The SEAL's Little Virgin: A Naughty Single Father Novel

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The SEAL's Little Virgin: A Naughty Single Father Novel Page 6

by Blythe Reid

  “You’re mine. Your body is mine, Embry. I am going to take you away with me and worship you.” I pulled back and slid inside again. “This body is my playground now, and I own it. I’ll take what I want from you, when I want it. Do you like that?”

  She moaned and rocked against me, seeming to need more. She was my sweet, submissive girl, and I fucked her harder as she clawed at my back.

  She came, screaming my name as she arched her body against me. Embry took in every inch of me as she came, and I closed my eyes as I pictured her swollen with my baby. Her legs wrapped around me as she cried with her release, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me.

  We rolled over and she pressed her body against mine as she rode my still erect cock, grinding her clit against me as she pressed hard against my chest.

  She was so hot as she rocked back and forth, wanting another orgasm, and I gripped her ass as I slid a hand back to find her tight hole. Embry screamed as she came again, and I shot deep inside of her, knowing that she’d have more babies for me. I’d give her as many as she wanted.

  I held her as she collapsed over me, breathing heavily as she cried in my arms. I told her that everything would be okay as I stroked her hair, knowing that they were happy tears. I’d found my forever, and I was going to give her everything.


  Eight months later


  I sat at the small table, sending a text to Harper with a smile as Trace ordered our food. Since we moved to Tokyo a few months ago, I craved teriyaki all the time and the vegetables that they served. He brought me here for dinner at least once a week to satisfy my cravings.

  I loved it and so did our daughter, making me wince as she kicked me. I glanced up to see my husband ordering at the counter, as confident in a foreign country as he was in the states. It made me smile.

  I was smitten with him.

  I heard the phone chime again and looked down at it. I was due in the next week, and everyone was keeping tabs on me. I was miles away from Gramps, Harper, Trace’s mom, and Ben, but they made me feel loved all the same.

  I smiled and sent one more message to my best friend, promising her for the millionth time that she’d get a picture the moment that Talia was born. I knew how much she’d love to be here, along with everyone else, but it was so far. Trace would be done here in about a month, and we could go back to Coronado and introduce our daughter to everybody there.

  “Who is it now?” Trace asked with amusement as I looked into his handsome face.


  He placed a tray in front of me, and I all but drooled at the food on it. I was starving, even though I’d snacked just a few hours ago. It was dinnertime, though.

  I stabbed a piece of broccoli and chewed it with a moan. Trace raised an eyebrow at me. “She’s convinced that I’m going to forget to send her a picture of the baby.”

  “I’m on it,” he quipped as I took a bite of the chicken, trying not to laugh. Trace inhaled his beef and rice as I cherished every bite of the food. “Ben’s been asking a lot about you as well. I think he’s excited about being a big brother. He’s going to be as protective of Talia as I am.”

  I nodded in agreement, almost feeling sorry for her when she grew up. “I can’t wait to bring her home and see everybody again,” I said with a soft smile as I sipped my water.

  I loved being with Trace and all the traveling that we did. He went where he was needed, and so did I, at least until late in the pregnancy when we’d settled here.

  Trace proposed in Paris by the Eiffel Tower, and we got married in Italy with Bryan as a witness, along with one of his other best friends. The church was small and on a hill that overlooked the water.

  It was beautiful, and I’d never forget that day, even though I promised everyone a big party to celebrate the nuptials once we were back in Coronado. Gramps offered to host it at the bar, and I laughed at the idea, even though it made sense. It was where our first kiss took place as well as a few other choice memories, and it was perfect.

  We finished eating and headed back to our small apartment at the bottom of the hill. We lived near the city and had access to so many great places, including the hospital. Trace was insistent, even though the staff frustrated the hell out of him sometimes.

  It was different here, but we wouldn’t be here forever. He reached for my hand as we walked and held it tight, making me feel safe and loved. He always made me feel that way. I glanced at him as we strolled along the sidewalk. I loved him when I was young, just a kid, and now it was bubbling over as I reminded myself that he was mine.

