Highway to Heaven

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by Harley McRide

  Highway to Heaven by Harley McRide

  Highway to Heaven

  Devil Savages MC

  Book Three

  by Harley McRide

  © Copyright March 2015 JK Publishing, Inc.


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  Cover by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  I want to send a huge thank you to all of you who have read the Ops and Savages MC books. You have brought their stories to life, and given them a chance to tell their story.

  To my editors, without you, I’d just be an ol’ lady with a dirty mind and a keyboard. Thank you for all the hard work you put in to my books.

  I’ve seen people from all walk’s of life—from those who come from good homes and have loving families to those who have had it rough since birth. Some take the easy road, some the hard road, and some take the wrong road and never find their way back. My wish is that no matter where you come from or what life throws at you, that you know someone cares. Open your heart and let people in that can support and catch you when you fall. Blood doesn’t make family. Love does.

  Ride hard, play hard, and live free.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Books by Harley McRide

  Teaser from the new book Rain Falls

  Excerpt from Two Worlds Collide

  Excerpt from Charlie’s Heart


  Raven rode his bike slowly down the drive. He was fucking tired, and he really didn’t give two shits who the fuck it was, if someone tried to stop him from going to his room he was going to drop kick them. He had already called his prez and given him the scoop. Hell, he did that before he even left that godforsaken place. Now he just wanted to sleep, because he was going to have to make that trip again soon with everyone—including the Savages.

  They’d set out a month ago to find and take down Reyes, but that had not fucking worked, they hadn’t been able to find the bastard. Their Intel had been good, the man had just not been there. So instead they’d been watching, making sure they were counting men, seeing what kind of army the paranoid fucker had.

  It was exhausting, and to top it off Sahara had finally been released from the hospital and after several hours of questions, the club decided she had been a pawn being used by Reyes to get information.

  Although it pissed him and the others off, they had allowed her to remain at the club, by her choice of course. She had nowhere else to go, and her sister was still captive. It wasn’t her fault necessarily, and they were more pissed at themselves for not seeing it sooner. Sahara wasn’t a bad girl, just at the wrong place at the wrong time that cost them. They wouldn’t turn their back on her when she needed them most.

  He saw the front door open when he pulled up. Great, someone was there to greet him. As he got off his bike he turned. Shady was there, his prez, and the other guys were all filtering out of the house. Something had gone down in the time it had taken him to drive back, fuck.

  “Go to bed, the Savages are going to be here tomorrow. We’re all setting off again. This time we don’t come back until we find him,” Shady said firmly and he looked at her.

  “What happened?” he said briskly.

  Shady looked over her shoulder to Creed and he nodded. Shady had earned her place as part of the club, hell, she and the other women had gotten the green light to start their own club. It was only a matter of time before they became their own chapter and The Lady Riders stepped up.

  “They found a body,” Shady said. “No one we know, and we almost missed the post. Shark found it.”

  Raven felt his rage begin to rise. Fuck, was this shit ever going to end? He needed sleep.

  “What time?” he asked, running a hand down his face.

  The Savages and the Warriors were getting together, they had been working for the last month together and although there was still shit to work out, it was working for them.

  “This time we go, we bring everything,” Shady said and he nodded.

  Raven walked to the front door and all of the guys murmured their hello as he walked through. They were going to war, and he needed to get his head on straight and some sleep before he did.

  Chapter One

  The air had an eerie chill to it that trickled up Heaven’s spine as she scooted closer to Raven despite her attempts to keep as much distance as she could between them. When they’d rode out, she’d been forced to choose between Shark and Raven to ride with instead of Colt or Gage. She really didn’t know the Ops guys well, but Raven was one she didn’t think she wanted to know. The man flat out scared her. He was about six foot three, two fifty, and had dark hair that matched his dark, penetrating eyes. He had a bit of a bea
rd that looked so good it should be illegal. Between the anticipation of their ride and the toxic vibe that wrapped around her like a cocoon, she scooted closer to defeat the shiver that threatened.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t reek of pure unadulterated sexiness, because the man had the exotic beauty of a Greek god. Combined with his high cheekbones and bronzed skin and the way he carried himself a mysteriousness surrounded him like she’d ever seen. It was enough to make the ride an agonizing hell, if not for the dangerousness that radiated off him. Now sitting with her chest pressed against his back, she could feel it washing off him and added to the chill that shot through her. Yet, it warmed her in ways she didn’t want to think about.

