If You Could Only Imagine (Buchanan Brothers Series Book 2)

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If You Could Only Imagine (Buchanan Brothers Series Book 2) Page 9

by M. E. Clayton

  “Get off me, Mason,” Harold fumed, doing his best to maintain some kind of dignity. Luckily for him, Mason wasn’t Michael.

  Michael would have thrown him out the window.

  Mason shoved off of him, and stepping back, came to stand next to me. We stood side by side as we regarded the piece of shit we were unfortunate to call our father. I knew there was no way we could hide what just took place in here, and once again, I was grateful for a brother like Mason.

  Dad did his best to put himself together, but he looked a mess. We both did. “I don’t understand how you guys can’t see how I’m just trying to preserve all of this for future Buchanan generations,” he stated, his tone superior and fucking idiotic.

  “That’s not your job anymore,” Mason snapped. “Don’t forget, you piece of shit, the only reason you still have an office in this building, and are even welcomed in any of the BI sites, is because I fucking allow it.”

  Dad stepped to us, but still remained a safe distance away. “Don’t forget who raised you, boy!”

  “That’s the problem,” I said, finally joining in. “We can’t forget. You’re in every bad decision we’ve ever made.”

  “I’m warning you, Dad,” Mason resumed with his set down. “If you ever say anything derogatory, insulting or disrespectful about Denise Hart, ever again, I will fucking end you in a way that will make you wrap a rope around your neck, ending all of our fucking misery.”

  Harold straightened his suit and did his best to shake off Mason’s threat. “This isn’t over,” he announced. “However, we will discuss this at a more appropriate place and time.” Mason scoffed at his demand but didn’t say anything more as Dad walked out of my office.

  The second the door shut, Mason turned towards me. “Are you okay, Aid?”

  I dabbed my lip with the inside of my thumb. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I assured him. “How did you know?”

  He jammed his hands inside his pockets and regarded me. “I didn’t,” he replied. “I got a phone call from Marcy in HR saying she just finished a meeting with Denise and that Denise wanted Marcy to carve out time for a meeting with me later today. I was just coming by to tell you.”

  I nodded. This was bad. “Could you hear us in the hall?”

  “Yeah,” he winced. “Everyone could hear you guys in the hall.”

  I lost all the breath in my chest. “Fuck, Mase,” I sighed. “I’m so fucking sorr-”

  He held a hand up. “You don’t have to apologize to me for shit, Aid,” he said, interrupting me. “I don’t give a fuck about anything except Shane, you, Gabriel, Michael, and now, Denise. If Dad wants a war, then we’ll go to war. If the employees want to quit, sue or waver in their loyalty, then so be it. I’ll sell this entire empire off brick by fucking brick and live the rest of my days lying in bed with Shane.”

  I closed my eyes and let the calm settle in my blood. When I opened them, I looked at my brother and said, “Thanks, Mason.”

  “What do you want me to do about my meeting with Denise?” he asked.

  “Whatever you want,” I answered. “Just as long as she doesn’t leave me, Mason.”

  Chapter 17


  I was hiding in the women’s restroom again, only this time, it wasn’t because I was afraid of jumping Aiden’s bones.

  No. This time, I was hiding because shame was coursing through every fiber of my being and I didn’t know how to handle it.

  When I had spoken to Marcy about what happened between me and Aiden, she had floored me when she told me she had already known about my association with Aiden. Apparently, after that first day when we shook hands, he had met with Marcy to tell her he thought she ought to know that we were dating, and he wanted everything to be aboveboard and handled in good taste.

  I had wanted to cry.

  I sat and listened Marcy’s recount of events and it appeared as if Aiden made it sound like we’ve been dating for some time now and he was just following procedure now that he was in his official capacity as head of Finance.

  She also let me know that Shane Buchanan had already approached her about recruiting me to be on her team, therefore, eliminating any inappropriateness with Aiden being my boss’ boss.

  He never once said anything to me about talking with HR.

  And now, I was hiding in the restroom right before my meeting with Mason Buchanan, trying not to let my shame consume me. It had embarrassed me to have to speak with Marcy. It embarrassed me to know that my co-workers were speculating about me and Aiden. I was embarrassed that I had been persuaded by a gorgeous face and hot body.