  All mine.

  Trace unlocked the door and led me inside. A wave of lust hit me like a freight train. I watched him walking, his ass looking good in those jeans. A smile crossed my face. I wanted him all the time, and he gave me what I craved, taking care of my every need. He spoiled me rotten and gave me the world, just like he’d promised.

  When he turned to look back at me, he caught my impish smile, and his own spread over his face. “What do you want, wifey?”

  “You,” I told him brazenly, not afraid of the desire that I felt for him.

  I’d been a bit shy in the beginning, but now I loved the way that he treated my body. He eased up some with the pregnancy, but I asked for it rough. I loved fucking him, but today I just needed him inside of me.

  I walked forward and slipped my arms around his neck to kiss him. Our lips molded together as he drew me closer to him, pressing my full breasts into his chest. Trace groaned. He loved how much I’d grown and spent a lot of time with the girls, since they were so sensitive.

  Our tongues met in a heated dance as he cupped my ass and squeezed, making me whimper against him.

  “I want you so bad,” I murmured against his lips as he claimed mine again.

  Trace led me to the small bedroom and ripped off his shirt, revealing his muscles and amazing abs. I licked my lips. I slipped off the maternity leggings as he dropped back onto the bed, kicking off his jeans and resting his hands under his head. Trace loved nothing more than my body on top of his, swollen with his baby. He loved fondling my breasts as I rode him, grinding my clit against his cock to make myself come hard, just the way I liked it.

  I smiled as I pulled the loose tunic over my head and watched his cock harden fully. He shook his hips for me. Unclipping my bra, I moved onto the bed and moved slowly to take his shaft into my mouth, sucking gently as his hand slipped into my hair.

  It was an interesting balance with my being so huge, but I did the same thing on my knees a lot. It had been eight months since I joined him, but our attraction had only grown in that time, blooming into a full-blown heat.

  I was so in love with him, and I saw his feelings in his eyes every time that Trace looked at me. He was my dominant master, as well as my loving, sweet husband, and I loved every part of him.

  I sucked him until he was hard and swollen in my mouth before I carefully moved myself to straddle him. I held his cock in my hand before sinking down over him, feeling him spread me open.

  His hands cupped my breasts as I moved back and forth over him, needing the feel of him against my clit. One of Trace’s hands trailed down to my hip, stroking me tenderly as I looked down at him with a soft smile.

  There were times when we fucked hard, but there were others when we were soft and tender. I knew that I had trouble moving too much now, but Trace always loved me riding him. He always had.

  I moved slow and steady over him, staring at his gorgeous body as I pressed my hands to his chest. I scraped my nails against his flat nipples, hearing him moan as he arched his cock into me. It felt so good, and I rocked with him as he guided me with his hands on my hips.

  “I love you, Embry.” His voice was soft as he thrust up into me, and I bit my lip. “I love every part of you.”

  “I love you,” I moaned as I felt the deep ache in my stomach start to loosen. I was close, and I moved slowly with him as I let out a low moan. “I’m s
o close, Trace. God, I love it when you’re inside of me.”

  “I am going to come, baby. Let go with me.”

  He thrust up inside of me, and I screamed his name. He jerked one more time before I felt him filling me, my name on his lips as I dropped over him.

  Trace turned me to my side, urging me to roll over with my back to him. Ever since I started showing with Talia, he loved to spoon with me and stroke my stomach. He’d talk to her, telling her stories, or just saying how much he already loved her. I fell asleep many nights that way, safe and warm in his arms. His hands stroked my stretched-out skin softly, making my eyes close as I smiled.

  Three days later, I was in the hospital with Trace at my side. The nurse was beside me, telling me to push, push, push. I held his hand tightly and pressed my lips together. This had been painful earlier, but since I got the epidural, I found it to be a lot easier to handle. I memorized every moment and every bit of pressure as Trace told me what was happening. He never left my side, but he’d lean over to look from time to time.

