The Story of Annabelle & Alison

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The Story of Annabelle & Alison Page 7

by Lydia Rose

  “Belle, leave me alone.” Alison called from the other side of the door.

  “It’s me, honey,” Hank answered and opened the door.

  “Hi, dad.”

  Hank sat on the edge of the bed and touched his daughter’s forehead. “Been feeling peaked for a while?”

  Alison nodded. “I think I’m going to have Belle take me to the doctor tomorrow.”

  “I think that’s a good idea, but I have a feeling I know what it is.” Hank smiled. “Your momma was like that when she was having you. She couldn’t keep a thing down in the morning those first few months.”

  Alison’s eyes opened wide realizing what her father was saying.

  “I would say all that noise you and Belle have been doing has finally paid off.”

  “Dad, you think I’m going to have a baby?”

  “Don’t know for sure, but I think so.” His smile was bright.

  “Dad, would you please tell Belle to come upstairs.”

  Hank nodded and left the room. When he got to the kitchen, he said. “Belle, Alison wants to see you.”

  Annabelle looked at Hank and charged up the stairs. She ran into the room and saw Alison sitting up. “Are you okay?”

  Alison patted the bed next to her. “I had a talk with dad.” She grinned. “He thinks I’m going to have a baby.”

  Annabelle looked at her as the words sunk in. “Are you sure?”

  “No, I’m not sure. The symptoms seem to lead to that conclusion, but I think a visit to the doctor might be in order.”

  “Now I feel sick,” Annabelle said holding her stomach.

  “You’re not happy?” Alison asked touching Annabelle’s leg.

  “I’m thrilled, but now I’ll start to worry about you.” Annabelle admitted.

  “Honey, there’s no guarantees in life. This is something we both wanted. Well, maybe me more than you.”

  “I really am happy, Alison.”

  “So we’ll get through this together,” Alison said kissing Annabelle’s mouth.

  “Do you want to get up now and see if you can try and eat something again?”

  “I’d rather stay up here making love to you all day, but I think my dad would come looking for us.”

  They walked arm and arm down the stairs. When Bill came into the house with the milk and eggs, he looked at everyone at the table. They were all wearing goofy grins.

  “What’s going on?” Bill asked as he put the things down.

  Alison took Annabelle’s hand. “I may be pregnant.”

  Bill looked at Alison then at Annabelle who was still wearing that goofy grin. “That’s wonderful,” Bill said going over to Alison’s side and hugging her. “I couldn’t be happier for you. For you too, Belle.” He shook Annabelle’s hand and then Hank’s. “This is just wonderful.”

  “Bill, we won’t know for sure until I get Alison to the doctor.” She smiled. “So don’t get too excited.” Annabelle reminded him. “Come on, Bill. Let’s go get some weeding done.” She stood up and gave Alison a warm kiss. “Why don’t you go upstairs and get some rest.” Annabelle urged.

  “I will later. Go on and do your work,” She said with a smile.

  Annabelle put her arm on Bill’s shoulder and they left through the back door.

  “Those two have gotten close.” Hank commented to his daughter.

  “We both feel like Bill is a member of the family. Like he’s our older brother.”

  “I think of him as another son too.” Hank admitted. “Our lives have changed so much since Belle came walking up that driveway. Hasn’t it, Aly?”

  “Yes dad, it has. I never thought I would ever be this happy.” Alison’s smile was radiant.

  The next day, Annabelle took Alison to the doctor.

  She was up on the table anxiously awaiting any type of news.

  “We’ll have to do a blood test, but I would say you’re pregnant.” The doctor said covering Alison.

  “Doctor, Belle and I can still,” Alison blushed. “You know.”

  The doctor looked over his glasses and also blushed. “Um, yes. I’ll have a talk with your husband.”

  The nurse brought Annabelle into the room and looked at Alison. “The doctor is going to do a blood test, but he thinks yes.”

