Broken Pieces

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Broken Pieces Page 21

by Deja Black

  How long since he’d seen the sun?

  “Leonid and Olek, I cannot enjoy him if he dies of dehydration. Water, Remi? Would you like some?” Remi’s nod was barely a movement before an ice-cold hand smoothed down his cheek. “There, there.” When a cup of water was at his lips, Remi sipped slowly but choked, coughing, his throat dry, his need for water greater than his ability to imbibe it. “Careful. Drink slowly. My, now look at you. That’s better, and still, you are beautiful. Is he not beautiful, Leonid? Olek?”

  Remi’s eyes lifted up to the men who bowed to Alonya. Their lips peeled back, and fangs dropped. Remi’s heart beat faster. Together they stepped closer, but Remi noticed their hesitation, their eyes flickering to their Korolova and then to Remi again.

  The mark.

  It was a soft whisper, his mate’s presence in his mind. His racing heart slowed, calmed as Peter floated along his consciousness.

  I was waiting for you to wake up, my love. Days have passed. I need to see where you are. Look around.

  So tired. If I could just rest, baby.

  No, you’ve rested too long. We are trying to find you. I need you to open your eyes. See for me.

  The pain was startling. He opened his mouth to scream as he was pierced by knives. Looking down he saw that no, they weren’t knives but actual claws on the end of Alonya’s hands.

  He was going to die here, alone and broken. He’d just found Peter, had just found happiness. Now, she would kill him to punish Peter for his bloodline, the casualty in a war that he’d known nothing about. Peter, his Peter, would think this was his fault.

  No baby, don’t think that. Stay awake. Please, Remi. Stay awake.

  “Definitely see the appeal. Can I taste you here, Remi, sweetheart? You smell so alluring, so enticing.” Alonya inhaled him, and Remi groaned weakly. He was weak, but he’d fight this, stop her.

  “Get the fuck off of me.” Another groan as those claws sliced into him, bleeding him. Desperate, he looked skyward, averted his eyes from Alonya’s head as she moved closer.

  “I don’t want this,” he moaned.

  Alonya’s breathy laugh was the thing of nightmares, and Remi screamed in pain. “Yes, you are a treat,” she groaned sensuously.

  Remi wouldn’t cry. He was stronger than this, stronger than her.

  It’s okay, Remi. I’ll have you, soon.

  Remi gasped as she drank, swallowing greedily.

  Soon, Remi. You’re not alone. We’ll find you.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Remi awoke weaker than he was before drifting in a state of subconsciousness, barely aware anymore. He was naked, covered in punctures, the tracks along his arms and legs like a heroin addict. Rolling his head to the side, his heart tripped when he saw one of Alonya’s guards.

  The nelapsi, knelt beside him, a glass of water in hand, “Drink, human. It will provide nourishment.”

  “She plans to kill me,” Remi whispered.

  Golden eyes lowered. “Yes, you may die, but my brother and I will make it easy for you. You are the Supruga, mate of Alexi Romanoff’s heir. You bear his mark.

  “In her madness, she refuses to see. But, we see it and know what must be done. With you, I will share my energy. If we both give to you, enough to sustain you but not enough to alert, it will make the pain lessen as she drains you. We can give you this even if we cannot give you freedom.”

  “Why? Why would you help me?” Remi strained to talk, his throat in pain from the screams that had shredded it.

  “Though there are those that would follow our Korolova to the hell she has created for us all, there are many of us whose family, whose progeny are held as chattel, dispensed according to her whims. We serve out of desperation. Olek,” So, this was Leonid then, “and I are hoping the bond we can feel in you with the Korol will free us all.”

  Leonid lifted his wrist to his lips, bit down and opened the skin. “Drink, Supruga. Drink and be ready to endure for there is more to come. You are strong to have lasted this long without your mate. It is your fortune and hopefully our own that we were chosen to care for you. Drink, Remi Devereaux.”

  Remi hesitated, unsure. “Where are we? Can you tell me that?”

  Leonid glanced around, his eyes looking within the shadows. “It will do you no good to know this.”