  The first time we looked into Talia’s face, I started sobbing and he stroked my hair back. She was small and so beautiful with her head of dark hair and heart-shaped mouth.

  Once she was cleaned up, we had a nurse take pictures of the three of us. I sent them to everyone in my life, sharing my joy as Trace held her beside me. I knew that he wanted to bond, but soon he was passing her over to me so I could hold her against my chest and feel how warm she was.

  “We did it,” I told him softly as he kissed my hair and then Talia’s tiny head. “We made this.”

  “I’m ready to make more anytime you are,” Trace offered, making me laugh as Talia stirred against me. He settled in the chair, stroking her soft hair gently as he watched us, love shining in his eyes.

  One month after that, we were stepping from a plane with a tiny bundle of pink in my arms as Trace carried her car seat. We brought everything that we needed right way, and what wasn’t here had been purchased.

  I smiled as Harper waved at me from the bottom of the stairs at the airport in San Diego, careful to step on the escalator. Ben was there as well, with Trace’s mom, who hugged me and welcomed me to the family before kissing Trace’s cheek.

  I watched as Ben held his sister, a look of awe on his face. He was going to love her like her daddy did, and I wrapped an arm around Trace’s waist before I kissed him.

  Everything was perfect as we made our way to the cars to go home. My home, and the place where I was going to have a family and a new life.

  The End

  Author Note: I have a twist on an old classic below if you’re at all interested in reading a little more! Enjoy!

  Red and Her Wolfe

  They call me The Wolfe.

  I hunt women the way a wolf hunts lambs.

  And I just found my latest prey.

  She’s a long way from home.

  We meet on the plane.

  And there’s nothing as vulnerable as a girl who’s homesick after her first trip abroad.

  The girls I’m used to want my money and my looks.

  This girl is too innocent for either of those things.

  She wants me because of the way we lock eyes.

  The way we instantly hit it off.

  The way we seem to have been made for each other.

  And I want her because I’m The Wolfe.

  I hunt innocent young women like her.

  It’s what I do.

  But sometimes, the hunter becomes the hunted.

  Chapter 1


  The air was different as Adam and I stepped off the plane. We finally arrived in Paris, France, and our month-long vacation was about to begin. For weeks, Adam and I planned this trip, eager to escape New York for a little while. We were just one summer away from the start of our senior year, and neither of us were ready for college to end. This trip was our last hurrah, one month of reckless fun to propel us into adulthood. I, for one, could not wait.

  “Man, I can’t believe we’re here,” Adam said as we stepped out of the tunnel and emerged inside the airport. “We’re in Paris!”

  “Crazy, right?” I said without emotion. I was excited, but not like Adam. While I’d spent my life traveling and having adventures, Adam had been more sheltered. He hadn’t seen much outside of New York.

  “Thanks for paying for this,” Adam said softly as we walked. “It means a lot.”

  I shrugged. “Hey, I didn’t want to come alone. What fun would that have been?”

  Adam laughed. “You’ve got a point. This trip is going to be fucking awesome.”

  “Of course, it is,” I said easily. “This is our final escape before the real world takes over. Next year is going to be all about figuring out our lives. After that, who knows when our next adventure will be?”

  “Knowing you, it won’t be long,” Adam scoffed. “I know you, Lucien. You can’t go longer than a few weeks without doing something insane.”

  “That’s true,” I said, shrugging. “But who knows? Maybe I’ll change this year.”

  Adam just snorted and shook his head. I knew he didn’t believe me. Hell, I didn’t believe me, but it sounded good to say. The truth was, I didn’t know what the next year was going to hold for me. Senior year at NYU would be insane in more ways than one. Not only would I have to choose a career for myself, but I would be running the frat for the first time. Just two months ago, I was elected President of Delta Pi. I was already working on some kickass party plans.