  Annabelle smiled and took her wife’s hand. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Son, can I see you while your wife gets dressed?” The doctor led Annabelle to his office. “Your wife has concerns if she could still have intercourse.” He looked away. “I told her yes, but no rough stuff.” He pointed. “In the last month, no intercourse at all. You two can find some other ways to please each other, but no intercourse.” He stared at Annabelle’s open mouth. “Do you understand, son?”

  “Yes, sir. I won’t let anything happen to her and the baby.” Annabelle stood. “Can I go in there?” She pointed to the room Alison was in.

  “Go ahead. Check back with me in a few days for the results of the test.”

  “Thank you, doctor.” Annabelle shook his hand. Alison was dressed when she came into the room. She kissed her mouth and whispered. “Can we get out of here, please?”

  “Yes, dear. Did the doctor embarrass you?”

  Annabelle nodded. “Why did you ask him about us having sex?” Annabelle opened the truck door and helped Alison inside.

  “Because I wanted to make sure we could still make love.”

  “Couldn’t you have asked somebody else? He looked at me like I demanded sex from you.”

  “Oh, honey,” Alison said with a laugh. “I’ll trade places with you. I’ll have the talk and you lie on that table and let him touch you. How’s that?”

  Annabelle looked shocked. “You win. I will never complain again.”

  “You better not,” Alison said laughing again. “Let’s go home, honey.”


  Thanksgiving Day, everyone was getting dressed to go to Maggie and Chet’s for dinner. It was their turn to host the day.

  Alison carried the pies she had made into the house. The men went into the living room and Alison followed Maggie into the kitchen.

  “I have some news to tell you, Maggie,” Alison said smiling.

  “You’re going to have a baby?” Maggie asked holding Alison’s hands.

  “Did my dad tell you?” Alison asked.

  “No, honey. You’re glowing.” Maggie hugged her close. “I was worried that it never was going to happen for you. I know how disappointed Chet and I were when I couldn’t get pregnant.” Maggie smiled. “Is Belle happy?”

  “Belle’s thrilled, but worried.” Alison answered.

  “That’s not unusual.” Maggie sat next to her. “Do you have any questions? I know I haven’t been pregnant, but I’ve been around my sisters.”

  “The doctor answered my questions,” Alison said looking away. “He embarrassed Belle.”

  Maggie laughed. “Men. They want sex, but they never want to talk about it.”

  Alison laughed along with Maggie. “That’s true, but I wanted to know if we had to abstain and I didn’t want that.” Alison rubbed the table with her fingers.

  “Now that’s something you don’t hear every day.” Alison looked up. “I know so many women who think making love with their husbands is a chore. Thankfully, I never felt that way.” Maggie grinned.

  “It’s been over a year since Belle came to us and I still can’t keep my hands off him.” Alison hated referring to Belle in the male pronoun, but with outsiders she had no choice.

  “Let’s hope you have an easy pregnancy so you’ll keep feeling like you want to make love.” Maggie patted her hand.

  Annabelle poked her head in the door. “Do you need any help in here?” She asked.

  “Come here, Belle.” Maggie wrapped her arms around her. “Congratulations, Belle. Alison told me the news.”

  Annabelle blushed. “Thanks. We’re both very happy.”

  “I’m sure Hank is head over heels to

  “He is,” Alison said. “Bill’s thrilled for us too.”

  “He’s a nice young man.”

  Alison and Annabelle nodded. “We’re so happy to have him on the farm with us.” Alison smiled. “We can’t thank him enough for what he’s done for us.”

  “What do you mean?” Maggie asked with raised eyebrows.

  “I mean he came after Belle broke that leg and he was there to help my father. Dad would have been in a tough position with Belle out of commission.”

  Maggie smiled again. “You’re so right. I know what it’s like for Chet to work alone. We’re so happy when Hank comes over to help and brings his equipment with him. It has added years to Chet’s life.”

  Annabelle looked at Alison when Maggie had her back turned. Alison knew what the look meant. She was going to have to be careful what she said when it came to commenting on Bill. She mouthed sorry to Annabelle.

