Urban Guerrilla

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Urban Guerrilla Page 15

by Leo Nix

  His plan of moving into the city to raise an army of civilians was a failure. None of them had seen neither hair nor hide of a civilian since they'd arrived.

  As he stalked his way back to Glenda it began to rain again. It didn't stop him planning his next move, to get out of this God-forsaken city. He decided to find a safe place where he and Glenda could raise a family.

  Just then a tremendous explosion broke his concentration, through the mist of light rain he saw a ball of flame leap into the night sky not too far away. He set his mental compass to accurately record the direction it came from.

  Nulla's face brightened, `There might be a resistance out there after all, we just haven't been able to find them. Maybe Captain Ridge's plan for a resistance will turn into a reality after all.'

  That morning Glenda and Nulla spoke of their plans to raise a family as far from the terrorists as possible. Over breakfast Nulla told her he wanted a few weeks to do a proper reconnoitre of the region where he saw the ball of flame. He felt sure that if he could find the resistance group they could all escape the city together. Nulla finished his tea, lay back in his lovers arms and collapsed into an exhausted sleep.

  It only took a few days for the boys to manufacture the bike trailer and to set up the safe houses. Just after midnight Nulla was shaken awake by Glenda. “Darling, the boys are here, I just heard their whistle.”

  Nulla jumped out of bed, quickly pulled on some clothing and whistled his warning reply. They already knew about his booby traps but he wanted to remind them to be careful. With his Steyr at the ready he leaped down the stairs and waited in the dark. He sat at the bottom of the stairs with his weapon and night vision goggles.

  “Hey, boss.” The boys also wore their night vision goggles and they clasped hands as they met.

  “I see you managed to avoid my booby traps. Righto, set up in there,” Nulla patted them on the back and pointed to a spare room, he then went to make some tea and get them some food. “How long did it take you to get here?” he called over his shoulder.

  “We left about three hours ago and rode like maniacs. We did the ambush thing every quarter hour,” reported Simon. “We put the bikes in the shed like you said, all's clear outside. We did a patrol when we arrived and we saw zero enemy from the time we left safe-house base.”

  “Good work, boys,” called Glenda from the top of the stairs. She was now dressed and bottom-crawled down to the lounge where they sat around a glowing candle. It was still dark in the early hours of the morning and she needed the hot black tea to wake herself up.

  “I've almost given up worrying about real milk when we ran out,” she said a little too cheerily for a pre-dawn cuppa. “If you boys ever find some UHT milk, I will love you forever.”

  Simon gave Luke a nudge and they giggled like school kids. Their giggling increased when they saw Nulla holding Glenda's hand in the dark.

  “Today we sleep. I'll stay guard till dawn, then Luke you take over, Simon four hours later. We'll eat all we can before dark and clean this place up before we leave. We head out at midnight.” Nulla stopped then said, “Did you boys hear an explosion a few nights ago just north of here? The night I left home base. About 2 am, there was an explosion and a huge fire ball.”

  Simon shook his head. “We could have been at the hardware store about that time working on the trailer. We decided to build it there because that's where all the equipment and tools were. We had fun too, collected heaps of stuff we brought back to the house.”

  “But we did hear a lot of CB chatter about the explosion when we got back,” added Luke. “Apparently a whole patrol was killed and they said they'd shot up some civilians next to it. They talked about it for a few days but nothing much after that.”

  Simon then said, “By the way boss, we're sure you wouldn't mind but we found some remote control helicopters and we've been trying to fit an infra-red camera on them. We've been experimenting to see if we could use them at night as a new way to patrol. We raided a few stores near the warehouse and have lots of spare parts. It's a good project for us bored teenagers, it might work too.”

  Nulla looked at them. “Nice work Mr Wright, you pair amaze me with your ingenuity. Yeah, it might work. Righto, keep working on it just don't fly during the day and always have someone on watch. It's bed time for now. Simon, you're first watch at dawn. Good night, sleep tight.” Nulla helped Glenda back up the stairs. After a lingering kiss good night he went back downstairs telling the boys to stop giggling and to get some sleep.