  “Luggage is late,” Adam said, pointing to a sign above our heads. “We’ll have to wait.”

  “There’s a bar over there,” I said, nodding a few feet in front of us.

  Adam and I headed to the bar and collapsed on a couple of barstools. The flight was a long one, and neither of us had slept. We were both too energized about being in France for an entire month. We didn’t want to waste a single second sleeping, even on the plane ride. Now though, I wished I’d shut my eyes for a little while because I was already starting to fade.

  We ordered a couple beers and sipped them while we waited. Both Adam and I were champion drinkers, but we paced ourselves that day. We didn’t need to start our vacation off with a hangover and jetlag.

  “So,” Adam said. “What do you have planned for us this year, Mr. President?”

  I rolled my eyes and took a long swig of my beer. Most of the guys had started calling me “Mr. President” the second I was elected. It was annoying, but also oddly empowering. Every time I heard it, a sense of energy surged through my body. This position was meant for me. Since freshman year, I knew I wanted it. Delta Pi was my life. They were my brothers, my family. We did everything together, and I was determined to give them all an amazing year.

  “A few things,” I said, shrugging. “Nothing I can talk about just yet. Not until the first meeting.”

  “Come on,” Adam whined. “I won’t say anything. Just tell me.”

  “You tell me,” I evaded. “What do you want to do this year?”

  “Party,” Adam answered simply.

  “Well, that’s innovative,” I said. I was being snarky, but I didn’t care. I finished my first beer and ordered another.

  Adam shrugged. “I have a few ideas. But I don’t want to step on tradition.”

  “Only one party is tradition,” I reminded him. “And you know which one that is.”

  “We’re doing it this year?” he asked.

  “Every year,” I said firmly. “For over twenty years, Delta Pi has thrown that party. I’d be ousted if I tried to do away with it.”

  “Probably true,” Adam said.

  “I’m thinking we’ll have ten parties this year,” I said. “One for each month. We’ll make some of them themed, you know? ‘Back to School,’ ‘Halloween,’ ‘Fucksgiving,’ that kind of thing.”

  Adam laughed. “‘Fucksgiving.’ I like it.”

  “Thought you would,” I said. “Don’t tell the guys yet. I’ll announce it
all at the first meeting, okay?”

  I stared at him with authority in my eyes. The last thing I needed was to show favoritism to Adam. If anyone caught wind of the fact that I was letting Adam in on the planning process, I would have a mutiny on my hands. I wanted my term as President to go smoothly. I wanted to be remembered well, as one of the best leaders Delta Pi ever had.

  While we sat at the bar, Adam and I continued to drink and discuss plans for the following year. We talked about life after graduation and what we each wanted to do. I wasn’t sure where my life would take me, but I was certain about one thing: I didn’t want to work for my father’s company.

  He owned a logging business, Wolfe Logging and Trucking. I’d grown up around the business and knew everything about it, but it didn’t excite me. The idea of spending my entire life working for my dad made me miserable. I couldn’t imagine making that my career.

  As we talked, we were joined by a flight attendant who sat a couple stools away from me. She was sexy in an older woman way. When I glanced at her, I saw that she was wearing slightly too much makeup, but her figure was amazing. She looked to be in her late-thirties, but she was still in shape. Her breasts were perky, and her hips had just the right amount of curve to peak my interest.

  It wasn’t long before I realized my interest was returned. She glanced at me every few seconds, batting her eyelashes suggestively. I grinned to myself and ordered her a drink. When the bartender placed it in front of her, I raised my own glass and nodded. She smiled gratefully and sipped her drink, all the while flirting with me with her eyes.

  I didn’t usually go for older women. The cougar complex wasn’t my style, but I was on vacation, and so far, there hadn’t been much to do. Until our luggage arrived, Adam and I were stuck at the airport. I’d already grown bored with Adam’s conversation, and I longed for a brief reprieve. The sexy flight attendant seemed like the perfect distraction.


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