  The dinner was filled with love and grateful comments that next year there would be a new addition to the Thanksgiving dinner.

  The night had turned colder when they came out of the house. Alison pulled her coat close and Annabelle wrapped her arm around her. “Bill, are you going to be okay back there?” Annabelle asked as Bill climbed into the back of the truck.

  “I’ve been in colder weather not knowing when I’d feel warm again. Once I get to the shed, I can build a fire to stay warm.”

  “If it gets too cold, come into the house.” Annabelle laughed. “I’ll build a fire in the wood stove.”

  “Let’s get out of here before I freeze to death,” Bill said with a laugh as Annabelle got into the truck.

  Alison began to decorate the house for the Christmas holiday and Annabelle knew she had to get her something special. She walked over to Bill. “Do you want to come with me to find a Christmas present for Alison?”

  “Sure. Let me just go change.” Bill walked back to his shed.

  “Alison, Bill and I are going to go out for a while.”

  Alison looked at her suspiciously. “Are you going to a bar?”

  Annabelle grinned. “No, dear. We have some shopping to do.”

  “Oh,” Alison said embarrassed that she thought Annabelle would go out drinking. “I’m sorry.”

  Annabelle hugged her. “Think nothing of it.” She patted Alison’s stomach. “Do you need anything while we’re out?”

  “No. Be careful,” Alison was kissing Annabelle when Bill walked into the house.

  “Can’t you two ever keep your hands off each other?” Bill asked as he came in the back door.

  “Never,” Annabelle said as she took Bill’s arm and led him out of the house. She knew exactly what she was going to buy Alison for Christmas.

  They decided to go further north to a larger town. While they drove, Annabelle reached into her pocket and handed Bill an envelope. “This is for you.”

  Bill looked at the envelope with the money. “I can’t take money from you, Belle,” Bill said shaking his head.

  “It’s not from me. It’s from Hank. He wanted to give this to you early so you can buy yourself something while we’re out.” Bill sat there silently. “He’s like that, Bill. He’s the most generous man I’ve ever met.” Annabelle looked over at Bill and saw the tears on his cheek.

  “I never thought I would feel joy and love ever again,” Bill said softly. “You, Alison and Hank have made me feel like I’m part of the family.”

  Annabelle reached over and took his hand. “You are part of the family, Bill. I hope you know that. Someday, I hope you find someone to love again.”

  “That’s not as easy as you might think. Besides, two men living together is always in danger of being exposed and harmed.”

  “One of you could always dress like a woman,” Annabelle said with a laugh.

  “Sometimes I forget you really are a woman under those clothes.”

  “Are you saying I’m too masculine?”

  “No,” Bill chuckled. “You’re very natural in your part, but I know that Alison doesn’t see you as a man. When she looks at you, she knows you’re a woman.” He sighed. “If I had come to work on the farm before you, she never would have fallen in love with me.”

  “She might have. You’re not the most masculine man I’ve seen.” Annabelle laughed again teasing him.

  Bill laughed. “She told me that she was attracted to you the moment you walked up that driveway. When you told her that the two of you could never be together, she was heartbroken. She was not going to give up on you so she knew she had to find a way to convince you.” Bill turned in his seat. “She told me how she peeked in on you taking a shower.”

  Annabelle smiled in remembering, but she didn’t comment.

  “Alison said she almost got into the shower with you that day. It was in that moment she understood why she fell in love with you.” Bill’s head went up and down. “You’re a lucky woman, Belle. You have a wonderful woman who would do anything to share the love you have for each other.”

  “Did Alison tell you the lie she told her father, so we could be together?”

  Bill nodded.

  “Alison also offered to shoot my toes off if war breaks out. The war is ranging in Europe and it won’t be long before we’re into it.” Annabelle said quietly. “My limp will prevent the town from wondering why I’m not going to fight, but they’ll come looking for you, Bill. That thought worries us.”

  “If I have to go, I will. Although, taking this thirty five year old man to go fight a war might not benefit the United State Government.”