  The convoy stopped about ten miles shy of the Mexican border and dismounted, taking a few minutes to stretch and prepare for the last leg of the ride. If all went well, the border patrol wouldn’t give them any grief and find their arsenal of weapons they were carrying. If not, they had a hell of a fight to look forward to. All of them knew what they were signing up for when they volunteered for the trip, and prison time wasn’t something any of them wanted. Yet, if that was their fate, so be it. There were innocent lives at stake and it would be just a small price to pay to free the girls being sold and used as sex slaves or God knew what else.

  Raven pulled the bike up next to Tonto, which surprised her. The Ops and Savages had bonded and truly joined together without segregation, letting the past beef be buried and forgotten. With the joining chapters for each club, it made them impenetrable. Still, there was an inkling of rivalry with some of the guys that had yet to be dissipated, and some of the bitches didn’t take kindly to other bitches rubbing up on their guys—Heaven being one of them.

  He killed the motor and turned to her, waiting for her to dismount. It took a minute to realize she still had both arms wrapped tightly around his chest before she yanked back so fast her balance teetered. His huge paw came down on Heaven’s thigh to steady her, those piercing dark eyes of his shining with amusement. She turned to get off, his hand catching her wrist in mid swing, which caused her to fall against him. She let out a loud ‘umph’, trying her damnedest not to make eye contact and let him see the embarrassment washing over her features.

  “You okay?” The sincerity and concern shocked the hell out of her. Raven was anything but chivalrous, let alone cordial. His badass attitude wasn’t a show, or even something he’d developed from a hard life. He’d been born with it. Heaven didn’t answer, which might not have been the best of decision she’d made lately. His other hand came up and tipped her chin, forcing her to look at him. Mixed emotions shot through her. Before he saw it and thought her weak, she jerked away and huffed.

  “I’m fine.” She pushed off him with a little more force than necessary and feared she’d toss him off balance given he hadn’t put the kick stand down yet, but it didn’t faze him in the least. What she did see was a huge shit eating grin flash at her that was strong enough her belly did a little flip-flop and made it hard to remember how long she’d been waiting for Colt and Gage to notice her as something more than just one of the Bitches. When she spotted Sahara—and one of the Ops Warriors—chatting it up, that little sting of jealousy reared its head and she saw red.

  It didn’t help that Sahara had legs that went on for miles or long bleach blond hair—that changed color with the day of the week—or that despite her stripping career for the Ops club, she reeked class and sophistication. Next to her, Heaven felt like a little church mouse. Dressed in leathers with her huge tits pouring out the top of her jacket, Sahara looked straight off a photo shoot for a Harley Davidson centerfold.

  Neither Colt nor Gage noticed her walk up. “We’ll see if you can work those legs around more than a stripper pole,” Gage laughed. She batted her fake eyelashes over dramatically, making Heaven want to vomit.

  “Don’t you have a lap dance to do before you hit the pavement?” Yeah, she’d hit mach bitch. Both guys turned to stare at her, their grins raking across her last nerve.

  “Sure she does. I have a few ones in my billfold, what ‘bout you, Gage?”

  “Yep. Only if Heaven joins her. I could use a little pre-fight entertainment. I’ll pay extra if Sahara’ll go down on you while I fuck you in the ass, Heav…” Gage’s grin was enough to set her over the edge. She knew how the club rolled, and knew this was a mild request for some of the shit that went down, but they both knew her and knew what she was about. There was no way in fuckin’ hell they thought for a minute she’d even remotely fathom the idea, it sent her past the red zone straight in to the fight zone. They’d all underestimated her because of her size until one night a couple of the rats got out of hand and Heaven had singlehandedly beat them both to the ground and unconscious before Gage, ironically, had picked her up off a bloody and battered body. It was that moment she’d found herself falling for him and Colt after they’d cleaned her up. She may be small, but dynamite came in small packages if she was anything to go by.

  Heaven glanced over at Sahara who had a horrified expression at their suggestion, which, once again seemed ironic given her profession and the company she kept. “Not my thang,” Heaven said, raking her eyes over Sahara to let Sahara know she wasn’t impressed. Call her a bitch. But if Sahara couldn’t hang, then she had no place in the MC world.