  But what had really driven me into this bathroom stall?

  The second I had emerged from my meeting with Marcy, Sarah had taken me aside and told me she heard there had been a huge physical altercation between Aiden and his father, Harold Buchanan. At first, her words weren’t really penetrating my mind, but then she said the buzz was that it was about Aiden dating me and his father’s objection to the color of my skin.

  The heartbreak that fissured my chest took me back to my childhood and all the times I witnessed how people would look at my parents. It reminded me of strained family gatherings, not because my parents’ families were racists, but because I remembered the looks we’d get getting out of the car when we visited them.

  There’s no way Harold Buchanan would let any of his sons bring a woman who was not white into the Buchanan folds. It didn’t matter that I was only half Black.

  And the shit of it all?

  I actually liked Aiden Buchanan.

  He was funny, sweet, nice, gorgeous, caring, and by all accounts, a gentleman. Other than his little moment of idiocy, during that meeting with Raymond Sampson, he’s done nothing but treat me with want, respect and kindness.

  I just didn’t know what to do.

  But, whatever the answer, I knew I wouldn’t find it hiding in the women’s restroom at work. I had to pull myself together and go meet with Mason Fucking Buchanan.

  Ten minutes later-and the pep talk of a lifetime-I was knocking on Mason Buchanan’s office door. I was waiting for him to call me in, but what I wasn’t expecting was for the man, himself, to open the door and escort me in.

  He smiled at me, and stepped back, allowing enough room for me to pass. “Hello, Ms. Hart,” he greeted, following in behind me.

  I wrung my hands together in front of me as I watched him walk past me and back to his desk. “Go…Good Morning, Mr. Buchanan,” I replied as professionally as I could.

  He gestured for me to take a seat and waited to sit until I was comfortably seated. “Would you like anything to drink?” he asked, surprising the crap out of me.

  My hands were still wringing in my lap. “Uh…uhm, no, thank you, sir.”

  Mason smiled again. “You may call me Mason, Ms. Hart.” His all-knowing eyes were full of mirth. “I think it’s safe to say we might be past formalities at this point, don’t you think?”

  I decided to be honest. “I don’t know what to think,” I told him, pointedly.

  He nodded and leaned back in his chair. “That’s a fair point,” he conceded. “From everything I know, things have seemed to have gotten a bit out of control rather quickly.”

  I could feel my eyes bug out of my head. “Out of control?” I squeaked. “I’d say things are a little bit more than just out of control.”

  He shrugged a shoulder. “Uh…chaotic, perhaps,” he graced me with, “but it’s certainly not the end of the world, Ms. Hart.”

  I felt like such a tool. He’d given me permission to use his first name, and I was so caught up in my emotions and confusion, I hadn’t extended him the same courtesy. I could feel my face flush. “Please, call me Denise,” I mumbled. And then Mason Buchanan did something I was not expecting.

  He laughed.

  A full-on, deep belly laugh.

  It sounded amazing, and it looked absolutely stunning on him. I mean, Mason Buchanan was just as striking as his brothers, but happiness looke
d divine on him. Maybe it was because he was rumored to never laugh.

  He finally settled down and gifted me with his smile again, his grey eyes still laughing. He didn’t have The Buchanan Twin’s lethal dimples, but he did have a beautiful smile, nonetheless. “I’m sorry, Denise,” he chuckled. “I’m not laughing at you, and I hope you don’t think I am.” I just shook my head at him. “I just think you’re refreshing and actually pretty perfect for my brother.”

  My entire body deflated.

  This man was going to be no help to me. He was Team Dibtab.

  So, I just asked the question that had been plaguing me since I left HR. “Why didn’t Aiden tell me he had spoken with HR about our association? And why did he make it sound as if we’ve been dating a lot longer than before he took over the reins?”