  “Then it won’t hurt if you tell me then.”

  The tall man nodded. “The Bernheim mansion. Now, quickly before she returns.”

  Drink. Peter was there, in his mind. He hadn’t dreamed this earlier. He listened, desperate. He was ashamed of how frightened he was. He didn’t want to die, but he didn’t want Peter hurt. There was still so much to do, so much he and Peter hadn’t seen together.

  Alonya is draining you and through you, me. Their blood, small drops or sips that are offered will be enough to help us both when I destroy Alonya.

  Even as bone weary as he was, Remi heard the anger in Peter’s voice, his rage.

  He embraced the push he felt to drink, opening his mouth and accepting the flow of bittersweet liquid. After enough sips, he fell asleep only to be reawakened by Alonya once again.

  His screams were loud and terrible to his own ears.

  * * * *

  “Damn it,” Peter growled as energy spiraled along his arms, wrapping around his legs. He all but sizzled as he sat in the passenger seat following the trace of Remi’s mind, his pain, and his helplessness. Remi was ashamed and afraid.

  Peter hurt for him, his chest tight, and his skin blazing while his creatures suffered the loss of their mate. Though they traveled quickly, Caleb driving his car faster and faster, heedless of the blurs of the others on the road, not being there to stop his lover’s torment was destroying him inside.

  For days, they searched for his mate, only able to follow blurred hints from Aiden in snatches of the dream world as he sifted through the minds of others until he lighted upon Remi’s dreams of Alonya.

  The world seen through Remi’s eyes was brutal and frightening for quick moments, but then it was gone. Instead, Peter had had to follow the threads of Remi’s spirit, depend on their connection as he fought to find his mate. “We’re closing in. I can feel it.”

  He felt Remi’s efforts to remain calm, his fear of the strange hands stroking him, his blood pulled from his veins again. He felt Remi tire, but then there was a hiccup of energy that floated through from the drinks he was able to feast on.

  “The twins. I want them. Leonid and Olek. Dark, tall, dressed in layers of white and gold. They’ve helped Remi and will be a part of us. Everyone else will die,” Peter ground out.

  “Yes, but we’ll have to get there first. I’m not positive we’ll be able to pick them out,” Caleb said.

  “I will. I’ll know any one of them that have touched Remi.” Peter felt his skin stretch and burn again, his ability to hold the creatures tested. “Faster, Caleb. Fucking faster!”

  The caravan of cars, trucks, and motorcycles flew behind them.

  They’d hoped for a sign, a visual, anything that would give them a clue to Remi’s location. For Remi to ask where they were, knowing that Peter would be listening had been all they needed, and they were almost there. He praised Remi’s detective skills, and they drove on.

  But, when they arrived, the outside of the home was unnaturally quiet, no sound, and no people anywhere. Nothing.

  Caleb turned to Peter. “Are you certain?”

  Worried, Peter turned back to the mansion before them. “This is what Leonid told him.”

  “Then where the fuck are they?”

  Peter listened as Conner’s voice rang through the radio. “You stay behind. We’re going in.”

  “That’s not happening, Conner.”

  The radio was quiet as Jeremiah Tolliver’s son went in, the only noises voices giving off location and visuals as Peter stepped from the vehicle unsure of what to expect beyond the tall wrought iron fence.

  What he saw f
roze the blood in his veins. There was death all around. Nelapsi lay scattered on the ground, heads ripped away from bodies, cold, marble faces wearing frozen grimaces of shock and disbelief.

  “The entire place is like this, dead everywhere. It looks like she killed her own people.”

  No, Alonya had killed his father’s people, some type of punishment in her own sick mind. Now was not the time to think of them. He needed to find Remi.

  Looking up, Peter saw the answer in Conner’s eyes before he voiced the question.

  “And, no. Remi’s not here,” Conner said, his regret visceral.

  But, there were signs, tendrils of Remi’s soul were here, and Peter focused on that, looking out toward the forest behind the house.