  “Maybe I should let Alison shoot off your toes.”

  Annabelle and Bill burst out laughing. They laughed until they reached the large town.

  Annabelle went into the jewelry store and found the gift that she had in her mind. The man put her purchase in a small box and she and Bill left the store.

  “Where to now?” Bill asked.

  “I want to get Hank a new pipe and tobacco. I need some pants and shirts too.”

  They stopped at noon to have something to eat.

  “You won’t mind if I get something for Alison?” Bill asked.

  “Alison made me promise that you wouldn’t waste your money on us.” Annabelle told him.

  “I’m not buying you anything.” Bill swatted Annabelle’s arm. “I want to buy something for your wife.”

  “What do you want to buy?” Annabelle asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  Bill and Annabelle finished their lunch and went across the street. The sign said photography.

  “You’re going to give her a picture of yourself?”

  “No. I’m going to give her a picture of the two of us.” Bill opened the door of the store.

  A woman behind the counter smiled. “How can I help you two gentlemen?”

  “We want to get a picture of my brother and me,” Bill said to the woman.

  “How nice.” She brought them over to a where they had the back drops set up. The two of them took off their hats and left them on a chair. The woman combed their hair and posed them.

  “Is this your studio, ma’am?” Bill asked.

  “It is,” she said with a smile. “I took over the business when my husband passed away.” She went to her camera stand and held up her hand. “Now give me a big smile.” She took several pictures. “Okay, you can relax now. I can frame this photo if you would like?”

  Bill walked over to her. “That would be great, ma’am.”

  “Come over to the counter so I can get your name and address.”

  Bill gave her the information needed and she promised that the photograph would arrive before Christmas.

  “I know you and Hank like to read. I think I’m going to pick up a book for him.”

  They finished their shopping and started back for the farm in the early afternoon.

  “So tell me, why did you want a picture of the two of us together?” Annabelle asked.

  “You are Alison’s wife and I’m the baby’s
biological father. The child will never know that, but I hope someday you and Alison will tell him or her about me.”

  “Bill, you’ll be the one to tell that child about yourself. You are going to be Uncle Bill and will also be the baby’s godfather.”

  Bill’s eyes filled with tears again. “Thank you, Belle.”

  Christmas Eve would be spent at home. Just the four of them sharing a meal and opening of presents. On Christmas Day they would venture over to Chet and Maggie’s home. Maggie’s sisters were visiting and Alison was anxious to see them again. Alison was lost in her thoughts when Bill came in the back door. He took off his coat and lightly kissed Alison on the cheek.

  Alison smiled and looked at him. “Don’t you look handsome today?”

  Bill’s clean pressed clothes were a gift from Alison and Annabelle. His blue jeans and light blue button down shirt fit his small waist and thin hips perfectly. Bill had shined his brown boots and he blushed with Alison’s compliment.

  “Thank you, Alison. You look beautiful too as always,” Bill said standing awkwardly.

  Annabelle walked into the kitchen smiling. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” Alison said taking note to the clothes she wore. She was almost an identical twin of Bill. Her shirt was tan, but the jeans and boots were identical. “You two are so handsome.”

  Annabelle walked over to Alison and kissed her mouth. “Since my beautiful wife always picks out my clothes. I should say it’s only because of you.”

  Alison looked at Bill and Annabelle as they interacted. They did indeed look like they were brothers. They both had the same dark hair styled the same since Alison cut both their hair and the dark green eyes were so similar. She knew if the baby ended up looking like Bill the secret of this miracle would never be known.

  Hank walked into the kitchen. “Good morning, all.” His clothes almost mirrored the others except his tie seemed out of place in this casual home. Hank nodded to Bill who nodded back in response. The shared glance wasn’t seen by Annabelle or Alison. “Belle, can I see you outside?” Hank asked and said. “Alison, you’re welcome to come too.”

  The two women raised their eyebrows and looked at one another. They followed Hank and Bill outside. Sitting in the driveway was an old blue truck.


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