  Mason placed his elbows on the desk and leaned forward, clasping his hands together in front of him. “I don’t know how much you’ve heard about me and my wife, Denise, but the rumors about love at first sight are true.” My lips parted quietly at the shock of Mason Buchanan daring to share details about his personal life with me. “I took one look at Shane, and after that, I couldn’t look past her long enough to even notice anyone else.”

  “That’s…” I had to clear my throat. “Uhm, that’s what they say.”

  He smiled again. “Good,” he stated. “Because it’s true.” I was about to ask him what this had to do with me and Aiden when he continued on, “The first time Aiden met you, he came to me and told me he fell in love over a handshake, and he was letting me know that he was going to pursue you to the ends of the earth.” This time, my gasp was audible. “However, he was determined to do it in the most respectful fashion he could muster, and so, he met with HR the very next day.”

  “But why not say anything?” I asked again.

  “He wanted to pursue you, Denise. He didn’t want you thinking he thought you were going to be easy or a foregone conclusion,” he explained. “Honestly, what would you have said if Aiden had told you he had already gone to HR and told them you guys were dating before he even had gotten a first date with you?” Mason answered before I could. “You would have instantly been turned off by the presumptuousness and his audacity. It would have made him look like an entitled prick and that’s not what he wanted. He wanted you to spend time with him and get to know the good man that he really is.” Mason’s face softened. “Because, Denise, Aiden really is a good man. He’s probably the best man out of all of us.”

  Since he was being so open and honest, I decided to continue with my dose of honestly, as well. “I don’t know what to do, Mr. Bu…Mason,” I admitted, lamely. “I heard about your fathe-”

  “Denise?” I stopped short at the coldness in his voice. One second, he was all sweetness and understanding, and the next, all ice cold. “Whatever you do or don’t do in regards with your relationship with Aiden, do not make my father a factor in it. Do you understand me?”

  I didn’t, but I agreed, anyway. I was not going to go up against Mason Buchanan. “Y...yes,” I muttered.

  He let out a sigh. “Denise, all I can tell you is that my brother loves you. I know it sounds impossible and ridiculous and all that, but it’s the truth. So, while you’re deciding what to do, please keep in mind that this is not a game for Aiden and his feelings for you are very real.”

  I looked Mason Buchanan in the eye and replied, “I care about him very much, Mason. It’s just a lot, too soon.”

  “I understand,” he said. “I understand, and if you need anything while you’re…processing all of this, my door is open anytime for you. I mean that.”

  I stood up and gave him a shaky smile. “Thank you.”

  Chapter 18


  How in the fuck is it only Tuesday afternoon?

  This had to be the longest week in history with this fucked up day being the longest in its wake.

  I had a shitload of stuff to do, but between beating the shit out of my dad, Mason’s visit, knowing everyone was talking about me and Denise, I don’t think I’ve gotten a motherfucking thing done.

  After Mason had left this morning, I cleaned myself up as best I could-there was nothing I could do about the cut on my forehead and split lip-and got to cleaning up my office. Nothing had broken that couldn’t be replaced-my dignity notwithstanding.

  And I couldn’t believe I got into an actual fistfight with my father like we were in a high school locker room fighting over a girl. The rumors, the fighting…this is shit Michael would get into. Not me. I’m the stable brother, goddamn it!

  The worst part of this shitastic day is that I haven’t even had a chance to speak with Denise. She never responded to my text, and I felt like I was losing my mind. I haven’t even been here a full month, and it felt like everything was falling apart.

  I was about to lock up shop-I wasn’t getting fuck all done anyway-when the door to my office opened. I expected it to be Mason or Shane checking up on me, or hell, even my father ready for round two. But when I looked up, walking in was the source of all my angst.


  Or, rather, Ms. Hart, I supposed.

  I remained seated at my desk and waited quietly as she shut the door behind her and approached my desk. I have been fucking things up left and right; I was not about to utter a word, possibly making things worse between us.

  She passed the guest chairs and stopped right in front of my desk. Her right hand shot up to cover her gasp. “Aiden,” she breathed. “Oh, god, are you okay?” Her beautiful hazel eyes were full of worry as she searched my face.