  “There. He’s there, and she’s with him. Scour the home, check for anything living. See if you can find the brothers. Caleb, burn what you can.” They couldn’t leave this much evidence behind. Finding this would only lead to questions and the determination to find answers. “Destroy everything.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “What I must.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Remi felt the call, recognized Peter as he grasped for their connection. He was weak, so weak and he needed to rest, but he was dragged along through plants and dirt. Cuts and burns on his skin felt on fire as stinging roots and leaves slapped at him.

  Peter’s grasp on his soul was relentless, refusing to let him go. There were bruises all over him from the fight he’d given when Alonya had come into the room where he was kept, enraged. Olek stood behind her, had tried to stop her, but there was only her touch, and he fell, his neck twisted and his body broken. Leonid looked on in horror as his brother lay dead.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t know? You stupid fool. That I wouldn’t know what’s happening before me?” Leonid backed away, but she was on him, her claws ripping away, the blood from his body everywhere coating all of them before she was finished.

  Remi had looked up then, saw the glazed look before she’d dragged him to her. “You will come with me while the other fools receive exactly what they deserve.” He’d struggled, striking at her, but she was stronger, his head snapping back viciously when she’d plowed her fist into his face. The puffiness of his skin there, as well as the knowledge that his cheekbone was broken, was a testament to how powerful she was.

  Gasping, his vision went dim as he was dragged on. When they’d arrived at a stopping point, Remi was thrown to the ground, the crunch of his arm signaling another break. He rolled his face in the spongy dirt, the earth lessening the fire on his skin. Remi was grateful for that at least.

  “Now, human. We wait.” Remi looked up, saw Alonya standing over him, her hands stretching out until they formed long claws, the same ones he remembered tearing into his flesh, again and again, bringing pain he would never forget. Was she going to sacrifice him? Kill him? “He will come for you, Remi. And when he does, I will enjoy seeing his whole world crumble when you die.

  “Then, I’ll kill the last Romanoff and drain him dry. His power will be mine, his coven no more.” Turning, Remi watched as a blonde stepped into view. “Vadin. Have you done your duty?”

  “Yes, Korolova. Those who doubted you are dead.”

  “And Kristoff Dumanovsky?”

  “As instructed, my Korolova.”

  “Yes, he’s coming. I feel the shift in power now. Go, destroy him.” Alonya aimed her talons at Remi, grinning as she thrust them wickedly into the meat of his thigh. Remi felt his skin ripping away as she tore at him. “Scream! Bring your mate! Scream, human!”

  * * * *

  Peter heard Remi’s cries as he raced through the forest. No time to stop, he pulled on his mate’s energy, using their bond to take his form, to become the wolf. He fell to the ground, his paws touching the wet earth, the scent of blood surrounding him. He would hunt Remi. Find him. Save him. He charged into the woods racing swiftly as he pursued the one who must die tonight.

  Keeping low to the ground, Peter followed Remi’s scent. Hearing sounds of pain, he lowered his body to the ground to creep forward. Sniffing, his head rose quickly in surprise when he recognized the signature scent of his uncle. Carefully he pawed through the brush and saw that his uncle Kristoff lay before him, his head caked in blood, his body naked and torn. He needed to go on, to find Remi, but he couldn’t just leave him there. He sniffed at him, felt the faint warmth of his body and howled when claws sank into his back.

  “My Korolova wishes you dead, Peter. I am here to see her wishes granted.” Peter was thrown back and slammed against a tree, his body falling to the ground. “But first, first she wishes to have everything you love taken away. We shall start with your uncle.” A shot rang out as the blonde giant rose over Kristoff, talons at the ends of his hands as he prepared to strike. Staggering back, the giant grasped at his chest, surprise and shock on his face.

  Kaden stood behind the giant, a gun in his hand. “What the fuck is going on here?” he shouted before the nelapsi rose again and swiped a hand full of long twisted daggers at the detective’s face. Kaden stepped back bringing his weapon back up, firing again. Blood and brains splattered across the night sky, but the nelapsi wasn’t done. Struggling to its feet, a corner of its head blasted away, it reached for Kaden who stood stock still in disbelief.