  He poked his head into their bedroom and called to them, “Don't force me to `you know what'.”

  Pulling out his tobacco pouch he rolled a cigarette then sat in the lounge to finish his cup of tea. Smoking in silence for a while he steadied his thinking. `So much to plan and prepare for,' he thought then headed outside to do a tour of the grounds.

  Chapter 14 - Charlene - Arthur's Fight

  The next morning Tony and Arthur considered the possible scenarios of what might happen when they met with the prisoners. Arthur suggested they go early and spy out the ground but only one of them should make the contact. They both had the same concern; what if the girl told the guards? It was an uncomfortable thought but it had to be considered.

  They were very conscious that they didn't have any weapons. It was agreed upon many months ago that using weapons would only draw down the wrath of the terrorists and cost them all their lives. It was better to exist side by side like this than be hunted down and exterminated. Fatima had argued that the moment they used guns the entire terrorist force would be directed against them. But right now the two felt completely naked without a weapon, not even a knife.

  Tony wanted to make the contact but Arthur explained that if he was caught then Annie would lose her father. Tony considered for a moment then slowly nodded his head, that put a stop to the disagreement. Arthur was to make contact while Tony was to observe. They would place their BMX's at hands reach and they had three escape routes worked out with three possible safe houses to go to. If their plan went to hell then they were as prepared as they could be. `Heidi would be proud,' thought Arthur.

  It was mid morning as Arthur lay stealthily hiding in the bushes near the duck pond. Tony observed him fifty metres away from a little bush covered hillock. He used his high magnification binoculars and swept the area for signs of danger.

  As Arthur settled himself among the bushes a canvas covered truck appeared on the grassy lawn in front of the administration block. There was a loud roar while the truck jerked for a few metres as though the driver had slipped in the clutch but couldn't find the right gear. It then picked up speed and made towards him bounding on the uneven surface.

  `Holy shit!' thought Arthur, `I'm in for it now!' He leaped to his feet and raced for his BMX oblivious to the terrorist's shouts. Arthur didn't care if they saw him, he had one thought in his mind – to get out of there. At the same time Tony saw the truck and did the same thing. He hoped that the two of them heading in different directions would disorient the terrorists and give Arthur a little more chance of escape.

  The young girl was pushed from the truck and fell painfully on her knees. At the same time a squad of terrorists jumped out and ran towards the escaping BMX's. Three of the terrorists had the sense to raise their rifles, took aim at Arthur's back, and fired.

  Arthur felt a bullet whip past his head and another hit the back wheel of his bike. He was just starting to pick up speed when it slewed to the side and spilled him to the ground. He tumbled to his feet, leaped up and began to run. There was a building ahead and he thought he just might make it. He could feel his heart beating right up in his throat.

  Dodging from side to side like he'd seen on TV, Arthur had only a metre to go before he put the building between himself and the rifle fire. Four more terrorists joined the three already firing and a burst of automatic fire knocked Arthur to the ground - he fell face-first into the dirt.

  Tony heard the gunfire and knew that his friend was i
n serious trouble. The escape plan was to never to go back to rescue if the other is hit. The survivor must get back to the safe house as soon as they could with the bad news.

  But Tony was in two minds. `Should I go back and try to help my friend or should I warn the others?' He thought of his wife and daughter and that was enough to convince him of the wisdom of their original plan. He slid off his BMX and grabbed his emergency escape pack, he was on his way home within seconds. Tony knew he had a minuscule window of time to get away from the house before the terrorists started their road patrols.

  Arthur was in considerable pain. When the bullet hit his leg he thought the truck had knocked him over. With tears of pain pouring from his eyes and limiting his vision he limped into the nearest building. Holding his hand to his leg he felt blood gushing through his splayed fingers. He realised he was bleeding furiously and he had to try and stop it. The thought of leaving a trail of blood for the terrorists to follow was at the front of his mind. Ripping the cotton jacket off his back he tied it tightly around his thigh. The bleeding slowed and he began to hobble as fast as he could along the corridor.