  I leaned back in my chair and shrugged a shoulder. “I’m fine, De…Ms. Hart.” Her formal name tasted like acid on my tongue. I hated calling her Ms. Hart, but I failed to respect her wishes when I barged into her meeting with Sampson, resulting in kicking off a shit storm of drama, the least I could do is try to respect her wishes now. And one of those wishes was to address her by her last name.

  Denise let out a heavy sigh. “Aiden…” I studied her face and noticed that it was no longer full of anger or hurt. She looked sad, tired and breathtaking.

  I straightened in my chair and waved away her concern. “I’m fine, Ms. Hart,” I repeated. Looking behind her, the shut door bothered me, and so I stood up to go open it. I’ve done enough to this woman, I didn’t need to keep making a bad situation worse.

  As I walked past her, she reached out and grabbed my arm. “You’re leaving?” she asked, her voice shaky and unsure.

  I looked down at the face I wanted to stare at for the rest of my life and I honestly didn’t know what to say. I went with keeping things simple. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, so I’m going to open the door,” I explained. “No need to add to the gossip, Ms. Hart.”

  “Quit calling me that,” she snapped, surprising the shit out of me.

  And then pissing me off.

  I bared down on her, finally, fed the fuck up. “Why?” I barked. “Isn’t that what you insisted on just fucking yesterday?” She blanched, not familiar with this side of me. “As a matter of fact, are you in here for something work related, Ms. Hart? Because I do believe that was another stipulation you put on our association, wasn’t it?” I knew I was being a dick, but I couldn’t stop myself. Everything felt like it was crashing down on me and I didn’t need her confusing me further. “I don’t think asking me if I’m alright qualifies as work related.”

  Her eyes glossed over, and I instantly felt like I was being sliced open with rusty razor blades. “Stop it, Aiden,” she whispered.

  My brows shot up. “Oh, I’m Aiden again?” As much as the distress on her face pained me, I couldn’t control my knee-jerk anger.

  She went from upset to pissed in a millisecond. Her hands fisted against her thighs and she narrowed her eyes at me. “I’m confused, alright?!” she yelled. “I’m fucking confused and…and…”

  I stepped to her until her ass hit the edge of my desk. “And fucking what, Denise?” I yelled back. Fu
ck a scene at this point. We were already the talk of the building. What’s one more fight?

  Her eyes raced over mine as she admitted, “I don’t know what to do about…any of…this!”

  “I do,” I snapped right before I slammed my lips down on hers. I had her ass perched on my desk, her legs spread wide, and my hands trapped in her hair before she let out her first moan.

  Now, the responsible thing to do here would be to make sure the door to my office was locked, but I didn’t. I didn’t give two fucks about a locked door. I poured everything I’d been feeling into my attack and Denise wasn’t stopping me.

  She. Was. Not. Stopping. Me.

  “Aiden…” she breathed when I released her lips and started kissing her neck.

  “If you don’t want this…if you don’t want me,” I clarified, “then you better say something now, Denise.” I nipped the skin under her jaw. “Get up, walk out and don’t ever walk back in here, shutting the door behind you, ever again.”

  She let out the most heartbreaking whimper. “I…oh, God help me, I want this, Aiden,” she sobbed. “I want you, but-”

  I stood up, and staring down at her, I started unbuckling my belt, unzipping my pants and whipping my dick out, said, “No buts, baby. There’s only you and me. Nothing else.” I reached for her hips, yanked her ass to the edge of the desk, and I silently thanked God as I watched her help this bad decision along.

  Denise had her skirt curled in her hands, pulling the hem up over her thick thighs. And the second I saw her drenched panties, I reached out with my thumb, hooked them aside, and with my dick in my other hand, I guided my cock into her opening, and finally, slamming into her until I was buried to the hilt.

  Her elbows folder under her body and she fell back across my desk. “Aiden!”

  I grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head as I covered her body with mine. “Everyone’s so eager to hear us fight, I hope they’re just as eager to hear us fuck,” I growled, and Sweet Baby Jesus, Denise spread her legs wider to accommodate my thrusts into her beautiful body. If I didn’t know how important her professionalism was to her, I’d think the idea of people hearing us fuck was turning her on.


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