  Before it killed Remi’s best friend, Peter was up in human form, but his hands were weapons he used to attack swiftly, bringing forth his own claws as he tore away the giant’s head. It screamed, the sounds sharp and piercing before it rolled to the ground thudding against a tree.

  Breathing heavily, he shouted to Kaden. “Why are you here?”

  “Looking for Remi, had his phone traced when he wouldn’t call me back. What the fuck is all of this?” Kaden’s eyes darted around wildly.

  “It doesn’t matter. Get that man over there, help my uncle. Take him to the house on the other side of these trees.”

  “Wait! Where are you going? Where’s Remi?” Kaden said still dazed and looking between a naked Peter and the nelapsi lying on the ground missing its head.

  “Don’t worry about me. He needs your help. Help him. Find Caleb. He’ll know what to do,” Peter shouted as he tore through the forest.

  He found them.

  Alonya stood before him, Remi at her feet, his head on the ground, arms raised above his body with only one of her hands wrapped around his wrists.

  “I’ve been waiting for you, waiting to destroy all of you.”

  “Why? I never wanted the coven, never wanted my father’s people. This was all a waste,” Peter roared at her, his heart stuttering with Remi lying there, his leg pouring blood from an ugly wound.

  “Do you think I’m a fool? I’m a woman, and as long as there was a Romanoff male alive out there, no matter what his tainted bloodline was, there would always be a question of my right to lead it. With you dead, everything is mine.

  “But, I’ll take this. I’ll take your human mate right before your eyes and drink your blood until there’s nothing left of you. Your power, your unclaimed wealth as the last of the line? It will all be mine.” Alonya moved quickly, her hands opened over Remi as she prepared to thrust her talons into his mate.

  Peter couldn’t breathe as he watched Remi’s head roll back, his eyes finding Peter’s, the shock and pain filling them nearly bringing Peter to his knees.

  She struck then, thrusting those twisted and gnarled claws into his mate, and the nelapsi within Peter acted. He grasped for his line to Remi, wrapping the energy around him.

  He’d done this once, could do it again. He felt their connection, their bond. He became the nelapsi.

  The clouds in the sky rolled and thunder rumbled as electricity spun and danced over Peter casting the area around him in a brilliant blue glow. He watched as Alonya’s eyes opened in shock, enjoyed her fear as he let one hand fall to direct a strike of power to slam against her body.

  Remi fell away from he
r, his body hitting the ground with a thud. With his other hand, Peter pointed at Remi’s form and a churning ball of blue lifted him bringing him to Peter’s side.

  He wanted to look, to assure himself that Remi was fine, but he wouldn’t take the chance. He had to end this, so Peter turned back to Alonya.

  After a slight wave of his hand, he watched the lines of energy as they picked her body up and blasted her against a tree. Slowly, he stalked toward her.

  “This is the power you wanted, you craved to feel course through you.”

  Alonya shook, convulsing as wave after wave of current tore through her frame, blood pooling at the corners of her eyes and flowing over her cheeks.

  “How does it feel?”

  Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, spittle flying as she tried to speak. Heat radiated from her body, the smell of burning flesh rising in the air as Peter poured waves and waves of power into her frame blistering her from the inside out.

  “Does it feel as marvelous as you hoped it would?”

  The feeling Peter had was surreal, as if he were floating in and out, a part of what was happening to him, in front of him more as an onlooker rather than a participant. He felt the energy throbbing through his frame as his energy unleashed, but he didn’t identify with it, more concerned with the man on the ground, unconscious, his mate. Their mate.

  As Alonya’s flesh smoldered away before him, her screams now a distant memory, he sought the inner core of his soul, tapping into their need for Remi. The haze of anger vanished, the desire to see the remnants of their enemy cast away in the wind no longer of vital importance.

  The nelapsi receded, and Peter returned to the forefront of consciousness turning away from the tarred hunk of bone and ash before him to drop beside Remi.

  His hands slid carefully beneath Remi’s neck, Peter lifted him gently.

  He reached for their bond, felt the fear that radiated through his mate and pulled him close.


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