  The terrorists hadn't bothered to chase him too actively. They saw where he entered and they went to both front and back entrances, and simply waited. Their captain dragged the girl by the hair along with him. She went meekly hoping to be rewarded but became increasingly anxious with each twist of her hair.

  “Thought to get away did he, idiot! He's either in a room on this floor or one of the others, no rush men. Light up a joint and pass me one. Anyone got a drink?” Captain McCarthy was an old hand at hunting down and torturing `house rats', he wanted to stretch this one out.

  McCarthy hadn't had a prisoner tortured for weeks and was relishing the chase. To make it more enjoyable it was a house rat, they usually screamed and pleaded for mercy better than his own men. How he loved to play with them. When he heard the term, `like a cat playing with a mouse' it described exactly how he enjoyed it. Teasing, promises then more teasing. Sometimes he made them do something stupid and he would promise to let them go free. But a moment later he'd come back and change his mind. McCarthy was becoming aroused at the thought, he looked at the girl at his feet considering whether he might use her before they cornered the house rat.

  Just at that moment one of his men raced up with a marijuana joint and he inhaled deeply. He forgot about his urge and thought instead on what he would do with the prisoner.

  “OK men, lock and load, lets make this slow and smooth. I don't want him hurt and I don't want it over with too quickly. If you see him don't approach too closely, come and get me. Anyone who disobeys will be my bitch for the week.” His men knew what that meant and there was zero chance of anyone disobeying Captain McCarthy, the hero who captured the 1st Armoured Cavalry, zero chance.

  By this time Arthur had looked into most of the first floor rooms and saw nowhere to hide or escape. He sobbed as he heard the laughter of the terrorists outside and knew there was very little time. His leg was dragging now and bleeding through his cotton jacket bandage. He had left a trail that even a blind man could follow. Arthur decided that if he were caught he would undo the rough bandage and let himself bleed to death.

  The next door revealed a large industrial science laboratory and he decided that this was where he would make his stand, if he could call it a stand. The dwellers had always talked about either escaping or dying quickly and Arthur had already seen how the terrorists torture their prisoners. As he was looking into the back room of the lab he noticed a grill set in the floor just wide enough for a man to squeeze through.

  The room stank of something bad but Arthur was too preoccupied to process the smell. He was skinny but strongly built from all the manual work he did. Lifting the grill he climbed inside but there was no bottom nor rungs to stand on. He let himself down further but still no bottom. Realising he had no choice he just let go and fell.

  He landed in a pool of water, it was a large drainage pipe. It smelt really bad so he stuffed the corner of his T-shirt into his mouth and breathed through it. The smell was suffocating. His leg was burning but he had a glimmer of hope now and started to crawl along the tunnel. That horrible smell was getting worse and his eyes stung so badly that he could hardly see for the tears. It finally registered, it smelled just like a toilet.

  `That's methane,' he remembered from his science lessons. Science was the only subject he enjoyed and he always paid attention when he bothered to attend. `This must connect to the sewers,' he thought to himself. `And methane's highly flammable. Oh shit, what if they drop a grenade in here, the whole sewer will explode and me with it.'

  Just as he dropped into the larger pipe the terrorists entered the building. Some were stoned and most were laughing, pushing and shoving each other like teenagers. One accidentally fired a burst from his AK47 and bullets whined along the corridor.

  “What damn idiot did that?” screamed Captain McCarthy. “Sergeant, put that man under arrest and send him back to the truck. He's my bitch for the week.”

  His sergeant grabbed the stoned, shocked soldier by the shoulders and shook him till his rifle fell to the floor. He told another to take him back to the truck and make sure he didn't run away. The teenager was now sobbing with fear. McCarthy was well known for the cruel treatment of his bitches. He enjoyed orgies and liked it both ways, especially the wild and painful ways. McCarthy had an enormous appetite for other people's suffering, it turned him on.