  “Likewise,” Sahara shot back, giving her the same glance. Maybe she had been around long enough to hang with the big dogs. Although, the chicks in the Ops weren’t near as hard core as the Savages in Heaven’s opinion. Alliances or not, the Ops bitches could learn a thing or two, especially if Abi had anything to say about it. Heaven looked around and spotted Abi and Shady and half expected an all out brawl to be in the mix but the two were laughing. What the hell? Maybe she’d underestimated them after all…

  Both men looked at each other and back to Heaven who stood still staring at Shady and Abi. “What crawled in your ass, Heav? What, you aren’t still pissed about riding with Raven are you?” Colt laughed. Heaven’s glare turned on him.

  “Nope.” She looked over at Gage and almost lost it. How the hell could two guys be so fuckin’ clueless? She damn sure wasn’t going to chase either of them, let alone both. If they’d rather drool over the stripper, so be it. Heaven spun on her heel and stomped off, her anger raging at the laughter that followed from behind her. Fuckin’ men! Despite the fact she didn’t trust the Ops chicks yet, making conversation with them would be a hell of a lot better than wasting any more time on those two sons of bitches.

  “Hey, Abi,” she greeted, turning to give a curt nod to Shady. “Shady.”

  “Hey,” Shady said with a grin. It was hard not to like the girl. She was sweet despite the roughness she portrayed and all of the girls had accepted her immediately into the family.

  “Saw you wrapped around Raven on the ride… After the way he’s been lookin’ at you, I wouldn’t be half surprised if you didn’t end up getting put away weak and wet before this is all over,” she giggled. Heaven’s face went red.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Honey, you don’t know Raven like I do. That boy wouldn’t have let you look at his bike, let alone straddle it, without finding you worthy.” Shady shook her head.

  Finding me worthy? Who the fuck did these guys think they were? Her annoyance intensified. “Yeah, maybe so, but I’m starting to think none of these fuckers are worth my time,” Heaven huffed. She’d had a few hot and wild nights with Colt and Gage and thought things were headed to a more serious level. Then they’d backed off. No warning, no excuse, just eased off. She’d thought it was from the recent drama with the Diablos, but now she wasn’t so sure. If their drooling over Sahara was any inclination, she might as well give up the idea and move on. Nothing but heartache could come from it all.

  The girls laughed. “Probably not, but they can be good for a few hours of fun here and there…” Abi said, leaning on Heaven’s shoulder.

  “Yeah.” Heaven couldn’t argue that point. If nothing e
lse, Colt and Gage had rocked her universe between the sheets. Who knew you could orgasm over twenty times in one go? Maybe that was what ate at her. She hadn’t had cock in two weeks, and all the stress at the club with Rose and the new baby, and Rose’s hellion teen sisters, Alice and Lacey being bounced in, there wasn’t time to think let alone keep sane.

  About that time, Shady spotted Gage approaching. “Don’t look now, but here comes the devil in blue jeans as we speak…” Yeah, so the girls had all been filled in on the gossip of her overabundant sex life and envied her overachieving vagina for managing orgasms to that multitude.

  “Come here. Now,” he growled, his hand wrapping around Heaven’s wrist.

  “What th—” she didn’t get a chance to protest before he had her dragged out of ears distance and was glaring down at her.

  “Have a nice ride?” His tone and the expression etched around his eyes showed the evil green monster of jealousy lurching from inside. Not one to back down or cower to any macho-egotistical bullshit, Heaven squared her shoulders and narrowed her eyes.

  “As a matter of fact, yes. That bike rides like a dream.” Shit. She’d just not only sliced a dig in about being wrapped against Raven’s back all day, but had complemented his bike. Everyone knew unless you wanted to royally piss off a biker, you kept all compliments on them and their rides, not others. He let out a deep growl, yanking her against him so hard it knocked the breath out of her. “Watch yourself, babe.”

  “Watch myself? Oh, you mean while you two are busy watching the stripper? Yeah, okay, right on that. Get your damn hands off me.”

  Heaven pulled back to get free, unable to move. Before she had a chance to throw down, Gage’s mouth crushed down on hers so hard she thought there’d be bruising. She didn’t want to kiss him back. But wanting and avoiding were two different things. It’d taken a little rough handling of her while pressed up against his huge hard cock before her mouth opened enough that he dove in, claiming and punishing. He laced one hand in the back of her hair and held her hostage until he was finished. When he’d made his point he released her and walked away, leaving her dazed, confused, and horny as fuck. Great. The asshole.


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