I watched Derik utter his last words his eyes opened and looked straight at me, a sort of wretchedness in them. My fingers wrapped around the object in my pocket. When the dagger came down instead of striking me it slipped out of Derik’s fingers and landed on the ground. Derik clutched his face in pain, twitching and yelling out. I had dowsed his face with the holy water I had in my pocket. I wasn’t sure it would work, but it was my last option. I knew there was a way to send Derik to hell, but I needed him and Daston incapacitated.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw that Daston was also clutching his face in agony, having felt the same thing Derik had.

  I worked fast dousing the remaining amount of water all over Derik. He tried to jerk out of the way causing half of the water to spill on the floor, but the amount that got on him did the damage. He fell on the floor, crumpled in a ball, and screamed in pain. Derik’s and Daston’s screams fused as one; they motivated me.

  I quickly picked
up the dagger Derik had dropped and cut a line on my palm. Inky red blood oozed out.

  Three drops on the demon, that’s all it takes. I clenched my hand into a fist above him and pressed my fingertips tight on the cut to make more blood come out. One, two, three drops of blood fell on his face. And that’s when he sprang up and attacked me.

  Derik had me by the neck; his body crushed mine under him, immobilizing me. He grabbed my head and pounded it against the cement floor, hard. I heard a crack, and the world became dizzy. I could taste blood; the pressure of Derik’s body was crushing me. He was screaming something at me, but it felt like time was going slower. His words sounded like mush coming out way too slowly to comprehend.

  He held me still, his eyes penetrating. his face was so close I could smell his hot breath. All I needed to do was tip my head up and our lips would meet. It was such a simple act, but my head felt like it weighed a ton. I could feel blood seeping out of the wound on my head.

  He reached for the dagger I had dropped and pointed it at my heart. “I’m sorry it has to end this way, sugar. Let it be known that I had nothing against you personally. I just had no better option.”

  I could not move but somehow, I made my neck tilt up; my head lifted quickly, it was painful. And then we were kissing. My lips bumped against his hard, fusing our mouths together in a kiss. His eyes widened bright in fear before I saw the black in his eyes fade to their natural blue. Derik collapsed against the floor. He had passed out, but the last look I saw in his eyes showed me that it was the real Derik I was seeing, and not the demon.

  All the air rushed out of me, Derik’s body had collapsed on top of me. I was too weak to move it, and I felt like at any moment I was going to pass out from my head wound. My lungs were having a difficult time catching air. I felt relief a few moments later when Derik’s body was lifted off of me. I was starting to lose consciousness when I felt two strong arms wrap around me and lift me off the ground. I felt the cool crisp night air which signaled that I was no longer in the room. He was running with me in his arms. Daston, the real Daston had me.


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