  Arthur crawled as fast as his bleeding leg would allow. He knew that when they followed his blood trail they would find the open grill and throw grenades into the tunnel. Even if they threw one in the wrong direction the shrapnel would rip him apart and the concussion would shatter his inner organs. He didn't want to think about the fireball. It was imperative that he get to a pipe junction quick, really quick.

  “Hey, Captain McCarthy, over here! I can see blood.” called one of the terrorists, a pimply youth who bobbed his head in obeisance as he spoke.

  “Well? Follow it you idiot, but go slowly and not too closely. If you see him call out and I'll come up.” The captain pulled at his joint then tossed the butt on the floor. He sat down on one of the classroom stools. “Corporal Layla, give me your joint!” The captain fondled her breasts while she handed over her joint. He was becoming aroused again as he got closer to his victim.

  Arthur thought the pipe would never end. His vision was starting to fade and his strength was leaving him. The smell was overpowering and he now struggled to breathe.

  His leg was useless and it dragged behind him, he knew he needed help soon. He could only expect to bleed to death, suffocate or the terrorists would grenade him. Arthur felt his mind wandering and so deliberately stopped thinking. Instead he focused on putting his good leg forward and his weight on his hands. One pace forward, one pace forward…

  “Captain, he's gone down a hole in the floor!” called the head-nodding terrorist. His Adam's Apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed, terrified he may have done something wrong.

  “OK, I'm on my way but I bet he's just hiding, these tunnels go nowhere.” McCarthy was excited, he rubbed his groin with his free hand, things were getting interesting.

  He looked at Corporal Layla then the filthy girl at his feet but decided against it. Torturing and raping the trapped house rat would be much more fun than rutting these bush pigs, he thought. Army C, Captain McCarthy, stood up and sauntered slowly towards the sound of his troops.

  He stood above the hole and looked in. “Pew! It sure stinks in here. Hey, you idiots! I can't see a blasted thing! I need light! Someone get me a lighter!” he ordered.

  He felt a lighter thrust into his hand. Standing over the smelly hole he flicked the flint wheel to ignite it.

  Light, Arthur finally saw light at the end of the pipe. His brain swam in the filthy air and he started to believe he would make it out of there alive. A glimmer of hope sparked inside his mind just as a spark ignited the highly flammable methane in the l

  With an enormous WHOOOSH he was blown out of the end of the pipe and into a rushing torrent of water below. Months earlier the mains water pipe had broken and continued to rush into the unused sewer pipes. There was no fresh sewerage but enough methane to fuel a minor explosion. The erosion hole Arthur fell into was fresh water. The terrorists had maintained water pressure throughout most of the city to flush out the poisoned water. They were now using the city water supply.

  It was cold and he was numb and sore all over. The flames had burned his hair and clothing. If he hadn't fallen into the water he might have been burned alive. He was barely alive as it was. Arthur floated for a moment then the cold hit him and he came back to the present. Floating on his back he came to an open concrete channel and eventually to a rusted ladder. He held on to catch his breath, and, feeling like death itself, he painfully pulled himself out.

  As he emerged from the storm water channel he noticed that one of the university buildings was smoking and people on fire. He was too dazed and shocked to even think why that was a good thing, but he instinctively smiled.

  “Fuck me,” he groaned, “I knew they'd grenade me.” Then he noticed his lack of clothing, the burns on his arms and then he felt his face. `I'm pretty badly burned, eh.'

  Then he felt his numb leg and it wouldn't move. Memories flashed of the tunnel, the BMX crashing into the dirt, the pain as he was hit by rifle fire. It all came back to him and he realised that he really was in serious trouble.

  Arthur began crawling towards the houses opposite. Any house would be better than being out in the open where the terrorists would easily find him. The front door was open to the first house he came to and he gratefully crawled in.

  Unusual sounds broke into his mind as he drifted in and out of consciousness over the following hours. He woke some time later to find himself naked and lying on the floor of a strange house. Next to him were two dead bodies long mummified, their insides eaten by maggots. It smelled of death so he crawled towards where he expected the bedrooms would be. His body was starting to shake uncontrollably and his leg still bled a little.


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